Forbidden Kiss: Carson Cove Scandals

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Forbidden Kiss: Carson Cove Scandals Page 18

by Callahan, Kelli

  “No,” I sighed and turned to face her. “The relationship was tough from the beginning. She was worried that you would flip out if you knew—obviously you didn’t.”

  “You need to sit back down, dad—because you need to know exactly what kind of woman you’re about to marry.” Victoria motioned to my chair. “Alexis went after Taylor too…”

  “She did what!?” I felt my blood starting to boil.

  The things Victoria told me were horrifying. If Alexis had been standing in front of me, I would have struggled not to snap her damn neck. If the bitch wanted to go after me—that was fine—but Taylor was innocent. She didn’t do a damn thing wrong except fall for me as hard as I fell for her—she basically got turned into cannon fodder for Alexis’ venomous agenda. I don’t know what I would have been able to do if Taylor had been honest with me. I could have confronted Alexis, but it would have been impossible for me to take action if she had the video of Shaina. One thing was for damn sure—Alexis had to pay for what she had done. I just had no fucking idea how I was going to make that happen.

  “Can you email me that link?” Victoria motioned to my tablet after I had finally stopped seething over where she told me.

  “Why?” I tilted my head inquisitively.

  “I know someone that might be able to help.” She shrugged. “At this point, anything is worth trying.”

  I sent Victoria the link and went to bed. There was no way I was going to sleep, but I just wanted to be alone in the darkness. I couldn’t believe Alexis had went after Taylor. Maybe I should have been suspicious—Alexis did show up right after Taylor ended our relationship, but I assumed it was speculation based on the fact that we hadn’t been seen out since the auction. My world was no longer crashing around me—it was just shattered into pieces. I had a daughter in rehab, a daughter that had apparently decided to blow off school to come home and try to talk to some sense into me—and Dylan hadn’t spoken to me since I told him I was marrying Alexis. I assumed he wasn’t coming to the wedding—not that I really blamed him. I didn’t expect anyone I cared about to be in attendance when I said my vows to the venomous bitch.

  She’s going to have to drag me to the altar kicking and screaming now that I know what she did to Taylor. Our relationship never should have ended—if I had known why it did, then I would have fought harder before I gave up…

  * * *

  Several days later

  “Yes, you can take down the Picasso. I don’t like that one. Put it in storage—actually, put it up for auction…” Alexis’ voice echoed from the living room, and I immediately started walking towards her.

  “Alexis, what the hell are you doing here.” I walked in to find her with two guys that I didn’t recognize.

  “Just a little redecorating… I hired a moving company to help.” She looked around the living room. “Yes, get rid of that one too—who is that anyway? Monet? I’ll buy a couple of Rembrandts to add some atmosphere to the room…”

  “Stop!” I walked over and grabbed the guy’s arm when he reached for the Picasso. “Alexis, we aren’t married—yet. You don’t get to storm in here and start moving my shit around.”

  “Fine…” She rolled her eyes. “I’ll wait until the paperwork is signed.”

  “You two can go.” I growled at the guys from the moving company, and they quickly made their exit.

  “You can go too.” She waved at me as if she was shooing a dog from the room.

  “No, I think you should be the one to go.” I narrowed my eyes.

  “Don’t be silly.” She laughed and shook her head. “I need the room. They’re bringing my wedding dress by so I can try it on—you know what they say about seeing the bride in her dress before the big day!”

  “You couldn’t try on your dress at Devereaux Estate?” I tilted my head to the side.

  “No, of course not. We’re getting married here—I want to see how it looks in the light. That’s why I wanted the paintings changed—they’re depressing.” She gave me a bewildered shake of her head.

  “The paintings stay…” I growled at her. “Fuck, whatever—try on your damn wedding dress.” I turned and walked towards the library—I definitely needed a drink.

