Edward's Law

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Edward's Law Page 10

by Brandon, Felicity

  “I think so,” she whispered into soft hair that met her lips.

  Edward stroked her hair back from her furious blush.

  “You don’t seem sure.”

  She squeezed her eyes closed. She was not sure. On the one hand, she knew how she should feel, her limited education had taught her that. A young woman consenting to carnality with a man who was not even her betrothed, let alone a husband, was a harlot bound for hellfire and eternal damnation. Her priest had been very clear about this over the years. Alice should be disgusted with herself—and on some level, maybe she was—but on the other hand, there was no denying the energy that had sparked between her and Edward.

  It was real, primal, and quite unlike anything she had ever felt. Glancing down at her wrists, still wrapped in his ropes, Alice was forced to admit she was not sorry for succumbing to his will, even if it meant she was disgraced.

  It had been her will, as well.


  She lifted her chin to lock gazes with Edward. Those blue eyes were soft now, the storm of his passion having drifted to the horizon.

  “I don’t know what to think, sir,” she admitted in a quiet voice.

  His thumb stroked the back of her neck. “Do you regret your decision?” Edward’s voice was strained, and she sensed he was braced for her answer.

  “No, Mr. Law.” She rose to her tiptoes to whisper into his ear. “Perhaps I should, but I do not.”

  Edward’s lips curled, and he nodded while he pulled her bodice back over her chest. The ribbons hung loose, but in the main, Alice’s modesty had been restored.

  “You should rest,” he instructed. “No doubt you had an early start this morning?” His eyebrow rose with the question, and Alice had to bite down on the fresh rush of arousal the gesture elicited.

  “Yes, sir.”

  She turned back toward the bed, a flush of hot memories washing over her at what had just transpired there. Sleep seemed like a good idea, and she wandered back in its direction. Sinking down onto the covers, her gaze landed over the ropes still restraining her hands.

  “Am I to remain bound?”

  Edward had sauntered back to his desk and lifted his chin to acknowledge her question.

  “I see no reason to release you, Alice.”

  “But…” Her heart pounded at his reply. “But I thought I was not to be your captive?”

  He smiled. “You are a free woman,” he concurred. “But you would do well to remember who you belong to while you’re onboard the Dexterity.”

  Alice sighed. She recalled the identity of the gentleman only too well, having just screamed it around these four walls.

  “The ropes stay, for now. I will liberate you later, although we both know how much you have enjoyed being bound, Alice.” His gaze seared into her skin. “Perhaps I should seek to keep you tied for the duration.”

  Her throat dried, though shamefully she could feel her nipples harden into painful little buds once more.

  “Do you need refreshment?” Edward asked, relaxing back in his chair. “I have plenty of ale, and since you surrendered so wonderfully just now, maybe you also deserve some of the captain’s rum?”

  Edward’s tone was playful, but Alice could not help screwing her face up at the prospect of either beverage.

  “I have never tried either, sir.”

  “Rum it is then,” he said, nodding with an errant grin as if he had assumed as much. “I should think it should be a little easier on your belly.”

  He rose from his seat, striding toward the decanter where she had spied him earlier when she had still been concealed. That seemed like many months ago now, so much had happened in the interim period. He raised a clean glass to the light before he poured a small quantity of the liquor into it. Glancing in Alice’s direction, Edward made his way over to the bed.

  “Try this.” He pushed the glass between her bound hands and took a step back to observe her.

  Alice lifted the glass to her nose, turning her head away at the pungent aroma. “How can you drink this?”

  Edward chuckled at her obvious disdain. “This is very expensive and difficult to come by,” he assured her while he lowered himself to his haunches. “That is why it is only drunk by the captain and…” He paused, eyeing her hungrily. “Those he chooses to indulge.”

  Her gaze lowered at the intensity in Edward’s expression, returning once again to the amber liquid in the glass. So, this was an indulgence, was it? Perhaps it would be better not to offend Edward now that he seemed to have softened toward her. Slowly, Alice raised the tumbler to her lips, trying not to inhale as she tipped a small quantity between her lips. The burn of the alcohol spread down her throat, and as Alice swallowed it down, she wanted to cough the taste away.

  “Good?” he probed in a wry tone.

  Alice’s eyes watered. Good? This liquid was evil!

  “I think it is an acquired taste, sir.”

  Edward fell to his knees and reached for the side of Alice’s face.

  “Then I suggest you acquire it, my lady, because it’s the finest beverage on board my ship, apart from the liquid your mouth has already been coated in, of course.”

  His grin widened, but it took Alice a few moments to comprehend his meaning, and once she did, her face erupted in an intense new blush.

  “Sir!” she hissed, glancing away from Edward’s smiling face, but his hand steered her attention back toward him.

  “You may find it is not all bad, Miss Jaggers,” he purred.

  “What, sir?” Alice gasped. That sinful look in his eyes was back again.

  “Being here with me,” he murmured. “Being my very own little harlot.”

  She balked at his description. Was that how he saw her? As nothing but a whore, he could use and abuse whenever he so desired.

  Edward patted her heated cheek gently. “Do not look so mortified,” he chided, rising to his full height. “You are mine now, so we may as well both enjoy the privilege.”

