Wrecked Intel (Immortal Outcasts®): An Immortal Ops® World Novel

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Wrecked Intel (Immortal Outcasts®): An Immortal Ops® World Novel Page 21

by Mandy M. Roth

  Finding a facility that was located on dry land put it at risk of detection and raids from the Ops. Already a number of his colleagues were dealing with the crackdown from the operatives. Thankfully, enough men from PSI and its offshoots were on the payroll with The Corporation that heads-up were given in most cases.

  But not all—as Helmuth had learned while tendering out to the freighter only hours before.

  PSI and those it aligned itself with had raided Cal’s resort and compound in Colorado. While information was still scarce and hard to come by, all the reports were the same.

  Caladrius was dead.

  As was The Flock.

  He still couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that Cal was gone. It didn’t seem real. Cal had always been larger than life and one of the most powerful supernaturals Helmuth had ever crossed paths with. But in the end that hadn’t saved him or his followers from death at the hands of PSI.

  Those fucking bastards were becoming a serious nuisance.

  One he hoped to rid himself of soon enough.

  Grieving for Cal wasn’t something Helmuth felt compelled to do. Yes, the man had been something of a friend, but those came and went. Death was a part of life. Besides, there would have undoubtedly come a time when Helmuth would have found himself pitted against Cal. And Helmuth wasn’t so sure he could have taken the man. It was better that PSI handled the matter for him. Even if it meant the loss of a friend.

  For now he just needed to stay the course. Once he had what he wanted—the wereshark and Gena—he’d live aboard the ship, staying on the move to decrease the chance of detection. That arrangement would afford him the time he required to have his teams of experts perfect the serum he’d been using and gather every other sample they could think of from the prime specimens aboard the vessel. Between the lot of them, a cure would be found.

  He was sure of it.

  Hope was all he had left, and he refused to give it up, even with the news that Cal was no more.

  He stared down at his hand and watched as his skin turned a dark gray, only to fade back to normal once more. The beast that lingered just below the surface wanted to be free, and he knew if he dared allow it to get loose, there might very well be no caging it ever again.

  From there he’d turn to stone. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but soon, and he’d do so while trapped in the form of a fucking monster.

  “Do not lose it now,” he said to himself as he stared at the results of all his hard work and money. The freighter was perfect. It was basically a floating city.

  Gena would be tested on extensively to start with, of course, and then she’d find herself either bending to his whims or tied to his bed aboard the ship. He didn’t care which one she picked.

  In the end, he’d fuck her, and he’d find a way to force a claiming. Eventually, she’d come around to his way of thinking. Sure, it might be after he bred her a few times, but that was no matter.

  It was hard to temper his excitement.

  Kahale approached from one of the side labs. He looked pleased with himself if you counted the pep in his step as happy for him, which Helmuth did.

  Helmuth couldn’t help but laugh. “Scaring the scientists again?”

  “Maybe,” returned the orca-shifter as he nodded to the containment tank. “It’s to your specs. So is the other tank. It’s smaller, though. Much smaller. That for the woman?”

  “It is,” said Helmuth, downright giddy.

  It had been months since he’d felt such a rush. Months since things had gone his way. Everything was lining up perfectly. Meeting Gena earlier had been a highlight for him. It had taken all his self-control to permit her to leave. It would have been so easy to simply take what he’d wanted from her when she’d arrived with her work colleague.

  But Cal had been clear in what he’d told Helmuth. He’d stressed that patience was needed and that if he did not rush things, the woman would be the bait required to draw the wereshark back to him.

  “Is Roberts back yet?” asked Helmuth, his ire rising as he thought about the conceited human male who thought his brains and scientific knowledge gave him some sort of protection from harm.

  He was a bottom feeder.

  The fool actually believed Helmuth would see to it that he was converted into a supernatural himself. That everlasting life was within the man’s grasp.


