Edward's Law

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Edward's Law Page 13

by Brandon, Felicity

  “No, wait, sir, there’s more!”

  “What?” The weight of Edward’s stare was back on her.

  She edged past the collection of weapons, feeling for the floor again. “Here,” she whispered eagerly. “There’s a trap door straight to the bow of the ship. It comes out in a discreet position, Edward. It will give you the element of surprise.”

  Edward’s lips curled at her words, and he crawled carefully around the open panel to the place she indicated. Turning back, he paused.

  “You’re sure?”

  Alice offered him a weak smile. “Completely,” she reassured him. “Though I am certain only my father and I knew of the secret additions.” She swallowed as she contemplated her late father. “He told me he designed them for me. Secret places designed for comfort should the worst happen. I think he intended to pass the information on, but sadly he never had the opportunity. I—”

  Edward was on her in an instant, his movements incredibly agile for a man of his stature, and before Alice knew what was happening, his mouth crashed into her lips. He pressed her back to the thin wooden wall, the depth of his kiss stealing Alice’s breath. She just managed to shift the naked flame out of his reach before his caress assaulted her.

  “Thank you, Alice,” he panted as he drew away. “You may just have saved the Dexterity.”

  “No, sir,” she panted, fluttering her lashes at him. “You are the one who is going to save her.” Alice reached into the stash of weapons and collected a cutlass. “And I am going to help you.”

  A wry grin lit Edward’s face. “You are going to do as you’re told for once and stay here where you’re safe.” His hand wrestled the blade from her hand.

  “But what if they break down the door and find me?”

  Edward’s lips skimmed her cheek. “Replace the panel and hide,” he warned her. “If the worst should happen, at least you have weapons to defend yourself.”

  Alice gulped at that prospect. She still was not sure how she felt about being stuck at sea with Edward and his band of pirates, but she certainly did not want to be at the mercy of whoever was trying to raid the Dexterity.

  “Do not be so concerned,” he murmured. “My men are excellent fighters, and you have just given us the element of surprise.”

  “Go then,” she sighed, biting her lip. It pained her to say it, but the noise of battle was growing louder, and neither she nor Edward had any way of knowing whether friend or foe was winning.

  Edward nodded, easing the trap door away and taking in the drop below.

  “Replace this when I’m down,” he instructed, glancing in her direction. “And the panel to my rooms.”

  Alice blinked at him.

  “I mean it, Alice.” His voice had taken on the steely edge again, the resonance that had her throat drying and her pulse racing for entirely different reasons than the ongoing attack on the Dexterity.

  “I will,” she promised.

  He nodded, lining up his body for the jump.

  “And Edward.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

  His attention returned to her, that blue gaze searing her for one heart-stopping minute. “Alice?”

  “Be careful.”

  “Don’t worry, pretty,” Edward smirked at her concern. “I’ll be back before you can even miss me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Alice crawled in the shadows, replacing the wooden panels as Edward had instructed. It took a few moments to secure the trap door. As he had leapt to the deck below, she had been transfixed by the sight. Alice’s final image of Edward was his predatory advance into the fight, cutlass in hand as he went to pursue whoever had been reckless enough to invade his ship.

  His ship.

  Those words echoed around her mind as she checked the panel that concealed her presence from the captain’s quarters was in place correctly. It was his ship now, and everything that had transpired over the last day had more than reinforced that point to her. The way he had mastered her was only another example of the fact Edward Law was in charge here—not George Jaggers, not His Majesty’s navy, and certainly, not Alice.

  She sighed as she settled back to wait. Her behind screamed as it brushed against the hard flooring, reminding Alice of the second spanking she had received at Edward’s hand. Lord, she had loathed it, yet just like the first time, as the ordeal went on, the burning need within her had burgeoned to the point where it had overwhelmed the pain, pushing it to the edges of her mind. For her sins, Alice had loved that feeling, and even though she had been shocked by Edward’s desire to claim her most taboo place afterward, shamefully, she knew in her heart, she had enjoyed that as well.

  So much for her moral propriety.

  One day with the scandalous buccaneer, Edward Law, had put pay to all of that. Now, she was as base as the women who filled the brothels at the dockside.

  Her hand rose to her temple at the thought, her senses tuning into the noise of skirmishes below her. Holding her breath, Alice listened. She could hear the clash of metal, her mind consumed with the images of blades colliding.

  Silently, she prayed Edward was well. That he was in good spirits, that he had not been injured, that he would return to her soon and let her out of her dark hiding place.

  Alice blinked into the candlelight in despair. She was not sure if she was more concerned about the destruction of her reputation or the battles taking place all around her. She did not want to admit it, but she found she was growing fond of the brute who had so mercilessly taken her over his knee. It did not make any sense, but there it was. The thought of him in pain or worse, dying filled her with dread. Alice needed Edward in a very real way. Edward was the only man onboard she knew would protect her. Without him, she may as well jump overboard and take her chances with the sharks. Her heart thundered as that thought bounced around her head.

  Without Edward, she was in real trouble.

