Scars of the Soul

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by Darlene Tallman

  Scars of the Soul

  Darlene Tallman


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Scars of the Soul

  Copyright 2018 © Darlene Tallman

  Published by: Darlene Tallman

  Editors: Kat Beecham, Joanne Dearman, Beth DiLoreto, Shannon Ferguson, Melanie Gray

  Cover by Dark Water Covers

  Formatting by: Liberty Parker

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from. Darlene Tallman, the author / publisher.


  For the men and women who have faithfully served our country, in good times and bad, and their families. So many come back with invisible scars and are unable to reenter civilian life. If you know of someone who struggles with PTSD, please help them find the assistance they need to regain a sense of normalcy.

  And for my son, Tony Hood, who went into the Navy at eighteen and came out at twenty-four due to a life-altering medical condition. I used his job in the Navy as a way to honor him and show how proud I am of the man he’s grown into.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  7. Three Weeks Later

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  12. Two weeks later

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  About the Author

  Also by Darlene Tallman


  I wrote this back in 2016 for an anthology that never happened because of some stuff the organizer was dealing with in the community. It sat there, in a folder, until I went to a signing (Booking in Biloxi 2017) and met Maria Vickers. We had a blast that weekend and when she told me about the anthology she and several others were putting together to benefit the Cancer Research Institute, I mentioned “Scars of the Soul”. She asked me to send it to her and I did but I never expected her to want it as I was unsure it fit the overall theme. Well, she proved me wrong because she DID want it!

  It's not a very long story; most that are in anthologies are not. Even going back through it, I honestly couldn’t see anywhere I wanted to expand it, so I changed nothing at all. I’m grateful that Maria wanted Rhett and Amy’s story and hope that y’all will enjoy it as well.

  Chapter 1

  Rhett woke up with a start, the nightmare about the last campaign he and his unit were involved

  in still causing the adrenaline to course through his body. Heart jumping, sweat pouring down his body, he knew he wouldn’t be going back to sleep any time soon. What he couldn’t understand and neither could the so-called professionals he had seen grasp, was why that campaign? Why not the countless ones before that were far more challenging? Resigning himself to another long day, he got up and headed toward the shower. Once dressed in his usual attire of sweat pants and t-shirt, he headed to the kitchen for his mug of nirvana – coffee. The nightmares weren’t frequent any more, not after nearly a year of being home, but they seemed to come whenever he was stressed. The doctor had indicated that it was likely that because his team of avionics techs, who had been called inland to repair the systems on a few of the fighter jets, had gotten caught during a firefight, it was going to take some time. Even though he had gone through marksmanship training, because of his job title, he didn’t see “action” like many in his squadron.

  Looking at his calendar, he saw it was his turn to open the gym. He was grateful that he and his siblings had been able to open a gym. Not only did they offer classes for the serious bodybuilders and athletes in town who competed in various tournaments, they also had classes for those interested in getting healthy. And, once the certifications came through, they would be expanding the business to include a physical therapy side that offered therapy. His sister-in-law and one of her colleagues had obtained a grant that would enable them to provide services at a reasonable cost.

  He knew that many of his former team were working in the same field as civilians, but he had been unable to do so. The doctor said that it was likely because he was inside the plane at the time of the attack. He had tried, but to do what he did, a steady hand was needed and he no longer had that, at least on the military aircraft. He still dabbled at a local airfield, mostly on general aviation aircraft, and that was good enough for him. It provided the extra income flow he needed to ensure the gym stayed afloat. For a long time, he thought it made him weak because he wasn’t able to go to a military contractor and work on the same systems he had worked on before, but hours with the therapist that the VA sent him to taught him that he had to keep moving forward. That time in his life was done, but he had the civilian licenses needed so that he could keep his fingers in the first love of his life, aviation.

  As he headed to his truck, he wondered if he would see Amy there today. She had been coming in for about four months now, and it was definitely showing. Not that she wasn’t gorgeous before, with her long, somewhat curly red hair, but he was seeing self-confidence showing whereas when she started, she would barely look at anyone.

