Conflict Unending

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Conflict Unending Page 8

by Raymond L. Weil

  Kazak stared at Zafron for a long moment. “I would suggest we travel throughout this star cluster and annihilate all the Eternal battlecruisers we can locate. Then we follow the largest convoy and see where it takes us.”

  “I have several convoys on the long-range scanners,” confirmed Captain Grayson. “It shouldn’t be too hard to figure out where they’re headed.”

  Commander Zafron nodded. “Let’s check out a few more of the inhabited systems. By taking out all the Eternal battlecruisers, we will be telling the Eternals we’re still here and looking for a fight.”


  For the next two days the Dominator and her fleet visited six inhabited systems. In each system, they destroyed every Originator battlecruiser they found. They also discovered the same attitude toward revolting against the Eternals as on the first planet.

  “That makes seventy-two we’ve taken out,” said Kazak as a dark matter missile from the Dominator annihilated the last Eternal battlecruiser in the latest star system they had entered. “I’m surprised they haven’t rallied a major fleet to resist us.”

  Zafron was confused by this as well. In the six systems he had only lost one battlecruiser. “We know ships from this galaxy were used to attack Galaxy X-938. More of the ships from this galaxy may have been sent to the Lost Originators’ star cluster as well. They may be having a problem with gathering sufficient ships to oppose us.”

  Kazak grinned at this suggestion. “Then let us attack as many Eternal bases in this galaxy as we can. An opportunity like this may not come again.”

  “I concur,” replied Commander Zafron. “Kia, set a course for the system one of those convoy fleets was heading toward. It’s time we found more substantial targets.” He still wanted to investigate a few more worlds as well but he needed to hit some major Eternal bases to attract sufficient attention. The Eternals had to be made concerned enough to begin using their fleets to protect the thousands of galaxies they controlled. Just flying around hitting minor targets wasn’t going to accomplish that.

  Kia nodded as she began entering coordinates into the navigation system. “There is such a system seventy-four light years distant. Two of the convoys we’ve been tracking are heading toward it. There is another system two hundred and seventeen light years distant, which is attracting a number of convoys as well. I would suggest that system be our second target.”

  “Agreed,” said Commander Zafron, leaning back in his command chair. “Transmit the coordinates to our other ships and we’ll be on our way.”


  A few minutes later the fleet made the transition into hyperspace. On the outskirts of the system they’d just left a stealthed Eternal battlecruiser suddenly appeared. It had been following and observing the Originator fleet from the extreme range of its sensors so as to avoid detection.

  “Send word the Originator fleet has fallen for the trap,” ordered the ship commander. “They are heading toward the Asurian Star System.”

  The Eternal commander was satisfied that soon the Originator fleet would be obliterated. It had been necessary to sacrifice a number of battlecruisers in order to convince the enemy fleet commander no other ships were available to the Eternals. On the contrary, a very large fleet was waiting for the Originators at their destination. Very soon this troublesome enemy fleet would be no more.

  Chapter Six

  Jeremy was back in the Tower meeting with the Originator Council. Bartoll, Trallis, and Castille were listening patiently as Jeremy explained what was happening back in the Federation.

  “We must be very careful about what Originator technology they have access to,” said Councilor Castille with a hint of concern in her voice. “Some of it could be very dangerous and seriously affect their civilization.”

  “Don’t forget the Altons are there as well,” Jeremy reminded her. “They are a wise race and will help to determine if any of the technology is dangerous and how its introduction will impact the Federation’s economy.”

  Councilor Trallis nodded. “Yes, I have met a number of these Altons. They are much as we were in our younger days. It is good your Federation places such trust in them. I would suggest before we release any of our technology to the Federation that a team of Altons and several of our AIs examine it beforehand.”

  “There is much we can offer your people,” said Councilor Bartoll. “Better mining technology, more advanced medical treatments, and better alloys are just a few.”

