Path to Villainy: An NPC Kobold's Tale

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Path to Villainy: An NPC Kobold's Tale Page 10

by S. L. Rowland

  Witt shook his head, the stars finally fading from his vision. He motioned for Razul and Hux to back off.

  The whine of steel cut through the night and the dwarf clashed his two daggers together. He smirked as he looked down at Witt. “Your songs can’t save you now.”

  Witt winked at Razul, and the rogue sprang into action. The rogue’s body pulsed for a moment as he leapt at the dwarf, burying his own dagger in the dwarf’s throat. The dwarf fell to his knees, holding both hands over the fatal wound.

  Kneeling down in front of the dwarf, a calmness washed over Witt. “You want to know the difference between a villain and a hero?” The dwarf tried to speak but all that came out were gurgles. Witt leaned in closer. “I don’t pretend to be something I’m not.”

  With three quick jabs, the life left the dwarf and he fell to the ground.

  Something rustled in the bushes and all three kobolds turned, weapons raised. A tiny red arm peeled back the branches and a young kobold stepped forward, her eyes glistening.

  She frowned. “Why are the heroes attacking us?”

  Witt placed his hand on her shoulder. “They are not who we thought they were.” He knelt down and looked her in the eye. “You can’t trust heroes to look after us because they will always look out for themselves. We must do the same. Now, run to Murkwell, you will be safe there.”

  The young kobold took off toward Murkwell just as the dwarf’s body began to dissipate.

  When they reached the edge of Swampside, Witt’s heart sank. All of their aboveground structures had been burnt to the ground.

  A group of heroes surrounded a dozen kobolds that were tied up near the village fire pit.

  “I’m not going to ask again. Which one of you is The Cunning Kobold?”

  Fire and ice intertwined within Witt as the sound of the voice brought back his worst memories. Stu, the red-haired warrior dwarf who had caused him such pain, grabbed a kobold by the tunic.

  There were at least seven heroes that Witt could spot. Three dwarves, an elf, a minotaur, a gnome, and an orc. As the light from the flames danced across their bodies, casting them all in moving shadows, they looked like the monsters they were. His nostrils flared as fresh anger surged through him.

  “What can we do?” he whispered to the others.

  Stu lifted the kobold off the ground by the tunic. The kobold’s legs dangled in the air awkwardly.

  “Is it you?”

  “We don’t know who it is. Whoever it is, they aren’t from Swampside,” the kobold pleaded.

  “Liar!” Stu tossed the kobold to the ground. “Finch, show the others what will happen to them if we don’t find out where this Cunning Kobold is.”

  The chocolate-colored minotaur stepped forward and without warning, brought a massive hoof down on the kobold’s head with a sickening crunch. Hux and Razul averted their eyes, but Witt looked on, his hatred growing even stronger. His fist clenched around the handle of his dagger.

  Hux placed his hand on Witt’s shoulder. “I think we should leave. We can’t save Swampside, but we can protect Murkwell.”

  Witt nodded. “You two go. I have business to finish, but I will see you back in Murkwell one way or another.”

  Hux gave him a questioning look, but he didn’t argue. “See you soon.”

  Razul winked. “Good luck, young Witt.”

  And then they were gone.

  One by one, Stu and the others killed the kobolds in brutal fashion. From spells to brute force, they inflicted pain and torture. Witt struggled with each death, refusing to look away. Every death was a kobold unlikely to respawn, their life force forever extinguished because the heroes were hunting Witt. He wondered how many kobolds hid in the burrows beneath the village, forced to sit idle while their brothers and sisters begged for their lives.

  He pulled the lute from his back and plucked at the strings. While his barbarian skills had improved over the past few days, he was no match for the heroes before him. There were too many, and they were too strong for him alone. He looked over his songs, wondering if any of them might help.

  Song of Enlightenment offered little in the moment. Song of Silence could stop the heroes from using their abilities, but the minotaur had proven that brute force was enough. With Song of Swiftness, the kobolds might be able to run to safety, but many would die in the process. Ballad of the Bold was useless. He had no intention of buffing a hero ever again.

  That left Inspired Frenzy, the first song he had ever learned. The song that connected kobolds one and all, no matter if they were from Murkwell or not. It was a song of his people. A song for dragons.

  Witt stepped into the burning remains of the village. He strummed his lute and the notes flared out, a rainbow of music finding its way to the kobolds restrained in the center, but also down the tight tunnels that led into the burrows underneath.

  He sang with all the power he could muster, so that every kobold in the village would hear him.

  “In ancient times, when lands were young,

  and dragons spoke the only tongue,

  they ruled the lands and skies above,

  and hoarded all the things they loved.”

  The heroes stopped what they were doing and all eyes fell on Witt.

  Stu laughed. “This has to be the stupidest kobold I’ve ever met. He walks right into his death.” Stu tossed the kobold he was holding to the side like she was a toy. “I can’t wait to claim the reward for shutting him down.” He lifted his warhammer off the ground and marched toward Witt.

  Witt continued playing, keeping a safe distance between him and Stu.

  “But then came men and dwarves and elves,

  who wanted treasures for themselves.

