The Satyr's Song

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The Satyr's Song Page 10

by A. J. Marcus

  As they lay there on the couch, pushing the limits of each other, Adrian fought the urge to explore more of Ed. He wanted to see all of the hot man in his arms. There was still half his body hidden beneath fabric. From the pressure he felt pushing into his groin, it was obvious that the elephant trainer was as aroused as he was. He slipped a tentative hand under the waistband of Ed’s pants, carefully sliding under the boxers he wore. His ass was as hard as the rest of him. Tight mounds of furry flesh. Adrian squeezed first one side and then the other. Ed moaned into his mouth and ground his crotch into Adrian’s.

  “Oh, Adrian.” Ed lifted his mouth free of the kiss. “I wish I could stay all night, but I don’t know if we have time.” He ran his hands hungrily down Adrian’s body.

  “I wish you could stay all night too.” He slid his other hand into the pants so he could squeeze both ass cheeks at the same time. “How about a little sample for when you can.” He smiled at the man above him. “We have time for a little more, don’t we?”

  Ed sighed and lowered his mouth back to Adrian’s. After a hungry kiss, he moaned, “I guess we do.”

  Adrian tried not to rush as he pulled his hands free and reached between them for the belt buckle, button, and fly that held Ed’s pants to his narrow waist. Ed sat up to give Adrian more access, and to reach for the flutist’s pants. With his heart racing, Adrian kissed Ed as he freed the man’s cock from his pants. He couldn’t see the member clearly in the shadows, but from the feel of it in his hand, it was thick, but not overly long. Ed moaned again as his hand closed about it. Then Ed pulled Adrian’s dick free of its confinement. He nearly came as soon as Ed’s fingers slid over his head. It took all his control to hold back the orgasm that threatened.

  Squeezing Ed’s cock caused the man to gasp into his mouth. Then Adrian pushed his free hand against the massive shoulder, rolling Ed onto his back on the other end of the couch. From the new angle, the man’s brown eyes sparkled in the dim light. Adrian kissed him again before moving his mouth slowly down the man’s body. He kissed the soft brown hair at the base of his neck, then worked his way through the forest of it down and across his chest, taking time to pay close attention to each nipple, giving them as much suction as Ed had given his. Then he licked his way down to where the head of the fat cock lay nestled in the dense hair. Just using his tongue, he lifted the heavy member into his mouth. Above him, Ed gasped as Adrian’s mouth slid down the girth of it. As he reached the base, it wasn’t enough to gag him, but it was close, just in width alone. Heavy balls brushed the goatee on his chin, and Ed twitched. Keeping his lips locked around the base, Adrian rubbed his chin on Ed’s balls until the man reached down and caught the side of his head.

  “That’s incredible,” he gasped. “But I’m about to cum. Just from that.”

  Not wanting to pull his mouth off the hard cock, Adrian nodded slightly, then set to work. He ran his hands across the hard mounds of Ed’s chest as he started slowly riding the cock with his mouth. His tongue could barely move around it as he slid up and down on it. Beneath him, Ed squirmed. It wouldn’t be long before the man exploded. Adrian sped up his work. One day soon they’d have time for a slower, more deliberate encounter, but now, he knew he could make Ed cum quickly. He found the man’s nipples and squeezed. His movements became more furious as it worked up and down on the hard cock.

  Ed’s breath came in short, heavy gasps. His back arched, and he forced Adrian’s head down, burying his cock in the other man’s mouth. And he screamed, “Oh shit! Adrian! Oh shit!” and hot cum filled Adrian’s mouth.

  He savored the salty taste of it as Ed’s cock throbbed with the release. Then, much to his surprise, his own balls tightened. He nearly gagged before he could pull his mouth free of Ed’s cock to get a breath. “Shit!” Pleasure ripped through him. Cum exploded out, splashing over Ed’s furry legs. Some even landed on the other man’s still-swollen cock. Adrian shivered and shook as his balls finished emptying their load on Ed’s leg. Without really meaning to, he collapsed on top of Ed.

  “Wow,” Ed said, running his hands softly through Adrian’s hair. “That was intense. Do you normally cum without touching yourself like that?”

  Adrian sighed into the warmth of Ed’s chest. “The first time without some other stimulation. There’s something about you, Ed.”

