Scars of the Soul

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Scars of the Soul Page 6

by Darlene Tallman

  Gently smacking her ass to let her know to get off, they both moaned at the loss of their connection. She got up and went in to pee while he took care of the condom, then they enjoyed another shower before dressing and heading out to breakfast. It was going to be a great day, of that she was sure.

  Chapter 16

  “Oh Rhett, look at them! How on earth are we going to decide?” she asked him a few hours later. She had met his service buddy, Toby, who had a variety of dogs he was training with basic commands and liked him immediately. He had told them that once they found their dogs, he would arrange for them to come spend a week at one of the cabins he had so they could bond with the dogs and go through some one-on-one training.

  As he watched the dogs, he was paying attention to the ones who seemed to be drawn to them. So far, there were two bigger dogs, Great Pyrenees if he wasn’t mistaken, that had taken to following them around. “Darlin’, what about these two? Of all that Toby has, these two seem to be following us the most.”

  Looking at the two in question, she realized that they had been sticking close to her and Rhett. “Here sweet baby, c’mere,” she crooned, and watched as the smaller of the two ambled closer, sitting down in front of where she had her ass planted on the ground. She put her hand out and the dog immediately put its paw in her hand. “Oh, I like this one! Does she have a name?”

  “Sasha. Her name is Sasha,” Toby said, having come back to them. “She is trained to come close and lean in when her owner is stressed. She’ll play, too, but she knows when her vest is on that she is ‘working’ and she’s also protective, so you won’t have to worry about being by yourself.”

  “And who is this handsome boy right here, Toby?” Rhett asked.

  “That’s Siam,” he said. “I think these two have chosen you, which I’ve found to be the best way to match up the dog to the owner. Now, I know you two have a race this week, are you able to spend the upcoming week here working with them? I’ve got a cabin available.”

  Looking over at Amy, he said, “Darlin’, he’s got Wi-Fi here, so you could bring your laptop if you have any work that needs to be done. I can swap with Scarlett at the gym. And, Toby has a gym and pool on the premises, so we can still work out, which I think we need to do anyhow so the dogs get used to our routines.”

  “Um, yeah, I have a few things, but can do them here for sure,” she answered, somewhat befuddled by the speed with which it was all happening. Leaning down, he helped her back up, then pulled her close for a quick kiss on her forehead. God, if he knew how that simple move made her feel so cherished!

  “Toby, we’ll be back in a few hours. Gotta get my girl packed up and myself, of course, and let Scarlett know she has the gym this week.”

  “That’s fine. It’s fully stocked and even has a grill on the back deck. Just bring what you want to drink and any special foods. I’ll get the paperwork together so when you get back we can go over it all.”

  “Works for us, doesn’t it, darlin’?” Rhett asked Amy, who was still petting and loving on Sasha.

  “Yes. Um, we should probably go get leashes and stuff, huh? What about their food? We need to keep them on the same brand, I think.”

  “Let me get you a list of things you’ll want to bring back with you. It’s important that they begin bonding with the two of you. It will make training easier. Will you need her to run with you? She’s capable of doing it if you need her to.”

  “Not this race. Rhett said he would try to keep up with me,” Amy answered.

  “Ha! Darlin’, my legs are longer than yours, I think you need to keep up with me!”

  “Whatevs. Thanks Toby, for the list. Rhett, we have a lot to do before we get back.”

  Taking that as his cue, he shook hands with his friend doing that weird man-hug thing, then gathered Amy close, telling Siam he would be back as she did the same with Sasha. Both dogs just looked at them as if to say, “hurry up”, wagging their tails.

  Chapter 17

  Five hours and one steamy quickie later, they were headed back to the cabin, loaded down with the supplies for the dogs, her laptop and machine, clothes and other personal effects. As he drove, Amy looked at his profile and, not realizing she was thinking out loud, said, “It’s happening so fast, is this real?”

  “As real as it gets, darlin’, as real as it gets. And, no, it’s not happening fast. We’ve been friends for months now before we even began dating. When you know, you know. And, I know that you’re it for me, sweetheart.”

  Processing what he had just said, she realized he was right and told him that, reaching over to place her hand on his. Bringing her hand up, he kissed it before laying it back on his thigh, entwining their fingers together. “Rhett, I love you. You saw me at my worst and didn’t care, and have been encouraging me since we met to be the best me I could.”

  “Darlin’, I may have already said it, but it bears repeating, you could be one hundred pounds or five hundred pounds and I would still love you. True love is not based on outer looks, because those fade, things sag and well, we all get older and gray. Hell, I may lose my hair by the time we are sitting in rocking chairs bouncing grandbabies on our laps!”

  Giggling, she looked at him and tried to picture him bald. Damn, that look would be hot on him too! “Honey, I think you’ll always look hot to me, whether you have a head of hair or go bald.”

  “Well, now that that’s settled, let’s enjoy this last week before the race, yeah?”

  “Yeah. I’m a bit nervous, but I want to let you know you don’t have to stay with me. We could both potentially win in our age group, y’know?”

