His Rise to Power: Book 1

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His Rise to Power: Book 1 Page 9

by Fawkes, Tasha

  Pulling out her phone, Elizabeth began typing on the screen. “I’m sending your company an email to make sure that we can talk after the party. I’d love to attend.”

  “I hear that you’re trying to get another project off the ground,” Susan interjected. When Blythe looked at her in surprise, Susan smiled. “The Congressman rarely brings a date to these things, so your attendance has created a buzz. News of the charity has already reached my ears. Elizabeth and I were just talking about you a few minutes ago.”

  Blythe was speechless for a moment, and I could see her shaking. She’d reached the threshold of her excitement, and I was a little concerned that she might burst into tears.

  Quickly, I intervened. “I promised Blythe that my party would be full of people just waiting to open their wallets,” I teased. “Part of my campaign was about looking out for the youth of Miami, and I think her new arts center will do just that. It’ll be a safe hub for budding musicians, writers, artists, and other creative minds.”

  Reaching down, I squeezed Blythe’s hand, and she took a deep breath. “I’m sure you both realize that some of the city schools simply don’t have the resources to hone creative skills. My sports center is meant to do more than just give kids a place to play but also to give them access to coaches and trainers and hopefully college scholarships. The arts center will work very much the same way.”

  Susan nodded. “I like the idea, but there are already charities rallying to give schools these resources. Would it not be simpler to help them?”

  “They’ve been doing that for years,” Blythe said gently. She’d found her place again. “It’s not getting anywhere. The schools are misappropriating the funds. The resources go missing or are damaged. Students don’t even have access to books and libraries, so that should be the biggest priority for the schools. In addition, teachers are funding field trips out of their own pockets. While there is room for art in the school, it’s low on the priority list. Plus, even with the resources, it’s nothing more than just a class. The art center will be more. A safe place for after-school hours and weekends. Like the sports center, the center will make sure the students are fed, taught, and tutored. I’d like to expand and get some professional counselors to donate their time.”

  Susan perked up at that. “Yes. I like that. A safe and relaxing place for them while we can look after their wellbeing. Let me send you my information as well. I think the three of us can do great things together.”

  After exchanging information, Susan and Elizabeth returned to the party with their plates. Blythe just stared at the fountain for a second, and I nudged her gently with my elbow. “Did you want to make a plate?”

  Pressing a hand to her stomach, she blinked and looked up to me. “Actually, I think I need to excuse myself for a minute. Do you mind?”

  “Not at all.” Narrowing my eyes, I watched her scurry away. She was overwhelmed. As much as I wanted to follow her and assure her that she was doing a wonderful job, I gave her the space she clearly needed.

  “Using her to fulfill your campaign promises?” my father asked quietly as he suddenly appeared at my side. It didn’t surprise me that he’d waited until Blythe was gone to approach me. He’d probably been biding his time all evening. Hale Drayson didn’t do anything without deliberation.

  “I don’t use people,” I said smoothly as I turned. “She needs support, and I believe in her.”

  “You mean that you believe in her cause.”

  Without answering, I deliberately scanned the crowd. “You’ve put quite the party together for my benefit. I’m impressed.”

  Hale chuckled. “No, you’re not, but I appreciate the sentiment. The party is as much for me as it is for you. I’m proud of you, kid, and wanted to show you off. Plus, I needed to decompress after a month in Singapore.”

  What better way to decompress than a party with hundreds of Miami’s wealthiest? “In any case, I appreciate the sentiment.”

  “It’s certainly afforded your date to rub elbows. If you wanted to help her fund her little project, all you had to do was ask me. You must know how many charities I support.”

  “I’m sure that she won’t turn your money down,” I said smoothly, “but she’s looking for more than just money. Blythe likes to create relationships with her donors and share her passion.”

  “Is that what she’s doing with you? Creating a relationship and sharing her passion?”

  Stiffening, I turned to him and set my jaw. “Let me make one thing very clear, Dad. My relationship with Blythe is off limits. It’s off limits to you. It’s off limits to my peers. It’s off limits to the media.”