  Alice glanced down into her glass as he paced away. She wanted to drink the rum even less than she wanted his ropes at that moment. Edward’s words had stung, and she was not even sure why. Was it not obvious Edward would see her that way after she had so wantonly given herself to him? Would not any man view her with the same low regard? She lifted the glass to her mouth, taking a large glug, forcing herself to swallow before the liquid could return. If this was to be her fate, Law’s harlot, trapped onboard the very ship her father dedicated years of his life to creating—her birthright—she may as well get used to the taste of the liquor. It seemed to Alice the rum might become the only true friend she had.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Edward watched her drain the rest of her glass before she collapsed onto his bed and drifted to sleep. Alice had not received his quip about her being a harlot as positively as he had intended the pun, but women were always sensitive about these matters. He rolled his eyes while he considered the thought. Edward liked Alice, admired her courage, and certainly lusted after her assets, but living with a woman onboard was going to take some getting used to. He did not acquiesce with the view of his men that females brought bad luck to a voyage, but as he admired Alice’s sleeping form, Edward had to admit dealing with her emotional sensibilities was going to be trying.

  He left her resting while he met with Carlisle again, locking Alice in his quarters as he inspected the deck. The sun was close to the horizon while he delivered the whippings due to Smith and Walker, then took a meal of cheese and bread with his men. Edward raised a toast to the Dexterity, his thoughts once more returning to the bound little maiden waiting for him in his rooms. His cock swelled at the mental image of her, and he sighed as he settled back in his seat.

  “Something on your mind, Captain?” Carlisle’s tone was knowing.

  “More like someone,” he insisted as he met his first mate’s gaze.

  “Is she settling in?”

  “Something like that.” Ed
ward’s brow rose with the answer, and Carlisle burst into laughter.

  “You’re a lucky bastard, sir,” he countered, raising his mug in deference.

  “I am lucky,” Edward agreed. “I should get back to her soon. You know the order of events for this evening, I presume?”

  “Aye, sir. Withers is on lookout until sunrise.”

  Edward glanced in the direction of Withers, who seemed to be engrossed in an animated conversation with Barnett.

  “See that he doesn’t sink too many more ales,” he replied. “I know the threat of attack is unlikely at this point, but I’d prefer to keep the odds in our favor.”

  “Noted, sir.”

  Edward rose from his seat, the action attracting the attention of all the men around the long table. “I leave you for the night, gentlemen.”

  There was a low rumble of laughter.

  “The Captain has something better to do with his evening?” asked Bowman in a mocking tone.

  Edward closed the distance between him and Bowman in a couple of strides, the younger man recoiling at his sudden proximity.

  “Yes, I do. Something considerably better.”

  Bowman’s lips twitched. “Aye, sir.”

  Glancing around, he addressed his crew. “Mr. Carlisle has command in my absence.”

  “Aye, Cap’n.” A chorus of gruff voices responded to his order.

  “Goodnight, gentlemen.”

  Edward grabbed a clean plate of food for Alice before he strode out onto the deck. Shards of moonlight bounced from the edges of the wheel. Turner was at the helm, presiding over the course he had set while the others ate. Soon enough though, Carlisle would be back in charge, and Edward knew they could rest easy under his watch. He climbed the stairs back to his quarters, his pulse quickening as he fetched the key and turned it in the lock. Pushing the door open, he half expected to find Alice up and raging, demanding to know where he had been, but to his surprise, he found her still curled up on his bed, her body illuminated by the light of the moon. She stirred as he closed the door and locked them both into the sanctuary of its confines.

  “Sir?” Sleepy eyes fluttered open to greet him.

  “Good evening,” he replied with a smile, placing the plate of bread and cheese down, using his desk candle to light the other candelabras dotted around the room. Turning, he moved toward Alice.

  “That was quite a sleep. Are you feeling better?”

  She blinked at him. “I am a little hungry, sir,” she admitted.

  “This way then.” Edward nodded, beckoning her in his direction with his forefinger.

  Alice swallowed at the command, but she was moving, her feet hitting the floor before she rose to stand and wandered toward him.

  “I brought you something to eat,” he told her. “Since you were exhausted, I took the opportunity to eat with my men.”

  Alice glanced in the direction of the plate Edward gestured to, her gaze falling over its contents. “Thank you.”

  “Sit at my desk and eat.”

  Her chest rose and fell rapidly at the instruction, but Edward watched while she shuffled around his desk as directed. Following behind her, he placed the plate in front of the place she sat.

  “I have some fruit for afterward,” he advised, towering over her diminutive frame. “Captain’s special privileges again.”

  Alice’s lips curled in response as she reached for a piece of cheese. “Do you have lots of privileges, sir?”

  Her eyes sparkled with the question, and Edward was pleased to see the light in them again. For too long, she had been trying to fight his will. If she would only learn to yield more, Edward would ensure she wanted for nothing on the voyage.

  “A fair few,” he replied, leaning over his desk. “Yet there are dangers involved with being in charge.”

  Alice’s gaze rose to meet his. “Dangers?” she repeated, popping the cheese between her lips. “What kind of dangers?”

