Detour: A Creekwood Novel (Creekwood Series Book 1)

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Detour: A Creekwood Novel (Creekwood Series Book 1) Page 11

by A. Marie

  Wetting my top lip, I say, “I bet you do, but some things aren’t on the menu.”

  I climb out with my arms full, walking toward the stairs, noticing Beckett’s no longer lingering. Coty matches my every step, not ready to let me off the hook quite so easily.

  “Why are you always running, Angela?”

  I scoff. “I live next door. I couldn’t run if I wanted to.”

  At the first stair Coty grips my elbow, begging me to look at him. His big brown eyes hold mine for a beat. Softer, he asks, “What were you doing with Beckett?”

  “The jerk jumped in my car when I was leaving. We grabbed a bite to eat.”

  “Like a date?”

  The thought of Beckett on a date makes me smile. “If you consider drive-thru a date.” I shrug his hand off.

  “Go out with me. Let me apologize for Sunday.”

  “You just did. And I…can’t.”


  My phone pings with a text just as Drew pulls in, honking. With Beckett’s earlier distraction, I forgot Drew was taking me to the movies tonight. Jamie returned to Portland and he wanted to catch up. He’s even letting me pick the movie.

  I toss him a wave, breaking the intense moment with Coty.

  “I told you, let’s just keep it cordial, okay? It’s better.”

  Walking to greet Drew, I hear Coty murmur something else but ignore it and rush over to the only person I’ve ever truly trusted. He pulls me into a big bear hug, kissing my cheek before setting me down.

  I’m not surprised when I find the stairwell empty.

  * * *

  “Is it always like this?” Drew asks as he searches for a parking space.

  One look at the boys’ balcony full of people and I grimace.

  “They’ve had a couple parties, but this…I’ve never seen it like this.” The parties were getting better, or so I thought.

  “Do you want to stay with me tonight?”

  I shake my head, keeping an eye on the party-goers spilling out onto the sidewalk. “I’ll be fine.”

  Just then someone lets out a high-pitched squeal making Drew whip his head over to me wide-eyed.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Maybe? Come on, let’s go upstairs so you can see the three decorations I put up since the last time you were here.”

  At the top of the stairs, the boys’ door flies open with Beckett all but stumbling out with a girl glued to his front. He’s so tall that it’s all kinds of awkward.

  “Hey, neighbor girl. Want to come in for a drink?” He’s late to notice Drew standing close behind me. He must be feeling his poorly mixed drinks.

  “Ah, no thanks. I’ve got an early morning tomorrow like every other weekend I’ve lived here,” I say with more snark than necessary but I want to make sure it penetrates his buzz field.

  Drew looks between us with confusion. I may have left the knuckleheads next door out of tonight’s conversation, too. I didn’t want him to worry. I have to take care of myself without a backup plan. He’s been mine for too long.

  “Indestructible” by Welshly Arms blasts through the open door while the girl hanging on Beckett whines about wanting to dance.

  “We’ll leave you to it then.”

  I grab Drew’s hand so we can squeeze by the sloppy couple but Beckett steps forward severing our connection. Swinging my head back, I see Coty on the couch with a girl dancing in front of him. It’s not exactly a lap dance but she’s working every angle to get him to notice her. Unfortunately, for her, it’s still not enough. We hold each other’s eyes before his move to Beckett. His entire face hardens until I expect it to crack wide open.

  Marc is suddenly there, moving between us as he approaches the door.

  As I try to side-step Beckett, Marc grabs my elbow and pulls me backward. It’s gentle but jarring nonetheless. I spin, shoving him in the chest but he doesn’t release me.

  “Get the hell off me.”

  “Chill the fuck out. He’s out of his fucking mind right now.” He nods his chin at Drew and Beckett still frozen in a wordless stare off. “You don’t need to get caught in the middle of that.”

  Beckett glares down, like really far down, at Drew, not letting up for even a second. Drew looks to me, concern lining his amber eyes until he zeros in on Marc still grasping my elbow, the concern quickly replaced by something more sinister.