  A strange smile tugged at his lips. “It won’t be off limits to the media for long. She’s not what I pictured for you. She’s not what your voters picture for you.”

  Nobody should be picturing us at all. I’d yet to get the woman in my bed. I wasn’t about to have to explain my plans for the future.

  “Thanks for the party,” I said as I moved away.

  “If you don’t meet your goal, let me know. I think I’d like to get to know her better,” Hale said softly from behind. I paused for a moment and gave him a short nod before I headed back into the hustle of the party. Blythe returned and mingled for another hour before she begged off again.

  This time, she was gone for more than a few minutes.

  Concerned, I went in search of her and found her on the private balcony overlooking the courtyard. Just behind the row of hedges, the ocean stretched out endlessly with its crashing waves and the distinctive smell of salt.

  “There was a guard posted at the bottom of the stairs,” I said as I joined her at the railing. “How did you sweet-talk your way past him?”

  Surprised, she widened her eyes. “He wasn’t there when I came up. Honest. I didn’t know the place was off-limits. I’m not the only person who snuck up here. There’s a couple in one of the empty rooms who are…um…enjoying themselves.”

  A warm breeze lifted the escaping tendrils from her bun, and I reached out and tucked a strand behind her ear. “You’ve had enough of my party, haven’t you?”

  “Am I that transparent?” She laughed softly, music to my ears. “I’ve been to fundraiser parties before, but they were always focused on my charity. This is different. The questions are more personal and intense. Most people are interested because I arrived with you. I was starting to feel cross-examined.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be!” Blythe clutched at my arm. “I’ve made some wonderful connections here, so it’s all been worth it. But I did need to get some air. Your father was very kind, but his eyes have been following me all night.”

  “My father spoke to you?”

  “For a brief moment. Is that all right? He is the host.”

  I hadn’t been watching her every minute, but she was always in my viewpoint. Still, it didn’t surprise me to know that Hale had seen his chance and made a move.

  Blythe returned her attention to the spectacular view. “I know that you came from wealth and that you grew up here, but I can’t place you here. Is that strange?”

  With my hand on her hip, I moved her into the shadows so anyone who looked up wouldn’t see us. Pressing my body behind her, I dropped a kiss to the soft skin of her shoulder. I’d been waiting all night for a moment to touch her intimately again. My fingers itched to caress her skin.

  “See that tree over there with the limbs twisted together?” I whispered.

  She nodded. “It’s very unique.”

  “I fell from that tree and broke my wrist when I was ten. My father was livid, but once the bone had set, I did it again.”

  “Proving a point?”

  “To myself more than anything.”

  Rolling her head to the side, she gave me more access and sighed in pleasure as I ran my tongue up her neck to nibble on her ear. “Did you throw the most amazing pool parties in your ridiculously large pool over there?”

  “No, but I convinced Susan
Lark, the girl next door, to show me her tits when she came over to swim.” I chuckled at the memory. “We were fifteen.”

  Gasping, she whirled around and placed the palms of her hands on my chest. “Wicked.”

  “Believe me, that was the most innocent thing I did in that pool.” Leaning down, I took her mouth with mine and tried to show her all the wicked things I wanted to do in that kiss. She tasted of honey and champagne, and I felt my control slipping.

  “Come home with me, Blythe,” I muttered as I broke the kiss and teased my hands down her spine, dipping beneath the low-slung fabric. “Right now.”

  Her eyes darkened. “I thought you’d never ask.”



  He had an elevator that rode straight from the parking garage and opened up right into his penthouse. I could barely wrap my head around it. I knew that he had family money, but Jesus. A private elevator from the world below. I felt like a modern-day princess in a tower.

  “Drink?” Jack asked as he crossed from the elevator to a small bar that he kept in his living room. The dark oak wood cabinets were ornately carved around the glass that encased liquors and wines of all kinds. “Vodka?”

  Chuckling softly, I shook my head. “Vodka just makes me mean, remember?”

