Protecting Piper

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Protecting Piper Page 4

by Cynthia Eden

  He usually had someone at his side.

  “Why would I cut you out?” Now he looked genuinely perplexed.

  She let go of the photo. There was no need for an undignified tug-of-war. “I’m not family.”

  His eyes were on her. “No, you sure as hell aren’t.”

  Why did that hurt? Why did she still let anything he said hurt her? Why had she always been too sensitive where Eric was concerned?

  He put the frame back on his desk. Then his gaze drifted over her. “You…look…um…”

  “The robe was in the bathroom. I guess one of your exes left it there?” And she felt way creeped out wearing a castoff. “Could I get something else? Like, do you have an old t-shirt or something I could borrow?” The robe was silk, a pale blue, and it hung to mid-thigh. It was sexy. Seductive. And so not her.

  He swallowed. His eyes rose to meet hers. “Yeah, yeah, I have something.” And he started unbuttoning the white button-down that he wore.

  Eric had sauntered into the study wearing loose jeans and a white button-down shirt. The long sleeves were undone at his wrists. She doubted that he’d gone to bed at all. And, now, apparently, he was stripping for her.

  “You don’t need to do—” Piper stopped. He’d undone half of the buttons, baring his upper chest. As she watched, the shirt parted even more, and she glimpsed his amazing abs. All of those gorgeous muscles.

  He finished unbuttoning the shirt, and he slid it off his shoulders. She was still staring at his chest. His six-pack. Twelve pack?

  “How much do you work out?” Oh, no. Her question had been out-loud. She had a tendency to blurt the wrong things to Eric. Story of her life.

  He gave her a slow smile. Slow and toe-curling. He also held out his shirt to her. “Your turn.”


  “You don’t like the robe?” A shrug. “Go ahead and change. Here’s a shirt for you.”

  She snatched the shirt from him. “I’m not changing in front of you.”

  “Pity. But a guy can dream.” He shrugged. “Want me to turn my back? I mean, if the robe is bothering you that much, I can turn around and you can change, no problem.”

  “Do you even know who left the robe?”

  He cocked a brow. She took that to mean that, no, he had zero clue.

  Ugh. “Just turn around.”

  He spun around, giving her a view of his powerful back and muscled shoulders. Those shoulders—he’d been a great linebacker, back in the day.

  She dropped the robe. It hit the floor with a flutter of silk. Piper still had on her panties and bra—white cotton, simple—and she hurriedly slid her arms into the shirt. Of course, the thing was huge, and it carried Eric’s crisp scent. Her fingers fumbled a little as she hurriedly buttoned the shirt. The garment covered more of her than the robe had, so she figured that was something. “Okay, I’m good.”

  He slowly turned toward her. His gaze started at her head, then fell slowly down her body. “Far better than good.”

  She was rolling up one of the sleeves. At his words, her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

  Eric cleared his throat. “If the goal was to look less sexy, you totally failed. Sorry.”

  “That wasn’t the goal.”

  Now both brows rose. “You wanted to look sexier? Mission accomplished.”

  Her cheeks burned. “I wanted something less…leftover.”

  All humor left his face. “It won’t happen again. My apologies.” He turned on his heel. Headed for the door. “I’ll show you to the kitchen. You can eat anything you want.”

  That was it? She took a step forward, then glanced at the robe. “What about—”

  “Just leave it. You’re hungry. Let’s deal with that now. I’ll take care of the robe later.”

  Okay. She hurried after him, double-timing her steps because the guy was moving fast. They rounded a few corners, headed down a hallway, and then—

  “Century, kitchen lights on,” Eric announced.

  Lights flashed on in the kitchen. A massive kitchen. Gleaming white granite countertops. Four sinks. Two ovens. Two refrigerators. Why on earth would one person ever need so much?

  “Century is my security system.”

  Yes, she’d figured that out.

  “What’s your pleasure, Piper?”