  I rush forward to calm the situation that’s gone off the rails somehow and, luckily, Marc lets me.

  “I’m fine. I’m okay,” I say to Drew, then look to Beckett, gripping his taut forearm. “What the hell? We’re just passing through. Go back to your party and we’ll all forget this even happened. Deal?”

  He seems to relax slightly, dropping his gaze to mine. It’s cloudy but Beckett’s still in there.

  “I wonder if the windows will be open or closed tonight.” Coty muses as he fills their doorway. There isn’t a trace of humor in his words but Beckett barks out a laugh anyway. Idiot. There’s the Beckett I know and love.


  Marc guides Beckett away but when his arm brushes my flowy shirt, Drew surges forward, placing himself between me and my neighbors. Marc levels Drew with a glare and I swear a menacing growl rumbles from the guy’s chest. I’m not sure why but my eyes fly to Coty. He takes in the chaotic scene, his eyes tightening on Drew’s protective stance. There’s so much testosterone, I’m nearly choking on it.

  “I guess we’ll see soon, huh?” I grab Drew’s shirt, turning to unlock my door at the same time. Hand on the knob, I hear Coty speak again.

  “Why don’t you introduce us to your friend?”

  Lips pursed, I look over at him. “Guys, this is Drew. Drew, these are my neighbors. They’re like stray cats, always multiplying and sniffing around where they don’t belong.” Someone clears their throat. “It’s better if you just ignore them though, otherwise they’ll never leave you alone. Now if you don’t mind, I have to get to bed.”

  “Angela, you can’t be serious,” Drew pipes up. “You’re staying?”

  “Angela lives here. Where would you prefer her to go?” Coty grips the doorframe and I’m pretty sure I hear a crack.

  Enough already.

  I shove Drew through my door before throwing an exasperated look over my shoulder to the terrible trio. Coty steps aside to let the others by. Beckett is full out leaning on Marc at this point. His female companion ditched him as soon as he turned into the Inaudible Hulk. Cheers ring out from their apartment, the party still going strong even with the hosts preoccupied.

  Coty yells out, “I’m hungry,” while meeting my eyes. Laced with more heat than I thought possible in that ice-cold apartment, his declaration reminds me of our earlier discussion. The door slamming shut tells me I won’t be the one to extinguish it though.

  “Don’t even start. It’s late and I’m tired,” I tell Drew, walking to the bathroom with a change of clothes.

  “Fine. But I’m staying the night.”

  Too many things are running through my mind to argue. Like what the hell that crap with Beckett was. His behavior was nothing like our time together earlier. His size alone is intimidating without throwing a silent death stare in the mix. And Coty, well, Coty was just an ass. Again. His problem with Drew was entertaining at first, now it’s just irritating.

  Ready for bed, I crawl under the covers, watching as Drew pulls his shirt off. He’s beyond handsome—there’s no denying it. He has short auburn hair that he styles slightly to the side. His eyes are like the brightest part of a sunset. He almost always has a five o’clock shadow that I’ve been teasing him about since he first shaved. He wears polos, khakis, and loafers. Always. It’s not my style at all but I’d be stupid not to appreciate how attractive the man is. I’ve just never seen him as anything other than a brother though. Even sleeping next to him shirtless, the thought has never crossed my mind to blur those lines. I know the feeling is mutual so we’ve never had to worry about it. He’s had girlfriends over the years and I
’ve had the occasional friend with benefits, neither of us once showing a single sign of jealousy.

  Sometimes I wonder if him putting me first has made his relationships end quicker than they should’ve though. He’s never said anything to that effect, but I don’t know if Drew has a limit when it comes to me either. Would he ever find a girl worth walking away from me for?

  That thought would’ve sent me into a panic a few weeks ago but now that my independence is strengthening, the idea makes me more hopeful than anything. I don’t want to hold him back. We’re not kids anymore. We both have bigger and better lives to go after. I can’t be selfish by constantly keeping him tangled in my troubles. It’s not fair to either of us.

  “Thank you for being you, Drew. I love you,” I whisper, facing him as he climbs in next to me.

