The Boyfriend Series Box Set (Books 1-6): YA Contemporary Romance Novels

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The Boyfriend Series Box Set (Books 1-6): YA Contemporary Romance Novels Page 110

by Christina Benjamin

Megan loved dogs. All animals really. She’d always wanted to have a pet but growing up barely able to make ends meet never afforded her the opportunity to have one. So she was excited for the opportunity to play with Eggsy for an entire semester. Devon had told her so many stories about his beloved dog that she felt like she knew him already.

  “So, where is everyone?” Megan asked.

  Eggsy sprang to his feet, tail wagging.

  “Do you understand me?” she asked feeling an equally measure of foolishness and excitement.

  The dog barked and scratched at the door.

  “Still sleeping, huh?” Megan knocked loudly on Sam and Devon’s door and Eggsy joined her in the racket-making by howling.

  A few seconds later Devon appeared at the door, brown hair rumpled, face scruffy. “Megs and Eggs! Morning, mates.” He scratched Eggsy’s head. “How’d ye get out here, Eggsy?”

  “I found him whining in front of your door.”

  “Poor fella,” Devon crooned, hugging the lanky dog.

  “You didn’t kick him out?” Megan asked.

  “Never,” Devon replied, looking appalled at the accusation. He turned his head back into the bedroom, seeking out Sam who was still face-down under the covers.

  Megan could see the wheels turning in Devon’s mind. He was wondering if Sam was the culprit who kicked out his darling hound. Sam and Eggsy hadn’t gotten along from when they first met, but Devon told Megan they’d come a long way since then.

  “Give me a moment,” Devon said, shutting Eggsy and Megan in the hallway.

  The dog looked up at Megan with his sad chocolate brown eyes.

  Megan just shrugged.

  Devon returned wearing a Red Sox hoodie, track pants and slippers. He grinned at Megan. “Ready for a traditional Irish breakfast?”

  “You know it!”

  Megan followed Devon down the sunlit halls of the medieval estate to what could only be described as a grand dining hall. Or course Devon called it the breakfast parlor.

  “What a ridiculous name. This place should be called the mess hall. There’s enough food here to feed an army.”

  Devon laughed taking in the overflowing spread on the serving buffet. “It does seem they’ve gone a bit overboard.”

  “Are we expecting company?” Megan asked looking down at her fuzzy pajama pants.

  Devon shrugged. “I thought it was just the four of us.”

  “Actually, just the three,” Thornton said appearing behind Megan, making her jump.

  “Shit!” she hissed. “A little warning!”

  “Sorry, Miss.” Thornton pulled out a chair for Megan and pointed to one for Devon. Once they were seated he said, “I’m afraid Master O’Leary has already retired to his office. But please do help yourself to breakfast. He was sure to have traditional American fare prepared as well to suit all of our guests.”

  “Well Sam will be happy,” Devon replied.

  Disappointment flooded Megan. “So Zander’s not joining us?”

  “I’m afraid not, Miss.”

  “Megan,” she corrected.

  Thornton nodded. “Master O’Leary rarely eats breakfast, especially after a run.”

  Devon perked up. “Did he take Eggsy running with him this morning?”


  “Mystery solved,” Devon replied, pouring himself a steaming cup of tea.

  Thornton excused himself and Megan lost herself in the endless sea of breakfast foods.

  “Oh my God! There’s even Nerds!” she exclaimed. “I can’t believe Zander remembered those are my favorite.”

  “Of course he did. Yer a sugar-obsessed movie nerd. The candy is practically yer anthem.”

  “A match made in heaven,” Megan said, dumping a pile of the tart candy into her mouth.

  Devon shivered. “I’ll never understand how ye can eat candy for breakfast.”

  “Breakfast of champions,” Megan sang merrily.

  “How ‘bout an Irish breakfast of champions?”

  Devon was delighted to pile Megan’s plate with bangers, rashers, poached eggs, black pudding, boiled potatoes, brown soda bread, baked beans and fried tomatoes.

