Edward's Law

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Edward's Law Page 3

by Brandon, Felicity

There was a clamor of movement, and Edward imagined the hands and feet that made them. His curiosity was piqued now—there was no doubt about that—but Law was no fool. Even a woman or a child could be a threat with a pistol in their hand.



  A deep, bilious feeling stirred in Alice’s belly at Law’s words. At first, she had thought to keep quiet and continue to conceal her presence. She had thought if she had stilled, he may have forgotten the gasp he heard and gone about his business, yet a part of her had always known the truth—that was hardly likely in the circumstances. Alice had been foolish enough to make the noise in the first place, and now, she had to face the stark reality—this so-called captain knew she was there. She watched in horror as he waved his pistol in her direction for the fourth time.

  Swallowing down the fear threatening to paralyze her, Alice rose to her knees in the cramped space, feeling for the panel which would reveal her to the looming Law. She had to be sensible. Perhaps the man would recognize her from the auction? Maybe he would take pity on her plight if she had the chance to explain it? Alice had to hang on to that thought, it was all she had.

  Pressing forward in the virtual darkness, Alice felt the wood give way in front of her, and a moment later, the piece of wood fell away, crashing spectacularly to the floor below. Alice gasped again, ironically making the same sound which had been her downfall, as she found herself on her knees, just a few feet away from the gun-wielding Edward Law.

  He took a long stride toward her, tilting his head to garner a better view of the woman who had stowed away onboard his ship. A spike of anger coursed around Alice’s body at that thought. The idea it was his ship still raged at her.

  “My, my, what have we here?” Law asked as he lowered himself to his haunches, still clutching the pistol in his hand.

  Alice blinked at him, for a moment unable to respond.

  “Can you speak, lady?” Law demanded with a wry smirk. “Or should I move to help you answer?”

  The glint in his eyes burst the bubble of paralysis that had frozen Alice’s body, and her lips parted. “I am Alice,” she blurted out, and for some unknown reason, she found herself flustering as she answered.

  That made no sense, but somehow, she had forgotten the searing intensity of the man’s gaze, and now, as his eyes locked with hers, the power in those bur orbs came flooding back to her.

  “Well, good day to you, Alice,” he replied. “I would usually tip my hat to a lady, but as you can see, I am currently not attired to do so.”

  Her heart pounded at his words, her belly twisting at the way his lips curled. Alice sensed he might be mocking her, yet she was in no position to argue—not now. Not when she was the one on her knees in the cramped hiding hole, and he was the one with the weapon in his hand.

  Law rose to his feet.

  “Out you come,” he commanded. “It’s time to explain yourself, Alice.”

  Chapter Five


  The woman looked so small as she knelt in the concealed space behind the wood paneling, yet as Edward took in the sight of her, two other things struck him. First, there was fire in those brown eyes, a ferocity which he had rarely seen in members of her sex. The second was her face was somehow familiar.

  She edged out of the space, no doubt trying to maintain a modicum of dignity as she clambered on all fours but failing in a magnificent fashion. Edward grinned as she finally made it to her feet, her hands finding her slim hips, her expression fearsome, considering the circumstances.

  “So, Alice,” he began, lowering his pistol slightly. “Pray tell why I come to find you hiding in the captain’s quarters of the Dexterity?”

  Her small fingers clenched at his question. “There is a simple explanation, Mr. Law,” she huffed in response.

  So, she knew his name. Interesting…

  “I’m listening.”

  “This ship,” Alice paused, her gaze flitting around the fine interior of the room. “It should be mine.”

  Edward laughed out loud at her assertion. How could he not? A ship as fine as this—belonging to a woman? That was inherently laughable.

  “Is that right?” he asked in a wry tone.

  “Yes,” she confirmed emphatically.

  He shook his head. “Okay, lass, perhaps we’ll get to that, but first let me clarify. Is the Dexterity your ship?”

  She sighed, her hands slipping from her hips. “No, it is not,” she admitted. “But it jolly well should be.”

