by Paula O'Hara
I gave her a small smile as she began walking up to her window, looking seriously adorable in her oversized flannel pyjama pants and white shirt.
Her eyes left mine once she opened the window and stepped back to let me in.
Swiftly, I was able to jump inside and let her close the window behind her.
"Hey," I spoke up, scratching the back of my neck while turning around to face her.
Willow really did look tired when she turned to face me.
"Hi," she gave me a tightlipped smile, definitely not okay with me and how I'd acted.
Her voice seemed a bit off, though.
"Are you okay?" I asked when she began walking back over to her bed.
I watched seating herself down and pulling the duvet over her lap.
Then, she sniffled, "yeah, I'm fine. I just feel a little sick."
"Seriously?" my brows furrowed a bit while I slowly took a few steps towards her.
I didn't fucking know if I should sit down or just remain standing.
Willow shrugged, looking down at her lap, "it's probably from the stress and lack of sleep.."
Willow was stressed about Oliver's situation. She really did care for him.
I looked away, tucking my hands into the front pockets of my black skinny jeans.
"How was Oliver?" I then asked her while she grabbed a Kleenex from her night table and blew her nose.
I had to look back to see the cute sight and didn't even bother stopping a small smile forming on my lips.
"If you think he's the only reason as to why I'm stressed you need to quit being such a possessive idiot," she frowned, giving me a small look.
I was standing beside her bed, looking down at her.
"You don't think— Jesus, Willow," I sighed, running a hand through my hair, "you like him, it's fine. Just don't fucking lead me on."
It wasn't fine. It was far from fine.
"I'm not leading you on, Hunter!" she glared, voice sounding hoarse, "why on Earth would you think I got together with you if I had feelings for anyone else? Like I've said a million times before, Oliver is one of my closest friends."
"Who you have sex with," I muttered, feeling salty about the fact.
Willow huffed, leaning back against the headboard of her bed.
"Had," she corrected, "I used to have sex with a lot of people. Sex is good and makes me feel relaxed, it's not like you don't know that."
I did know that. "But you do understand why it didn't feel too good having you worrying your ass off for him, right?"
"Sure, but should also understand that I could have said no when you asked me to be your girlfriend," she nodded, raising her brows at me slightly, "I said yes because I like you and know that I wouldn't mind settling down."
"Can I, uh- can I sit down?" I asked, hating this feeling of awkwardness around her, which was fully my fault, though.
I wanted things to be normal again, with her still being my girlfriend.
"Sure," I croaked out, my throat sore and nose runny.
I let Hunter sit down on my bed in front of me after taking his shoes off.
"Please believe me when I say I don't like anyone else but you, Hunter," I told him quietly which made him look up at me again.
I watched as he blinked a few times before giving me a small nod. I really wanted to know what he was thinking right now.
"I'm stressed because I feel like I have no idea who you really are after the whole clubhouse incident," I added, feeling uncomfortably shy right now.
I did feel a bit scared of him, to be honest. The last thing I wanted was to be in a relationship with him only to find out down the line what he was really like.
"What do you mean?" Hunter's brows furrowed, studying my expression.
I grabbed another Kleenex and blew my runny nose.
"You were messed up. I can't believe you tried to fuck me just to show your friends that you wouldn't be letting me off with not doing what you wanted me to do. I was right to want to call 911 - you didn't want me to, only because it'd get you people in trouble."
He looked away, running a hand over his face.
"You won't understand, Willow. That's just how the men are in the clubhouse, they have to be superior or it'll give them a bad rep."
"I do get that macho bullshit, it's a biker gang, for God's sake," I coughed while he looked back at me with a hesitant look.
"What I don't get is, how you could do that to me? Like you care less about me than what your friends think about you."
"No, I swear I don't," Hunter was quick to shake his head, inching closer to my legs which were pulled up to my chin under the duvet.
"I regret it, Willow. I'm not used to having such an... outspoken girlfriend. I love it, though, I really do." He loved it? Okay, wow, what?
"But there is no more clubhouse and there never will be again. That won't ever happen."
"It better not happen again," I huffed, sniffling a little, "but I'm still not over the fact that you would have done it just to-"
"I get it. I fucked up," he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "and I'm sorry, Willow. I honestly am. You're lucky it would have been just sex, though. If you were one of the other guys' there, you'd have been bent over their knee-"
"Excuse me?" I raised my voice a bit, shocked at what he'd just said, "if I was someone elses? I'm not even yours! Nobody owns me but me! And Im lucky that it would have been just sex? Are you serious, Hunter?"