  “This is delicious, but there’s no way this much grease is good for you,” she moaned after only sampling small portions of the various items on her plate.

  “It’s definitely not,” Devon replied stuffing his mouth full of the crusty brown bread he’d used to sop up his beans and runny eggs.

  Megan wrinkled her nose in disgust, but broke into laughter when she saw a massive grin crack Devon’s face after he’d finished clearing his plate. He groaned and patted his flat stomach.

  “It’s good to see you in your element,” she said.

  “It’s good to be in it,” Devon replied stretching back on the hind legs of his chair. “I can’t believe Sam’s missing this.”

  Megan snorted. “Sam hates this kind of food.”

  “But Zander even got her favorites. Pop-Tarts and coffee.”

  “I noticed,” Megan replied.

  She hadn’t realized how much Zander felt he needed to impress Sam. Megan had assumed they were on good terms. They’d had a bit of a rocky start, but that was ages ago, plus Zander was practically family now that Sam and Devon were so serious. Megan couldn’t think of any reason Sam would have to dislike Zander, unless of course he happened to break Megan’s heart. But that was Megan’s problem to worry about.

  “Well I guess I’d better make my sleeping beauty a breakfast plate,” Devon said, popping up from his chair.

  “Is Sam doing okay?” Megan asked.

  “Of course, ye know our girl. She’s never been much for mornings.”

  “No, I know that. I mean, she just seems really stressed.”

  Devon sighed. “It’s just Uni, I think. The double major’s taking its toll.”

  “You think that’s all it is?” Megan asked.

  “What else would it be?”

  Megan chewed her lip.

  “Megs, don’t worry about Sam, she’ll rally. She just likes to push herself to be the best.”

  “I know,” Megan muttered.

  Devon was right. Sam had always been that way—great grades, great athlete, popular, perfect. Maybe it really was just school, but Megan couldn’t help thinking about the conversation she’d overheard last night.

  “I just don’t want to add any extra stress having her worry about me and Zander.”

  Devon laughed. “Believe me, I’ve tried to tell her that, but telling that bloody woman not to worry is like telling a bird not to fly.”

  Megan sighed, knowing he was right, and if Devon wasn’t worried than she’d let it go.

  “So what’ve ye got planned today, Megs?”

  “Shopping with Zander. He said he wants to take me to Dublin to pick out a dress for the gala!”

  “Grand! Just don’t let Zander turn ye posh on us.”

  Megan laughed. “Not possible.” She considered herself about as posh as a pocket protector. “What about you? Any plans?”

  “Me and Sam are gonna knock the ball around the pitch a bit with Eggsy.”

  Megan grinned. “Great idea.” Nothing put Sam in a better mood than soccer.

  “Well I’d better get my girl some coffee before she sleeps the day away. Have a grand time in Dublin, Megs.”


  As Megan watched Devon walk down the hall whistling a merry tune she felt a grin tug at her lips. Devon certainly was a wonderful boyfriend and Megan was glad her best friend had found such an amazing guy. Megan wanted to find that too—that person who made her happy just to bring them breakfast in bed. Suddenly Megan wondered if maybe she should take Zander something to eat. “Wait, Dev. Where’s Zander’s office?”

  Devon turned around and pointed up. “Second floor. West wing.”

  Megan gave him a lost look.

  “Thornton will take ye,” he called back.

  “How may I help you, Miss?”

  Megan jumpe
d. The butler had magically materialized again. “Seriously, do you just appear when you hear your name? How many of you are there?” she joked.

  “Just the one, I’m afraid. May I be of service?”

  “Yes, I wanted to bring Zander some breakfast. Can you show me where his office is?”

  Thornton looked uncomfortable. “Master O’Leary is rather busy today.”

  “Precisely why he could use some coffee and donuts,” Megan said giving Thornton a winning smile as she slipped back into the parlor to load up a plate with donuts.

  Thornton followed after her. “I’m afraid Master O’Leary doesn’t allow visitors in his office, Miss.”