  The dragons retreated into the highest mountains,

  where only the bravest heroes found them.

  It was in this time kobolds were born,

  to protect the dragons and their hoard.

  They fought with axes, spears, and knives,

  and made elaborate traps to hide.”

  As Inspired Frenzy took effect, the eyes of the restrained kobolds began to glow red. The heroes were so focused on him that only Witt saw what was happening around him. Every eye was focused on Stu and Witt’s exchange. As the notes continued to find their way into the burrow, Witt knew there was a horde of kobolds with a festering rage underneath.

  “They caught the heroes unaware…”

  Witt snarled at Stu as the first kobold poked its head from the burrow.

  “ambushed them in the dragon’s lair.

  The heroes wore resplendent armor,

  carried rare weapons, cast spells with ardor.

  But kobolds possessed the greater numbers,

  and fought for all their sisters and brothers.

  They ripped the armor from their bodies,

  scalped their heads, for it was folly

  to think that they could slay a dragon

  when kobolds were the dragon’s assassins.”

  The screams of dozens of kobolds tore through the night. Rage burned inside all of them, granting increased Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. The citizens of Swampside attacked with a fervor powered by Witt’s hatred for the heroes.

  The kobolds restrained near the fire pit broke the ropes that bound them and swarmed the seven heroes. Kobolds poured from the burrows, outnumbering each hero a dozen to one.

  Stu charged Witt, but he wasn’t done yet. He strummed his lute again and it glowed white as he prepared Song of Silence.

  Two kobolds lunged at Stu, grabbing him around the foot and slowing his charge. Stu smashed one with his hammer, but two more took its place.

  “The world was dark and full of terror

  for those who lived in the dragon era.

  Blue, red, silver, and white,

  no prey could hope to escape their might.

  They burned castles and farms to the ground,

  destroying families and razing towns.

  And now the time has
come again

  for all to fear the dragon kin…”

  Another massive strum sent the pent-up energy exploding across the village center like a flash of light. Stu’s glowing warhammer faded mid-swing. A spell from the elven mage vanished just as she extended her hand to release. An empowered stomp by the minotaur did nothing more than stir up ash.

  “What the hell have you done?” Stu snarled. “I’ll kill you a thousand times over for this.”

  Kobolds ripped the armor from his shoulders and chest. Others pinned him to the ground and stabbed him, painting his tunic a vibrant red. Everywhere Witt looked it was the same. Dozens of kobolds lay dead, but they were overpowering the heroes by sheer force of will.

  Two dwarves drew their last breaths, and the kobolds who killed them wasted no time joining their kin.

  Witt was fueled by so much icy hatred that he was surprised he wasn’t frozen to the ground.

  One by one the heroes fell, until only Stu was left. He looked like a slaughtered boar as he lay on the ground, gasping for air. Pure, raw hatred poured from his eyes.

  Witt smiled. He understood the feeling all too well.

  He knelt down next to Stu, the dwarf responsible for setting him down his path. “It seems kobolds might not be as stupid as you first thought, huh?”

  Stu growled, but Witt placed a cold finger to the dwarf’s lips.

  “Shhh. I’ll do the talking. You just listen.”

  A vein in Stu’s forehead threatened to explode.

  “Before I get to the details, a thank you is in order. Because if not for you, I wouldn’t be here right now. I wouldn’t know of the countless murders bestowed upon us by your people.” Witt shook his head. “No, I don’t mean dwarves. I mean heroes. The common people will not be held responsible for your crimes.” He leaned in closer until the chill of his breath cooled Stu’s flushed cheeks. “Come for us again and you will receive far worse than what has happened to you today. Unlike Swampside, you will not find Murkwell unprepared.” He removed his finger from Stu’s lips. “Any last words?”

  Stu opened his mouth, but before he had a chance to speak Witt pushed his dagger through the dwarf’s throat.

  Witt stood up and addressed the still-raging kobolds. “Carry what you can, leave behind the rest. You are all citizens of Murkwell now.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Witt led the displaced kobolds toward Murkwell. Their arms were full as they carried as much as they could to start their new lives. While the burrows of Swampside were still intact, the structures aboveground had been destroyed. Over half the population had been killed by the heroes, and another large portion had died during the final battle.

  They simply didn’t have the kobold power to rebuild. Even if they did rebuild, who would protect them? Who would keep Stu and his cronies from laying siege again and again?

  If they came to Murkwell, Witt promised to take care of them. They were his people and they would always have a home wherever he was. His vision had grown bigger than protecting those who lived in his village; he wanted to change the world for kobolds all over.

  He would do whatever it took to make that happen.

  There were still notifications for Witt to sort through, but his mind was elsewhere. Stu wouldn’t take this defeat lightly. He would come back for vengeance and probably bring more heroes with him next time. After killing seven more heroes, the bounty for shutting him down would be greater than ever.

  They needed to be prepared. He hoped Zirn and the others had finished setting traps. Once he made it back to the village, he had a few more ideas to help with security.

  Several of the stronger kobolds carried eggs from the Swampside hatchery. Their hatchery had fewer eggs than Murkwell, but there was no way they could leave them behind.