  Edward grinned. “And do you know to whom she belongs?”

  Alice’s gaze narrowed, demonstrating her knowledge of the subject in that one simple gesture. “I do, sir. The ship belongs to you.”

  He lifted his chin at her insolent tone. Had he ever met a woman as intentionally willful as this one?

  “So, you boarded my vessel knowingly and hid away in my quarters?”

  Alice nodded her head in confirmation.

  “Are you seeking a mutiny, Miss Alice?” he demanded in a mocking tone. “Do you wish to overthrow me?”

  She scowled, screwing her pretty features into a knot. “No, sir,” she hissed. “I do not seek to command your crew. I merely want what rightly belongs to me.”

  Edward chuckled, taking a step closer to the damsel. Alice was diminutive in stature, yet it was already clear to him, whatever she lacked in size, she more than made up for in spirit. Whatever her crazy motivation, he could not help but admire her pluck.

  “And why is the Dexterity yours, Alice?” His eyes drilled into her as he asked the question. “I am certain it was I who purchased her for a small fortune, just a few weeks ago.”

  “Indeed,” she replied, and Edward was surprised at the venom in her voice. Most people cowered at his commands, either from experience or instinct, yet it seemed this lady was immune to his intimidation.

  “It is mine by birthright,” she continued in an indignant tone. “Since the design and engineering of the vessel were due, in large part, to my father.”

  “Your father?” He blinked at her. Jaggers—the irritating scab of a man who had caused him such injury—had been her father? Edward’s gut twisted at the news.

  “Yes,” she confirmed, a hint of pride unmistakable in her voice. “George Jaggers was my father, and I, his only surviving child and heir.”

  Edward folded his arms across his chest. This news was not positive. Law had been thrilled to hear of old man Jaggers’ demise, his instincts immediately to capture the Dexterity and use his ship as one final insult to the man. But now, finding Jaggers’ daughter hiding in Edward’s quarters had rather dampened his mood. What the hell was he supposed to do with the wayward woman? Edward had neither the time nor the appetite to hand her over to the authorities, though he was certain that was what the young stowaway deserved. His earlier sentiment had been true—boarding his ship was a hostile act—and as Alice stood before him, there was not a single sign of contrition. In fact, she seemed resolute her actions had been justified.

  “So, you think the ship should belong to you?” His tone was clipped as he summated Alice’s explanation.

  “I do,” she concurred. “It is only right and proper, and I was prepared to pay handsomely for her before you, sir, came and stole her away from me!” Alice lifted her finger, pointing it at Edward accusingly.

  “Stolen?” Edward balked. “I bought the Dexterity fair and square at Christie’s Auction House!”

  For some reason, he was furious at her reproachful tone. Edward had danced outside of the rules his whole life, and now—on this one issue—he had chosen to do the right thing, buying the vessel by legitimate means. The fact it was this deed the woman wanted to judge sent unexpected rage coursing around his body. Who was this lady, after all? What right did she have to board his property? What right did she have to judge him?

  “I know, Mr. Law,” Alice snorted. “Perhaps you do not remember me, but I was also there at Christie's.”

  Edward blew out a breath, su
rveying the huffing Alice again. She had been there? So, that was where he recalled the woman from. It made sense now she mentioned it. Law knew he did not have carnal knowledge of Alice—he would have remembered a privilege as tantalizing as that—and he did not tend to associate with ladies in many other forums.

  “I do, now that you mention it.” He was pensive as he replied, his mind already whirring into action about what the fate of Alice should now be.

  “And I was about to purchase this fine vessel before you snatched the opportunity from me.”

  Edward lifted his chin toward the light. The rum was doing its job in his bloodstream, and he wanted another.

  “I snatched nothing from you, Miss,” he told Alice with a sneer. “I gave you no offense.” He strode toward the open door, closing it firmly before he slid the lock into place at the top of the frame. “Yet now, I find you offend me.”

  Turning, Law leaned against the wall, aware of the gentle rocking of the ship. Outside, he could hear the first shouts of his crew. The men were boarded, and soon, the Dexterity would be ready for her maiden voyage.

