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Intentional Risk (R.I.S.C. Book 4)

Page 16

by Anna Blakely

  Until then, he was more than happy to support her in any way he could. Even if that meant spending a few nights apart throughout the week so she could have some much-needed alone time to reflect on everything.

  “So, when do I get to meet this mystery woman of yours?” Coop asked from the seat beside Mac.

  “Charlie’s no mystery woman.” Mac looked at her sniper partner. “Grant and I have met her.”

  “You have?”

  Sitting two chairs down on Derek’s right, Grant tipped his head. “Yep.”

  Coop glanced down at the big guy then back to Mac. Sounding genuinely hurt, he said, “You never told me that.”

  Mac simply shrugged. “You never asked. Besides, it’s not like I share every little detail about my life with you.”

  “Yeah.” Coop sat back in his seat. “I know.”

  Derek watched the odd exchange, wondering what had crawled up Coop’s ass. Seemed like he and Mac were bickering even more than normal, lately.

  “Well, I guess I should tell you Lex and I have met Charlie, too.” Trevor joined in. “In fact,” he looked to Derek. “I believe our gals are meeting for lunch today to finalize Lexi’s part in Charlie’s business plan.”

  “Yeah,” Derek confirmed. “Charlie’s really excited that Lexi’s on board with it all.”

  Coop sat up straighter, looking confused. “Wait. What business plan?”

  This time, Jake spoke up from the seat at the front of the room. “Charlie’s opening an event planning business. Lexi’s signing The Gardens on to be her caterer.” He gave Coop a shrug. “Olivia filled me in after she and Charlie met for coffee the other day.”

  Looking around the room, Coop held out his hands. “So, am I seriously the only one here who hasn’t met this woman?”

  “Don’t get your panties in a wad.” Mac rolled her eyes. “I’m sure Derek hasn’t kept you out of the loop on purpose.”

  “Sure feels like it.” The young sniper pretended to sulk. He narrowed his eyes at Derek. “Thanks a lot, asshole.”

  “Dude.” Derek chuckled. “It’s nothin’ personal. Charlie’s just been really busy since we got back to the city. She had to find a place to live and get a car. She’s been goin’ non-stop doin’ what she can to get this business put together. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so excited about somethin’. She even has an office space rented already. She’s supposed to go today to sign the lease.”

  “Whatever,” Coop rolled his eyes dramatically and threw his hand up.

  Derek made a face, and the two men laughed. God, he loved his team.

  “I promise I’ll bring her by to meet you as soon as I get the chance.”

  “What’s the big deal, anyway?” Mac challenged Coop. “You’ve never been worried about meeting any of the other women he’s dated.”

  “Mac.” Coop’s expression turned serious. “This is Wild West we’re talking about. So, one...he doesn’t date. And two...hell, yes, I want to meet the woman who could tie this crazy bastard down. I gotta see for myself she’s real.”

  “Oh, she’s real, all right,” Derek assured him with a smirk.

  Jake cleared his throat. “If you two drama queens are done, we do have some actual R.I.S.C. business to discuss.”

  “Sorry, Boss,” Derek offered, though the grin on his face was anything but apologetic.

  “Thank God,” Mac muttered, ignoring the tongue Coop was sticking out at her.

  “What do you got for us, Jake?” Grant asked, his tone as serious as always.

  With a sideways grin, he shook his head and got to it. “Two jobs. Neither are very extensive nor do they involve international travel. So, I’ll be splitting you up.”

  “You’re not doin’ one?” Derek asked their boss.

  “This pregnancy is still kicking Liv’s ass. As of this morning, she’s officially taken a leave of absence from the hospital. I plan on being home with her until after the baby comes. Obviously, I’ll still be reachable, and y’all are welcome to come to the ranch any time to shoot or do any other sort of training. I’ve got Bravo Team on call for any jobs that Ryker may throw our way. As far as actually being here in the office, Trevor will hold down the fort while I’m gone.”