  Chapter 2

  Amy got out of her car and headed into the gym. With any luck, she would have her workout done and be doing her laps since it was her “swim” day before Rhett got there. She liked it best when Scarlett was running the gym, but she knew that the five siblings alternated their days. Four months ago, after a health scare, she had gone to her doctor and gotten a complete physical. Blood tests had revealed that the reason she was gaining weight was because of an underactive thyroid. That, coupled with a diagnosis of sleep apnea, caused a horrific weight gain that she was determined to lose. She had always been somewhat curvy and had the “four Bs” going for her – brains, boobs, belly and butt, but now? Jeesh, she had had to purchase a whole new wardrobe! It didn’t help matters whenever she heard “oh you’re so pretty, if only you weren’t so heavy” as if her weight negated her abilities as a person. In fact, her last boyfriend had decided that he didn’t want to be seen with “the Pillsbury dough girl” any more and had broken up with her. By text, no less! Deciding to take the bull by the horns, she had gone to a nutritionist and was currently on a doctor-approved eating plan that allowed her the occasional treat. She loved to cook and found that searching out tasty recipes and healthier options was fun; as was the group she had joined that encouraged one another. Her goal by the end of the year was to run in a local 5k, which supported the local animal shelter.

  Halfway through her work out on the treadmill, she saw Rhett walk into the gym. He was definitely everything she always wanted, but she knew that he wouldn’t give her more than the time of day with the way she looked. Seeing him glance her way, she gave him a smile and kept on running. Only five minutes left and then she was off to change to do her laps. On “swim” day, she ran for thirty minutes or so and then did fifty laps. Oh shit! He was coming over and it looked like he wante
d to talk to her.

  Chapter 3

  “Hey Amy, everyone treating you okay?” he asked.

  That voice. That. Voice. Deep and smooth with a touch of gravel at the end. Her inner cheerleader was busy doing pirouettes while she was struggling to stay upright on the treadmill. He was tall, much taller than her five foot five-inch frame, and where she was curvy and soft, he had muscles on top of muscles. She could see several tattoos peeking out from under the sleeves of his t-shirt, and she knew for a fact that he had one denoting his Navy unit on his left bicep.

  “Um, hey Rhett. Yes, everyone has been great.” Wow, scintillating conversationalist award goes to the dork on the treadmill she said under her breath. When he laughed, she looked up at him and started blushing, asking, “Oh my God! Did I just say that out loud?”

  “You be sure to let us know if there’s anything you need help with, okay? And, I wanted to tell you how impressed I am that you have continued with your program. I know you had two friends who joined at the same time you did, but it seems they have gone by the wayside.”

  “Oh, you mean Joy and Haven? Yeah, they decided it was more than they wanted to do so they stopped.”

  He looked at her, admiring the way that her workout clothes were “fitting” now. She always came in wearing sweats and a t-shirt and he had seen that they were getting looser and looser. Her curves were still there. He didn’t think she would ever lose those, but they were firming up. All he knew was that he wanted her under him. Over him. In front of him. Hell, any way he could get her.

  “Listen, I have some things to do in the office, but wanted to know if you would like to go to lunch with me today?”

  “Me? You want to go to lunch. With me.”

  “Yep. I want to get to know you better. I know you still have to swim, but by the time you’re done and changed, I should be ready to go.”

  Wait, he knew when she swam? Hmm, maybe he was interested.

  “I’d like that, Rhett. Thank you for asking. Um, do you want me to find you once I’m done?”

  “That’ll work. I’ll let you finish your workout. I know you told Scarlett that you run on days when you swim to warm up. Don’t want to stop you now.”

  “O-okay. I’ll see you later then.”

  “Sounds good. See you then.” Walking away from her and into the office, he had to adjust himself. There was something about her that called to him and he was going to see where this attraction led.

  Chapter 4

  Changing into her swimsuit, Amy caught a glimpse of herself in the mirrors. She knew she was losing weight, the scale was already thirty pounds down. But she could still hear the ugly things her ex said to her. That wasn’t the motivator behind her lifestyle change, however; she had awakened one night gasping for breath thinking she was having a heart attack. At twenty-five, she didn’t think that was possible, but being overweight, she knew she was pushing the issue. A few days in the hospital while a battery of tests were run found out the root cause. Since her metabolism was fucked, she knew she would have to work harder than anyone else to lose even one pound. Looking at the mirror again, she could see where her bathing suit was gaping, guess it was time to get another one. The last thing she needed was for one of her boobs to pop out!

  The pool was the selling point for her joining this gym. Big enough for the local high school to use for swim competitions, it had lane markers making it easier to keep straight. And, she was generally the only one using it when she was there. Most folks came in the evening but she was always a morning person. Halfway through her laps, she thought she heard a splash, and looked to her right. Holy crapsticks! Rhett was swimming in the lane next to her. Broad shoulders that seemed to be perpetually tan, a narrow waist, an ass that she was sure she could bounce a quarter off of, and strong, muscular arms and legs. And those tattoos! And were those – nipple rings? Ay yi yi. It was a good thing she was in the water because she was definitely wet in more ways than one! Shaking her head, she continued swimming, concentrating on her form and breathing. She had always loved to swim, and had swam competitively in high school. College and then work had sidelined her but she was back on track and really enjoyed it once again.