  Megan put her hands on her hips. “Well it’s a good thing I’m not a visitor, Thornton. And please, for the love of magic, stop being so formal. I’m going to be living here. Just Megan, okay? And no more Master O’Leary when it’s just us. You’re gonna give him a bigger head than the one I saw plastered all over the billboards on the way here.”

  Thornton looked uneasy about the idea but he hid it with a well-practiced smile. “As you wish, Mis-Megan.”

  “Good,” she replied stirring three heaping teaspoons of sugar into her signature latte. Devon called it a Mega-spresso, because the sugar and caffeine always made him jittery, but she knew Zander would love it since he’d confessed his addiction to anything sugary and delicious—another reason they were perfect for each other.

  “So which way to Zander’s office?” Megan asked when she was satisfied with her sugary selection of breakfast treats.

  Thornton begrudgingly led her through the immaculate labyrinth of halls to the west wing. The journey took longer than it should have because Megan couldn’t help stopping to admire the views and ostentatious trinkets that lined every nook and cranny. The James’ Estate was a history geek’s paradise, and Megan considered herself a geek on all levels. She was dying to see the library, but she wanted to wait for Zander to give her a personal tour.

  Thornton cleared his throat when Megan stopped to gaze at yet another oil painting of some sprawling Irish landscape. “I hate to rush you, but your car will be arriving within the hour.”

  “My car?”

  “Zander has arranged for car service to take you to Brown Thomas on your shopping outing today.”

  Megan frowned, not liking Thornton’s vague phrasing. “And does my car come with Zander in it?”

  “I’m afraid his schedule doesn’t allow for it today.”

  Since when? Megan wondered. Before she could ask, Thornton gestured to a set of polished mahogany double doors. “Zander’s office.”

  She stepped forward ready to open the door but Thornton stepped in front of her. “I should announce you first.”

  Megan waved him off. “I can announce myself.”

  Thornton gave her a nervous look.

  “Don’t worry so much, Thornton. I’ve been in here before.”

  The butler raised his thin white eyebrows.

  “On our video chats,” she explained.

  Thornton still looked wary, but Megan ignored him and turned the doorknob.



  “That’s absolutely unacceptable,” Zander yelled into the phone. “I want the situation corrected immediately. And I shouldn’t have to tell ye how important this is for Cor-Tec.”

  He slammed the receiver down swearing colorfully. Zander put his face in his hands. Today was not starting out well at all. His knee was killing him from his run and as usual, there were way too many fires for him to put out. It didn’t help that his stomach was grumbling. Unfortunately he didn’t have time to eat. Not with the crisis Rita had just dumped in his lap.

  “Bad time?”

  Zander’s head snapped up at the sound of Megan’s voice. She stood at his office door holding a plate of pastries and a mug of coffee. His face instantly lit.

  “Morning, love.”

  “Morning,” she said grinning at him so brightly his heart squeezed. “I thought you could use a pick me up.”

  “Ye thought right.”

  Megan beamed and shot Thornton a triumphant look. The butler looked skyward and let the office door close silently behind him as he left.

  “Bad day?” Megan asked handing Zander the coffee as she looked for a space to set the plate of donuts on his cluttered desk.

  “Ye could say that.”

  “Well I’m here now, so it just got better.”

  Zander couldn’t help but think she was right. Positivity flowed from Megan like an eternal well of it had been buried within her. He wished he could be more like her. But he was cursing whatever demon had sent him this angel only to take her away in a few short months. Zander was already mourning her absence even though their time together had just begun. He’d glimpsed the loneliness her absence would bring when he left Megan’s bedroom last night. Zander had immediately felt the dark shadows of loneliness closing in, and that was after only a few hours together. How would he ever survive watching her get on a plane back to the states?

  Megan’s cheerful voice interrupted Zander’s dark thoughts.

  “So tell me your troubles and we’ll figure them out together,” Megan said grabbing a glazed donut. “But first, sugar.”

  Zander watched her take a bite of it and could think of nothing but licking her sugary lips. “Come here,” he growled.


  “Here,” he demanded pointing to his chair.