  Her gaze swung to him. “I, um, was just looking for a late-night snack.” She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and tugged on the lobe.

  His lips pressed together. “Got just the thing.” He opened the fridge—no, the freezer—and pulled out a gallon of ice cream. “Still like chocolate chip cookie dough?”

  God, yes. She reached for the ice cream.

  Eric laughed. “Have a seat at the bar. I’ll get you a spoon.”

  She hopped up on the barstool, his shirt inching up her thighs. He opened a drawer, rifled around, and then paced toward her with not one, but two spoons.

  “You in the mood to share?”

  Not really. “Since when do you like anything but chocolate?”

  A shrug. “A guy has to be open to new experiences.”

  Okay. His house, his ice cream, so she had to share.

  He slid onto the bar stool next to her, put the ice cream between them, and offered her a spoon. Suddenly feeling nervous, she hesitated.

  “I’m not going to bite, Piper.”

  Of course, not.

  She reached for the spoon.

  “Unless you’d like me to.”

  Her gaze shot to his. There was absolutely no mistaking the desire in his eyes. Hot, dark. Consuming.

  She snatched the spoon from him. Then she thrust it into the ice cream, scooped up a ton, and shoved it into her mouth.

  Maybe that would cool her down.

  Because the way he was looking at her…

  “My timing is shit, isn’t it?” He scooped up a helping of ice cream. Slid it into his mouth. Savored it a moment. “I’m supposed to be making you feel safe and reassured because I know you’re going through a nightmare. And I just hit on you.”

  She swallowed. “You didn’t mean it.” He never meant it. Wasn’t that his deal? Piper took another spoonful of ice cream and actually managed to taste the deliciousness this time. He hadn’t meant it when he’d kissed her so long ago. The very next day, he’d been with someone else. He hadn’t meant it any of the times that he’d flirted with her over the years. The random times. “It’s just a game you play with me.”

  She felt him stiffen.

  Piper took another spoonful of ice cream. The company might be stressing her, but the ice cream was heavenly.

  “You are not a game.”

  She licked away a little bit of ice cream that had gotten left behind on the spoon. And then her gaze darted to him.

  “Is that what you think, Piper? That I’ve been playing some game with you all these years?”

  Another dip into the ice cream. Another quick taste. A moment to pull up her courage and… “What else could it be?”

  “What else, indeed?”

  Her breath whispered out. She took another lick on the spoon.

  His attention remained on her. Oh, damn, but he was sexy. Those loose jeans, those abs, the way his tousled hair slid over his forehead…the stubble on his jaw.

  Sexy. Trouble.

  Bad news.

  “This was such a mistake.” She put down her spoon. “Maybe…can you just refer me to one of your agents in the morning? I know you don’t do field work yourself. I can talk with him—or her, definitely, preferably her—and get my, ah, situation handled.” She’d stay through the night at Eric’s place, but she’d head out at first light.

  Piper slid off the stool and pushed away from the bar—

  Eric’s fingers curled around her wrist. “I screw up with you all the time, don’t I? It’s an old habit, but one I intend to try like hell to break.”

  “This was a—”

  His hold tightened. “It wasn’t a mistake. You need help, and I am going to help you. There
are no strings attached to what I am doing. My team will secure your place. We’ll figure out who is messing with you, and you will be safe, Piper. Count on it.” He’d put down his spoon before he’d grabbed her. His hand was big and powerful, but he wasn’t hurting her or anything. He’d always been careful when they touched. The guy was strong, but always completely in control.

  That was Eric.

  He blew out a long breath. “I need to ask you something. I think it would be good, just to clear the air. So that I can know where I stand.”

  “Okay.” She didn’t like this.

  His thumb stroked along her inner wrist, and her traitorous pulse jumped.

  Stay cool. Stay focused. “What’s the question?”

  “Do you want me, Piper? Are you attracted to me at all?”