  As if anyone with The Corporation would ever permit a backstabbing leech like Roberts to live forever. No. Roberts would be allowed to continue behaving the way he was so long as his skill set was still useful.

  That was fast coming to an end.

  He’d already given Helmuth the information he’d needed on Gena, and he’d overseen the specs and creation of the holding tank and testing facility aboard the floating research vessel. All of which he’d been brought on to do.

  The ever-moving vessel would make detection from his enemies all the more difficult. If they couldn’t find him, they couldn’t stop him. The thought process behind it all was simple and all the chips had fallen into place perfectly.

  Helmuth made sure the research vessel was kept in international waters. While that meant having to tender out to it via a smaller boat, as well as extra time, it also meant more freedoms.

  Not to mention, no one was around for miles and miles to hear the screams and cries of those held on board.

  “Did you check on the other?” asked Helmuth.

  “Since there is currently a shit load of test subjects being held and tested on here, I need more to go off than that,” stated Kahale.

  Helmuth continued to stare at the fruits of his labor. The containment tank for the wereshark was a thing of beauty. The exact one he’d had depicted in the painting in his home. “I forget its name. Vincent or something?”

  Kahale nodded. “Vic.”

  He glanced at the guard. “Yes. That one. Have the tests yielded any new results with him yet?”

  “His hybrid state is still stable,” said Kahale. “At least that is what the scientists are telling me. Never seen anyone survive that many new threads of DNA being introduced to them. The guy looks like shit though. I won't be shocked if he expires before the week is out.”

  “See to it he doesn’t,” warned Helmuth. “I have plans for him.”

  “The smile on your face says you’re thinking of something nefarious,” said Kahale.

  “It’s all working out as planned,” returned Helmuth. “Have you managed to find out any more details on Cal and what happened in Colorado?”

  Kahale was quiet a moment before giving a curt nod.


  “And it would appear your wereshark was involved in some manner,” said Kahale.

  Helmuth’s breathing increased, and he clenched his fists, fighting off the pending rage as best he could. “Livingston is in Colorado? Cal led me to believe he would be here.”

  Kahale quirked a brow. “Did the guy who loved wearing white also tell you the shark dude would also have a hand in his death, or did he leave that bit out?”

  Helmuth rounded on Kahale. When he saw an eagerness behind the man’s eyes, he remained perfectly still. It was as if Kahale was spoiling for a fight. While Helmuth was fairly certain he could take the orca-shifter, he wasn’t willing to bet his future on it. And even if he could take him, he didn’t doubt Kahale could and would leave him injured. That was something he couldn’t risk, not with as close to making his dreams come true as he was.

  “That was not mentioned,” said Helmuth, making an attempt at humor, as dark as it may be.

  Kahale actually cracked something close to a smile. “Thought not. And I put out some feelers with our contacts at PSI. They’re telling me a group from the Denver branch got in earlier today. Said they’re poking around in the system for details and information on you. My contacts tried to lock it down, but they’ve got some weird young guy with them who knows shit he shouldn’t. They got the feeling the kid knew they weren’t on the level, so they high
tailed it out of there rather than risk detection. Want me to send them back in?”

  Helmuth considered it but knew he might need to draw on those very moles at some point again. “No. Did they have word on Livingston? Was he with the group who arrived?”

  “No. But they said they heard some old crazy human guy who did come with the group mentioning a shark shifter. Something about him being in town too. Safe bet is, they’re talking about your wereshark.”

  Nodding, Helmuth stared at the tank. “Be ready to move early if we need to. I’d prefer this all go according to plan, but we will do what needs to be done. Understood?”

  “Yes,” said Kahale. “I’ll be sure Ernest has everything ready for your lunch date with the female scientist tomorrow.”

  “I know he was instructed to drug the food and drink she’ll have but be sure there are other means of subduing her without causing her any real harm,” said Helmuth. He’d meant what he’d said. He wasn’t leaving anything to chance.