  Ed bent and placed a kiss on top of Adrian’s head. “There’s something about you too, Adrian.”

  “Dio.” He smiled into Ed’s chest. “After that, you’ve got to start calling me Dio.” He looked up into the dimly lit brown eyes. “I think we’re going to be more than friends now, and my friends and family call me Dio.”

  Ed leaned down and kissed him. Warmth flowed between their lips. The happiness he knew while in Ed’s company grew just as their two cocks became hard again, and, on the wall in the kitchen, the clock chimed eleven.

  Chapter 14

  The water spray bouncing off Cara’s sides felt good against Ed’s bare shoulders in the afternoon heat. If he was lucky, he’d get the elephant clean before Adrian got there. After their wonderful dinner, they decided to spend Friday afternoon with Eddy and the elephants so Adrian could get to know the animals a bit better, and hopefully hear more of Cara’s song for Ciro. The flutist was intense when it came to music. The fact that he’d found the natural music Cara made for her offspring so interesting intensified the growing feeling Ed had for the man. It wasn’t just anyone who could hear the natural sounds an animal made and find the beauty in them.

  “Hey, Daddy, Trish, Trina, and Sam are here!” Eddy called from out front.

  “Come on back!” Ed shouted. He turned off the water and patted Cara on the leg. The elephant looked down at him with a look that told him she wasn’t exactly ready to have the water turned off yet. As the spring got hotter, she’d want longer showers until he could get her back to the ranch where they had a pond in the elephant pasture so the girls could wallow on their own and cool off as much as they wanted to. “Sorry, girl, things are getting busy around here.” He knew she wasn’t pleased with the short shower when she didn’t reach up and blow in his hair. An extra watermelon later would make it up to her.

  Trish rounded the wall first. “Hey, you busy today?”

  “Adrian’s coming by in a few to spend some time getting to know the elephants.” Ed grabbed his shirt from the hook he’d hung it on. For a second, he remembered Adrian hanging his shirt from the same hook nearly a week earlier.

  Trish raised an eyebrow. “So things are getting serious with Adrian if he wants to spend time with the elephants. Has he bothered to get to know Eddy yet?”

  “That is on today’s agenda too,” Ed replied. His son and daughter came around the corner with Trish’s lover, Samantha.

  “Well, Sam and I need to run into town for a couple things and were wondering if you could keep an eye on Trina for a bit. We should be back before dinner.” A bit of disdain still clouded her voice. Ed wondered where it came from. Since she hadn’t bothered to see their son for nearly five years, why should she be concerned if Adrian was getting to know Eddy or not? Although, if they were going to have more than just a faire fling, the flutist would have to get on Eddy’s good side.

  “Sure, we’re not going to be doing a whole lot,” Ed replied. “I can keep an eye on her.”

  Trish bent down to the little girl. “Okay, Trina, you stay here with Ed and Eddy. You’ve got your cell phone. Call Mommy if there’s any problems.”

  Trina nodded. “Okay, Mommy. I always have fun with Eddy. I’ll be fine.”

  “Back before dinner.” Trish looked at Ed before turning to Samantha and leaving.

  Ed pulled on his T-shirt. There was a fair amount of dust and hay on it. For a second he wondered about going and finding another shirt before Adrian got there, but then stopped. If he’s going to be around me, he’ll have to get used to dust, hay, and other things that go along with the critters.

  “So, Daddy, can we introduce Trina to Ciro?” Eddy asked.

  Ed glanced over to where the little elephant was napping near the wall. He often did that when his mother got a shower. “Why don’t we wait until he wakes up? You know he needs his naps, just like you used to.”

  “Yeah, it’s a good thing I’m a big boy now and don’t have to take as many naps as I used to.” Eddy stood a little straighter and puffed out his thin chest.

  “Me too,” Trina replied. “Mom wants me to take naps, but Sammy doesn’t care as long as I don’t get cranky. If I get cranky, Sammy makes me take a nap.”

  “So what do you two want to do?” Ed asked. “Adrian will be here soon to get to know the elephants.”

  “Who’s Adrian?” Trina asked.