  Victoria had been trying to get dirt on Alexis, but she was running into a wall—just like I had when I tried to figure her out. The only thing I had managed to accomplish was meeting with Addison Regan—a high powered attorney that lived in the city. She helped me set up a trust in Victoria’s name, and I used it to transfer ownership of the purchase agreement for Alcott Inc. The trust would buy the company when the deal was finalized, and it would be outside of Alexis’ grasp. I couldn’t do that with Benson Enterprises—a transfer of ownership would ruin the company—if there was anything left of it after I married Alexis.

  I won’t stop fighting until I’m forced to say my fucking vows—there has to be a way to put that venomous bitch in her place.

  Several of my employee had already quit, others were threatening to do the same, and a number of clients pulled their investments. I couldn’t blame them. In their eyes, I was either an idiot for marrying Alexis Devereaux or an asshole that supported her business tactics. Either option made them terrified to be associated with me. I hated going to work every day and looking the same people in the eyes that believed me when I said I would never be involved with someone like Alexis. I guess liar could be added to the list of awful things people were saying about me—I certainly felt like one.

  “Yes, she needs to try on her dress too, but do it in the other room.” Alexis’ infuriating voice made me want to claw my eardrums out—I couldn’t even escape it when I was in the library.

  “Right this way, ma’am. I believe we’ve picked out the perfect dress for you to stand by her side…” Another voice—but what they said piqued my interest.

  Stand by her side? Is Taylor here?

  I walked down the hallway—carefully. I didn’t want Alexis to hear me. I caught a glimpse of the tailor that she hired to do alterations on her wedding dress, so I ducked out of sight—then I saw Taylor. She looked like a damn angel—a sight for sore eyes that had been aching to see her beautiful face. The tailor didn’t seem very concerned with Taylor or the dress she needed to try on—he led her to one of the other rooms and returned to Alexis. I darted down the hallway, made sure I wasn’t spotted, and slipped into the room where Taylor was. I immediately closed the door and locked it.

  “Huh?” Taylor spun around. “Bryant! Alexis said you weren’t going to be here…”

  “She lied.” I walked towards Taylor and tried to hug her, but she pushed me away.

  “We—we shouldn’t do that.” She shook her head rapidly.

  “I don’t give a damn about what we should or shouldn’t do.” I pulled her close and stared into her eyes. “I’m going to kiss you—and if you don’t want me to, you damn sure better scream…”

  “I…” There was no scream—just the hint of a smile.

  I kissed Taylor and there was only a second of hesitation before she started kissing me back. Our lips seared together as I started to ravage her mouth. My hands moved along her curves and she dug her nails into my back. I kissed her until my head was spinning and my cock was throbbing my pants, but I finally forced myself to pull away.

  “I’m going to find a way for us to be together. I don’t know how—not yet—but just trust me,” I exhaled sharply as my lips separated from hers. “Victoria told me what Alexis did to you and why you ended our relationship…”

  “I was already torn up about it. I didn’t like the fact that we were hiding it from Victoria—or anyone else.” Taylor looked down and sighed.

  “Once this is over, we’re not going to hide a damn thing.” I pressed my lips to her forehead.

  “She has the video…” Taylor grimaced. “You have to marry her—you can’t let that get out and ruin Shaina’s life.”

  “I know…” I sighed.

  “Is everything okay in there?” The tailor
knocked on the door.

  “Yes—just—trying on the dress,” Taylor answered him, and I tried not to make a sound.

  “Alright, I’ll be back to check on you soon. Mrs. Devereaux is having some problems with hers…” His voice trailed off, and he walked away.

  “You should do what you said.” I raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Try on the dress… I don’t think it’s bad luck for the groom to see the Maid of Honor in her dress before the wedding.”

  “You just want to see me try to squirm into it.” She narrowed her eyes—but a hint of a smile formed on the edge of her lips. “Alexis bought one that is one size too small—and told me to go on a diet so I can fit into it.”

  “That fucking bitch…” I shook my head.

  “It doesn’t matter…” Taylor walked over to the dress. “If I pop out of the dress at the wedding, I guess nobody will be staring at the bride.”

  “I’m not going to be looking at the bride anyway.” I walked up behind Taylor and pressed my lips to her neck. “My eyes will be on the prettiest girl in the room.”