He let out a breath, brows furrowing, "that's not what I mean.."
"You just said it, though," I mumbled, shooting him a glare, "how dare you try to make it sound like it was no big deal? Now you're just digging your own grave deeper."
If he continued like this, he'd be six feet under in no time.
"I—" he sighed, frustrated, "I'm worried you're gonna leave me. I know I fucked up, multiple times within the last 12 hours."
"I don't trust you right now," I told him honestly, causing his expression to drop.
He really did look remorseful and guilty, but if it had been such an easy decision for him to actually use me to keep and gain respect, what else wouldn't he hesitate to do?
"Baby, I'm telling you I made a fucking huge mistake by trying to do what I did at the clubhouse with you... it was a huge fuck up," he frowned slightly, "and I know it's not normal to be asking for second chances if we've been together less than a day, but I guess that's what I'm doing..."
I let out a sigh, grabbing yet another Kleenex before blowing my nose. My whole body felt uncomfortable and stuffy.
Hunter was everything I wanted in a boyfriend though, if you don't take into account the clubhouse incident. He was funny and kind and had bomb dick.
"One condition," I croaked out, immediately clearing my sore throat after it.
"Anything," he nodded, the sides of his lips pulling up just a bit.
"You use me, in any way, again, and I won't hesitate to end things right then and there."
"Yes," he smiled, immediately leaning closer to cup my face in his hands before his lips met mine.
My face scrunched up and I placed my hands on his shoulders to push him back.
His lips left mine as he pulled back a bit.
"You'll get sick," I told him, giving him a small frown.
Hunter looked so relieved while he shook his head with a genuine smile, "I honestly don't care."
He leaned in and kissed me again. This was the real Hunter, I was now positive about it. There was no way he could actually be the way he had been at the clubhouse.
This was now his last chance, though. One more fuck up and oops, he's gone like the dirty used Kleenex's in my bin.
"Willow, I really like you," he mumbled against my lips, moving to situate himself between my thighs over the duvet.
I was still leaning against the headboard, with his knees now at the sides of my thighs.
"Like, a lot."
I found myself smiling as I kissed him back. H
is lips were so intoxicating, I was addicted.
"I know you do, puppy."
"Don't call me that," he kissed me gently with a hint of amusement, before slowly moving the duvet off my lap so he was able to get closer to me.
"I will call you that," I told him and he grinned, shaking his head at me while his hands slid down to my hips to tug me against his body.
Hunter then leaned down and kissed me again while I shifted around to get comfortable with my head on one of my pillows.
My fingers tangled in his hair, tugging gently. Knowing we were probably going to have sex, which made me feel hot and insatiable, I started removing my shirt.
Just then, though, there was a knock on my door.
"Willow?" It was Alex. Hunter immediately sat up and stared at me.
"Changing!" I quickly managed to call out.
"Okay, sure," he chuckled, "mum and dad aren't home so I'm gonna go buy a shit ton of alcohol for Friday, alright?"
Hunter seemed to relax, giving me a grin while he began slowly rolling up my shirt after I had stopped.
"Okay!" I managed to reply before Hunter's lips were back on mine, causing my whole body to tingle in the most sinful of ways.
Last I heard were Alex's footsteps down the stairs before my shirt was off and on the floor. Instead of kissing me again, Hunter had pulled back to look down at me.
"You know you're probably gonna get sick as well?" I asked him, amused while his eyes just admired me.
It felt so amazing to have someone look at you like this, I had never felt it before.
"Doesn't matter," he shook his head, hands gently moving up and down my bare sides.
I really needed to have him inside me as soon as possible, not that I wasn't enjoying the foreplay.
"You look..." he began.
I totally looked like a mess, but the fact that he sounded so genuine and blown away made my heart melt. I didn't want to show it though, so decided to just take it casually.
"Beautiful, I know. Can you please fuck me now, before my brother gets back?"
With a chuckle and a small shake of his head, he was leaning back down to kiss me.
I slid my hands down his hard body to slowly begin the removal of his shirt.
"Willow! I forgot, can I borrow-" my door flew open. Hunter jumped away from me and I pushed myself up and immediately covered my chest as we both stared at Alex standing in my doorway.
"What the fuck is this?" He seemed furious, shocked and confused at the same time, while glaring at the both of us.
Hunter stumbled off the bed and quickly handed me my shirt. I was absolutely horrified while I tugged it back on, only my bed was separating my angry brother and boyfriend.
