by Eva LeNoir
By the end of the night, I was exhausted and the only thing on my mind was the need to call Jaidyn and know how she was doing.
Looking at my watch, I calculated the time change between here and Honolulu plus a nine-hour flight, only to come up disappointed at the fact that Jaidyn was still in the air and I hadn’t been able to speak to her before she flew out. Now, I’d have to wait until the morning to hear her sexy, throaty voice.
Unfortunately, I wouldn’t be able to actually see her for another week.
Another torturous seven days without her.
Chapter 23
I was exhausted. A nine-hour flight with a nineteen-hour time difference was havoc on the body. We'd lost two whole days in just nine hours. The brain could comprehend the concept, but the body was slow to catch up.
Especially Dad. As soon as we'd arrived in Osaka, we'd gone to the hotel Marlon had booked for us, escorted by the driver he had ordered for us.
Sleeping on the plane had been difficult at times for Dad, even in first class, but he did manage a couple of hours. This was the reason I had been so dead set against his crazy idea. He was tired doing normal, everyday tasks, never mind the added stress of international travel.
The hotel was the epitome of class with its cherry woods and burgundy highlights, a mixture between the old world of Japanese culture and the new high-tech commodities.
As we walked up to the concierge, Samurai traditional gear lined up on either side of the large hall, the driver informed me that we were already checked-in and only needed to take the elevator to the fifty-fourth floor.
"Thank you so much," I bent my head in a sign of respect, grateful that Dad didn't have to sit around waiting for us to get the paperwork done.
"You are very welcome. Mr. Brooks a good client," he responded, bending slightly at the waist, his head down and hands joined palm to palm before he quickly left.
"Come on Dad, let's get some rest," I said quietly, as we took the elevator up to our suite where I put my father to bed after making sure he took his medication.
By the time our nightly rituals were done, it was almost eleven at night and I could barely keep my eyes open yet, at the same time, I was filled with a buzzing energy.
With a quick text to Calvin, letting him know we'd arrived and were going to bed, I lingered on my contact list.
Marlon's name was sitting right under Calvin's and yet it was his name I lingered on.
"Fuck it," I whispered to myself, in the pitch-black of my hotel room.
Before I could talk myself out of it, I tapped on his name and shut my eyes tightly almost hoping it would go to voicemail.
It didn't.
"Jaybird," he answered without preamble, his voice sounding alert as though he were in middle of his workday.
"Hey," was all I could manage after the long day I'd had, "What time is it there?" I was too tired to do the math.
"Seven in the morning. You should be in Osaka by now," he said, not asked, as though he were following our steps. I supposed it was his job to do so. After all, we were his clients.
"Yeah, Dad's asleep in the suite next door," I told him, closing my eyes and waiting to hear that low, sexy timber in his voice. The one that made my belly tingle and my pussy wet.
"Are you in bed?" he asked, lowering his voice another octave. Fuck, he turned me on.
"Oh Jaybird," he whispered, and I could hear him taking in a lungful of air, "you have no idea the things that run through my mind when I imagine you lying in your bed." It was easy to imagine that these late night, or early morning, conversations were like a bubble. Not real life. I could be myself here, in the dark, alone. In a different country that was almost a day away from reality.
"Wh-what do you imagine?" I ventured not sure if I really wanted to know.
"Nothing appropriate, little bird, trust me," he chuckled almost in a self-reprimanding way.
"I was hoping you'd say that," as the words spilled from my mouth, I bit my lower lip and gripped my satin tank top into a fist, my desire taking over my conversation.
"Jaybird, you don't want to play this game with me," his words coming out in a growl, "because once we start, I won't stop until you come all over your pretty little fingers."
I gasped, the imagery coupled with his filthy words making my pussy grasp for something, anything other than nothingness.
"Yes, Jaybird, tell me what you need," he whispered, making promises between his words.