  “The first personnel transports will be returning within four weeks bringing the initial Federation crews for our heavy dreadnaughts. I would also like to suggest we place stronger Marine contingents in all of the Dyson Spheres just in case the Eternals manage to gain access. We can use the combat robots and the Marines to safeguard the main Control Centers as well as the primary computer cores.”

  Bartoll’s eyes widened at the suggestion. He looked at the other two councilors and then replied. “Our people may not feel comfortable with that. They are still getting used to the idea of three non-Originator races living upon one of the Shrieels here at the Hub with more preparing to come. While most agree with the need for help against the Eternals, it still goes against what our policy on allowing other life forms access to the Shrieels has been for millions of years. It is going to take some getting used to.”

  This reaction was not unexpected and Jeremy had prepared for it. “I believe Reesa Jast, Leeda, and Major Wilde are waiting outside to report on their latest findings on the escape of Commander Alvord with the aid of the Military AI Albate.” Alvord had been the commander of the Seeker and Albate the military AI responsible for protecting the ship and its commander. Alvord was also a member of the Defenders of Zorn.

  A clouded looked crossed Councilor Bartoll’s face. It had been his lack of proper security, which had allowed Alvord to escape. He had never dreamed Albate would aid his former commanding officer in escaping.

  “Have then come in,” replied Bartoll.

  Jeremy stood up and walked over to the door. Opening it he indicated for the three who were waiting outside to enter.

  “Major Wilde,” said Councilor Bartoll, indicating for all of them to take a seat. “How is your investigation going on the whereabouts of Commander Alvord?”

  “I’ll let Reesa explain where we are,” Brenda replied. Reesa was a young Alton research scientist.

  Reesa let out a deep breath. “We’ve examined all of the video footage of Commander Alvord’s quarters. As you know, the video records were modified by Albate to show nothing unusual. We suspect Alvord, his four loyal crewmembers, and Albate had been gone for several days when we discovered they were missing.”

  “A small Originator research vessel is missing as well,” Leeda added. Leeda was an Originator AI with red hair down to her shoulders. “All efforts thus far to trace its destination have failed. There are no reports from any of the Shrieels or fleet bases of the appearance of the vessel. It seems to have vanished.”

  “Which may indicate assistance from other AIs or even members of the Defenders of Zorn,” said Reesa, her eyes narrowing.

  Bartoll’s eyes widened at this. “Do you think there are other stasis facilities where members of this sect may be?”

  “I’m almost positive,” replied Reesa, nodding her head. “It may explain while there has been no trace of Alvord.”

  Bartoll let out a deep and troubled sigh. “What about your research into other stasis facilities which may have been hidden and have not yet activated?”

  “With the help of the computer drive Jontel furnished us we believe we have located an underground stasis facility Originators may have used during the days of the pathogen. All we need is your permission to tunnel down to it and take a look.”

  “If we’re right about this it could lead to other stasis facilities on other Shrieels,” added Leeda, her face showing excitement. “Possibly thousands of others.”

  Councilor Castille looked intrigued. “I say we do it.” “Anything we can do to find mo
re Originators will only aid us in our war against the Eternals. We are now mere millions where we once numbered in the trillions.”

  “What if some of these survivors are followers of the Defenders of Zorn?” asked Councilor Trallis worriedly.

  Castille’s eyes narrowed. “It’s a risk we will have to take. I would suggest Major Wilde have some of her Marines on standby as well as sufficient combat robots. Once we know there are Originators in these hidden stasis facilities, we can check their identity against the population records in the Shrieels. That should help us to identify any who may have been associated with Councilor Zorn.”

  Councilor Bartoll nodded. “Very well, it is decided then. Major Wilde, you have permission to open this underground stasis facility. We’re all curious as to what you will find. Perhaps we may finally know why none were activated when the cure for the pathogen was discovered.”

  Brenda nodded. “We’ll do so immediately. We will also keep up the search for Commander Alvord and Albate. They’re bound to show up somewhere.”