  “This guy that Daddy went on a date with,” Eddy explained before Ed could figure out what to say. “He’s the guy who plays the flute at that shop over there.” The little boy pointed toward the front of the elephant ride and down the lane.

  “Oh, is he the guy with the fuzzy legs and horns?” Trina asked.

  For a second, Ed’s mind flashed back to Adrian’s real legs, which had a light covering of blond hairs on them.

  “Yeah, that’s the one,” Eddy replied again. “I’ve only met him a couple of times. He seems nice. But I told him, if he upsets Daddy, I’ll have Cara stomp him.”

  Trina stared up at the elephant that hadn’t moved from where she’d been getting her shower, her eyes wide. “Would she really stomp somebody?”

  Eddy shook his head. “Nope, not even if I asked her really nicely, but most people don’t know that. Come on and say ‘hi.’” He took his sister’s hand and led her over to Cara. “Cara, this is Trina; she’s my sister.” He stroked the elephant’s trunk with his free hand, then lifted Trina’s hand up.

  Cara stood perfectly still as the kids rubbed her trunk. Her eyes closed a bit, and she rested one foot on its front edge, a sign that she was relaxed. Cara had been very interested in and gentle with Eddy since the first time she’d met the boy, when he was about six months old. To her, he was part of her herd. Like a lot of female elephants, she had a soft spot for kids, which made her especially good at her job as an elephant ride worker.

  “She’s so soft,” Trina said. As her hand came off the trunk, Cara lifted it and blew air into the girl’s hair.

  “She likes you,” Eddy explained.

  “At least she didn’t have a trunk of fruit juice when she did that to you.” Adrian’s voice came from the walk-around spot in the wall. “Adrian,” Ed said. His heart raced at the sight of the lanky man standing there. His long blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail. A tight light blue polo shirt clung to the firm muscles of his chest and was tucked into a pair of tight blue jeans that left nothing to the imagination. Two plastic shopping bags hung from his hands, and a strap for something was slung across his chest. Ed wanted to go over and hug the man and give him a big kiss, but he wasn’t sure if he was ready for Eddy to see him kissing another man.

  “I figured it was safe to cut through the corral, and that you’d be working with the elephants back here, since Ciro and Cara weren’t out front. That, and Gwen looked damp.”

  It impressed him that the man remembered all their names and, after just the one visit, could tell the two adults apart. “Well, come on over.” Ed motioned for Adrian to come into the back area. “What all did you bring?” From the green bulge in one of the bags, it looked like small watermelons.

  The flutist walked over and set the two bags down. “I remembered the elephants like watermelons, so I picked up a couple. I also figured something for the humans around.” His eyes traveled past Ed to Eddy and Trina. “I wasn’t sure what folks liked, but figured chocolate chip cookies might be good.”

  “Chocolate chip?” Eddy abandoned Trina and dashed toward the bags. “My favorite.”

  Adrian’s gray eyes caught Ed’s. The elephant handler nodded his approval of the man’s choice. Adrian smiled. Ed couldn’t help himself. He walked up and caught the flutist in his arms. “Thanks,” he whispered. “You look good today.” He pulled away before he gave in to the urge to kiss the man.

  “You do too.” Adrian kept smiling. “So who’s this?” He watched Trina walk carefully away from Cara in Eddy’s wake.

  “This is Trina,” Ed said, motioning for the girl to come say hello. “I think I told you about her.”

  Adrian nodded, then knelt down to the girl’s level. “Hey, Trina, I’m Adrian.”

  “Hi, Adrian, nice to meet you.” The little girl reached out and accepted his offered hand.

  “You look a lot like your daddy.” Adrian looked from Trina to Ed. Trina blushed. “Do you like chocolate chip too, or should I bring something different next time?”

  She shook her head, sending her long brown bangs into her eyes. Trina swept the bangs back with a determined hand. “No, chocolate chip are good. But I also like peanut butter.”

  Adrian nodded. “Okay, so next time, I’ll get a batch of mixed cookies so you can have peanut butter and Eddy can have the chocolate chip.”

  “And what about me?” Ed chuckled.

  “What kind do you want?” Adrian stood up with a smile.

  Ed shrugged. “Whatever kind you want to bring for the kids is fine by me.”

  “I don’t mind bringing you something special,” replied Adrian.

