The Satyr's Song

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The Satyr's Song Page 16

by A. J. Marcus

  “Good, we’ll head out about seven from the elephant ride,” said Ed.

  “I’ll let Gypsy know in a few minutes,” Adrian called to Jade before they’d gone too far.

  “We’ll be at the belly dancing booth,” Mel replied for both of them. Then the two dashed off to the tinkling of coins and bells.

  Ed reached up and patted Adrian’s broad shoulder. “You really are an amazing musician.”

  “Thanks.” Adrian grabbed the hand from his shoulder and kissed it. “That’s a return of the kiss you blew me before you went to check on the elephants.”

  Heat rose in Ed’s cheeks. “I was surprised they reacted that way to that tune, being so far away, but elephants do have incredible hearing.”

  Adrian stopped in the lane and dropped his voice. “All that playing and the applause has made me hard as a rock. I wish we had the time and a place to deal with it.” His gray eyes sparkled mischievously.

  Ed wished he could drop to his knees right there in the lane and lend Adrian a helping mouth, but he smiled instead. “Maybe later. Do you have to take Sebastian home tonight?”

  Adrian’s face darkened for a moment. “No, he came by himself today.”

  “Then maybe, if I can get Trish to watch Eddy tonight after pizza.” He reached up and ran his fingers into Adrian’s goatee until he touched the man’s lips. “You might want to spend the night. I warn you, I get up with the elephants.”

  A grin as big as Ed’s split Adrian’s face. “That sounds like a wonderful idea. We can only hope that Cara doesn’t applaud all my performances the way she did the one this afternoon.”

  Ed chuckled. “If she does, we might end up keeping the whole site awake all night.”

  Chapter 21

  Adrian had never been in the small trailer Ed had sitting between the two huge trailers he used for hauling the elephants. In the soft light from the bare bulbs strung up in the back of the elephant ride, it looked a little less beat up and worn than it did by daylight. Inside was as neat and tidy as the man who owned it. Sure, the furniture was a bit outdated, looking like stuff from the sixties, much like the trailer itself, but it was in good repair.

  “Would you like something to drink?” Ed asked. A hint of nervousness clouded his voice.

  “Nah,” Adrian replied. “I think I had plenty to drink with dinner.”

  Ed nodded. “Yeah, me too.” He paused. For a second, he looked into Adrian’s eyes, then glanced away. “Not much to do in here,” he muttered. “We could go outside. The sky’s clear. We could watch the sky for a bit and listen to the site quiet down for the night.”

  Adrian stepped closer and caught the man’s face in his long fingers. “There’s plenty we can do in here,” he whispered, right before he kissed Ed.

  The elephant trainer sank in against the flutist. A heavy moan filled his mouth before Adrian pushed his tongue between their joined lips. For several minutes they stood there, tasting each other. Neither of them groped or hurried the process along. The stress of the day washed away in the passion of their kiss.

  In a swift, fluid motion, Adrian pulled Ed’s tight brown T-shirt from his jeans for easier access to the man’s broad back. Warmth radiated from Ed’s skin. It encouraged Adrian’s hands to explore, to rub and stimulate the back that had been sculpted, not by hours at a gym, but by time spent doing hard manual labor on the ranch. His back was more real, more honest than any of the toned gym bois Adrian had tricked with in the past.

  Before Adrian realized what was happening, Ed pulled his shirt off, dropped it on the floor, and was yanking the flutist free of his shirt. Adrian’s pulse surged as the two bare chests pressed together. The tingle as their body hair signaled the impending merger swept through him. It reminded him that Ed was a man, all man, not one of the little bois from the bar. Wrapped in Ed’s arms, their bodies pressed tightly together, Adrian felt better than he had earlier when the applause was rolling in from the audience. He wanted to show Ed how much the man meant to him in the most personal way possible.

  Their lips separated for a moment. Adrian wanted everything from Ed, and wanted to give him everything he had.

  “Let’s make it to the bed,” he whispered.

  Ed nodded but didn’t release Adrian from their embrace. As they kissed again, the elephant trainer shuffled backward a few steps until his knees hit the bed. There he paused as his hands went to the button on Adrian’s jeans. Adrian mirrored the other man’s movements. Moments later, without breaking their lip-lock, the two stepped out of the remainder of their clothing.

