Edward's Law

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Edward's Law Page 7

by Brandon, Felicity

  “So, tell me, do you deny it?”

  “I cannot deny it, Mr. Law,” she said at length, swallowing down her obvious embarrassment. “Although I did not wish for this to be the case, and neither do I understand it.”

  Edward smiled. It was only a small breakthrough, but a victory, nonetheless.

  “Thank you, Alice.” Her eyes flitted back to him as he said her name. “I appreciate your honesty on this delicate matter.”

  “What happens now, sir?” Her query was a breathy pant. “What shall you do with me to occupy the many hours of endless ocean?”

  Edward wanted to laugh at her question. He had a great many things in mind for the wonderful Miss Jaggers, yet he suspected none that would bring her reassurance.

  “I do not want you to fret.”

  He stroked the underside of her chin as he spoke, relishing the way her eyes fluttered closed at the sensation. Alice clearly was affected by his touch, even if she had trouble vocalizing her experiences.

  “We shall settle into a new way of life. I shall feed, clothe, and protect you, and you, Alice, I am certain there are things you can do for me in return.”

  Alice’s eyes were as wide as saucers. “Do you speak of my virtue, sir?”

  That was precisely what he spoke about. “I speak of your desire, Miss Jaggers. The way you sought out my kiss, the way your body reacted to the spanking—these are the things we can explore.”

  She was practically panting at his words. “Sir, I…” She hesitated, looking anywhere but at Edward directly. “I do not. I cannot.”

  Smiling, he pressed his fingers to her lips to silence her. “Enough now,” he told her. “Let us get you some fresh air.”

  Alice pulled away, fluttering her lashes at him. “Fresh air?”

  “Aye,” he confirmed. “No doubt, you have been contained in my quarters for some hours already. It is not good for you.”

  “But, sir. Where can I go?”

  Edward ran his fingers down the arm of her gown. “That’s easy, Alice. You’ll accompany me on deck.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Despite her better judgment, the idea of leaving his quarters was good. Alice had been hidden away for some time, and all the unexpected emotional passion between her and Law had drained her, leaving her exhausted. She reconciled a short walk on deck may be just the trick to clear her head, yet she still did not relish the attention of the rest of the crew.

  Edward pulled the door back. “Stay close,” he ordered as she scurried past him. “My crew have been given their instructions, but they are only men and as flawed as any man can be.”

  She gulped at his warning. “I shall, sir.”

  Alice had no desire to find herself at the mercy of any of the bandits on board. It was terrible enough she seemed unable to resist the allure of their captain.

  They climbed down the wooden steps, which led to his quarters, and Alice found herself back on the deck of the Dexterity. She was not entirely sure how long they had been at sail, but as her eyes drifted to the horizon, she found there was no land in sight. Alice’s belly lurched at the reality. London was gone. England was gone. She was all alone at sea with only the moral compass of a pirate and his band of renegades to see her through.

  She had truly outdone herself this time.

  Wandering toward the port side of the ship, her gaze landed on the craftmanship. Her father would have been so proud to witness this—the maiden voyage of the ship he had lovingly designed from scratch, though goodness only knew what he would have made of its new owner. The Dexterity had been planned for His Majesty and was never supposed to fall into private ownership, but her father’s ill health had brought lengthy delays, and in the end, the King had commissioned a new ship. Alice was grateful her father had been too unwell to recognize the loss, but she had been made to bear it. All those years he had spent creating this masterpiece, ultimately, her father had never even laid eyes on her. The thought made Alice melancholy.

  “Hello, missy.”

  Alice’s heart leapt at the unknown voice and she spun on her heel to find not one, but two lanky looking men leering at her. Instinctively, she backed against the side of the ship, her hands gripping the wood as she eyed them.

  “Leave me be!” she commanded in as stern a voice as she could muster.

  Her gaze darted around the deck, searching for Law. Where in God’s name was he? Had not he just warned her about the hazards of his anarchic crew, and now he had seen fit to abandon her. Perhaps this had been his grim plan all along—to lure her out of his quarters and dangle her as bait. Her hands balled at that suggestion. She had been a fool to trust anything Edward had told her.