  It was easy enough to get inside Piper’s house. He’d been in there several times already. Once, he’d even gone inside when she’d been sleeping. She’d been in the bed, tangled in the covers, wearing a pair of jogging shorts and a blue t-shirt. She’d been beautiful. He’d watched her. Thought about touching her.

  But hadn’t. That time, he’d left her sleeping. Left her to her dreams. Maybe she’d even dreamed of him.

  Now, he slipped into her bedroom. The cops had been there. She’d called them, let them search her place, but he knew that they wouldn’t turn up anything. There was nothing to find.

  Her home was a safe space for Piper. Or at least, that was what she’d thought. He wanted her to see that she was wrong. The safety net she had around herself—it was just an illusion.

  The world wasn’t a safe place. It was dangerous and dark. And deadly.

  He lifted the gas can that he’d brought with him. And then he poured it onto her bed.

  Chapter Four

  If Piper told him that she didn’t want him, then Eric was going to back the fuck off. He didn’t want to play games. Dammit, is that what she thought he’d been doing? Playing with her? Hell, no.

  No games. Not when it came to her.

  He just wanted to be clear. He wanted to put everything on the table. Find out where he stood. Where she did. This talk between them was long overdue.

  And if she says to screw off…Then that was her choice.

  “Piper?” Eric forced out her name when she simply stared at him with her incredible eyes.

  “Why are you asking me this?”

  “Because I want to know.” No, give her the truth. “Because I’ve wanted you for a very, very long time, and I’m tired of pretending that I don’t. I get that my timing is shit. I get that, believe me. But I wanted you to know—dammit, I just—”

  “You want me?” She shook her head. “Since when?”

  Since you were fifteen. Since I waited after school for you because I didn’t want you walking home alone. Since it started raining and your hair was slick against your cheek, and I went to brush it back and I wound up kissing you. She wasn’t ready for all that.

  Neither was he.

  Baby steps. Baby freaking steps. Eric cleared his throat. “For a long time.”

  She looked away. She wasn’t going to answer him. Or, hell, maybe her silence was an answer. He’d back off. He’d—

  “Yes.” So soft.

  He blinked.

  She tugged on her hand. “Let me go.”

  He did. Immediately.

  “I am attracted to you. It’s obvious, I’m sure. It’s probably been obvious for quite some time.” She backed away from him. Her face was solemn. A little sad, and he didn’t want that. He’d never liked it when Piper was sad.

  Usually Ben swept in when she was sad and made her feel better.

  Fuck him.

  He could do this. Eric knew that he could make her happy. If she would just give him the chance.

  “But we…” She gestured back and forth between them. “We’re a mistake. You told me that yourself, remember? Back when we were just kids. We’re total opposites and…there’s your brother.” Her smile didn’t reach her eyes. “There is always your brother.” Piper turned from him.

  He watched her walk away from him, as she’d left him so many times. Usually after he made some dumbass remark to her. Only this time, he couldn’t stay silent as she left him. “You think I like being desperate for my brother’s lover?”

  Her shoulders stiffened.

  “You think that’s a line I want to cross? You think I haven’t tried to stay the hell away from you for years?”

  She peeked over her shoulder at him. Her expression was shocked then, in a blink, guarded. Totally guarded. Piper was never guarded. She wore her emotions on her sleeve.

  You started this thing. Don’t stop now. Eric sucked in a breath. “What do you think I’ve been doing all this time? You and Ben—you’ve been inseparable since the first grade.”


  Dammit! He tried to find the right words. “I get that you were his first.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “And I waited. I backed the hell off. Time passed, and I didn’t do anything. Every time you came near me, I’d want you again, but I didn’t say a word. The two of you—I kept thinking one of these days, one of these freaking days, I’ll get the phone call telling me that you and Ben are getting married. I knew that when the call came, I’d have to drag my ass over to you. Have to smile and act like I was thrilled for you both. When the truth of the matter is…”

  She turned toward him, facing him fully. Wearing his shirt and looking so sexy that she made him ache. “The truth?”