  A new thrill shot through Adrian as his hard cock brushed Ed’s engorged member before burying itself in the thick brown hair of the man’s stomach. He slid his hand from Ed’s broad, hard back and reached around for the dick he’d just brushed. Being hard and fat, it filled his hand. Ed moaned into his mouth as he slid his fingers around it and began to slowly stroke it. The head of the hard cock was silky smooth as his thumb and forefinger crossed it. He could’ve spent several minutes just rubbing that one part, but didn’t want to make it too sensitive.

  Before he could get really started working the cock, Ed turned and pushed Adrian down onto the bed. In the diffused light coming in from outside, the man looked like a giant standing there. Some of the light caught the hair on his chest just right, giving him a strange, gauzy halo.

  “This time, it’s my turn,” Ed said. The man gently lowered himself across Adrian’s body, pressing the flutist into the thick, firm mattress.

  Adrian surrendered to the man’s will. His heart raced as Ed attacked his chest first. The pressure of the man’s mouth around his nipple made him squirm as he reached down and ran his hands through the hair on Ed’s chest to find a nipple to pinch. As Adrian pinched, Ed’s suckling became more frantic, until he finally let go.

  Ed laid his head on Adrian’s chest for a moment. He looked up and smiled. “I think you liked that, a lot.”

  Adrian rewarded him with a husky chuckle.

  “Then let’s see how you like this.” Ed lifted himself off Adrian’s chest and, without any preamble, engulfed the musician’s cock in his warm mouth, managing to slide all eight inches down in one swift motion.

  Pleasure and passion surged through Adrian. For a moment, he struggled to decide between lying there and letting the man suck his cock and reaching down and holding the man’s head while he fucked his mouth. The pleasure raged in him, but he just gripped the bedspread and let Ed work. For someone who hadn’t sucked a cock in a few years, the man used his mouth incredibly well. Within a couple of minutes, between the suction he applied and the quick motions of his tongue, he had Adrian on the edge. Then he wrapped a hand around the musician’s low-hanging balls and Adrian went over the edge of the orgasmic cliff. Adrian arched his spine and bit back a scream. A spasm racked his body, and his balls emptied themselves into Ed’s warm, waiting mouth. For nearly a minute, his body shook with the power of the orgasm. He nearly screamed again when Ed slowly lifted his mouth free of his cock, sucking the last little bit of cum from the still swollen head.

  “I’m glad I can still do that.” Ed smiled down at him. The elephant trainer slid up his body and nestled against his shoulder.

  Adrian just lay there, smiling as an occasional shudder still passed through his body. He turned his head and kissed Ed. “That was incredible.”

  “Thanks.” Ed kissed him back. The man now tasted of sweat and cum, but there was still a bit of pepperoni pizza there too. “God, you taste so good.”

  “You taste awesome.” The pleasure center in his brain was still sending signals out like crazy. Adrian rolled Ed over on the bed. The man’s fat cock pushed against his balls as he did. He grabbed hold of the cock and squeezed. Ed lay back and moaned. Without releasing the cock from his hand, Adrian kissed Ed. More passion rolled through him. He needed more of a release than what a blow job, no matter how mind blowing it had been, could provide.

  “I hope you have a condom and some lube,” he said as
their lips parted.

  Ed nodded. “I thought we might need some soon.” He sat up and reached into a cupboard above the bed. He dropped a small box and a tube out onto the bed.

  Adrian smiled as he picked up the box with his free hand. “Extra large.”

  “Yeah.” Ed chuckled. “I’ve broken a few regular sized ones back in the day. Figured be safe and try the extra large. I’m not really long.”

  Adrian squeezed the cock that his fingers barely closed around.

  “About average length, but you are fairly hefty.” He stroked the cock. “This is going to be fun.”

  Ed opened the box and handed a foil package to Adrian. “Do you want to apply the lube, or should I?”

  “Oh, I want you to get me lubed up,” Adrian said. He tore the condom open as he settled his legs across Ed’s waist. “Make me ready for this thing.” He squeezed the cock again.