  “Are you lost?” The dark-haired one advanced slowly, his grin revealing a mouth of unsightly teeth.

  Alice gasped. “No,” she insisted. “I am not lost. I am a guest of the captain.”

  The sandy haired one smiled menacingly. “I don’t see no captain, Miss. All I see is you, a young, beautiful lady out here all on her own.”

  He took a step forward, and Alice’s heart pounded with trepidation. She knew instinctively she was in real trouble unless some sort of miracle was sent to save her. These men were pirates.


  The word resonated around Alice’s head.

  Pirates had no qualms about morality, and she guessed they did not mind taking a chance on their rosaries if indeed, any of them even owned one.

  “Stay back!” She raised her palm in a vain attempt to halt their pursuit, but it was futile. Long-limbed she may be, but they were both taller and no doubt stronger than Alice, and she already knew her resistance was futile.

  “Smith! Walker!” Law’s voice echoed through the air like the sound of a whip, and both approaching men froze before turning slowly to address their officer.

  “Aye, Cap’n,” the blond one, Walker, answered as he edged away from Alice.

  Smith took a stride away from her as well, revealing the looming frame of Edward. His face was like thunder, those muscular arms crossed in front of him, and reflexively, Alice began to pant again, but it was not fear at her welfare which inspired this reaction. It was the foreboding presence of Law himself.

  “What were your orders?”

  Other men had paused in their duties to see what the fray was about, and it seemed dozens of eyes were on Alice. Her gaze flitted to her skirts instinctively. This plan was supposed to have been about stealth and ingenuity, and so far, all she had managed to achieve was the opposite—that and a thoroughly spanked backside. She gulped at that thought, ignoring the tingly sensation that radiated from there beneath her gown.

  “Lookout, sir,” answered Smith as Edward moved closer. “We were just on our way to the crow’s nest.”

  Edward arched that brow at his story, the gesture making heat pool between Alice’s legs.

  “Then you should go,” Edward advised them in a firm tone. “We may not be far from English shores, but who knows what we will encounter. I need my best men on lookout duties.”

  “Aye, sir,” they parroted in unison as they began to move from Alice’s proximity.

  “Oh, and gentlemen.” Law’s voice had that knowing tone, and Alice held her breath out of instinct.

  Smith and Walker seemed to recognize the timbre of his voice as well, their gazes wide as they glanced back at their captain.

  “You shall both meet me here at sundown for a whipping.”

  Alice gasped at Edward’s verdict, her gaze flitting wildly between the three men.

  “But Cap’n,” Smith started. “We didn’t touch a hair on her head.”

  Edward lifted his chin. “Oh, but you would have done,” he growled, approaching them slowly. “You would have done far worse than that, Mr. Smith, knowing full well what my feelings are on the matter.”

  Smith’s jaw tensed.

  “You have both sailed alongside me many times, and I count you both as some of the best pirates I have ever had the h
onor to work with, but let’s be clear, gentlemen.” Edward’s eyes slid to Alice momentarily, the look in his gaze sending an involuntary shiver down her back.

  “An order is an order, and the next time you fail to obey one of my orders will be your final mistake.”

  Walker inhaled. “Aye Cap’n. I shall be here at sundown.”

  Edward nodded. “Six lashes each should suffice.”

  Smith looked less convinced at his punishment, but he lowered his head as he answered. “Yes, sir.”

  Edward stared at them both for a moment before dismissing them with a flick of his hand. “Away now,” he commanded. “Keep the Dexterity safe.”

  “Aye, sir,” they grumbled, striding away.

  Alice watched as they glanced back in her direction, and she was certain she heard Smith mumble something about how unlucky it was to have a woman onboard.

  “Well, that was not a very good start.”

  She turned back toward Edward to find him towering over her again. Startling at his sudden close proximity, she gasped, pressing herself against the wood once more.