  “This isn’t fair…” She shook her head back and forth.

  “No, it isn’t.” I moved my lips to her ear. “But we’ve got a few minutes—why waste them?”

  I started kissing Taylor’s ear—moved then down to her neck—and then she turned around to kiss me. My hands pulled at her clothes as she pulled at mine. I honestly didn’t care if Alexis found us together—I should have, considering what she could do to both of us, but the heat of the moment consumed me. It wasn’t like I was ever going to consummate my tainted marriage to Alexis. I lifted Taylor up onto the desk, pushed her legs apart, and stripped her panties off as she unbuckled my belt. I lifted up as soon as my cock was free and found her wetness—then I started to push my way inside her.

  “I’ve missed this so fucking much,” I exhaled sharply into her ear.

  “We—oh god—we have to be quick.” Taylor slid closer and moved her hips until I was buried inside her pussy.

  I began to thrust—slowly—and as quietly as possible. My lips found hers, and I crushed them beneath mine. We kissed as the passion consumed our soul. It wasn’t going to take long—for either of us. Our bodies were practically screaming for the contact we both craved. The desk wasn’t the most sturdy one in the house—the room wasn’t used often. I had to slow down every time the momentum got good, but it felt amazing, nonetheless. I devoured Taylor’s lips—savored every second of our kiss—and hoped it wouldn’t be the last time I tasted her bliss.

  “Don’t stop…” She pulled her lips away and gasped. “I’m gonna come!”

  “Oh fuck, me too…” I tightened my grip on her and gave her a few thrusts that were harder than the others.

  Taylor’s pussy began to spasm and made my balls twitch. I didn’t try to restrain myself or hold back. I just kept thrusting as the cum surged through my shafted and erupted into her climax. I tried to send a few hard thrusts into her g-spot to make the orgasm peak for a few more seconds before it started to fade, and I slowed my thrusts as we came down from our high. I didn’t want to let her go, but the release brought clarity, and I realized just how much our lust could cost us. I slowly pulled out and kissed her one last time before pulling away.

  “I have to put on my dress…” She reached for her panties.

  I quickly dressed as she squirmed into her dress—it was definitely one size too small, and Taylor’s curves were perfect—she didn’t need to lose a single pound. Alexis was just being a total bitch. I helped her get the dress on, got dressed, and then there was a knock at the door. I scrambled over to the closet and hid in it while she let the tailor in. He checked her a few times, seemed satisfied with the result, and then went back to tend to the bride.

  “That was close…” I chuckled under my breath after he was gone.

  “Yeah, you need to get out of here.” Taylor leaned against me. “Thank you—I needed that.”

  “Don’t give up hope.” I kissed her forehead. “We’re going to find a way to get through this.”

  This moment just added more fuel to my fire. Taylor and I can be together once I put an end to this fucking charade.

  * * *

  Two weeks later

  I was ready to bang my head against the wall. I felt like I was being pulled in every direction at the same time. Benson Enterprises was struggling—to the point that we could actually be in real trouble if another big investor pulled out. Shaina was asking to see me, so I needed to make a trip to the city. I hadn’t been able to see Taylor since the moment we stole while she was at my house—and I was dying inside every day that passed without being able to hold her in my arms. The wedding was approaching fast. We only had two weeks until the date that Alexis chose to for us lie our way through our vows. Victoria had decided to remain in Carson Cove, but thankfully her university was allowing her to handle her classes online until she could return.

  “Cassie, please cancel my meetings for tomorrow.” I sighed and shook my head. “I’m going to be out of the office.”

  “More wedding plans?” She gave me a dry smile.

  “No…” I aimlessly tapped her desk with my fingers. “I have to take a trip to the city.”

  “Great, I’ll take care of it.” She looked up at me. “Oh, I wanted you to know that I’m putting in my two weeks notice today—you should probably start interviewing secretaries.”

  “What?” I blinked in confusion. “Why?”

  “You know why, Mr. Benson.” She turned back towards her computer.


