Corsairs: Adiron: Corsair Brothers Book 1

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Corsairs: Adiron: Corsair Brothers Book 1 Page 18

by Dixon, Ruby

  Luckily I can give her the latter.

  I slick a finger up and down in her folds, teasing them apart, and I love that her head falls back, her eyes closed. She trembles against my hand as I tease my fingertip back and forth, but I don't stop. She'll tell me to stop if I do something she doesn't like. I've made it quite clear that I'm at her disposal, not the other way around.

  "You have the prettiest cunt I've ever seen," I breathe, dragging my finger through her wetness. My hand looks so big against her delicate folds. I'm fascinated by how sleek and plump they are, and there's a tiny little bump at the apex of her cunt, which I've never seen before. "What's this?"

  She sits up a little, frowning. I touch it to show her, dragging my finger underneath, and her head drops back again. "Adiron," she pants. "You don't know what a clit is?"

  "It's not something mesakkah women have. Is this like your spur?"

  "My what?"

  "Your spur?" I'm tempted to take my trou off and show her mine. She still looks confused, her hand sliding down to cover herself and I push it aside. "Don't cover up, I want to look at you."

  "It's a clit," Jade tells me, panting. "Lord help me. I fell for your lies and you don't even know what a clit is. What happened to you licking the paint off a starship?" She tilts her head, a rueful smile on her face.

  "I didn't say I wouldn't lick it. I just need to know if it's sensitive." I circle a finger around the dusky little bud, and watch as Jade's mouth trembles and her head falls back again with a low cry. Her entire body shivers in response. "I'm gonna take that as a yes."

  "Very…" she pants, “…sensitive."

  "Good to know." I lean down and lick her again, keeping her cunt spread with one fingertip. She quivers against me, and then one of her hands steals to the top of my head. Her fingers knot in my hair as I drag my tongue over her. I lick from her opening all the way up to that little bead of her clit. I tongue Jade with long, slow drags, reveling in the taste. She's sweet and musky all at once, wet and warm and so keffing good I want to just leave my face buried between her thighs for forever. Each time I move my tongue over her, there's fresh wetness to lap up, and Jade makes soft, delicious little cries each time I do so.

  I take my time with her. I'm going to enjoy every moment of this. I lick her over and over again, slow and steady, and as I do, I watch her responses. I pay attention to which things make her quiver, which touches make her inhale sharply, and which ones get no response at all. When I drag the tip of my tongue in leisurely circles around her clit and she clenches a fistful of my hair, I know I've hit on something she likes. It's such an enticing little bud, that clit, and I keep teasing it and playing with it, loving her reactions. Jade moans and arches against me, her hips moving in slow thrusts, and I imagine her under me, my cock buried deep into this soft, wet cunt.

  I groan. Right now it's trapped in my too-tight trou, and it's hard to resist the urge to free my cock and start stroking it even as I pleasure her. Slow, I remind myself. Go slow. You don't want to scare her off. Not when she's so willing in your arms right now.

  I apologize inwardly to my cock, because it's just going to have to wait its turn.

  Jade whimpers and rocks against my mouth when I give her another long, slow taste. She pushes up against me, and I go down to the entrance of her core, teasing into it with my tongue. She moans louder, and I push into her tight, wet warmth with it, burying my face between her thighs. Will she let me use my tongue to make her come, I wonder? Or should I play it safe and use my fingers instead?

  If my data-pad ever connects to any outside source ever again, I'm going to look up everything I can on human anatomy and find out the best way to make her squirm. For now, I just have to guess.

  I tongue her sweet entrance a little longer, until she's wriggling up against me and panting my name, and then I go back to her clit. I tease her with light presses of my tongue, over and over, and I want to tell her all the filthy things I've dreamed about doing to her, but my mouth is occupied. I'll have to save the words for some other time. For now, her clit needs some more licking. She's rubbing up against me like a xushen in heat, and I'm going to lose control if she doesn't come soon. Just blast right through the front of my trou and spray seed all over the keffing bridge.

  No, I need to make her come. Hard. And fast.