  “I hope you’re up for giving me a bit afterwards.” In the soft light, Ed’s eyes sparkled.

  The musician smiled, let go of the man’s cock, and then playfully rubbed his own down into the brown belly fur. “Oh, if you want some of this afterwards, I’m more than ready to provide.”

  Ed’s lube-covered finger entered Adrian without any preamble. “Yeah,” the man sighed as he forced his thick finger deep, “I think I could use a bit of that, after I’ve had some of this.”

  Adrian’s body tingled as new pleasure points echoed through him. Suddenly, he needed Ed’s thick cock shoved up his ass right that moment.

  “I’m ready,” he said, rolling the condom down over the wide cock head. The hard rubber ring at the bottom barely encircled it, but he managed to get it all the way down to the hair at the base.

  “You sure?” Ed asked. “I just got—”

  “Oh God, I am so sure.” Adrian cut him off, grabbed the lube, and smeared it over the rubber-covered cock as Ed pulled his finger out. He shifted back and held Ed’s cock so it brushed up against his tight hole. Then Adrian took a deep, centering breath, like he did right before starting in on a long musical piece, and lowered himself onto the engorged cock.

  His body cried out at first, complaining about the massive invader that thrust up inside. Adrian took another deep breath, willing himself to relax.

  “You okay?” Ed asked, placing his hand in the middle of Adrian’s chest.

  He nodded as he took another deep, centering breath. “Just trying to relax and get it all in.” He slid a little farther down. Still, his body cried out. Adrian was surprised at the size of Ed’s cock as it entered him. Then he sat firmly down across Ed’s hips. Short, deep breaths helped relax him, as his body slowly became accustomed to the invading cock. Ed continued to stroke his chest.

  “If it’s too much…,” Ed said.

  Adrian shook his head. “Going to take this slow at first.” He gently lifted himself so that he came up to the point where he was almost off the cock, then slid back down on the lubed pole. His ass stretched more at the bottom than the top. He repeated the motion several times, slowly, as his body found accommodation for Ed’s hefty member. Then he increased his rhythm.

  Below him, Ed smiled and ran his hands up and down Adrian’s body as the musician found his pace and rode his cock for all he was worth. Adrian couldn’t recall ever having ridden a cock that filled him the way Ed’s did. His body cried out in pleasure. For a moment, he thought he might come again, like he had the first time with Ed, without touching himself, but he willed the orgasm away. He wanted his next one to be buried in Ed’s ass.

  Grabbing the elephant trainer’s broad shoulders, Adrian forced him to sit up so they could kiss. Through their pressed lips, Ed’s breathing quickened. Adrian increased his pace. Ed grabbed his head and brought their lips back together. He screamed into Adrian’s mouth as his cock throbbed in the musician’s ass. For a second, it felt like the cock grew in size as it erupted. Adrian clamped his ass down around it.

  Nearby, two elephants trumpeted in the night.

  Ed’s breathing came in short gasps as their lips parted. Adrian settled into the man’s lap, since they were still joined together. He hugged Ed tightly. The other man laid his head on Adrian’s shoulder as his breath struggled to return to normal.

  “That was amazing,” Ed whispered into Adrian’s neck.

  “You do have a pretty wonderful cock there.” The flutist stroked Ed’s hair. Deep in his ass, he could feel the cock softening.

  “Dio, where have you been all my life?”

  The feeling of ease and happiness that had spread through him intensified. “Right here. I think I might have even been waiting for you.”

  They sat there in the bed for several minutes. A sense of rightness settled over Adrian. Holding Ed in his arms felt so good, at that moment he didn’t want to do anything else. And right then, nothing else mattered. Even as his body pushed Ed’s out with a wet plop, everything was good. He couldn’t think of any other way to put it. Sitting there, in the small travel trailer with three elephants not far away and the most awesome man in the world in his arms, Adrian was happy. He wanted to find a way to make that feeling last.

  Chapter 22

  The afternoon and evening were one of the most relaxing Ed had ever had. He was happy and content. He and Adrian had spent Tuesday out in Fort Worth with Dale and Austin. It was the first time he’d ever done anything like a double date, and it had been a lot of fun. They’d wandered Cowtown, gone through the historic log cabin park, and generally just let the worries and stress of the Ren faire fall away for the day. The only thing that would’ve made the day better was if Eddy had been with them, but a lot of the talk was more adult than his son needed to hear.