  Witt wasn’t sure what the plan was going forward. He’d never led a village before, but it was his actions that had gotten Swampside into this predicament. He needed to find a way to keep his people safe while fulfilling his quest at the same time.

  The stronger he grew, the safer they would become. It was the intermediate part where they would face the most danger. He needed to level up fast.

  As they walked in silence under the light of the moon, Witt pulled up his notifications.


  You have killed a level 10 hero. X2

  You have killed a level 9 hero. X2

  You have killed a level 11 hero.

  You have killed a level 8 hero. X2

  You have been awarded 7000 XP.

  You have leveled up. You are now level 10.

  You have leveled up. You are now level 11.

  You have learned the ability Barbarian Rage (Barbarian).

  Barbarian Rage: Gain increased Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. While in a rage, user is unable to cast any non-barbarian abilities. After rage ends, user will suffer fatigue equal to the duration of the rage.

  You have learned the ability Song of Seduction (Bard).

  Song of Seduction: Ability to woo a neutral creature to your cause.

  You have been awarded 175 Villain Points.

  Quest Alert: You have reached 300 Villain Points. Due to your notoriety, heroes will recognize you in passing. Guards of Skullheyden will also arrest you on sight. Other cities remain unaffected.

  Quest Alert: You have reached 400 Villain Points. You are now eligible to lay claim to a town or village. If a town or village is unclaimed, you may lay claim. If a town or village has already been claimed, you may lay claim once it is no longer under another’s domain.

  Quest Alert: Due to your recent actions, you have also taken on the name The Unforgiving Kobold. For you, peace is not an option.

  That familiar cool crept over his shoulders. This was a big boon. With Barbarian Rage, he could finally buff himself without the lute. This would be great for fights, but he would lose access to all of his bard abilities until his rage was over. If he used it at the right time, it wouldn’t matter.

  Song of Seduction was an intriguing ability. Basically he could play a song and the animal or monster would fall under his influence. He wasn’t much of a beastmaster or tamer, but perhaps an opportunity would present itself.

  The real intrigue was his new quest alerts. Now that he had four hundred villain points, it was time to start thinking bigger. Kobold society had elders and powerful kobolds that were respected, but they didn’t have leaders like humans and other races. There were no mayors or kings, not since Hugnu. He had been the one and only kobold king. He’d risked everything for his people and in the end he’d still lost.

  Witt had to be better.

  Everything that the kobolds in Murkwell did benefitted the community. If Witt wanted to claim the village as his own and become a true villain, then he had to stake his authority.

  He smiled at his new nickname, The Unforgiving Kobold. The notification was right. Peace was not an option, not anymore. He wouldn’t stop until every hero knew to stay the hell away from Murkwell and its people.

  The last thing he noticed was that his Strength and Charisma each had a stat point added automatically. He could feel the firmness of his muscles as they grew stronger. The added Charisma would certainly help with integrating the residents of Swampside into the village.

  Witt wondered if he would sleep tonight. There was work to be done and plans to be made. Rest was a luxury for heroes.

  They followed a narrow path through the forest. Only kobolds used it, so they could walk with room to spare. Most other races would have a hard time navigating the low-hanging branches and shrubbery.

  Thanks to darkvision, the light of the moon was all that they needed to find their way. Witt buffed them with Song of Swiftness and soon they were on the border to Murkwell. Thick vegetation grew around the boundary, making it difficult to see inside the village. A small path led through a thicket, but it was undoubtedly full of traps.

  Witt made the refugees wait behind him. He pulled out his lute and played the first few
chords of Inspired Frenzy. The notes darted through the trees and bushes, letting Witt know that kobolds were nearby.

  “It’s Witt,” he called into the darkness. “I’ve brought kobolds from Swampside. They’ll be staying with us now. Please disarm the traps so that we can enter.”

  A moment later a voice replied. “Give us a minute.”

  Several kobolds appeared on the path, disconnecting wires and loosening ropes.

  “Come on in.” One of the kobolds waved them forward. “Watch out for that spot.” He pointed to a pile of dried leaves.

  Witt wasn’t sure who to talk to about sleeping arrangements for the new villagers. For as far back as he could remember, everyone just had their space.

  If I want to be a great leader, then I need to start making the decisions. I can’t wait around for someone to tell me what to do.

  Witt found most of the village in the center around the fire pit. They were silent as he entered. For the first time in many moons, there was no laughter, no drinking, no raucous fights.

  Their eyes followed him, each one waiting for answers.

  Witt cleared his throat. He searched the group before him for friendly faces and found Kessy, Hux, Razul, and Zirn sitting next to one another. They’d taken to one another rather quickly and they would be his greatest source of insight going forward.

  “Swampside is no more. The village was destroyed and many lives were lost. We managed to kill seven heroes, but at a great cost. They know who I am now, and it won’t be long before they come looking. This is a trial we must survive. The remaining citizens of Swampside will be a part of our community going forward. They have brought what they could carry as well as the eggs from their hatchery. Make sure they find a safe place for them. I expect we will have many new young kobolds come morning.”


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