  Edward glowered. “I asked you to stay close.”

  “I-I did,” she murmured, shrinking at his expression. Edward was so fierce, the look in his eyes made her pulse race even faster, yet there was no doubt, he had just rescued her from some ungodly fate.

  “I mean, I meant to… sir.”

  Edward shook his head, though his expression softened just a little.

  “What am I to do with you? Should I find some rope and keep you bound to my side? I am sure I have some lying around, just waiting to be used for such good fortune.”

  “No, sir!” she answered emphatically. “I swear I shall now be your shadow.”

  Edward chuckled at her choice of words. “My shadow, eh?” he whispered, leaning close enough, so his breeches brushed against her gown-covered legs. “I think I should like that.”

  “Captain, please.” Alice’s breaths were coming out in short, fast pants, and her face was heating again, ensuring Alice was thoroughly aware of her growing shame. “Do not look at me that way.”

  Edward’s brow rose, and he tilted his face at her demand.

  “What way?”

  “You know precisely what I speak of!” she spat, her body being forced flat against the side of the Dexterity by Edward’s lean and muscular body. “I do not like it.”

  He lowered his mouth to her ear. “Nonsense.”

  The word vibrated between them, and Alice nibbled at her lower lip in response.

  “We both know you simply adore my attention, Miss Jaggers,” Edward continued in an infuriatingly soft purr. “That is why I found you so receptive to my palm earlier, and I would wager if I were to unlace your pretty bodice, I would find your ample assets hardened and ready for my touch.”

  Alice blinked at him as though he were speaking in a foreign tone. Of course, she understood every word, but Alice could barely believe she was hearing them. No gentleman had ever spoken to her in this manner, but then no gentleman had had the temerity to turn her over their knee for an impromptu punishment. Edward was not like any gentleman she had ever encountered, but then, Edward was no gentleman at all.

  Worse than that, though, was the lingering need between Alice’s thighs and the very real possibility Law’s arrogance was justified. She did want him, and heaven help her, she had the sense she was succumbing to his will, regardless.

  Chapter Fourteen


  He wandered, checking on the efforts of the men before he met with Carlisle. Alice was at his side the entire time, her alarm at losing sight of him apparent as she skipped between the amused expressions of the crew. For the most part, Edward ignored Alice. He had business to attend to, and regardless of the inviting distraction she offered, he still had a ship to manage and the lives of a dozen or more men to be responsible for—but Edward never lost track of her whereabouts again. Even though he may have pretended to not notice her tiny whimpers of discomfort when the gaze of a hungry man landed on her, Edward was completely attuned to Alice, and should she have truly needed his assistance, he would have come to her aid in a heartbeat.

  Edward was not quite clear what it was about the brunette that was so alluring. Of course, she was young and beautiful, but Alice also had a mind of her own and a tantalizing spirit he so desired to spank out of her, yet somehow, Edward sensed that would be an impossible feat. A woman with courage enough to board another man’s property and plan an audacious mutiny had bravery enough to manage virtually any punishment he could thrust at her. His lips curled at the thought.

  “And how goes our guest, Captain?” Carlisle’s question jarred Edward from his private musings, and both men turned to look upon her.

  Alice met their collective stare with a furious blush.

  “She has resolved to behave herself,” Edward replied, his scrutiny traveling south to the swell of her breasts. “Is that not correct, Miss Jaggers?”

  She pressed her lips into a thin line. “I do not recall such a promise, sir.”

  “She seems as willful as ever, Captain,” Carlisle said with a laugh.

  Edward scowled. Indeed, she did.

  “Perhaps she needs a lot more tutoring, Mr. Carlisle.” He glanced back to his friend with a knowing smile.

  “And a fine tutor you are, sir,” he replied clearly suppressing a chuckle. “Will the lady be joining us at mealtimes?”

  Carlisle looked hopeful as he asked, but one look at Alice confirmed how disgusted she was by the concept—her eyes as wide as the finest china saucers, her hands rising to her hips.