"I need to come," I said boldly, unlike me, sounding like a woman I didn't know. Like the woman Marlon brought out in me.
"Let me take care of that for you, little bird."
"I..." I started but was embarrassed to admit, "I don't know..."
"Are you naked for me?" he asked, and I could hear shuffling, like sheets or clothing.
"Pyjamas," I said quietly.
"Off. Take them off," he said, his voice leaving no room for arguments, "All of it, Jaybird."
Putting the phone on the pillow next to me, I quickly removed my top followed by my panties and shorts.
Taking the phone back to my ear, I said, "Okay," breathlessly.
"Good," he started, his voice an Irish coffee, smooth like whisky and hot like coffee, "Now, bring your fingers to your mouth, make them nice and wet," he ordered, and I complied, bringing my index and middle fingers to my mouth and sucking feverishly.
I must have made a moaning sound because his next words surprised me, "Quiet little bird, no need to wake your father," he chided, "and I'm already dressed for work so if you keep moaning like that I'm going to come in my pants," he groaned.
"You're not..." he cut me off before I finish my thought.
"Bring your wet fingers to your nipples and circle them until the peaks are nice and hard, imagine my tongue lavishing them, worshipping those beautiful tits." His dirty words, his wicked tone was making me so wet I could only imagine that the real thing would be out of this world.
"Are you wet, little bird?"
"Yes," I breathed out.
He hummed with approval and I decided that it was my new favorite sound.
"Bring your fingers to your pussy, Jaybird, tell me what you feel."
I did as he told me, my eyes closed, a film playing in my mind.
"I'm wet," I admitted.
"You can do better than that, little bird."
"I'm so wet, my fingers are slipping in and out of"
"Your pussy," Marlon finished for me.
"Say it, Jaidyn."
"My pussy," I said quietly.
"Don't be ashamed, little bird. Dirty talk is half the fun," he told me, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Are you playing with your clit or fucking your pussy?" he asked me, using crude words for my benefit, heightening my desire, my hips chasing my fingers.
"Both," I told him, my palm rubbing against my clit as my fingers pumped in and out of my pussy.
"Oh, Jaybird, how I wish I could be the one bringing you pleasure. Making you come with my tongue, my fingers, my hard cock."
"Oh God," his words were too much, my pussy spasmed with need, my fingers no longer enough.
"Add another finger, Jaybird," he said as though able to read my mind.
I did as I was told, my hips leaving the mattress, my pants getting heavier as my orgasm traveled from my mind where bright images began to form. Travelling to my lower stomach, the tightness building as though my muscles were burning from an aerobic workout and finally, finally, my core clenched to all of the flirting, the frustration, the want, and the need into one moment of massive release.
"That's it, baby. Let go for me. Let me hear your moans, let me hear you come. Give them to me," he coaxed, accompanying me through my orgasm.
I woke-up the next morning, my head in a haze and my body humming with need. As the memory of the night before rushed to my consciousness, I bolted upright and sti
ll bleary eyed, I reached for my phone searching out the evidence of my actions.
The last call was to Calvin, Marlon’s number nowhere in sight.
Blinking the sleep out of my eyes, I realized it was all a dream.
A vivid, mind-blowing dream.
With the relief came a bit of disappointment. But most of all, my feelings for both Calvin and Marlon were becoming clearer with every passing day.
Chapter 24
I needed to get out of LA sooner rather than later. The longer I stayed away from Jaidyn, the more I felt I had to see her. My coming back was important for raising funds, I was the public face of the company. Ethan was the negotiator and Luca was the brain behind the finances, but I was also there as the constant reminder of what our foundation was working towards.
"Morning Mark, how are you on this gorgeous California day?" I asked as I passed Mark's station, practically bouncing on my feet and whistling the theme song to the Love Boat. I was about to buy my tickets and put an end to this separation.
"Good, sir. No need to ask you, I can clearly see you are doing quite well."