  Cassie was another casualty of my bastardized union with the venomous bitch. I couldn’t blame her. There were so many empty seats on the floor already—why should my secretary stick around? I couldn’t tell her the truth. I couldn’t tell anyone the truth. I was living a lie every time I woke up and half the shit I said when I opened my mouth was spin doctoring. The only way I was able to lay my head down at night was because I knew it was for a good reason. If my life fell apart, so be it—I had taken care of the stuff that truly mattered. My kids had trust funds that were untouchable. Alcott Inc. was protected. Benson Enterprises couldn’t be saved, but it wasn’t like any of my kids wanted to work there—by the time I was ready to retire, it would go to someone else unless they changed their mind.

  “Mr. Benson.” Cassie turned towards me. “Your bride has arrived.”


  “What do you need, my dear?” I created the kindest version of a sarcastic tone I could muster—because it had to look somewhat normal in public.

  “Let’s talk in your office.” She motioned towards it.

  “Fine…” I walked into my office and waited until the door was closed. “What the fuck do you want!?”

  “I’ve been thinking, darling…” She smiled and tilted her head. “After we’re married, I want to be more involved in our family endeavors—I’d like for you to appoint me CEO of Alcott Inc.”

  “The fuck?” I tilted my head. “Don’t you have your hands full with Devereaux Properties—I mean, when you do somethings besides torment people.”

  “Aidan can handle that.” She waved off my concern. “Alcott Inc. will be a much better fit for me.”

  “Well that’s not happening. I made an agreement with Jon to let him stay on as CEO after I bought the company.” I narrowed my eyes and growled.

  “I’ll have my lawyer look into that.” She turned towards the door. “See you soon—only two weeks until the big day.”

  Don’t fucking remind me.

  I headed to my car as soon as I was finished at the office. I wasn’t in the mood to go home, because Alexis kept randomly stopping in to see me—or offer suggestions on the future decor. I wanted to see Taylor, and she wanted to see me, but we agreed that we should keep a low profile until we figured out what the fuck we were going to do. I decided to just stay in the city for the evening—Sarah had agreed to meet me for breakfast, and then we were going to see Shaina together. I hop
ed she was still doing well. She hadn’t checked herself out of rehab, so I assumed things were moving in a positive direction.

  One thing in my life is—I might as well be happy about it.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Damn it…” I stared at my phone. “Bryant’s in the city and won’t be back until tomorrow.”

  “We need him.” Bolt looked up at me. “I’m almost there—I just need access to her phone.”

  “Are you sure about this?” Victoria leaned forward. “If we steal her phone and this doesn’t get us what we want, then she’s going to know we’re up to something—she’ll lock everything down.”

  “He’s sure.” Anna nodded. “That link you sent—it goes to a cloud.”

  “I’ve been trying to crack it for two weeks now,” Bolt sighed. “I called my brother, and he said there’s a way, but you need a device that’s connected to it—we won’t be able to unlock her phone since it’s bound to her fingerprint, but he sent me a program that can get around the security.”

  “Maybe I can steal it…” Victoria shrugged. “Or—Taylor?”

  “Me?” I blinked in surprise.

  “You’re her Maid of Honor.” Victoria grinned. “That should make her open the door for you.”

  “That could work…” I nodded. “Fuck, if we get caught, she’s going to ruin us all.”

  “I’ve got a plan.” Anna pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. “This is going to work.”

  * * *

  A few hours later

  I played on Alexis’ narcissism to get her to agree to meet me. Outside of my tryst with Bryant when we tried on four dresses, I had held up my end of the bargain as her Maid of Honor—and the one thing we hadn’t figured out was the bachelorette party. She didn’t deserve one, but she wanted all of the boxes checked—that was on the list. I had Victoria help me with an agenda, and since the wedding was two weeks away, Alexis said I could stop by Benson Estate and go over it with her. Bryant wasn’t there—she shouldn’t have been—but I didn’t think it was my place to tell her that. Victoria had been avoiding the place like the plague and rented a room at on local bed and breakfast just to avoid having to see her stepmother-to-be.


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