  “Miss Jaggers will dine with me in my quarters,” Edward decided, his gaze shifting between the two of them. “For the time being, at least.”

  “As you wish, Cap’n.” Carlisle seemed disappointed, but he knew better than to press the point.

  He trusted Carlisle with his life, but he also appreciated the man knew when to yield. His experience had taught him you did not always get that with first mates. Too many of them were only looking for an opportunity to fill a dead man’s boots.

  “It seems you have everything under control here, Mr. Carlisle,” Edward concluded, glancing around the ship. “Please excuse us for a while.”

  Carlisle’s blond eyebrow rose. “Time for some more of that tutoring, sir?”

  “It is, indeed, sir,” Edward smiled, throwing him a knowing glance. Gesturing for Alice to lead on, Edward strode back toward his quarters.

  “What do you think of my ship?” Edward whispered the question into Alice’s glorious nape as she climbed the small staircase back to his room.

  She paused, turning to regard him on the stairs below.

  “You know very well of my feelings on this subject, Mr. Law.”

  Edward grinned as she continued her journey.

  “You have only seen the designs, Alice, not the final product. So, pray tell me, what is your verdict?”

  They were at the entrance now, her diminutive frame halted by the locked door.

  “The Dexterity is wonderful,” Alice admitted. “She is everything my father envisioned.”

  “And more,” Edward added as he grasped the large iron key between his fingers and shoved it in the keyhole. “The ship is exponentially more now that she is fully crewed and at sail.”

  Alice eyed him skeptically, but by some miracle, she remained quiet about whatever cynicism she contemplated.

  “I am pleased you enjoy her, sir.”

  Edward pulled the key from the lock before easing the door open.

  “No, you’re not,” he told her in a resolute tone. “You should like to see me accountable for my crimes and for the Dexterity to fall into your remit.”

  She looked away. “I do not deny I want her for myself, sir.”

  Edward guided her back into his wood paneled room.

  “But?” he prompted, sensing there was more from the wily young woman.

  Alice blinked in his direction. “But I acc
ept that you bought her fair and square.”

  “You accept it?” he smiled at her wryly before locking the door behind them.

  “I do not like it, but yes.”

  “So, what was your plan then, Alice?” Edward queried. “When you were hiding in that space over there, what was your goal?”

  Alice gulped, her gaze flitting north to meet Edward’s demanding gaze. “I had hoped to reason with the new owner,” she said in a shaky voice. “To make him see my way of thinking.”

  “Oh, really?” Edward snorted. “That was your plan? Are you sure you didn’t have anything more hostile in mind, Alice?”

  “Certainly not!” she snapped, squaring her shoulders at the accusation. “A lady does not behave that way.”

  His lips curled at her petulant tone. “But a lady thinks it permissible to stow away and conceal her identity?” Edward cocked his brow at her, daring her to defy his point. Alice shrunk visibly.

  “I was desperate,” she huffed. “And you have already seen fit to deal with that matter.” One of her hands fell to her behind, rubbing it reflexively.

  “Indeed, I have,” he concurred. “And if I may say so, Alice, I have had to deliver dozens of corporal punishments in my time as captain, and none have been as memorable as yours.”

  Alice’s eyes fell closed at his words, but Edward only smiled and took a step toward her.

  “There is no hiding from me now, Miss Jaggers,” he purred as he reached for her shoulder. “We are many miles from land, and who knows what adventures await us in the blue beyond.”

  Her eyes were open in a heartbeat.

  “And what is your intention,” she asked, “with this tutoring you purported to be delivering me?” She paused, swallowing hard. “Will there be more punishments, Mr. Law? More spankings?”

  Edward edged toward her. “Would you like more?”

  Alice’s lips parted, her eyes burning into his. “Absolutely not!”

  He chortled at her defiance, deciding not to pursue it for the time being. If Edward had learned anything about Alice, it was there would be plenty of opportunities to humble her over the coming days, and he would be more than happy to oblige. But first, he desired to get to know her even better…


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