  “All sorts.” Edward straightened, edging in her direction. His voice had taken on the same gravelly tone he had managed to employ on Alice earlier. “You never know when you might be boarded, if one of your crew tries to mutiny, or if a stranger will be hauled up in a concealed portion of your own quarters.”

  Alice gulped the cheese down, her face blanching. “It sounds as though you can never rest.”

  “For sure, I need the right team of men around me. Men I trust with my ship—with my life.”

  She nodded, her expression melancholy suddenly. “I am sorry for the way I behaved,” she mumbled.

  Edward gazed down at her. What was this—an apology?

  “I should have approached you at Christie’s on the day of the auction,” Alice admitted. “I should not have planned this crazy scheme.”

  He lifted his gaze at her apology. “Indeed, you should not, yet I cannot think to criticize you for your decisions at this juncture, Alice. You have been soundly spanked for your transgression, and if you had not chosen this willful pursuit, we might never have had the chance to get to know one another better as we have.” Edward ran his hand down the length of her hair, thrilled as she leaned into his touch.

  “I hope you do not think me immoral.” Alice’s words were barely a whisper.

  He tilted his head. “Immoral? Alice, you are probably the least immoral woman I have ever encountered.”

  She looked relieved at his answer. “And yet I gave in,” she murmured. “I consented to our union.”

  “Well, naturally, you did,” Edward laughed gently.

  Alice put down the slice of bread she had been contemplating and turned to regard Edward. “What do you mean, naturally?” Her shoulders squared as though readying for battle, defiance flashing in her wild eyes again.

  He inhaled, suppressing the urge to laugh outright at her response.

  “I only meant our connection was irrefutable, Alice. You are only a woman and a red-blooded one at that. How could you be expected to resist me?”

  Alice’s mouth fell open. “That is quite an arrogant approach for someone who has made a living stealing from other people, sir.” She rose from the chair, her bound hands hovering in front of her body.

  Edward cocked an eyebrow at her sudden temper.

  “Do I not have every right to be arrogant, Alice?” Edward ensured she acknowledged his glower before he went on. “Take a look around. Everything on board the Dexterity is mine.”

  “But you stole the contents!” Alice was incredulous, and his lips twitched at her performance. She was going the right way to receive her second spanking before he took her back to bed.

  “Some of the goods were earned through piracy,” he explained, though Edward had no idea why he was finding it necessary to justify this to Alice. “Yet the Dexterity herself is mine by legitimate means.”

  Her jaw tensed as he named the ship. “You bought her from monies accrued from your ill-gotten ways, Mr. Law.”

  Edward grinned at her. The more exasperated she became, the more he wanted her.

  “She is still mine,” he reminded her, shifting his finger and thumb to her chin, holding her head steady. “As are you, Alice.”

  She huffed at that, trying to turn her head away, though his hand held her firmly in place.

  “Do not look away from me,” he warned her. “I have claimed you once already and will do so again soon enough. You’re every inch as much mine as the Dexterity.”

  “How dare you!” Alice almost spat the words at him. “I am not property. I belong to no man, but I certainly am not yours.” She raised her bound hands and beat them against his chest.

  Edward blinked down at her, momentarily stunned by her performance, but within a second, his rational mind had taken control again. Reaching for the ropes between her wrists, Edward yanked her forward over the side of his desk. Alice went down with a thud, landing on her elbows, trying to rise again almost immediately.

  “No.” His tone was emphatic as he held her bindings down against the teak desk. “That is not
how you speak to your captain, Alice—a fact you should well know.”

  She glanced in his direction, her eyes half wild with indignation and half consumed with trepidation.

  “Get off me,” she yelled. “I do not want this. You do not have my consent!”

  Shifting his position, Edward leaned against the desk. “I do not need your permission to correct you,” he reminded her. “While you are on my ship, you are my responsibility.”

  Edward lifted her skirts from her behind, tucking them into the back of her gown while he once again cursed the sheer number of layers she was compelled to wear. Alice stamped her feet in protest, trying desperately to shake off his hand and rise from her prone position, but of course, her attempts were futile. Edward was significantly bigger and stronger than she was—a fact he was more than prepared to use to his advantage.

  “You have just earned yourself another spanking, Miss,” he declared, lifting his right palm above her naked behind before he sent it crashing back against her flesh. The sound of the impact echoed around the room, as did Alice’s accompanying scream.

  “Ouch!” she shrieked. “Stop this!”

  Edward edged closer. “Not until you have learned your lesson,” he told her. “I will continue to punish you until it is learned.”

  He spanked her again, even harder this time, relishing the palm print that appeared on her pale cheek almost at once. Edward had spanked Alice earlier, but by all accounts, he had been too lenient on her. There was no visible evidence of her prior punishments, and it seemed her attitude still needed adjustment.

  “Edward,” she squealed. “You are hurting me!”

  There were tears welling in her eyes as she glanced in his direction, but he imagined those were mainly related to her injured pride than her backside.

  “No, I’m not, Alice,” he assured her. “But before this spanking is through, I promise you this. I am going to make you sorry.”

  Chapter Twenty



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