  “What do you mean?” Alice’s tone was curt, yet Edward heard the first flutter of something else lacing her voice. Something that reminded him of fear. “Why have you locked me in?”

  “Us in,” he corrected, taking a step toward the wide-eyed woman. “I locked us in, Alice.”

  She pulled in a breath, her chest rising and capturing his attention as he absorbed her response. Of course, the lady had courage—that much was obvious—why else would she be here in the first place? Yet it seemed Alice was starting to see the potential pitfalls of her impulsive behavior, and eyeing her now, Edward began to consider some of the advantages.

  “Don’t come any closer,” she commanded, but the tremble in her voice was more than evident.

  “Why not, Alice?”

  Edward’s timbre had shifted to the soft purr he saved for the many brothels he had visited over the years. The ladies of the night seemed to enjoy his tone, and he had no reason to believe a woman of Alice’s station would be immune to it. “Can a man not wander where he likes onboard his own ship?”

  Those brown eyes widened even further at him.

  “Can a captain not walk the space of his quarters?”

  Alice’s lips parted, but no words escaped.

  Law smirked at her reaction.

  “What were you thinking?” he demanded in a low tone. “Coming here and hiding? What did you think you could achieve, Miss Jaggers?” Edward watched with satisfaction at the way she gulped.

  “I thought that I could reason with you,” she insisted in a shaky voice. “And take back what is mine.”

  He chuckled darkly. “Take back what’s yours?” he repeated. “But Alice, this ship was never yours, was she?”

  Alice pulled her lower lip between her teeth. Suddenly, the confident young woman seemed to have lost her pluck, and for some reason, Edward was rather enjoying it. He had always known he was a bad man, but he had never anticipated just how much this scenario could affect him. Watching her shaky limbs and blushing cheeks, he realized he was aroused by her performance. The young mare had been so impetuous—so eager to defend her behavior—but it was clear to him now, all she needed was a firm hand. A man to take her and break her in.

  Edward’s cock stirred as that thought resonated.

  Alice needed a man like him.

  Chapter Six


  From the moment Law had closed the door, he was changed. The vagabond she had spied from between the planks of wood had vanished, morphing before her eyes into the masterful gentleman who now stood before her. His dirt-laden, frayed attire remained the same, but something was different. The physical presence of the man was altered somehow as though he had grown in stature. Alice blinked rapidly as he loomed before her. It was like she could not believe her own gaze anymore.


  His low tone made her jump from the wooden floor, though he had not even raised his voice.

  “Was the ship yours?”

  “No.” Hadn’t she already confessed that much to him? Did the man not understand? It was not about who owned the Dexterity, it was about who ought to own her.

  Edward closed the remaining distance between them in one long stride.

  “So, you admit to boarding my ship without permission?”

  His blue gaze seemed ferocious as he demanded the truth from her, and somehow, when he put it in those words, Alice’s actions did sound reckless. She had committed that act, hadn’t she? What had she been thinking?

  Blowing out a breath, Alice squared her shoulders. She had to keep a cool head. This was not the time to crumble in front of a man like Edward Law.

  “Yes.” The word was supposed to have been a hiss, but it sounded more like a squeak to Alice’s ears.

  “What an audacious woman you are, Miss Jaggers,” he observed, arching one dark eyebrow at her. “To board my vessel without my consent, then stand there as though you should be rewarded?” He snorted, shaking his head in disgust. “I am not certain how Mr. Jaggers raised you, Alice, but where I came from, such deeds were not rewarded. They were punished.”

  The final word seemed to come at her with an odd resonance—a glimmer of meaning she was yet to understand—but if the dark gleam in Edward’s eyes was an indication, she may not have long to wait to discover that truth.

  “Punished?” Alice parroted the word back to him, her voice yet again failing to convey conviction.

  “Aye,” he replied, and she swore the edges of his lips curled as he inched in her direction. “Punished.”