  Megan sidled around his desk and Zander pulled her into his lap, causing her to squeal with delight. He took a bite of her donut instead of kissing her, for fear he wouldn’t be able to stop.

  “So what’s this I hear about you not being able to come shopping?” Megan asked.

  “Shite, Megan. I meant to be the one to tell ye. Something came up and I won’t be able to get away today. I feel like a total wanker, but I swear I’ll make it up to ye.”

  “Zander, I don’t care if we go shopping.”

  “Ye don’t?”

  “No, I just want to spend time with you.”

  “But ye need a dress for the gala.”

  She shrugged. “I’m sure I have something that’ll work. Tell me how I can help make your day better.”

  “Unless ye can pull a new gala venue outta that sweet arse of yers I think there’s little ye can do, love.”

  Megan smirked and took a sip of his coffee. “Maybe I can.”

  “Oh yeah?” he asked squeezing her firm arse. “How’s that?”

  “Just have the party here.”


  “Yeah, why not? The place is ginormous. The dining hall I just had breakfast in is bigger than my university’s.”

  The wheels were turning in Zander’s head. Maybe he could host the gala at the James’ Estate. It was Cor-Tec’s largest fundraiser and not having to fork out money for a venue would make it even more profitable. “That could work.”

  “Of course it can.”

  “What kind of space would be best?” Zander asked.

  “Give me the details; headcount, timeframe, guest list, theme.”

  “Tomorrow evening. Four hundred or so CEO and celebrity types. There’s not really a theme. It’s our annual black tie fundraising event for Unicef Ireland. This is the first year that I’m solely in charge of the event and it has to go flawlessly.”

  “Breathe,” Megan said, placing her hands on Zander’s shoulders. She squeezed at the knots of tension he held there. “Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it only empties today of its strength.”

  “Meg . . .”

  “I’m serious. Take a breath.”

  Zander closed his eyes and took a deep breath while Megan continued to knead his shoulders.

  “Better?” she asked, when he opened his eyes a few breaths later.


  “Hey, Siri,” Megan yelled. “Schedule a massage for Zander’s hulk-sized knots.”

  He chuckled. “Only if yer the one giving the massage.

  “I think that could be arranged,” she said coyly. “But first things first. Let’s plan this party. This place has to have a ball room, right?”

  Zander grinned and drew Megan closer so he could reach his laptop. He pulled up the estate’s security feed and tapped through a few rooms until he came to the one he was looking for.

  Megan stared at the cloth draped chandeliers and furniture in awe. “Holy hell, Batman! You seriously need to take me on a tour of this place. This room is Yule Ball worthy.”

  Zander laughed. “Only you could see potential in dust and cobwebs.”

  “It’s a gift,” she said. “But seriously, this will work, Zander. I’m sure you can get some staff to shine it up, right?”

  “Well yes, but—”

  “No buts. We just need to let the caterers and vendors know the venue location has been changed.”

  “What about the guest list?”

  “Have your PR team personally contact each guest to let them know the venue location has been generously upgraded to the James’ Estate.”

  Zander looked skeptical. “Ye really think we can pull this off?”


  “It’s going to take all day to work out the details.”

  Megan climbed off his lap and held her hand out. “Then we’d better get started.”

  Zander frowned. “There are a few more details I’d like to get yer opinion on before we get started.”


  Zander suddenly felt sheepish and rubbed the back of his neck stalling for time.

  “What is it?” Megan asked sensing his hesitation.

  “Well, it’s the matter of who I’m taking as my date to the gala . . .”


  Megan waited anxiously for Zander to pass her the phone once he finished relaying the details they’d worked out for changing the gala venue to the James’ Estate. Megan couldn’t wait to give the PR woman who’d been pimping Zander out to models and movie stars a piece of her mind.

  “My decision is final, Rita. I’m putting ye on with Megan. She can answer any questions ye have,” Zander said handing Megan the phone.

  “Hello, Rita,” Megan said confidently. “This is Megan Fields. How can I help?”

  “So yer the woman who thinks she’s taking my job?” Rita asked haughtily.


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