  “Will do,” said Kahale, walking off.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Excuse us,” said Wheeler, cutting in front of a group of guys all lined up to get into the restroom.

  Several started to bitch and Cody looked up at them, feeling his eyes burning with the pending shift. Whatever they saw made them back up and lift their hands as if to signal they were no threat.


  Wheeler shoved Cody at the restroom door.

  Cody spun around in the dimly lit hall that smelled heavy of beer and sweat. His shark was already teetering on the edge of breaking free; adding in the stench of drunk humans in tight corridors wasn’t helping matters any. “What the fuck?”

  Wheeler pointed at the restroom, his expression pinched. “In. Now!”

  With a huff, Cody did as Wheeler commanded, more to stop the gathering crowd than because he wanted to listen. He then pivoted on his heels once he was inside the two-stall restroom. “Seriously. What the fuck?”

  “Stole my very words,” said Wheeler, his Southern drawl shining through, a sure sign the man was pissed. “Did you not notice you were about to turn into a giant fucking fish out there?”

  “I noticed,” said Cody, the words tasting like vinegar on his tongue.

  He really hated admitting Wheeler was right.

  Wheeler crossed his arms over his chest. “Yet you gave me shit about removing you from the area.”

  “Bite me,” snapped Cody.

  Wheeler flashed fang quickly and winked. “Gladly.”

  Cody thought about everything he’d learned in a short period of time. He then concentrated on everything he’d said and done since meeting Gena. That left no doubt in his mind.

  She was his mate.

  And she was more than likely what Gus would term a mermaid.

  The very one he’d told Cody was in danger and needed him.

  In an instant, it felt as though the temperature in the small room had been jacked a good fifty degrees. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and he rushed forward to the sink. He bent, jerked on the cold water, and began splashing it onto his face. When he glanced up into the mirror, he found Wheeler with one hand propped on the door as he leaned partially on it, keeping others from entering.

  Wheeler grinned, looking down his nose at Cody. “Dude, you are like so off the market now too. You just joined the mated club. Kiss your freedom good-bye.”

  Cody used the sink to help balance himself as he stared down as if clarity could be found in the drain. Whatever he’d been hoping for, he didn’t find it. All he got was more questions.

  Someone tried to enter the restroom. There was a large thud that sounded a lot like someone walked face-first into the door. “Hey. Open up!”

  “Out of order,” stated Wheeler loudly, never budging from his post. He gave Cody a firm stare. “You need to get your head on right. No losing your shit out there. You heard Clara. Gena doesn’t know about supernaturals. Want her to figure out they’re real by way of seeing your ugly ass turn into a big fucking shark?”

  “No,” said Cody.

  “Find a place of zen. And fast. You following me?”

  Nodding, Cody let out a shaky breath. “I’m following. Okay, sort of. Mostly, I’m freaking out.”

  Knocking sounded from the door. It was dainty. “Cody? Wheeler? Is everything okay? Clara said Cody wasn’t feeling well.”

  As Gena’s voice found Cody, his shark began to grow restless in him once again.

  “Uh, yeah, everything is fine,” said Wheeler. “I, um, had to take a leak and wanted Cody to join me?”

  Cody’s eyes widened. “Dude. What is with you and piss?”

  Wheeler shrugged before lowering his voice. “What? I’m not used to thinking under the pressure of a possible mating. You have a better thing to tell her?”

  “Pretty sure anything else would have worked,” snapped Cody.

  Wheeler looked at the door. “Uh, I lied. Clara was right. He had some bad seafood earlier and now has the shits.”

  Tossing his hands in the air, Cody stepped back from the sink and stared at his best friend in disbelief. “Asshole.”

  He then glanced at the door, easily imagining what Gena looked like on the other side. For a moment, he could almost feel her anxiety as if it were his own. Her concern washed over him, leaving him swaying for a second. He reached out and caught hold of the sink once more for balance.