  He flops onto his stomach—his signature sleeping position. Teasing with my own words, he cracks one eye and whispers, “Don’t get soft on me now.” Then, softer, “I love you, too.”

  I leave him sleeping the next morning with a note on the counter about locking up when he leaves. The apartment across the hall is quiet as I make my way downstairs. Pulling my long ponytail through my hat halfway down, the voices on the boys’ balcony have me pausing my steps.

  “Last night was…”

  “You fucking puked in the tub, dude. Coty had to clean that shit up.”

  “I almost puked just looking at it. What the fuck did you eat anyway?”

  “Ugh, it must’ve been from yesterday with neighbor girl. Double cheeseburger.”

  Three groans erupt.

  “Dude’s car is still here. And she kept her windows shut for once. Think she got some?”

  I stomp on the last two stairs announcing my presence.

  “Oh, shit. I love a good walk of shame.”

  “Morning, boys,” I greet, using a chipper voice I don’t feel in the slightest.


  “Good morning.”

  I think Marc grunts out some form of greeting but I can’t be sure.

  “Ready to apologize yet?”

  All three are looking a little rough and it makes me feel slightly better that they’re paying for last night.

  “For what?” someone asks.

  “Being assholes,” I deadpan. Isn’t it obvious? “You treated my guest like shit. I live here, too, you know? If you guys can’t be civil, then you’re going to have to stay the hell away from me.”

  “Oooh, neighbor girl’s still feisty. What’s wrong? Your guest didn’t wear you out enough last night?”

  Shaking my head at Beckett’s stupidity, I climb in the driver’s seat, calling up, “He’s the one still sleeping. What do you think?”

  He throws his head back in a hearty laugh while Marc whistles. Coty refuses to meet my eyes.

  Yeah, I’m continuing this nonsense about Drew being my boyfriend, or whatever, but they make it too easy.

  With a wave goodbye, I leave them to their commiserating, hoping they’ll take me serious about leaving me out of their drama from now on.



  Getting off work later that night is bittersweet. The sweltering weather brought lots of customers, keeping me pleasantly occupied my entire shift. But it’s left me overheated and drained as I pull up to Creekwood. The tips stuffed in my bag help perk me up though, as does the smoothie—with spinach, lots of it—I stopped off for on my way home.

  It’s been calm at the wash since Joe’s off for vacation. Luckily, I haven’t shared another shift with Amity since that dreadful day. I have a pretty good guess as to where those missing tips went but I don’t know what to do about it. Joe was Team Amity last I saw him and I doubt one flimsy accusation will change that.

  Bag in one hand, smoothie in the other, my phone rings. When I peer down, it’s another UNKNOWN caller. This has been happening all week. I still haven’t answered any and they’ve yet to leave a message. Next door is silent and my door is locked just as Drew promised via text this afternoon. He was peppering me with questions during my break. I gave him enough information to pacify him while not exactly revealing anything either. If I want to prove how strong I am on my own then I can start with handling the three guys next door.

  Walking into my apartment feels like walking over hot coals on a summer day. The stifling air hits me square in the face making me groan. I forgot to tell Drew to turn on the air conditioner before leaving. Damn it.

  I rush over to the A/C, cranking it full blast then quickly change into my bikini. A towel over my shoulders, hair in a messy bun, and I’m off to the pool a few minutes later.

  The water feels heavenly as I jump in. The sun now behind the building, gives my sunburn a necessary reprieve with the delicious shade.

  I take my time swimming under the cool water trying to lower my body temp that feels dangerously high. Popping my head up after a lap, I catch sight of some people decked out in swimsuits entering through the gate. My meddlesome neighbors bring up the rear of the motley group and as soon as I see them I consider leaving. My earlier vow to be strong even when it comes to them springs to mind and I decide I’m not done yet. They can swim, or splash from the looks of some of their more dolled-up friends, around me.

  One of their guests—one of their cute male guests—greets me from the ledge, so I make my way over to him. He introduces himself but before he can ask my name Beckett yells from across the pool, “Hey, neighbor girl! Working out some pent-up energy?”