  “But everything’s okay with Olivia and the baby. Right, Jake?” Mac asked, her concern mirroring everyone else’s.

  “They’re fine. Liv’s blood pressure has been higher than her doctor would like to see, and since we’re lucky enough to be able to afford it, she’s taking it easy for the next few months.”

  “Wow,” Coop exclaimed. “Can’t believe you got her to agree to that.”

  “It wasn’t easy.” Jake shook his head. “Trust me. But, she knows it’s what’s best for the baby, so in the end, she gave in.”

  “Speaking of the baby...when are you going to find out what it is?”

  “We decided we aren’t going to find out ahead of time.”

  The room filled with groans, but Jake simply smiled. “Let’s get back on track. So, one of the jobs is for a new client. He recently purchased a very large property on a gated, secluded lot located on the northeast edge of the city. His realtor assured him the security system currently in place is the, and I quote, ‘best that money can buy’.”

  “Is it one of ours?” Derek asked with a raised brow.


  Derek scoffed. “Then it ain’t the best money can buy.”

  Jake smiled. “Which is exactly what one of his clients told him. That’s why he wants us to take a look and see if we just need to make a few improvements to it, or if it needs to be replaced altogether.”

  “Sounds easy enough,” Mac commented.

  Jake gave her a look. “Yes, and no. The guy wants the systems check to be legit.”

  “Meaning?” Coop asked.

  “Meaning, he doesn’t want to know when we’re coming.”

  Coop leaned up onto his elbows, excitement flaring in his eyes. “Wait a minute. Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” He looked around at the others then back to Jake. “Some rich dude is actually going to pay us to break into his house?” The former Ranger grinned. “Oh, I am so in. Put me on that one, Boss.” Coop added puppy dog eyes for effect. “Please.”

  Jake smiled. “Already done.”

  “Yes!” Coop threw a fist in the air.

  “I’m assigning you, Mac, and Derek to that job. I’ve already pulled up all the schematics of the house. You three can get together after this to come up with a game plan of how and when you want to handle it, but, it needs to be done soon. From what I gather, this man doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

  “Got it, Boss,” Mac nodded.

  “Hold on.” Derek leaned forward. “If you’re home, Trev’s here, and the three of us are doin’ this job, does that mean Hill’s on his own for the other one?”

  “He is.” Looking to Grant, Jake explained. “Remember Senator Cantrell?”

  Grant nodded. “Coop and I worked extra security for him last year. Started to, anyway.”

  “Right,” Jake confirmed. “The guy got sick and had to cut it short.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Coop spoke up. “That was just before all that shit went down with Liv.”

  A shadow fell over Jake’s face. It was the same look he got any time his wife’s abduction and subsequent torture was mentioned.

  “That’s right.” Jake cleared his throat. “Anyway, he’s going back out. Doing some sort of philanthropy tour and wants us to provide an extra man for him again. I figured since you already worked with him once before, you’d be the most logical choice.”

  “Okay,” Grant gave their boss a nod. “Just tell me when and where.”

  He slid a folder down the table to Grant. “His itinerary is in there. Looks like it’ll only be for a week. You’ll need to meet with him and his head of security tomorrow morning to iron everything out.”

  “Got it.”

  “Also, Cantrell wanted me to mention that his daughter will be joining hi
m at one of the events. He has a security guard already assigned to her, but he’d like for you to keep an extra eye out, as well.”

  Derek noticed a muscle bulging in the side of Grant’s jaw, which was odd. The man barely showed any emotions. Ever.


  “I’ll do my best.”

  “I know you will.” Jake stood. “That’s all I have. I’m going to head home, but you have my number. Don’t hesitate to use it if you need to.”

  Trevor and Grant followed Jake out. Once they’d left, Derek got up and walked around the table to join Mac and Coop so they could plan their break-in and then split for the day.

  She didn’t know it yet, but he had a special evening planned for Charlie, and he couldn’t wait for it to get started.