  “Not mean. Fiery. I like you fiery.” His eyes glittered, and I wanted to skip the drink altogether and just go straight to his body pressed against mine, but I hadn’t done this in a long time. I wasn’t sure I remembered all the protocols. We had a few drinks, right? Then moved to the awkward removal of clothes?

  Nerves jittered inside of me. “I don’t think vodka will go well after all that champagne.” My head was still swimming, but it had less to do with the alcohol and more to do with the need clawing inside of me. I was soaking wet in anticipation. Turning, I walked toward the glass window that spanned most of his living room wall. He had a breathtaking view of the city and the ocean just beyond the border.

  “Blythe.” Abandoning the liquor cabinet, he walked back to me and placed his hands on my waist. “I want you. I also want you at ease.”

  At ease. I wasn’t sure that anything could make me that. “I’m not changing my mind. I’m here. I want you too.” I wanted to say something sexy, but my mind went blank as he dipped his head and nibbled on my neck.

  “But you’re nervous. I want you soft underneath me.”

  Christ, I just wanted to be under him.

  “Are you worried that this is just a fling? A one-time thing?” His hands moved to my bare back and skimmed along my spine. I hissed and arched into him. “Tonight is not just a fling, Blythe. You have no idea how many places and positions I want to fuck you. We’re barely going to scratch the surface. If you wrap your legs around my waist, I’ll slide into you right here and now and fuck you against the glass. God, I think of that every time I look out at the city. Do you want that?” he asked, the rasp in his voice and his words sending sparks of electric currents coursing through me. In a matter of seconds, he had shredded any notion of restraint. Going to work sounded like a joke. All I longed for was some more of his caresses. Some more of him.

  “Jack,” I moaned.

  Grasping the straps of my dress, he slid them down my shoulders and bared my breasts. My arms plastered against my body, I was trapped as he pushed me up against the glass and slid his tongue over my nipple. Incredibly sensitive, I cried out as pleasure rushed through me. He caressed me slowly with his mouth, almost teasingly, until I was anything but at ease.

  “No,” he muttered as he tugged the straps down more and freed my arms. “Not for my first time. I want you under me the first time, but you need to come. Don’t you, baby?”

  Wordlessly, I nodded. His handsome face was filled with raw lust as he gathered the fabric of my dress in his hands and slowly eased them up my legs. “I’m going to taste you, Blythe. I’m going to fuck you with my tongue right here with your back against the city until you’re screaming.”

  Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god.

  As soon as he pushed my dress up to my hips, cool air touched my bare pussy, and I shivered. I’d never wanted anything as much as I wanted this man right here and now. “Spread your legs, Blythe. Open yourself to me.”

  My will was no longer my own as I did as he asked. With a guttural moan, Jack sank a finger inside of me and withdrew it. “Look at me, Blythe.”

  As if I could look away. When he slid his finger in his mouth, I whimpered. “Fuck, you’re sweet, baby. I’m going to love eating you. Let yourself go, Blythe. Come on my tongue, and then I’m going to fuck you all night long.”

  Before I could take a sharp breath, his mouth was against me, and his tongue was sliding inside of me. Crying out, I tried to push myself on his face, but he just slammed me back on the glass and hook one of my legs around his shoulder. As he viciously lashed at me with his tongue, my knees weakened, and I sagged helplessly against the glass. Tension tightened inside of me, and I moaned.

  Yes. Yes. Oh…god…yes.

  He chuckled darkly against my pussy, and I realized that the chants weren’t just in my head. Slapping my hand against the window, I screamed as his tongue slid hard over my clit. The dam broke inside of me, and I convulsed as he tongued me all the way through my orgasm until I grew so sensitive that I screamed.

  I didn’t even realize that I was sliding down the glass until I was suddenly in the air as Jack caught me and jerked me up into his arms. As he carried me through the condo, he kissed me gently, and I tasted my own juices on his lips.

  Slightly embarrassed, I pulled away and hid my face in the crook of his neck.

  “No, Blythe,” he whispered as he eased me down on a bed. “Don’t hide from me.”

  “I just…I’ve never…” I’ve never come like that before, and he was still fully clothed. How the hell was I going to be when his cock was sliding inside of me.