  Alice panted at his intonation, although there was no logical reason to do so. She should not be intimidated by a man like Law, and even if she was in the wrong, justice was not his to deliver. It should come at the hands of the King’s men. She shuddered as that thought passed through her brain. She could hang for a felony like this. Was her father’s pride and joy really worth her life?

  “I do not want to be punished.”

  The words escaped Alice’s lips before she could process them, and she felt heat rushing to her cheeks in response. Oh, Lord! Had she truly just told him that?

  Edward sniffed. “I am certain you do not, Miss Jaggers, but what choice have you left me? Surely, I cannot condone a crime of this nature? Would you overlook it?”

  Alice shifted her weight between her feet as she considered his query, but there was little to contemplate—she already knew the answer. Alice would never tolerate such insolence and would have had few qualms about raising the alarm at an intruder. Why should this man expect any less? Why should he not watch her hang for her foolhardiness?

  All of a sudden, it was difficult to pull air into her chest, the acknowledgment of her fate suffocating.

  “No, sir,” she breathed, lowering her gaze at the admission. It was the most curious thing, but as she surveyed Law’s filthy boots, she almost felt disappointed with her poor judgment. “I would not overlook it.”

  “Miss Jaggers,” he replied. “I should very much appreciate your attention.”

  Alice lifted her chin at his words, flustering harder. Not only had she offended the man and would likely pay dearly for her crime, but now, she was exacerbating the situation further.

  “I did not think my actions through,” she tried to explain. “I was so consumed with the Dexterity. I-I did not think…”

  Law smirked. “That much is evident,” he answered quickly. “The question now is not what you were thinking, Alice, but how the matter should be dealt with.”

  “I shall hang for it.”

  The confession robbed Alice of breath as it left her lips, but there it was—she had said it and was sure it was true. Alice had seen men hang for less.

  “Hang?” Edward laughed, a deep throaty sound that echoed around the room long after the noise had concluded. “What ridiculousness is this? I shall not see you hang, Alice.”

  Alice fluttered her eyes a
t him, her heart pounding with fresh intensity. “You w-won’t?”

  “Goodness, no. Why would I? A woman as beautiful as you should never be at the end of a noose.”

  She flushed at his words, her face burning with embarrassment at the unexpected compliment. Alice’s head was spinning. One moment, she was filled with fury at the man, the next, she was consumed with fear, and now—what was this? Was he flattering her—but to what end?

  “Then what?” Her words were barely a whisper. “What do I deserve, Mr. Law? What punishment would befit a crime like mine?”

  Edward smiled, one of his hands rising toward her face. Alice witnessed its approach with trepidation, her body frozen with fear. He was going to touch her! Oh my God, he was actually going to touch her, and there was not a thing she could do to halt the progress of that large palm. His fingers grazed over her chin for a moment, before they gripped the flesh a little harder.

  “A crime like yours, Alice, deserves a more personalized penalty.”

  Alice gulped. She was not sure what to make of that, but what she did know was, the touch of his skin against her own was sending her heart into a complete panic. His hand was warm and worryingly reassuring, but that couldn’t be right, could it?

  Gentlemen were not permitted to touch ladies.

  And ladies certainly should not enjoy it.

  Those same, warm fingers drew her chin higher, ensuring she met his gaze once more as he spoke.

  “I suggest a sound spanking at my own good hands.”

  For a moment, time seemed to stand still.

  A spanking—is that what he said?

  Good Lord! Alice had, of course, heard of ladies being thrashed by their fathers or husbands, but never by strangers—gentlemen they had only encountered once before. The thought was shocking, and the proximity of the man was doing nothing to help her racing pulse.

  “Y-you mean to thrash me?” she stammered.

  Alice was bewildered and was certain her expression betrayed that sentiment. On some level, she accepted she deserved penance for coming aboard the ship without permission. She could not think to regret the deed—not yet—for in her heart, Alice still felt the Dexterity belonged to her, but she was not without conscience. Alice could imagine how she would feel if she had found Law on her property—she would have been outraged.


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