  “Maybe,” Bartoll said doubtfully. “Our Shrieels are very large. If he and the people with him decide to hide on a habitation square away from our cities, it may be impossible to locate him. They could even be in one of our cities in an isolated region. Our repair robots have kept the cities on all of our Shrieels as they were since the advent of the pathogen. They could be in one of them but with the aid of a few AIs loyal to Alvord we would not know of their presence.”

  “Or he may be reawakening members of the Defenders of Zorn and providing them with the cure for the pathogen,” cautioned Jeremy, his eyes showing concern if this were true. “We can’t assume their only stasis facility was on the Shrieel that was destroyed in the dark matter nebula. As Major Wilde says, she believes there may be more.”

  “The Defenders of Zorn were a major threat to our way of life,” spoke Councilor Castille. “As much as I dislike having Human Marines and our own combat robots protecting the Control Centers and the primary computer cores it may be the wisest thing to do. It would be a disaster if the Defenders of Zorn gained control of one of the Shrieels. It could seriously compromise our war with the Eternals.”

  “I have to agree,” said Councilor Trallis, letting out a deep sigh. “We are in a new day and age. The Eternals are at our doorstep, and we dare not risk the Defenders of Zorn, if they still exist, becoming an internal danger. We must take all the precautions we can to make sure that does not happen.”

  “It looks as if you have our permission,” said Councilor Bartoll, looking at Jeremy. “Deploy your Marines and the combat robots as needed.”

  Jeremy nodded. “I will keep our Marine presence and the combat robots as unobtrusive as possible. There will only be one or two Marines in the Control Centers and the primary computer core. The rest, as well as the combat robots, will be posted outside to ensure there is no unauthorized entry.”

  “I would suggest we check all the AIs which have access to these installations,” suggested Leeda. “We dare not let an AI who has sworn allegiance to the Defenders of Zorn unlimited access. They could do irreparable harm.”

  Bartoll nodded. “Make it so. We must make sure all of the Shrieels are secure.”

  “Which brings up another question,” Jeremy said. “What about the vortex Control Center the Simulins control on the Shrieel in their home galaxy? That could pose a problem if the Eternals discover that information.”

  Bartoll looked over at Major Wilde. “Can we attack that Control Center and bring it back under our control?”

  “It will be difficult,” answered Brenda with a deep frown. “The Simulins have thousands of their Conqueror Drones around it and in the immediate area of the vortex crater. We also believe they have heavily fortified it. Observations from inside the Dyson Sphere near the area the Simulins control indicates they are still sending ships through to the other Dyson Sphere in the remaining galaxy they control. The ships are exiting the vortex and then staying close to the surface or landing. The Simulins have erected powerful energy shields over both sections.”

  “How are they getting their ships inside the Shrieel without our outside defenses destroying them?” asked Councilor Castille.

  “We believe they have taken down part of the defenses in the region immediately outside the Dyson Sphere in their home galaxy or destroyed them, creating a small window where they can get their ships through. The ships are jumping right above the surface and then entering. On the inside we’ve set up defenses all around the section they control. We currently have over five hundred Marines and nearly six thousand combat robots as well as numerous defensive emplacements guarding that region.”

  “We could take those shields down with our heavy dreadnaughts,” suggested Jeremy. He didn’t like the risk those two vortex Control Centers represented. If the Eternals gained control of even one, it would allow them to send a massive fleet into any Dyson Sphere in Originator space.

  Councilor Bartoll nodded in agreement. “I think it needs to be done. We can place our ships close enough to ensure the energy shield cannot be reestablished and prevent any ships from coming through the vortex. If they do we could destroy them immediately. It takes the Simulin vessels a few seconds for their systems to stabilize once they exit the vortex. Our vessels could easily destroy them.”