  Chapter 15

  “So, what do you think?”

  Charlie waited nervously as Lexi gave the business plan one final glance. From across the small table, the other woman looked up at her and smiled.

  “I think it’s great.”

  “Really?” Charlie tried to control the breath of relief that escaped her.

  “Of course.” The tiny blonde grinned even wider. “I’m so impressed. You’ve really thought everything through. I can’t believe how much you’ve already accomplished these last couple of weeks.”

  Looking chagrined, Charlie admitted, “Well, I haven’t done it all on my own. Derek’s been a big help. I’m sure the poor guy is sick of hearing about weddings and venues and party theme ideas. I’ve been bouncing ideas off of him since I first thought of doing this. Plus, he’s gone all over town with me trying to find an office to rent.”

  “Oh, I’m sure he doesn’t mind. Derek’s a pretty happy-go-lucky kind of guy. Of course, you already know that.” Lexi’s round, crystal blue eyes shone with genuine affection. “I swear, the smile on that man’s face lately is bigger and brighter than I’ve ever seen it. I think it’s pretty safe to say you’re the reason.”

  Charlie felt herself blush but couldn’t hold back her own smile.

  “Things are going really well. It’s crazy how much has changed for me in such a short period of time.”

  In less than a month, she’d gone from being trapped in a loveless, abusive marriage to being single, living in Dallas, and having the most wonderful time with the first and only man she’d ever truly loved.

  Add in the fact that she was pursuing a professional dream she’d only just discovered, and life couldn’t get any better. It also helped that there’d been no sign of Caleb since the divorce was finalized.

  “Well, I for one am thrilled for you both.” Lexi shook her head and grinned. “That man is head over boots for you, Charlie.”

  Her heart swelled. “I feel the same way. Is that crazy?”

  Lexi’s perfectly shaped brows scrunched together. “Why would that be crazy?”

  “I’ve only been divorced for a little over two weeks.”

  A small hand reached over and held onto hers. With sincerity in her eyes, Lexi said, “I know a little about what you’ve been through. Derek didn’t share any details with me, and I’m not asking for any. But from what he said, your marriage was over long before you and your ex signed those papers.”

  “You’re right.” Charlie nodded. “It was.”

  “One day, when we have a bit more time to talk, I’ll tell you about what happened to me. For now, just try to remember that life is short. Take it from someone who came damn close to losing hers.”

  “You almost died?” Charlie asked, horrified.

  She’d only known the other woman a week, but she couldn’t imagine anything bad happening to someone so sweet and caring.

  “I won’t go into it all now, but the short of it is a very bad man wanted to hurt Trevor. He used me to do it.”

  Charlie reached across the table and covered Lexi’s hand with hers. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Thank you, but I’m good, now.” Her eyes twinkled as she spoke. “I have an amazing husband, and the restaurant I’ve always wanted.” She squeezed Charlie’s hand back. “I have a new friend that I’m going into business with. And with your party planning skills and my food, I’m sure your business will be booming in no time.”

  Charlie released Lexi’s hand and smiled. “I guess we all have things in the past we need to overcome, huh?”

  “That, we do. And for those of us who happen to fall for a R.I.S.C. man, it would seem we have more than most.”

  Both women laughed, and then Lexi glanced down at her watch. Her blue eyes grew wide. “Oh, crap. I didn’t realize how late it was getting. I’d better get going or I won’t be ready for the dinner rush. I’ll see you later, right?” Lexi stood and grabbed her purse off the back of the chair.

  “Of course.” Charlie stood, too. She picked up the copy of her business plan. “I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot of each other, now that we’ll be working together.”

  “The business. Right. Yeah.” Lexi gave her an odd smile. “Well, I’d better go. Thanks for lunch.”

  Lexi hurried off, leaving Charlie wondering what that was all about. Making her way through the traffic, Charlie’s thoughts turned to Derek and the glorious time they’d spent together.