  Chapter 18

  Three days later, having worked with Toby on the basic commands they would each need for their dogs, they were enjoying an afternoon snuggled up in bed. He was thrilled that her apparent shyness over what they did was easing off and he loved how she was no longer afraid to go after what she wanted. And right now, she was trying to drive him mad, slowly teasing his dick with her hands and mouth. Deciding enough was enough, he reached down and pulled her hips over toward his head, telling her with his actions what he wanted her to do. He had recognized quickly that her experience was limited, and his inner caveman cheered that all the delights of sex were his to introduce. “Darlin’, lift your leg over mine but don’t stop what you’re doing. Feel like playing a bit myself.” Once she was seated with her pussy over his mouth, he proceeded to tease her, licking, sucking and using his tongue, running it from ass to clit over and over, while his fingers lazily teased her outer lips and occasionally dipped in, getting her wetter and wetter. Smacking her lightly on the ass, he told her, “On all fours, woman, I feel the need to be buried deep inside you.”

  Blushing slightly - God, would he ever stop loving that she blushed so easily? - she got into position as he grabbed another condom. At this rate, they’d need another box. Soon. Positioned on his knees behind her, he slowly dragged his dick through her wetness, running it up her crack to her ass. “Darlin’, one day, gonna show you how good this can be, but that’s not today.”

  “O-okay. Um, never done that before, though.”

  “Yeah, I figured, but today, I want to be buried in here,” he grunted, as he entered her in one thrust.

  “Oh my God, Rhett! How does it feel so good and better every single time?”

  He didn’t answer, starting a slow and steady rhythm that soon rendered talking almost impossible. He loved the sexy mewls and moans she emitted as he proceeded to fuck her.

  “Harder…oh my God…harder, Rhett!” she cried, already chasing her first orgasm. He felt her pussy pulsing as she shattered beneath him, but he wasn’t done. Reaching underneath her, he began fingering her clit, and felt her body begin its climb again. “Come with me, my sweet Amy. Want to fall over with you.”

  Now meeting him thrust for thrust, she couldn’t even speak. All of her energies were concentrated on where they were joined, loving how each thrust brought her closer to another mind-blowing orgasm
. As she fell over the proverbial cliff, she felt him stiffen and knew he was coming by his groans and growls. He continued moving inside her, kissing her back and reaching up to tweak her nipples. Ah, God, she was one giant sensitized nerve! Collapsing on the bed, she felt him against her back and reveled at how good it felt with his weight pressing her down. She felt him nuzzle her neck and then heard him say, “Love you, darlin’, more than words can say.” As she drifted off to sleep, she felt him put her mask on and turn her machine on before he cuddled up behind her. “Sleep, darlin’, I’ve got you.”

  Chapter 19

  When Amy woke up, the bed was empty, so she got up and padded to the bathroom. The urge to pee was almost constantly there these past few days. She didn’t know why, but it hurt almost as bad as when she got her period. Finishing up, she realized that she was seeing blood and had barely gone. Freaked out, she jumped into the shower, wondering what could be wrong with her. As her tears fell, she knew she had to tell Rhett, and wondered how he was going to feel about taking her to an urgent care. Because she was so focused on what was going on, she didn’t hear him come in until he said, “Amy? Darlin’? What’s the matter?”

  “Rhett, something’s wrong with me. I think I need to go to the urgent care or something.”

  “What’s going on, sweetheart? You know you can tell me anything.”

  “Well, um, I feel like I have to pee, but not much happens and just a few minutes ago, I saw blood.”

  “Okay, sweetheart, let’s get cleaned up and get you there. Stop crying, it’s going to be okay.”

  Finishing quickly, they dried off and dressed. Today, they would be taking the dogs with them to see how they did out in public. Securing their vests, Rhett grabbed the treats they used for rewards, then held out his hand for Amy. “C’mon, darlin’, it’s probably nothing. Let’s see how Sasha and Siam do out in the real world.”

  Waiting at the urgent care, Amy knew something was definitely wrong. The dull ache she had in her low back had increased to a pain level that had her wanting to curl up and cry. Sasha picked up on her distress and sat up, leaning against her leg. “Good girl. Good Sasha,” she praised. Siam continued to lay next to Rhett. While the dogs got on well with each of them, she noticed that they only reacted to their owner, which is what Toby said would happen. Just when she thought she couldn’t handle waiting any longer, her name was called and they got up to head back to the treatment room. Forty minutes later, after peeing in a cup and giving up some blood, they were told she had “honeymoon cystitis” so named because married women often developed it on their honeymoon from all the sex. The female doctor explained how to avoid a reoccurrence, and they left with a few prescriptions, which they had filled on their way back to the cabin.

  “Rhett, I’m so sorry,” she finally said after a somewhat lengthy silence. Okay, so she hadn’t spoken since they left the urgent care. He had gone in and had the ‘scripts filled, and came back out with a hot water bottle saying the pharmacist said it would help with the pain until the meds kicked in.

  “Darlin’, why are you apologizing? From what I understand, it’s very common, and let’s face it, we’ve been quite busy this past week or so, yeah?”

  Blushing yet again, she glanced at him and said, “Yeah, we have. But now we have to wait?”