  Oh God, let him be well…

  Time protracted in that way it did when Alice had no way of checking its progress. There was no access to a window from her concealed position, and Alice was too scared to move position, so she could not be sure if the sun was splitting the horizon, or if the blackness of the night still loomed over head. Her candle had largely melted away though, telling her that she must have been huddled in the small space for some time, and in the darkness, Alice was growing cold and ever more afraid. The sounds of fighting were still evident from time to time, and at one point, she thought she recognized the sound of another gun shot. Feeling for the bag of items she had brought onboard with her, Alice clung to her spare gowns and laid tentatively beside them. They were all she had now—the only sign of normality in the havoc that had fast become her world.

  At some point, her weariness had drowned out the noises from below, and sleep had taken Alice once more.



  He had been fighting for hours. The invasion had been orchestrated by his long-standing rival, Robert Torniquay, and the Dexterity had been overrun with Torniquay’s men when he had first jumped from the sanctuary of Alice’s hidden space. Edward and his men were able swordsmen, however, and despite a few injuries, his band had seemed relatively unscathed, pushing back the hordes with brutality and skill. As Edward ran his blade through the last of Torniquay’s men in his line of sight, he glanced toward the horizon. The sun was peeping its head above the line where the ocean met the sky, its light the most welcome sight he could imagine.

  Apart from the one he hoped had done as she had been asked and was tucked away safely in his quarters.

  “I think that’s the last of them, Cap’n.” Carlisle was out of breath as he approached, his attire as blood stained as Edward’s, his pistol in his hand.

  “Good work,” Edward sighed, patting Carlisle on the back. “How many did we lose?”

  “A couple, sir.”

  There was emotion in Carlisle’s voice as he delivered the news. They may live outside the King’s law,
but he and Carlisle had worked alongside many of these men for years. Any loss was going to be hard to bear.

  Edward nodded. “Round the rest up and get them fed. We’ll discuss what transpired after we’re all rested.”

  “Aye, sir,” Carlisle sighed, then paused. “Captain, can I ask how you launched such a surprise offensive? Of course, we were all glad to see you, but I’d expected you to join from the direction of the steps to your quarters and know Torniquay’s men had that area smothered.”

  Edward’s lips curled. “I had a little inside information,” he told his first mate.

  Carlisle’s brow rose. “How’s that, sir?”

  “My little stowaway. Her father designed and helped build the damn ship. She showed me a secret access from the other side of the captain’s quarters.” Edward laughed. “It came in very handy.”

  “I bet.” Carlisle blinked at him in obvious surprise. “So, it seems I was wrong to query your judgment on the subject of the woman, sir. She was obviously worth keeping onboard.”

  Edward chuckled. As far as he was concerned, Alice was more than worth having onboard. His crew had been more than able to defend the Dexterity, but it was just possible Alice had given them the edge and saved him from a probable hostile welcome at the bottom of the stairs to his quarters.

  “I think so,” Edward agreed with a weary smile. “The lady has a brain. She only needs the right gentleman to keep her in check, that’s all.”

  Carlisle snorted. “I’m certain she has found that in you, Cap’n.”

  Edward turned his face toward the sunlight, welcoming the warmth on his skin. He needed to see his men and get cleaned up, but after that, he was clear about what else he required. His lips curled as he visualized Alice’s glorious body. He needed to thank the woman who had made his surprise ambush a reality.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Alice’s heart leapt as the wood paneling beside her was removed, the sudden light and cool air stirring her from her slumber. Her pulse raced.

  Oh goodness. Who was she going to find looming over her?

  Would it be the reassuring smile of Edward or the evil grin of a stranger, hell bent on doing God knew what to her?

  She only had a few seconds to wait to discover the truth, but nausea rose into her throat as those seconds lingered long around her. A man’s boots were visible from her spot on the floor. Rising to a sitting position, she saw Edward’s handsome face finally come into view. The relief Alice experienced was palpable.

  “Oh, Edward!” She was genuinely pleased to see him—something she had not thought possible when he had been ruthlessly coloring her backside or spearing her most private places, but an emotion she felt with gusto at that moment.

  “There you are,” he smiled.

  Edward seemed fatigued, evidence of his bloody conflicts visible on his clothes and hands, but he was there—he was alive.

  “Just where you left me, sir.”

  Edward’s grin widened. “My good little stowaway.” His tone was sardonic, but the light in his eyes was genuine, and there was a warmth to the statement, too.

  He reached out a dirty palm to her. “Let me help you out.” Alice eyed the palm for a moment. “I know I should clean up,” Edward murmured. “I wanted to check if you were well first.”

  Her heart fluttered at that thought. So, he had worried about her as well? For some reason, Alice smiled at the thought.

  “Thank you.” Taking the palm, she permitted Edward to guide her out of the crawl space. Alice sighed as she rose to her full height and stretched out her tired limbs.

  “What happened, sir?” she asked, turning to watch Edward stride toward a large bowl in the corner of his quarters. Plunging his hands inside, he glanced over his shoulder at her.

  “We fought off the raiders, but it was a long and torrid fight.”

  Alice’s pulse quickened. “Were you hurt?” She skipped over to him, her gaze flitting up and down the length of Edward’s body. There was so much blood. It did not bode well.