  I redouble my efforts between her soft thighs, my tongue focused on her clit. With my fingers, I work two of them up and down her wet slit, rubbing, and I love the keening little cry she makes.

  "Oh, please, Adiron," she pants. "Please. Please."

  I push into her with my fingers, and she sucks in a breath, hard. Maybe that was too much all at once, but I work on her clit, tonguing it, and she calls my name out again, her hand fisted in my hair. I fight back my own groan and pump her cunt with my fingers as I lick her clit. She's so keffing wet and tight. I've never felt anything better, and I'm dying to tear my trou off and shove deep inside her.

  She makes this high-pitched little whine, and her back arches as I thrust my fingers deep, and then she's coming, a fresh wave of fluid soaking my fingers. Her entire body tightens and I nuzzle her cunt, unwilling to let her go just yet. I want to watch her do that again, and again, and—

  The lights flicker overhead. Then they go out.

  All is quiet. I look up, waiting, but nothing turns back on again.

  "Um…please tell me I just blacked out," Jade pants.



  "I think the power just died," I tell her, and reluctantly slide my fingers from her body. Kef me, that is the worst timing. I lick them clean of her taste, because I am absolutely not about to let that juicy cunt go to waste, and then I get to my feet, adjusting the too-tight front of my trou. "We…might have a problem."

  Jade looks wonderfully disheveled as she sits up, tugging the hem of her strange dress down. Her hair floats about her face and her cheeks are flushed, her eyes glassy. There's the barest hint of lighting on the dark bridge due to a few emergency lights that offer a blue glow, just enough to make the darkness not quite so overwhelming. "The power?" Jade asks. "Did we do something wrong? Is it because of where I'm sitting?"

  I wish. Because then I'd just take her into my lap and grind my cock against that sweet heat of hers and— Focus, Adiron, I tell myself. "No, the control panel won't respond no matter what we do. It doesn't recognize any users on board, so we could hit every button and it'd never react. I think it—"

  Before I can finish, the power flickers on again, something whines, and then it flickers back off once more.

  Jade sucks in a terrified breath.

  "—I think it's a busted connection somewhere," I tell her.

  "What about life support?" she asks, and there's so much fright on her face. "What about the stasis pods?"

  "They'll be fine," I reassure her. I put a hand on the back of her neck, just because the animal side of me wants to grunt and beat my chest and pull her against me. I rub her skin with my thumb instead. "The stasis pods aren't hooked to the ship itself. They're going to remain in stasis until each individual pod is activated."

  She lets out a little breath of relief, leaning closer to me.

  "And as for us, the life support for the ship will be fine for hours and hours, but it won't matter because the back-up systems should kick on at any moment." I stroke her neck, trying not to think of my cock. "We just need to wait it out."

  "You're sure?" Her arms go around my waist, and she presses her cheek to my chest.

  Kef me, she's a cuddler. I'm such a goner. The only thing I love more than licking cunt is cuddling. Okay, I also love getting my rocks off, but I'm also happy to put that third on the list, like any good male should when it comes to his female. I press her against my chest, wrapping my arms around her, and I love that she leans into my touch. I bet she's clingy when she sleeps, too, and I love the thought of that. "Oh yeah, all these ships have a back-up system. It'll kick on, I promise."

  So we wait.

>   And wait.

  And I'm pretty sure that the system should have kicked on. I frown as I look around and my breath fogs in the air. Jade moves a little closer to me, shifting her weight, and she must be freezing in that tiny scrap of clothing she's wearing. I'm gonna need to warm her up…

  But first thing's first. "Okay, so maybe the back-up is dead, too. I think we're going to have to go see for ourselves. I'm sure we can get it up and running again."

  Jade clutches the front of my uniform. "Adiron, I don't know how to do anything on this ship. We manually clean the air filters, but…that's it. We're fucked if—"

  "Shhh, hey, it's all right." She sounds far more panicky than I'd like, and my protective instincts come rushing to the forefront. "I know just what to do in this situation," I lie. "We just need to head down to the control room, pop off a few panels, and take a look at the wiring. This sort of thing happens all the time."