  “The truth is that the day Ben puts a ring on your finger, I might very well knock his ass out.”

  She looked down at her left hand. Wiggled her fingers. “There’s no ring here.” Her hair slid over her cheek as she peered back at him. “But you thought that is what happened tonight, didn’t you? You said that, back at my place.”

  Eric gave a jerky nod.

  “And you still came over…to knock out Ben?”

  He didn’t know what the hell he’d planned to do at her place. Keep his mouth shut? Congratulate his brother? But when he’d gotten there… “You weren’t engaged. The two of you were still doing your dance.”

  She shook her head.

  “I get that he was your first lover, but first doesn’t give him forever.” His fingers flexed and clenched at his sides. “And I’ve decided that I’ve waited long enough. Ben will fucking hate me, but I am tired of holding back. If there is a chance that you want me, I want to take that chance.” I want to take you.

  There. He’d done it. Burned every bridge that he had.

  And Piper just…stared at him.

  He swore that the room got so quiet that he could even hear the ticking of the big clock on the wall. He hated that clock. An interior decorator had installed it. He’d be trashing it come dawn.

  The minutes stretched by.

  She wasn’t going to say anything. And the ice cream was melting on the bar. He grabbed it, shoved it back into the freezer—

  “This is the second time you mentioned that I was Ben’s first.”

  He slammed the freezer shut. That had been his biggest damn problem. He’d heard Ben make that confession two months after Eric had kissed Piper. Two freaking months.

  “I think you’re confused.”

  He looked at her. Her hands were twisted in front of her.

  “I’ve never slept with Ben. He’s my best friend. Sleeping with him would just screw things up. Not make anything better. I value what I have with him too much to lose it for sex.”

  Holy fuck. Holy ever-loving… “Your voice didn’t crack.”

  She frowned at him.

  Shock rolled through his body. “You haven’t slept with my brother?”

  “No, I have not slept with Ben.”

  The drumming of his heartbeat quickened. “You’ve stayed at his house. He said that shit tonight. I know—”

  “On his couch, when we’d been out drinking because I didn’t want to drive
home. I crashed at his place during college, too. He crashed at mine. It just became a habit after a while. It’s what happens between friends.”

  He was going to kill Ben. “I heard him say…he damn well said you’d been his first.”

  Her lips pressed together, and her eyelids flickered. “I don’t know when you heard him say that or who he was talking to, but I am telling you right here and now that I have never slept with Ben. Believe me or not, it’s your choice.”

  Eric’s breath burned in his lungs. He’d stayed away from her for years, been tormented by the idea of them together and there was—

  No reason. No reason at all to hold back.

  “For the record, I’m not sleeping with anyone right now. I’m not involved with anyone,” she added, blushing a little.

  “Neither am I.” He took a step toward her.

  She didn’t back up.

  “I’m not your best friend, Piper.” His voice was gravel rough. Too hard and rumbling but he couldn’t help that. “You don’t have to worry about screwing up a friendship with me.”

  Her lips twitched. “I guess there is that…bonus?”

  “I want you.”

  Her gaze drifted down his chest.

  “You’re not telling me to fuck off.” He kept advancing on her. The dream he’d had forever—right in front of him. “You’re not hauling ass out of this kitchen.”


  “Why not?” He stopped in front of her, and Eric just had to touch her. His hand lifted, and his fingers caressed her cheek. Her silken, smooth cheek.

  “Because I remember the kiss.” Her lashes flickered. “I also remember how much it hurt when you turned your back on me the next day.”

  No, it hadn’t been like that—

  “But I’m not fifteen. You’re not seventeen. We’re adults, and maybe…maybe I want to see if the kiss would still be as good. Maybe it’s time for us both to find out.” Her head tilted back. “It’s a kiss. One kiss. What could it hurt? I mean, we could kiss and realize we don’t have any real attraction. That nothing is between us.”

  Bullshit. He wanted her so much his whole body ached. He woke up at night because dreams of her tormented him.


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