  Rhett had debated joining her for a swim. He knew he flustered her based on how she had reacted when they were talking at the treadmill. He was just upping his game. He knew he was good looking. Hell, women had been throwing themselves at him since he was a teenager. While he had enjoyed easy pussy then, now at thirty-one, he was more selective. And whether Amy knew it or not, she was exactly who he wanted. And what he wanted, he always got.

  Seeing out of the corner of his eye that she had finished and was getting out of the pool, he quickly swam to the same side and with a quick move, was out and on the deck. She was gorgeous. Tits that were more than a mouthful, a trim waist, a slight belly and that ass. Oh what plans he had for that ass! Seeing her standing there with her towel wrapped around her as she tried to discreetly dry off, he mentally rebuilt the avionics system of an F-4 fighter in an effort to calm the raging hard-on that he had been sporting since talking to her earlier.

  “How long do you think it will take you to get ready?” he asked.

  “Maybe thirty minutes or so. Drying my hair will take the longest, unless I just put it up.”

  “Wear it up, then, because I’m hungry,” he replied. Yes, he was, for her. She just didn’t know that she was on the menu yet.

  “Okay, thirty minutes it is. I’ll meet you out front, okay?”

  “Sounds good. See you shortly.”

  Back in the dressing room, Amy took a quick shower, grateful that she had put jeans and a shirt in her bag. Some days, she just went home in her sweats and t-shirt, but today, because she had errands to run, she had put clothes in her bag. Finished with dressing, she brushed her hair out and then did a quick twist. A little bit of make-up and she was ready to go. Heading out to the front of the gym, she passed a few other women, and heard the snide remarks they made. They didn’t know the battles she was fighting, but their words still hurt. Seeing Rhett standing at the desk waiting for her, she put a smile on her face as he said, “Ready to go?” before he put his hand on the small of her back to direct her out the front door.

  “Yes. Thank you again for the invitation.”

  “My pleasure. I’ve wanted to ask you out for a while now.”

  “Me? Why? Surely you already have someone in your life?”

  “No. I’ve found that being selective is better for me. And as for why you, I’ve been attracted to you since you walked into the gym. There’s something about you that draws me to you and I want to explore that if you’re willing.”

  Holy shit! He was interested in her? Taking a deep breath, she glanced up at him with a shocked look on her face. “Since I started? But…but…I was heavier then!”

  “Darlin’, my attraction to you is not based on your weight. I saw how you interacted with my sister and brother, how you’ve always been kind to others around you, your determination to succeed. There have been a million times when I’ve wanted to speak other than to say hello, but I knew in my gut you weren’t ready for that from me. Whatever shit you’re thinking, you need to stop. I liked how you looked then, I like how you look now and I’m positive that’s not going to change. Now, have you ever ridden on a bike before?”

  Looking at the motorcycle they were currently stopped by, she gulped, took a deep breath, and said, “No, but I’ve always wanted to ride one. Is this yours?”

  “Yes, I’ve always had one and after my last assignment, I knew I couldn’t be cooped up in a car any more. I have a truck here too, if you’re not comfortable riding, but I’d really like to take you for a ride.”

  “It’s a pretty day, I’m game to ride if you’ll tell me what I should do.”

  “Absolutely, darlin’, absolutely.” Handing her the extra helmet he had strapped on the back, he made sure she had the straps right, then got on the bike and tilted it, showing her where to put her leg
s and the pegs where she needed to place her feet. “Okay, darlin’, you need to wrap your arms around me and hold on. When I lean, you lean with me, okay? I promise I’ll take good care of you.”

  Starting his bike up, he could tell from her shudder that she felt that in all the right places. He reached down and adjusted her legs closer to him and yelled, “Hold on” and then took off out of the parking lot, hearing her gasp.

  At first, she was too scared to look around, but after a few minutes, she relaxed and began to look at the scenery. He could tell she had relaxed because she wasn’t holding herself as stiffly against him. He held in a groan as he felt her tits pressed against his back. And he was sure she didn’t realize that her hands were moving up and down on his abdomen, but “little Rhett” sure knew and was trying to reach up to be touched. Arriving at the restaurant, he slowed down and made the turn into the parking lot. Pulling to a stop, he put the stand down then tilted the bike for her to get off, reaching out a hand to steady her. As she took off the helmet, he could see the shine in her eyes and her smile? It lit up his world in more ways than one. “That was fun! Oh, I had no idea how much fun riding on a bike could be!”


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