  She lets out a shuddering breath. "It does?"

  "It does," I reassure her. "You seem awfully panicked. What, are you scared of the dark?" I add a teasing note to my voice, because I don't like to see Jade so terrified. I much prefer her when she's full of sass and confidence. "You afraid of ghosts?"

  "No. I'm afraid of dying because we run out of air!"

  Oh. We're far more likely to freeze to death before that happens, but I don't say that out loud. "It's all under control," I tell her. And it will be. I'm reasonably confident I can figure things out. It can't be that hard. I know how the Little Sister runs like I know the back of my hand. Sure, this ship is three times the size, but I bet it's all the same when you come down to it. "Come on. Do you have tools you keep anywhere?"

  "Tools?" she asks, her voice vague and a little panicky.

  "Yes, love, tools." I find her hand in the shadowy darkness and take it in mine. She clutches at mine tightly; her palm is clammy with sweat. Kinda gross to hold onto, but Jade can't help it, and I'm not about to let her go. "Let's go find your tools, all right? Did they leave any behind when they left you here?" I prompt, heading down from the captain's station and across the bridge. "You girls scavenged whatever you could find, yes? Did you find tools of some kind?"

  "Tools," she echoes, her hand tightening on mine. "Yes, I think so."

  "Excellent. Where did you put them?" I'm sure there's bound to be more than one set of tools around here, but the less I have to go hunting for, the better.

  "Ruth…" Jade murmurs. "Ruth keeps them in her room. She likes to do the maintenance."

  "All right. We'll go to Ruth's room," I say easily. "Lead the way."

  She sucks in a deep, steeling breath and then takes the lead. Her hand firmly clutching mine, Jade leads me back down the halls of the ship, past our personal quarters and toward more of the doors to additional rooms. She touches one panel and a door slides open, revealing what must be Ruth's private quarters. They're neat as a pin, completely austere, and her bedding is entirely in black. Oh man. Keffing Straik is gonna shit when he realizes he's stuck with the human female version of himself. I wish I could be there to watch when he finds out she's hiding on his ship.

  Jade releases my hand for a moment and then heads to the closet. Inside the neat stacks, there's a small hardshell case of tools. Not many, but I'll work with it.

  "Perfect," I tell Jade as she holds it out to me. "Let's trade."

  "Trade?" she asks, confused.

  I pull the heavy plas-blanket off the bed and wrap it around her. "You're gonna get cold, and much as I'd love to warm you up, my hands are gonna be busy with other things."

  "Oh. Thank you, Adiron." She still sounds a little dazed and scared.

  I take the tools from her and hold my hand out again. "Come on. Let's go beat that control panel into submission."

  “I’m sorry,” she says as we head out of Ruth’s rooms. “I need to get ahold of myself. I just…this is my biggest fear.”

  “Then it’s good you’ve got me along,” I tell her smugly. “Because I’m going to take care of you.” And I mean it, too. Jade’s never going to be forced to rely on herself solely again. She’s got me now, and I’m going to look out for her. If I have to take on the universe to protect her, I will. She’s mine now. And she'll realize that soon enough.



  The fact that the ship gets so cold so quickly makes me a little panicky. I clutch the blanket tightly to my body as Adiron guides me through the dark halls. He walks with confidence, as if he has the ship memorized already. Maybe all alien spaceships have the same layout, and that's how he knows exactly where to go. He doesn't seem worried, though, and that helps ease my frazzled nerves a little.

  To think, just a short time ago, I was feeling better than I have in years, drowsy and delicious from a hard orgasm and the best oral sex I've ever had…and poof. Gone in the blink of an eye. The ship breaking down is my worst nightmare. It's the one that haunts me in my dreams and makes me break out into a cold sweat. I like control, and I don't have any with this ship. I don't know how to make much of it work, and if it's anything like cars back home, it'll need maintenance at some point. The smallest thing could go wrong and then we're without oxygen, or food, or water…

  Or, as I'm noticing rather quickly, heat.