  “It’s not my blood,” he told her softly as though he had just read her mind. “I am quite well.”

  She blew out a breath. “Thank heavens.”

  “You were concerned for me, Alice?” Edward arched an eyebrow at her, spinning on his heel while he stripped the soiled shirt from his body.

  “Yes,” she admitted, aware of the bloom of a new blush growing in her cheeks. She was uncertain if it was right or not to concede the point. “I feared for your safety.”

  She was captivated by the look of his body again, and even though she had witnessed him without his shirt before, Alice had never truly seen him in such close proximity. She had the sudden urge to reach out and touch him, to trail a finger over his firm, muscular shoulder and explore some of the visible scars.

  “That’s a pleasant thought,” he mused, watching her focus with interest. “I have never had a lady worry for me before.”

  Her gaze rose to meet Edward’s eyes. “Surely, that is not true? There must have been someone. Plenty of smitten damsels, I imagine?”

  What was she doing?

  Was she intentionally engaging in this whimsical conversation, even though there was no need? No need to be this close to Edward, no need to speak to him at all, yet Alice was compelled. Her words were the truth. She had been disquieted about his fate and was relieved to see him. The verity was, it was not only her own welfare that provoked that relief. Yes, Edward would keep her safe, but it was more than that.

  Edward’s lips twitched. “No.”

  His damp hand edged toward her face, and Alice closed her eyes reflexively as his palm caressed the back of her neck, pulling her gently in his direction.

  “No?” Alice opened her eyes to find their bodies so close together, they practically touched. He towered over her, that scintillating glint she had seen the night before back in those blue eyes.

  “No, there has never been anyone. Not in the way you mean.”

  Alice’s lips parted, and for one heart-stopping moment, she thought Edward was going to kiss her. God, she wanted him to. She desired to feel those hot lips crash onto hers once more. She wanted to cede to the authority of his kiss.

  “I suppose you have never had a lady sneak onboard one of your ship’s before though?” Her words were barely a whisper.

  Edward’s brow rose. “That is certain,” he concurred. “Yet I swear I have never had such a beautiful lady in my presence.”

  Alice shook her head as far as his hand would allow. “You are teasing,” she accused playfully. “I am certain you have had many other ladies, sir.”

  Edward inhaled deeply, the intensity of his gaze burning into Alice’s flesh.

  “None as fair as you,” he murmured. “None I have ever wanted to return to.”

  Her breath caught at that, but only for a second—a heartbeat later, Edward descended, granting Alice the kiss she so craved. Their connection was unhurried and passionate, his tongue snaking into her mouth and claiming her slowly. Alice panted when Edward’s lips finally parted from her own.

  “I should very much like to keep you, Miss Jaggers.”

  Alice’s heart pounded with a new intensity, her attention entirely captured by the giant of a man who had hold of her.

  “I should think you have no choice, sir,” she breathed. “Unless you choose to throw me overboard.”

  His eyebrow rose at her quip, sending a shiver of energy down her spine.

  “Say you did not consider doing so?” she implored him.

  Edward laughed gently. “In all honesty, I did not,” he assured her. “You are far too fine a prize to throw overboard, Alice.”

  She gasped at his verdict, uncertain if Edward’s words were reassuring or not, but in the end, she decided to laugh along with him.

  “I am pleased to hear it, for I am not such a strong swimmer, Mr. Law.”

  Edward leaned forward, pressing his temple against Alice’s forehead.

; “You need not concern yourself,” he whispered. “For I am a strong swimmer, Miss Jaggers, and I swear to save you before the waves pull you under.”

  She fluttered her eyelashes at him, aware of his thumb stroking her nape while his words echoed around her head.

  He would save her—was that what he just said?

  “Thank you.”

  He drew back, planting a chaste kiss at the place he had rested.

  “So, what happens now, sir?”

  A part of her was afraid to ask, yet she was compelled to know what plans Edward had. Did he intend to keep her, drop her off at the nearest land mass, or ultimately return her to the only place she had ever known, England?

  His hand lowered to the small of her back, guiding her back toward the bed.

  “We have a long voyage ahead, Alice.”

  She glanced at him. “And what of my fate?”

  His expression hardened. “Your fate is with me.”

  Alice gulped at the way Edward made that sound.

  “As your courtesan?” she probed. “Your whore?”

  Edward chortled at her choice of words. “You are far from that, Alice.”

  He pulled her into his arms, holding her, and she sagged against him.

  “Yet that is what I am,” she insisted. “Now that I am no longer a maid.”

  She lifted her chin. “I belong to you.”

  Edward threw her a salacious wink. “Yes, you do, but that does not mean you are cheap or worthless.”

  Alice lowered her gaze, eyeing the soft hairs on his chest. She wanted to believe Edward’s words—she wanted that more than anything—but how could she? A woman was worth nothing without her virginity intact.

  “But how can that be?” she implored him. “I have no status here.”

  “You have every status,” he corrected Alice. “You are mine, and that means you shall have the best of everything, and no other man shall dare to disrespect you. Word has gotten around after the fate of Smith and Walker last evening. No one else shall dare push their luck.”


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