"Living life, Mark. Living life," I said, tapping on his desk twice as I always did when passing by.
By the time I reached Ethan and Luca's offices, I was already planning my trip to Japan to see Jaidyn. Technically, I hadn't touched her, and I wouldn't until she was free from the clutches of the douche canoe. But did I want to? Hell yes, my entire body was practically humming with want.
"What's up, B?" Luca asked, barely taking his eyes off his computer.
"I'm not staying long, need to get on a flight out to Japan and make sure everything runs smoothly with the Hughes account." Lies, lies, lies.
"Right," Luca said, a smirk on his lips and a knowing glint in his eyes.
"Yes, right," I was almost offended by his insinuation.
If not for the small detail that he knew I was full of shit.
"Are we expecting any problems with that account?" he said using his professional voice.
Before I had a chance to answer, Ethan popped his head in and interrupted that god-awful conversation I was bound to lose.
"'Sup assholes?" Good thing we were basically alone on this floor aside from our secretary, Christine.
"Tact, brother. Learn it," I chuckled at Luca's recurring come-back for Ethan.
"Marlon, I need to talk to you," Ethan said, urgency in his voice. A rarity when it came to him. He was usually all about the cool and no worries. The fact that he’d used my first name raised all sorts of red flags.
Both Luca and I turned to stare at him, trying to figure out what the problem could be. His blond hair was clean and brushed, his blue eyes were clear, his suit impeccable.
"Are you sick?" I asked at the same time Luca asked, "Are you dying?"
Ethan rolled his eyes and stepped inside, closing us all in Luca's office.
This was serious.
"Spit it out, some of us have work to do," Luca started and paused for dramatic effect, "and by us, I mean me."
We joked about it, but it was obvious to all that out of the three of us, Luca worked the longest hours. He was devoted and numbers were his dada.
"Shut up, asshole. I worked this morning; I'll have you know."
"I'll be sure to order some gold stars, then." I laughed at Luca’s comment but knowing these two could go at it for hours, I opted for shutting it down and getting to the point.
Ethan plopped himself in the chair next to me, taking a deep, fortifying breath before spitting out his problem.
"I need you to stop taking Emma out to the galas."
The silence that ensued was as rare as it was uncomfortable and long.
Once our brains were able to process that information, Luca was the first to react with a hardy laugh that brought tears to his light brown eyes.
"Why would I stop?" I knew why but I wanted to hear him say it.
Ethan sat silently, his eyes boring into me, studying me, almost judging me.
"You fucking her?"
I choked out a cough.
"First of all, none of your fucking business," I started, my aggravation getting the better of me, "second, aren't you?"
Again, with the silence. All we needed now was the theme song from the Good, the Bad and the Ugly and our stand-off would be complete.
"Doesn't matter if I am. I'm asking you to lay off, man," Ethan said quietly, almost shyly.
"Holy shit, I never thought I'd see the day," Luca said, leaning on his forearms as if trying to get closer to us. A wide grin showing off his row of perfect teeth contrasting with his black skin.
"Dude, you're in love with Emma?" I asked incredulously, almost impressed that he'd have the balls to not only go after her but admit it, too. Impressed because Emma was not your regular love-searching gal. She was more of the hit it and quit it type.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, all right? No one needs to break out the ‘L' word for fuck's sake." Ethan moaned, throwing his head back and hitting the back of the chair.
"Well, you're at least claiming a stake like a fucking barbarian," I laughed, "Have you even asked her what she thinks of this deal?" I looked at Luca and we quickly bet a twenty that he hadn't even broached the subject with my best friend.
"Not yet," he started then groaned as he watched Luca and I exchange money. I'd won the bet, of course.
"She's going to kick your ass, you idiot. Then you can kiss that lovesick heart of yours goodbye because she'll eat it for breakfast." All truth and we all knew it.
"I'm so fucked but dammit, I can't get her out of my mind, you know?" Oh, I knew, no doubt about that, but there was zero chance of me mentioning that to the guys, this was Ethan’s pity party not mine.