  God, she loved that man. Neither had actually said the words yet, but that was fine. Charlie already knew he loved her.

  She could see it every time he looked at her. It was there, in the gentle way he touched her. She just hoped he knew she loved him, too.

  Charlie knew he’d rather her be living with him, but Derek seemed to genuinely understand her need for independence right now. It wouldn’t be forever.

  The need to be on her own two feet was simply too strong for Charlie to ignore. She needed to have her own place, all to herself. To pay her own bills and make her own way. Just for a little while.

  Most importantly, she needed time to not only reflect on everything that had happened but also focus on her future.

  Pulling into her designated parking spot, Charlie grabbed her things and made her way to her apartment building’s main entrance.

  Derek had insisted she find a place with an internal entrance, rather than one with an exterior door.

  According to him, those were much too easy to break into without being noticed. Always the protector, he’d gone to every single apartment she’d looked at and insisted he had a say in the one she ended up renting.

  Derek ran background checks on all the building employees and had even given the front desk staff a picture of Caleb with strict instructions to inform him immediately if they ever saw her ex. Charlie wasn’t worried.

  He had no idea where she lived now, and she had a brand new cell phone with a completely different number. Plus, with everything Derek had hanging over Caleb’s head, Charlie didn’t see him risking everything just to try to come after her again.

  Once inside, Charlie locked her door and went over to her small dining room table. She dropped her purse and keys onto the smooth surface and toed off her slip-on wedges.

  Relishing in the way the soft, plush carpet felt beneath her bare feet, she looked around her modest apartment and smiled.

  It wasn’t anything like the place she and Caleb had shared, which made her love it even more.

  As she started to make her way back to her bedroom, the tiny hairs on the back of Charlie’s neck stood on end. She felt uneasy, all of a sudden. As though she weren’t alone.

  That’s impossible.

  The door was locked when she got here, and no one had said anything to her or Derek about Caleb being spotted.

  Shaking off her nerves, Charlie picked up her pace and stepped into her bedroom to get ready.

  Derek had texted her earlier to say he’d be here at six to pick her up. He refused to tell her what he had planned, only that she needed to clear her schedule for the rest of the night.

  Smiling at all the delectable things he may be planning, she decided to take another shower. She’d taken one this morning, but kn
owing the evening would most likely end with more lovemaking, Charlie wanted to be extra fresh for Derek.

  After a quick shower and shave, Charlie dried herself off. She then lathered the lotion Derek had come to love across her silky-smooth skin.

  With a towel wrapped around her body, she opened the bathroom door. A cloud of thick steam billowed out into the bedroom, making it impossible for her to see the man standing in front of her.

  When the steam cleared, Charlie screamed.

  “Sorry, darlin’.” Derek threw up his hands. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “Damn it, Derek!” she scolded him. “You about gave me a heart attack.” After taking a few minutes to calm her racing heart, she asked, “What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t coming until six.”

  He gave her that tummy-tingling, slow grin of his. “I wanted to surprise you.”

  Charlie huffed out a laugh. “Well, you succeeded.”

  It was only then that she noticed what he was wearing.

  Looking as sexy as she’d ever seen him, Derek stood in the middle of the bedroom with his hands loosely placed inside his pockets.

  He had on an electric blue, button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up just enough to show off his forearms.

  I never realized what a turn-on those could be.

  His dress pants were black to match his shiny shoes, but it was the shirt that really stood out to her. Its color brought out the different blues in Derek’s eyes in the most incredible way.

  Between his clothing and the way he was looking at her, Charlie was ready to say to hell with whatever he had planned and jump him right then and there. Apparently, she didn’t hide her thoughts too well.

  “As much as I love the way you’re lookin’ at me right now, you’re a little underdressed for what I have planned for this evening. Well...” He gave her an ornery smirk. “For the first part of the evening.”

  Moisture pooled between her thighs from just thinking of all the things this man had done to her. What they’d done together.

  With a smirk, she asked him, “What exactly is it you have planned for us?


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