  “So, Daddy, what are we going to do today?” Eddy asked between bites of his cookie.

  “Adrian wants to get to know Cara a bit better,” Ed said. “He’s hoping to hear more of that song she sings to Ciro.”

  The boy looked perplexed for a moment and stopped chewing his treat. Then he nodded. “Oh, you mean that rumble she makes that helps keep him calm. It helps calm everyone, I think.”

  Ed nodded. “That’s it. Was there something that sounds better to you and Trina?”

  Eddy motioned Trina to walk off a short distance away, and they bent their heads in discussion.

  Adrian walked over and leaned against Ed’s shoulder. The contact was nice. Almost reflexively, Ed reached out and tucked his arm around the flutist’s waist. There was something natural about the casual way they stood there and watched the kids talking.

  “I haven’t been around that many kids,” Adrian whispered. “But do they normally act like this?”

  “Eddy can act really mature at times,” Ed replied. The urge to turn and kiss Adrian was strong, but he pushed it aside. “I think it’s because he spends lots of time with adults. It looks like he’s trying to take a leader role with Trina. It’s kinda cute since they’ve only really known each other about a week.”

  “At least they’re getting to know each other.”


  The kids returned. “If it’s okay, after Adrian gets to hear Cara’s song and Trina meets Ciro—” Eddy glanced over to where the baby elephant was just struggling to his feet after his nap. “—we’d like to go over to the play area and swing for a bit. If that’s okay with you two?”

  His son sounded so mature, Ed wanted to laugh, but he held it in and glanced at Adrian, who nodded.

  “Sounds like we can do that,” Ed agreed.

  “When is a good time to hand out the watermelons I brought along?” Adrian asked.

  Ed let go of the man to turn and look at Cara, walking toward little Ciro. “Why not right now. Ciro is probably going to nurse for a bit, and she likes to munch on something while he’s doing that. It might also be a good time to hear the part of the rumble that’s audible.” Looking down at the sack and the three watermelons in it, Ed nodded to Eddy and Trina. “Eddy, why don’t you grab the second melon and show Trina how to give it to Gwen?”

  “Cool.” The boy closed the cookie box and opened the second bag to grab one of the melons. He rolled it around in his hands for a moment. “Hey, Dad, this one doesn’t have any of the bad spots like the ones they normally get.”

  “Yeah, I bet Adrian bought it at the store,” Ed replied.

  Adrian grinned. “You don’t think this will spoil them any
, do you?”

  Ed shook his head. “Nah.” Then he cupped his hands around his mouth. “Gwen!” he bellowed. Seconds later, the elephant sauntered around the wall to see why she was being called back. Ed watched as Eddy and Trina walked over to her. His son stopped a few feet from the pachyderm and had Trina help him hold out the melon for her. Gwen carefully lifted the melon from the children’s hands. With a not so gentle squeeze of the forty thousand muscles in her trunk, she cracked the watermelon open and managed to get it into her mouth, one chunk at a time, without dropping any on the ground.

  “Wow,” Adrian said from Ed’s side. “That’s a lot of force in her trunk.”

  Ed nodded and handed the second watermelon to the flutist before he walked toward Cara, who was now eyeing the large fruit with interest. “They can do a lot of damage with their trunks when they want to. That’s one of the reasons early training is so important for them. We teach them what it’s okay to touch, and what it’s not.” He handed the final melon to Adrian. “Here, why don’t you give this to her. She’ll associate you with good things and like you a little bit more for it.”

  Adrian took the watermelon and carried it over to where Cara watched them eagerly while Ciro nursed. He held it out to her the way Ed had shown him a week earlier. Cara took it, and instead of carefully squeezing it in her trunk to crack it open, she smashed the watermelon against her head. Ed chuckled. The whack was a little less vigorous than she did with larger whole melons, so she didn’t shower them with juicy pieces of fruit. The melon cracked with a loud crunch, and she brought it down to her mouth and carefully ate the pieces until the whole thing was gone. She reached her trunk out to Adrian again with a slight tilt of her head, as if asking for another one.

  The flutist ran his hands along her trunk. “Sorry, girl, I just brought three. Maybe next time.” As Ciro stepped out from his nursing, she raised her trunk and bugled.


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