"Mr. Torres, you have a call on line two. Ms. Jennings from HR would like a word," Christine said over the intercom and just like that, our attention jumped from Ethan's lovesick dilemma to Luca's slightly blushing cheeks. It wasn't easy to see it, his copper tone a great concealer, but we knew Luca like we knew ourselves and that was a fucking blush.
"Put her through, please, Christine," he said, his narrowed glare ordering us to leave his office.
With identical grins plastered on our faces, we both mouthed, "Not a chance, brother."
"Good morning, Ms. Jennings, what can I do for you?"
And wasn't that an interesting turn of events?
Chapter 25
"It's a lovely way to be buried, don't you think?" I cringed at my father's mention of graves and death. Where he saw beauty, I saw unimaginable pain from the loss of him.
"Dad, I don't think there's anything beautiful about death," I deadpanned, the subject hitting too close to home.
We were on the twenty-first floor of the Sakai City Hall, an observational deck not quite a mile away from the Mozu Tombs. From our vintage point, all we could see was the extent of the city's gray buildings all around us save for the large green lungs right in the middle.
"But there is, baby doll, there is," he said softly, placing his trembling hand on mine and giving it a slight squeeze while the other brought his weed vape pen to his mouth. "We spend our time trying to fight off the inevitable instead of enjoying what is right in front of us," he nodded toward the vast green, a stark contradiction to the gray.
"All I see, Dad, is an entire city living around the dead," I shrugged, death had nothing poetic to it. It was loss, it was pain. It was unfair, and I didn't want it to take my father away.
"What I see, baby doll, is the dead breathing life onto the living."
Turning, I watched his profile as he contemplated his own words.
"That makes no sense, Dad." I said with finality. The dead didn't do anything, they just were.
"Once upon a time, JaiJai, those tombs were just dirt patches. With time, Mother Nature covered them with trees and scrubs and flowers. An entire ecosystem lives on and around those tombs." Squeezing my h
and again, it was his turn to look at me, "Now, those trees breathe oxygen onto the city," he said, then whispered, "Oxygen for the living."
I tried to be strong for him, avoiding any show of despair when he spoke of his impending departure but times likes these, when we were alone and facing this truth head on, I couldn't stop the tears from quietly falling down my cheeks.
Dad put his arms around me and together we just stood there, comforting each other, in this rare moment of lucidity. His, because I allowed him to see my pain, and mine, because I allowed him to ease that pain even just for a minute.
"You are a brilliant, caring woman, Jaidyn and I couldn't be prouder of you," he whispered in my ear, his voice cracking with the last words. "I look at you and all I see is light and my greatest fear is that I'll be the cause of that light going out completely."
At those words, I didn't even try to stop the sob that escaped my throat. It was too exhausting keeping up the charade of my strength.
"Daddy, I don't want you to go. I still need you," I stuttered, the sobs getting the best of me. Months of keeping it all tightly buried somewhere inside of me, it erupted like a dormant volcano discovering its own power.
"That's where you're wrong, baby doll. You have had your own mind for as long as I can remember" he leaned back, placing his hands on my shoulders, shaking me along with him and looking me straight in the eyes, "I can go in peace knowing you have everything you need to make all your dreams come true," he squeezed my shoulders to emphasize his next point. "I'm not talking about the money. I mean, yeah, it'll help but all the money in the world won't guarantee a happy life, just an easier one. You, baby girl, have the heart to be happy," he told me, his hand rising to my cheek, a thumb wiping away the falling tears.
I felt like I was fifteen all over again, weak and confused until he turned back to those tombs and breathed strength right back into me.
"I want my death to bring you oxygen, baby girl."
From the corner of my eye, I saw his own tears track down his cheeks but I didn't acknowledge them, instead keeping this moment memorized in my heart so I could always look at back and remember my own promise to him.