  “Are you sure everything is okay?” asked Gena, knocking again. “I have a weird feeling. I can’t explain it, but it doesn’t feel like Cody is fine. Is he sick? Oh no, did his hand start bleeding more? Is he suffering from blood loss? I’ll call for an ambulance.”

  Wheeler rolled his eyes and yanked the door open, pulling her in before shutting the door again and blocking others from entering.

  Gena yelped and then closed her eyes quickly, lifting a hand and flailing it about at random. “I didn’t see anyone peeing. I swear.”

  Cody tried but failed to keep from chuckling. Everything about her made him crave sex. Made him want to do things to her he’d never done to another person in his life, yet there was this certain innocence to her that left him wanting to shelter her from everyone and everything.

  Himself included.

  “You can open your eyes. No one is peeing or doing anything else,” said Cody, suppressing his amusement for the time being.

  She didn’t open her eyes, but she did ease closer to him. “If someone is having digestive problems, I can go wait out in the hall. I just, well, I can’t explain it.”

  Cody closed the distance between them and came just shy of touching her stomach. “You feel this tugging in your gut? It’s telling you to come to me, isn’t it?”

  “Y-yes,” she managed, her voice barely there. “How did you know?”

  He took a deep breath in, his gaze flickering to Wheeler. “Because I feel it too. From the second I saw you, Gena.”

  Wheeler began to hop up and down while using both hands to point at Gena. He mouthed his words. “Kiss your mate.”

  It was on the tip of his tongue to attempt denial once more since it seemed hardwired into his programming, but even he knew the signs staring him in the face were all pointing to yes.

  Gena was his mate.

  Wheeler motioned his head to Gena. Can I leave you alone with her or are you going to shark out?

  I’ll be fine.

  Wheeler didn’t look so sure, but he did open the door only to find two men standing there about to enter. He stared down at them. “It’s occupied, and no one is to bother them. See to it.”

  The push in Wheeler’s voice was hard to miss.

  The human males nodded to him in a trancelike state.

  Wheeler glanced back at Cody, appearing worried. I’ll make some calls. Don’t do anything stupid.

  Once Wheeler was gone, and the door was shut again, Cody touched Gena’s arm lightly.

  Her eyes opened, and she glanced down the length of him quickly, before appearing relieved.
  He chuckled. “The idea of seeing all of me that scary?”

  He’d wanted to lighten the mood.

  Her hands darted out and to his chest as she shook her head. “No. I’ve already seen all of you…ignore me. Uh, are you okay? Clara said you weren’t feeling well.”

  Cody dipped his head slightly to get a better look into her eyes. “Seen all of me, how?”

  Bonnie’s parting words to Gena at the park came back to Cody, and his chest tightened. She really had dreamed of him, too?

  “The dreams,” he said softly.

  She tensed but nodded and averted her gaze.

  He touched her chin, directing her attention back to his face. “Don’t be embarrassed.”

  She grunted. “Kind of hard not to be.”

  He grinned. “Gena?”


  “I’m pretty sure I’ve dreamed of you too,” he confessed.

  That caught her attention. “Really?”

  “Yes,” he said, cupping her face, getting lost in her big brown eyes. Cody wanted to tell her everything, but he found himself kissing her instead, the need to taste her again superseding anything else.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Gena pressed on Cody’s chest as she ate at his mouth. The man tasted like pure sin and she loved every second of kissing him. The kiss deepened and Gena couldn’t stop herself as she grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him down to her level more, as their tongues laced perfectly around one another.

  The next she knew, Cody was lifting her. She gasped. “Your hand.”

  “Is fine,” he said, kissing her more.

  As if independent of her brain, her legs wrapped around his trim waist. The second she felt the bulge of his pants pressing against her panty-covered mound, her breath caught, but she didn’t dare break the kiss.

  In her dreams he’d taken her every way imaginable, and she intended to make that a reality. It was past time she stopped living for work and research and take a second to live for herself.


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