  The temperature drops rather fast, which is a little alarming to me. Maybe it's because I'm not wearing a lot of clothing, but the floor feels colder against my feet within minutes. I think of the ice field Adiron claims we're on the edge of and wonder if we're slipping over into it. If we're going to turn into human (and alien) popsicles before the power comes back on. "Adiron," I whisper, worried. "How long do we have before the ship freezes over?"

  He squeezes my hand. "Don't you worry. There's plenty of time to get things up and running again. I won't let you freeze."

  His confidence makes me feel better. "It's really damn dark."

  "I know. I've got you, though."

  "Should we get a light of some kind?"

  "Don't need it. We're almost there. Look." He points the tool case at a door at the far end of the hall. It's dimly lit thanks to the tiny blue emergency lights that are along the floor of the ship. I'm not all that familiar with this particular hall. There's a lot of doors and rooms in this ship that I don't know all that well, simply because they house technology that I don't know how to use. But Adiron seems to know what he's doing. He releases my hand and puts his on the panel to open the door. When it doesn't open, he chuckles. "Right. Power's off." He drops to his knees and presses a tiny button in the wall, and a panel pops out. "There we go. There's always a manual override."

  He flicks a tiny switch and the doors make a clicking sound. Adiron stands and pushes them open and then steps inside.

  I follow behind him closely. "What happens if we don't get it running?"

  "We will."

  "But if we don't?" Gosh, he's stubborn and frustrating sometimes. I don't want an answer meant to soothe me, I want a real answer.

  It's even darker in here, so I can't make out his face. His legs are lit up, just a little, though, and I see his tail do a little shimmy that makes me think he shrugs. "Then we get cozy in an escape pod and figure things out from there."

  "Oh…but we can't leave…" I protest.

  "We also can't save anyone if we're dead," Adiron reasons. "I promise you, though, it won't be necessary. We're going to get this old girl working." He heads toward a large, smooth black structure with a few dead screens on it. It takes up most of the room, has a few cords curling around it leading off into the ship, and is bigger than my last car. I have no idea what the thing is, but Adiron seems to recognize it. He runs a hand along the surface. "We just need to get inside and check the wiring. There's a switch here somewhere." He touches something, and then I hear a snap. A moment later, Adiron holds up a piece of metal and chuckles. "Well, that ain't good."

  I feel like I'm going to hyperventilate. "Oh my god. What do we do?"

  "Don't worry. There's another way to get in," he reas
sures me.

  "There is?"

  "Oh yeah." He hands me the case of tools. "Hold this for me." As I do, he opens it and considers the contents. He pulls out an object that looks a lot like a pointy screwdriver and holds it up. His white teeth flash in the darkness, showing me a hint of fang. "Observe."

  "You're going to use that to pry it open?"

  "Kind of." He slams the tool into the metal casing of the black monstrosity and punches through the casing.

  "Adiron!" I hiss. "What the fuck?"

  "It's okay," he reassures me. "It's already dead, right? It can't hurt us."

  "What if you just broke something?"

  "We'll find out soon enough." He bends over, running his hand along the metal structure once more. Then he punches the tool through again. I bite back an angry sound that rises in my throat, because he's worked on ships before. I haven't. I have to reassure myself that he knows what he's doing.

  When he jams the tool into the thing a third time and pries off a large section of metal, though, I start to have my doubts.

  "There's a manual override in here," Adiron says, as if I've voiced my worries aloud. "It's hidden away so you can't accidentally hit it, and locked down. It's a manual switch because if the computers go down, you're keffed." He pauses and grins up at me. "Kinda like now."

  I squat down next to him, trying not to block his light. "Show me? I want to see." In case I need to know for the future.

  He runs a big hand along the panel and then grunts. "Found it. Okay. Here." He finds my hand, then takes it and guides it toward the switches. "It's the big one that feels like a knob. Run your fingers over it."

  There's a large, smooth thing under my grip. "Okay."

  "Got it?"


  "Okay, now…put your fingers around it…and pump."

  "Pump?" It feels like a thick knob. How am I supposed to pump it? "I don't understand."

  "Squeeze the base, too. Tell it how big and thick it is, and how wet it makes you—"


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