  “Oh darlin’, don’t worry. If we have to wait for me to be buried inside you again, it’s okay. The important thing is that you get better. We have a race to run, remember?” He was thinking of the surprise he had for her once they finished their race.

  “Okay. Yeah. Wait, this one medicine says it may discolor my pee? What the hell?”

  Laughing, he had her read him the description of the medicine. It was the pain killer and it would help stop the spasms. “Darlin’, it’s going to be okay.”

  “Well, I never…I mean, how can this be normal?”

  Now she just sounded huffy, which made him laugh harder. Deciding he needed to calm her down, he swung into the local ice cream parlor, and helped her and the dogs out. “C’mon, let’s get some ice cream, it always makes everything better and will put something on your stomach so you can get your first dose in you.”

  Grumbling, she looked at him and tried to stay mad, but ended up grinning as she replied, “Okay. You’re the boss.”

  “That’s right and don’t you forget it!”

  Chapter 20

  “C’mon Amy! Go! Sprint it out!” he yelled, watching as she was coming up on the finish line. It was unlike any 5k he had run before; instead of being able to run together, the age groups had taken off together in five-minute intervals. While some had obviously caught up and passed others, he had watched her stay almost neck-in-neck with several other women in her age group. “You’ve got this, darlin’, just kick those sweet legs and RUN!” he hollered. He was so proud of her and how well she had done. Waiting at the finish line with the dogs, he checked Sasha’s paw again, grateful that Toby had offered his help. He knew he was edgy with the crowds, and had seen her anxiety spike up, so he had arranged for Toby to bring the dogs and wait at the finish line. He had a wet towel and bottles of water for them as well, something Rhett had already taken advantage of.

  Crossing the finish line ahead of the other two women she had been running with, Amy finally made her way to Rhett. “You did it, darlin’! And you finished spectacularly! So proud of you.”

  Still gasping for breath, she crouched down by Sasha, opening the first water bottle and pouring it over her head before she started drinking the other one. “Hey girl! So glad you are here waiting on me, momma is a bit stressed with all these people.” Looking down when she felt Sasha paw her, she saw something glitter. “What’s that, girl? What do you have?” As she turned to ask Rhett, she saw he had gotten down next to her and, taking the dog’s paw in his hand, removed the ring that was there.

  “Amy, darlin’, I love you so very much. Will you marry me? You’ve helped heal my heart and I cannot imagine spending my life without you.”

  Seeing the love in his eyes, she was overcome with emotion and, throwing herself into his arms, cried, “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you. Today, tomorrow, next week. I don’t care as long as we are together!”

  He placed the ring on her finger, then gathered her close and kissed her. What started out sweet turned scorching in a hot minute, and they finally pulled apart, both gasping for breath. Leaning his forehead on hers, he looked at her and simply said, “Love you, my Amy. Now, forever, always.”


  Rhett glanced at his wife. His wife. Two words that added another layer of calm to his chaotic thought process. He couldn’t believe how different his life was from a year ago. Then, unsure how to deal with the nightmares from his PTSD. Now, he couldn’t remember the last one he had and he knew that the scars on his soul had healed thanks to the woman lying curled in his arms, sleeping peacefully with her mask emitting little puffs of air. And he couldn’t forget the dogs and how much they had helped the two of them. He had taken her to the mountains for their honeymoon, and there had been some sort of local parade and festival. Walking around with the dogs and seeing all the sights and touching all the local crafts, he had been unprepared for the sound of gunfire and had “hit the deck”. Siam had crowded against him, giving him a focus and center, while Amy had placed her hands on his shoulders. It turned out to be a backfiring car, but it had rattled him. But instead of reacting like he had in the past, basically going home and hiding out, he had been able to get back up and continue their perusal of the stalls. And best of all, no nightmare.

  Deciding that she had slept long enough, he eased down and removed her sleep bottoms and panties. He was hungry and it was time to eat.

  The End

  About the Author

  I am a transplanted Yankee, moving from upstate New York when I was a teenager. I live with the brat-cat pack and a small muffin dog, all rescues, as I plot and plan who will get to “talk” next!

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  Also by Darlene Tallman

  Other works by Darlene

  *Mischief Kitties*

  Co-written with Cherry Shephard and Alex J.:

  The Mischief Kitties in Bampires & Ghosts & New Friends Oh My!

  The Mischief Kitties in The Great Glitter Caper


  Want to read my books?

  “Bountiful Harvest”

  “His Firefly”

  “His Christmas Pixie”

  “Her Kinsman-Redeemer”

  “Operation Valentine”

  “His Forever”


  “Reese Black Tuxedoes MC

  “Christmas With Dixie”

  “Our Last First Kiss”

  Liberty and Darlene’s Co-written Series





  Smokey & Bandit



  Old Ladies Club

  Book 1 you can find under author Erin Osborne

  Book 2 you can find under author Kayce Kyle

  Book 3 you can find under Darlene Tallman

  Book 4 coming soon and will be published under Liberty Parker

  Next Generation of RGMC

  Talon and Claree…TBA

  Book 2

  Book 3


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