  “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” I heard rustling in the dark and pictured him taking his clothes off. I realized that I was still wearing my dress, not that it did much to keep his hands or mouth away from any part of my body. “It’s sexy as hell, and if you don’t believe me…”

  He took my hand, and I felt his hot and hard length sliding in my palm. Instinctively, I closed my hand around it and squeezed. Inhaling sharply, he jerked away.

  “Naughty wench,” he chuckled and turned on the bedside lamp. “Christ, I can’t decide if I want to see you all the way naked or fuck you with your dress just like that. How much do you like it?”

  “What?” I murmured as I tried to focus on what he was saying rather than getting my hands on his cock again.

  “How much do you like that dress? Because I have half a mind to rip it off you while sliding in and out of you.” His voice was dark and menacing, and I had no doubt that he would do just that.

  And I’d like it too, but then I’d have nothing to wear home.

  Quickly, I slid the rest of my fabric down my hips and wiggled until I could slide it down my legs. “Damn, baby.” As my eyes adjusted to the dimness of the room, I watched as he took himself in his hands and stroked himself. “I could watch you do that over and over again. I love the way your body moves.”

  “Come here,” I whispered as my courage grew with my desire. “And I bet you’ll like how my body moves even more.”

  He knelt on the bed, still stroking himself, but he was too far for me to reach. Slowly, he undid the straps of my shoes and slid them off my feet. Lifting my leg, he placed a soft kiss on my inner ankle, and I shivered. My body tingled in anticipation as he moved his lips up my leg, taking extra care beneath my knee, and when he reached my pussy…

  “Wet all over again, Blythe,” he grunted. He slid his tongue over me again, but he didn’t waste much time as he kissed up my abdomen and reached my breasts. As he settled between my legs, I restlessly moved beneath him as he reigned kisses over my nipples and rolled them between his finger. “Your body is absolutely perfect.”

“Stop teasing,” I whimpered. “Fuck me, please.”

  Instead of doing what I said, he moved to the nightstand and opened the drawer. Then he cursed and ran a hand through his hair.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He looked absolutely devastated. “No condoms. Shit. I didn’t buy condoms. I—”

  “I’m on birth control,” I said quickly. Desperately. I was feeling every bit as desperate as he looked.

  He sat down on the bed and took my hand. “I trust you, Blythe, and you can trust me. I’m clean, and I’ve not been with anyone since I was last tested. But if—”

  “Fuck me,” I told him, my voice calm this time. It might be stupid, but I trusted him too. He was worth the risk. Anything would have been worth the risk.

  Abruptly releasing me, he moved quickly until he loomed over me and his head was only inches from mine. “Say it again,” he growled. “Fuck, say it again, Blythe.”

  “Fuck me,” I echoed breathlessly. “Fuck me, Jack.”

  With a hiss, he took my mouth hard and kissed me deeply and urgently as his cock pressed against my wet heat. Impatiently, I clamped my legs around his hips and swiveled my body until he was right at my entrance. “Now. Now, Jack. Now.”

  “Blythe.” With a moan, he thrust hard and buried himself inside of me. We both cried out, and I tightened my hold on him as my nails scored down his back. I wanted him to move, and at the same time, I wanted him just like this. Tightening my muscles, I milked his cock and moaned at the mind-blowing fit we made. He didn’t just stretch and fill me. He hit all those spots that made me wet.

  “Baby,” he groaned. “Ah…god, baby. You’ve got to let me move. I need to feel you stroking me. I’m going to go mad.”

  “Hard and fast,” I gasped. “I need to come again, Jack. Hard and fast.”

  He gave me everything I wanted until the massive headboard was slamming against the wall, and my shouts were punctured only by the sound of his body slamming into mine. Sweat slicked over his face, and my hands raced all over his body, reveling in his smooth skin and hard muscles. I sank my teeth into his shoulder in an attempt to stay with him for just a little while longer. When the dam broke, I arched and screamed his name as my orgasm hit me like a tidal wave. Jack continued to fuck me, whispering my name, and riding out my pleasure until he roared, pulled out, and spilled himself on my body.


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