  The guy, Tony, looks at me with confusion so I ignore my tall neighbor to explain how we know each other. When he remarks how convenient that must be, it’s my turn to look confused.

  “You’re beautiful. If you lived next to me, I’d find every excuse possible to knock at your door.”

  “That’s nice and creepy all at the same time.” We both laugh. “Actually, I’m pretty private so even if they did come knocking, I’d just ignore it. So far it’s only been a couple loud parties though.”

  “Lucky. Their parties are notorious. Living right next door, you can drink all you want then stumble home. No cab bill for you.”

  I have yet to attend, let alone drink at one of their “notorious” parties, but I don’t care enough to correct Tony. Instead, I just nod, swishing my hands over the water.

  He continues talking but I soon grow bored. He’s cute with a decent body and a great smile. I can’t help but notice he’s lacking something though. Tattoos maybe? I’ve never liked them before, but now…

  Coty’s relaxing on the steps in the shallow end with a girl planted beside him. His head is cocked toward her, smiling at whatever she’s saying. She has a hand on his bicep, close to his chest. There’s a familiarity to her touch. She has beautiful black hair piled on top of her head with big hoop earrings framing her tan, delicate face.

  Coty’s eyes drift over to mine, locking me in place as Tony drones on like white noise. My heart beats faster as the seconds pass. I cut the connection by glancing at Marc. He’s lounging at a nearby table with a somewhat feline quality. His shoulders draped loosely over the back of his chair, he yells something in Spanish at the girl beside Coty. I watch fascinated as she stands up, approaching him slowly with a teasing smirk playing at her full lips. Before Marc can react, she flings her hands at his face, sending streams of water all over him. He lunges for her instantly and she backtracks. Beckett intercepts her with one arm, then deposits her into the pool. When she reappears, she cusses at the cackling duo.

  “Marc’s sister.”

  I bring my attention back to Tony, raising both eyebrows.

  “That’s Marc’s sister,” he tells me. “She’s off limits to all the guys but she’s got a thing for Coty. Always has.”

  “Have they ever hooked up?” I hold my breath awaiting his answer.

  Snorting, he says, “No, nobody crosses Marcos.”

  “I thought he hated me when I first met them.”

  “He doesn’t like most people. He’s ride-or
-die for his close friends and family but that’s it. His family’s fucking loaded so he’s suspicious of everybody. Don’t take it personally.”

  I consider what Tony just shared, looking Marc over again. He exudes such a fuck-the-world attitude with his sleeves of tattoos and general detached attitude that I never would’ve guessed he grew up rich. It’s not fair to judge but other than his custom BMW, he seems just like his roommates. I mean he shares an apartment with two other guys. Their apartment is definitely nicer than mine but not fancy by any means. There has to be a bigger story there. I tuck that tidbit away for later.

  Tony surprises me by reaching out to brush my shoulder. I quickly push his hand away with the flick of a wrist and a scowl on my face.

  “Sorry, you had-”

  He’s cut off as I’m yanked forward by a hand on my ankle causing me to yelp. Coty surfaces right in front of me, gliding his body up mine as he stands, water cascading down his stormy face. He pins a hard stare at Tony, then grabs my waist, pulling me to the deep end. The movement is so fast I wrap my legs around him to keep from going under. He drags me from the middle of the pool to the ledge. I squeeze my knees around his torso when my center gets too close to his naked stomach, allowing me to hang a safe distance from his hard body. He spins us so I’m blocked from the others then puts his hand behind my back effectively saving my skin from the rough cement lip.

  “Let me down. You should know better than anyone how good of a swimmer I am.” I pop an eyebrow, daring him to argue.

  He only shakes his head. “You’ll run.”

  “Do you need something then?”

  “I didn’t want you talking to him anymore.”

  Oh, here we go. “Why not? Your friend seems cool.” Ish.

  “I didn’t want his hands all over you.”

  The roll of my eyes does nothing to faze him.

  “Do you see yourself right now? You literally just manhandled me.”


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