"Alex..." I began, but his eyes were glaring at Hunter.
His fists were clenched and I'd never seen him so mad, like he was about to explode.
"What the fuck were you doing on top of my sister?" He seethed, eyes trained murderously on Hunter.
My heart was beating so fast, scared that Alex would jump him soon.
I couldn't imagine what he felt like though, after always having been so against me dating even the most innocent guys, he finds me like this with his own best friend. He must've felt so let down by Hunter, as well as me.
"Listen, man—" Hunter raised his hands up as a small sign of backing off.
Alex's eyes moved to meet mine, almost making me want to cry. He looked so furious and shocked.
"You're fucking my best friend? How fucking cliché," he let out an angry laugh, "I honestly can't believe you're that dumb."
I raised my brows at him as I stood up from the bed and walked over to Hunter.
"Alex, I'm capable of making my own damn decisions, you need to accept it."
"How long?" He asked, jaw clenching as well.
"How long, what?" I crossed my arms over my chest, returning his murderous glare.
I just needed to remain between Hunter and Alex because I didn't want them to get into a fight.
"How long has this shit been going on?" He spoke through his teeth.
"Not that it's any of your business--" I had begun getting angry as well.
I understand it's not the best thing to find our your best friend has something going on with your little sister, but he really had no right to moderate my life.
Before I could go on with my sentence, I felt Hunter's hand comfortingly on my lower back before he walked away.
My eyes trained on him when he rounded and my bed, now with nothing between Alex and him.
Oh God, this wouldn't end well and we all knew it.
I quickly went to stand by Hunter, ready to step in between the two.
"She's old enough to do whatever she wants, Alex," Hunter began, and I think we both knew that this was a recipe for disaster, "I'm not using her and I won't be hurting her, trust me."
Alex's eyes narrowed at him, his fists clenching even more.
"You brought her to the clubhouse. You weren't keeping her safe, you put her in danger," he then came to the conclusion, accusing Hunter.
"I brought her there but I wasn't going to let anything hap--" that's when Alex's fist collided with Hunter's jaw.
I let out a scream, immediately trying to step between the two but was pushed away by Alex.
"Alex!" I yelled, horrified as I watched him shove Hunter who didn't seem to be fighting back. "Stop it!"
"How fucking dare you, man?" Alex hissed, shoving him again which made him stumble back a little. The punch had looked really painful.
"I fucking trusted you!" He punched Hunter again, making him stumble down onto the floor.
Why wasn't he fighting back? I knew Hunter was fully able to do that or at least protect himself but he seemed to be accepting Alex's anger.
"Alex, please stop," I found my voice completely weak while I forced myself to come between him and Hunter.
I placed my hands on Alex's chest, trying to calm him down. He was breathing heavily, completely filled with pure anger.
"Alex," I repeated, making his furious eyes now glare at me, "you have no right to do this, you need to stop."
"Leave, this is between Hunter and me," he was pushing me away again, but I stood my ground.
"No!" I shoved him back a little, making his eyes finally land on mine, "this is between Hunter and me! Him and I are none of your business, Alex. We're together, and there's nothing—"
"You're WHAT?!"
Now he was fuming. I heard Hunter sigh from behind me and glanced back to see him standing again, rubbing his jaw and looking at Alex who was also looking at him.
"Together, yes. Alex, you need to calm down," I turned back to my brother, firmly standing between him and my boyfriend.
"Will you stop looking at him like you want him six feet under?" I huffed, getting annoyed now.
This was my life and I was fucking and dating whoever I wanted.
"Alex!" I raised my voice, watching as his nostrils flared while he glared at Hunter.
"The hell you're together with this fucking asshole, Willow," he muttered, trying to push past me again, ready to attack.
"Stop!" Without even thinking twice about it, my hand collided with his cheek.
The slap made him take a step back with his brows furrowed down at me. I was breathing heavily, so completely done with his over-protective bullshit.
"Get out of my room, now!" I pointed towards my open door while Alex brought his own hand up to his cheek to soothe the burn.
"Out. Now," I told him sternly, making him shut up for good.
Without looking at either of us, Alex turned around and left my room while running his hands over his face.
I turned around to face Hunter but jumped a little at the sound of Alex's door slamming shut. He was definitely still mad.
Hunter was looking down at me with a rather blank expression, while my eyes settled on his bruising jaw.
I cringed a bit and stepped up to
him, "that looks bad."
I brought a hand up to extremely gently run a finger along it. He didn't even flinch, but studied my face.