  “I will order it done immediately,” Jeremy said. “A fleet of dreadnaughts armed with dark energy cannons would stop any Eternal vessels from coming through as well. I also believe we should use our combat robots and Marines to secure the outer hull around the vortex and get all the defenses working once more.”

  “It still does not solve the problem of what to do about all the Conqueror Drones,” said Major Wilde. “The inside corridors and the vortex Control Centers will be full of them.”

  “I may have a solution,” said Councilor Trallis. “I believe we can access the vortex Control Centers the Simulins control. I have spoken to several Originator computer specialists and they believe they can insert a program into the two vortex Control Centers ordering them to take down the energy shields as well as making it impossible to open up a vortex without the use of a command key. I understand you have already retrieved the only command key the Simulins had?”

  “Yes,” answered Major Wilde. “It’s in the hands of Rakell. He is the Originator AI who has been assisting us in the assaults.”

  “Then there’s your solution,” said Councilor Trallis with a satisfied look on his face. “We insert a computer command to shut the energy shields down as well as making the vortexes nonfunctional. It will isolate the Simulins and they will have no choice but to surrender. We won’t have to risk your ships or your Marines.”

  Brenda shook her head. “The Simulins will never surrender. They will have to be killed.”

  “I am saddened to hear that,” replied Councilor Trallis. “If that is the case then I suggest we do as I mentioned and then send in combat robots to remove the Simulins. By doing that we will not be risking the lives of any of your Marines or our AIs.”

  Brenda let out a deep breath. “It’s going to take a while. They will fight for every inch of the area around the Control Centers. It may take thousands of combat robots to remove them from the two Dyson Spheres.”

  “May I suggest we contact General Wesley and have him handle the details?” said Jeremy. “Major Wilde is going to have enough to do trying to track down additional Originator stasis facilities as well as searching for Commander Alvord. General Wesley can also help set up the security for all of the Dyson Spheres’ Control Centers and computer cores.”

  Councilor Bartoll looked at the other two councilors, seeing agreement in their eyes and on their faces. “Very well, it is decided. We will meet again next week to check on progress or sooner if the need arises.”


  Later, Jeremy was back in his office. Kevin was taking a few days off to stay home with Katie and the twins. He could still picture Katie as the wide-eyed girl with green eyes who h
ad followed him around as a kid. That seemed like so long ago. Sometimes he wondered if all of them had made the right decision in going into stasis so they could fight the Hocklyns in the future. It meant none of their parents were able to see any of their grandchildren. Jeremy knew by taking the path they had, there were many things they missed out on.

  With a deep sigh, he thought about the two vortex Control Centers the Simulins controlled. He knew with regret he should have taken care of them sooner. Now it had to be done before the Eternals discovered them and used them against the Dyson Spheres.

  Getting up he walked over to the large open window. In the distance, he could see another city being built by Originator work robots. It would house another two million Humans. In ten selected regions of this habitation square new construction was occurring. Over twenty million Humans would soon be living here. In two nearby habitation squares more cities were being built for the Altons and Grayseth was already greatly extending his own city as well as building two more. This was a wonderful place to live and raise a family; it just saddened Jeremy to know so many people from the three races were coming here to help fight a war. Of course the Carethians would enjoy the war as it allowed them to go on the hunt. Jeremy knew Grayseth was thrilled at the prospect of more of his people coming to the Dyson Sphere.

  Even as he thought about Grayseth, his office door opened and the massive Bear stepped inside.

  “Jeremy, it is good to see you taking a breath of fresh air.”

  Jeremy turned to face Grayseth. He knew his friend was about to take his new heavy dreadnaught out on its shakedown cruise. “Is your new ship ready?”

  “That’s where I just came from. It is ready to go out on the hunt. The crew is boarding even as we speak and I’ll be departing tomorrow.”

  “What about your escort fleet?” Jeremy had assigned a large fleet to keep his Bear friend safe. Grayseth had a habit of getting into trouble. If there were any Eternals around Grayseth would manage to find them.


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