  Adrian walked up behind Ed and wrapped long, strong arms around him as they stared out at the Dallas skyline from the musician’s window. An overwhelming sense of peace filled him, and he leaned back against Adrian.

  “Today was great,” Ed sighed.

  “I had more fun in Fort Worth than I ever had before. Being from Dallas, we don’t normally go over there, and if we do, we get out of there as quickly as possible.” Adrian kissed Ed’s ear. They’d been doing things like that all day. It was new, but welcome to Ed. Almost like the little signs of affection he gave his son, but these were returned differently. He couldn’t decide if one was stronger than the other, but he knew he liked it. He liked it a lot.

  “So what do you want to do now?” Ed would’ve been content to just stand there for a while looking out at the skyline with Adrian’s arms around him. He stroked Adrian’s forearm as he talked.

  “What would you like to do? Since you rode up with Dale and Austin, I could run you home, or you could stay here.”

  “Trish and Sam said Eddy could stay the night with them if I wanted him to. He’s really enjoying getting to know his mother and sister. I asked him if he wanted to spend the night with them in their tent. You know camping is a lot more fun than sleeping in the trailer, so he said yes. We just have to remember to be at the site in the morning to take him and Trina to the zoo, since Sonny arranged the tour.” He turned in Adrian’s arms and kissed him. “If you don’t mind, I think spending the night here would be fun. We’ll at least be closer to a shower, I hope.” Sunday night, after several hours of vigorous lovemaking, they’d had to walk halfway across the site to reach the showers, to remove the sweat and other bodily fluids from themselves. The trek in the dark, with flashlights and trying not to talk too loud, had made Ed feel like a teenager. The fact that they seized the moment and made love again in the showers only added to the youthful feel of the adventure.

  Adrian laughed. “Yeah, definitely closer to the shower. We even have unlimited hot water here.”

  “Good, that last one got a bit cold before we finished up. But even shriveled up, you still have impressive balls.” Ed ran his hand across the front of the flutist’s jeans and cupped the pendulous sack he felt under the fabric.

  Returning the gesture, Adrian smiled before releasing Ed. “Let me tu
rn on a bit of music. I’m thinking something soft, romantic, maybe a little relaxing.”

  “Have you recorded your new piece?” Ed asked. “But I’m not sure you’re ready for how absolutely horny that one makes me.” His cock hardened just watching the man walk gracefully over to the stereo.

  “Not yet.” Adrian started glancing through the CDs on the shelf. “I really want to, though. It’s a great piece. So far, everyone has liked it, and I’m thinking about putting myself out on the Internet. Lots of folks are doing that now, as opposed to having traditional musical careers.” He dropped a couple of disks into the stereo tray and pushed it back in. “I’ve been trying to think of ways to reinvent myself, and the Internet might be the answer.”

  “Yeah.” Ed nodded, more to himself than to Adrian, whose back was still turned. “I know lots of folks are making a killing on the Internet. It’s something that can be done from anywhere.” Even out in the boonies of Midland, he said to himself. After their great day together, he was more determined than ever to find a way for him and Adrian to have a relationship once the Ren faire was over.

  After he pushed a couple of buttons on the stereo, and as music began to drift out of the several speakers placed strategically around the room, Adrian turned back to Ed, a smile still plastered on his handsome face. “I’ve got a bit more research to do. One of the big things is going to be finding studio space to record from. I know there’s all sorts of stuff around, but if I do this, I want to do it right.”

  “Doing it right gets better results in the long run.” Ed spread his arms so Adrian could walk into them. “From what I’ve seen so far, there are a lot of things you do right.”

  “I can say the same of you.” Adrian chuckled as he kissed Ed and the music swelled around them.

  They settled onto the couch, spending time just kissing and touching. Things were slower and more loving than they had been a couple of nights before, when the music and newness pushed them closer to the edge of primal lust. Eventually, they made their way to the bedroom, where they made slow, passionate love.


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