Tzin Euet was a prisoner, and very severely wounded. Eagerness toengage the enemy, and the impetuosity with which he led his warriors tothe support of the allies, brought him, quickly, into the thickest ofthe fray. He fought as men only fight who realize the importance of acomplete victory, which, in this instance, depended on the tenacity ofthe right wing of the army in holding the foe in check and calling forthe engagement of his whole force by pressing him vigorously, which wasaccording to Ixtlilchoatl's plan of defense, and of which Euetzin wasfully advised.
When the Tezcucan battle-cry was heard coming from the sixth granddivision as it fell upon the enemy's right flank, and was carried fromleft to right by the sister organizations, a fresh impetus was given tothe momentum of the whole repelling army, and the battle, if possible,grew more fierce and sanguinary. In the struggle which ensued the tzinwas carried into the very midst of the seething mass of human tigers,where he became separated from his men. When too late to extricatehimself, he discovered, to his dismay, that he was surrounded byTepanec warriors, who, seeing in him an important capture, struck himdown with the javelin, and bore him, a bleeding prisoner, from thefield.
In the retreat of the defeated army the prisoners were placed in thevan--the severely wounded borne on stretchers. Euetzin was among thelatter, feeling very much discouraged in view of his almost helplesscondition, though glad of heart for the splendid victory his people hadwon.
Soon after darkness came on, Maxtla called a halt and his shatteredforces went into camp. In the arrangement of the bivouac the woundedwere placed apart from the regular organizations, and put in charge ofsurgeons, with which the armies were well supplied, and of whom thehistorian has said, in commendation: "Not with a view to prolonging theill to extend the bill," as might be said of some modern practitioners,"was their skill directed, but to a speedy restoration of the patientto health."
Such a thing as a night attack was never considered by the Anahuacansin carrying on a war, and, so long as darkness covered the earth, anarmy of warriors could go to sleep with the assurance that they wouldnot be disturbed by the enemy. A guard, therefore, was not establishedanywhere in Maxtla's army, except about the prisoners. This left thewounded almost free from surveillance.
Soon after the Tepanec forces went into camp a lad, apparently aboutfourteen or fifteen years of age, and rather stoutly built, might havebeen seen moving about among the soldiers. His dress was somewhat odd,indicating no particular connection or occupation. When asked as to whohe was and where he lived, he answered, evasively, that he lived overnear the lake, which was not a league away. He did not appear to be aperson who might be suspected of having a special object in beingthere, and require watching. He was, therefore, permitted to move aboutof his own free will.
During the evening the youngster found opportunity to go among thewounded. He appeared to be searching for someone, for he scrutinizedeach person closely, as he passed. When he came to the tzin, and got agood look at him, his countenance quickly brightened--he had discoveredthe object of his search. Gaining Euetzin's attention, he gave him asign of caution, and moved carelessly on.
The tzin recognized in the strange visitor a lad he had seen on severaloccasions, in the last few days before the battle, apparently doingduty as a messenger for someone in the allied army, and wonderedgreatly at his being in the Tepanec camp. He was sure from the boy'sactions that he had something to communicate, and kept on the lookoutfor his return. He came, sure enough, and unconcernedly approached thetzin, who said:
"Do you wish to speak to me?"
In response to the inquiry the lad came quite close, and whispered:
"When the fires have burned out, and darkness hides you, come to a treejust beyond the camp--almost to the west--where you will find help toescape. Do not hesitate." Without waiting for a reply the strange youthturned slowly away, and disappeared.
Euetzin was greatly astonished. "What interest can the boy have in me,that he is here to aid in my escape?" he questioned. "And yet," hepursued, "he may be the agent of another. If I only might," heconcluded, realizing his seemingly helpless condition. He had quite alittle while in which to think over the matter before the fires wouldburn sufficiently low to enable him to withdraw from the camp unseen.He doubted his ability to succeed, for he was feeling very sore. Hiswound was a serious one, and that he might try to get away was notthought of by the doctors. He knew that it would be endangering hislife to make the attempt, but when he considered that death was aheadof him if he remained a prisoner, he concluded that it had better bemet in an effort to escape than at the hands of the Tepanec priests,later. Thus persuaded, he decided to take the risk.
When the time arrived at which he thought he might safely attempt to gohe raised himself to a sitting posture, and looked about him to beassured that everything was favorable. Nothing could be seen or heardto deter him from starting at once, and quietly rolling from thestretcher onto his hands and knees, he crawled slowly and noiselesslyfrom among the wounded warriors, careless as to whether they weresleeping or not, so long as his movements were not discovered. Healmost forgot his suffering in the excitement he experienced from thehope of a possible escape, which grew stronger as, by degrees, heapproached the limits of the camp. After getting safely beyond heattempted to rise to his feet, but found the exertion too painful to beendured, and sank back upon the ground, where he lay until the painsubsided, when he again started off, crawling. He had pursued, asnearly as he could estimate, a westerly course from the camp, and whenhe had gone a short distance farther from it, stopped to look for thetree alluded to by the boy. He discovered one off to his right, whichhe concluded must be the right one, and again resumed his slow andpainful movement in its direction. It proved to be the tree referredto, for, on coming close to it, he was discovered by the lad, who wason the watch for him, and seemed highly delighted at his appearance.
"I am so glad!" he exclaimed, "for I feared you would not come."
"What is it to you, boy, whether I come or stay?" asked the tzin,abruptly.
"It is much to me, which I hope you will live to learn. But now, tzinEuet, let it be enough for you to know that I am here to help you,"returned the lad in some confusion, caused by tzin's abruptness.
"But I would like to know who you are, that takes so much interest inmy welfare."
"My name is Hualla, tzin--just Hualla, but you must not question me.Time is precious to us, and we must hasten. In yonder woods, toward thelake, we may find security. When we are there you shall know where Icame from."
"I already know where you came from, for I have seen you in our army;but I would know more: I would know why you are interested in me,"persisted the tzin.
"We are losing time; let us be off," returned the youth, evasively, andwith increasing anxiety.
"Is there no one with you?" questioned the tzin.
"No one; I am alone."
"My young friend, I can not walk; how then, do you imagine, am I goingto reach those woods without assistance?" Spoken in a tone ofdisappointment.
"I will assist you. I am strong, if not very large," was the confidentreply.
"You are very good, Hualla, in being so willing and anxious to help me,but I fear you will not be equal to the demands which my crippledcondition will require in an effort to gain the cover of yon woods."
"You will let me try, tzin; I may be stronger than you think," said thelad, taking hold of Euetzin's arm to assist him to rise.
"Yes, you may try. Until you have done so, we will not despair; ourcombined efforts may prove successful," said Euetzin, getting onto hisfeet, with the assistance of the youth.
"Now lean on me," said Hualla, putting his arm around the tzin's body."In this way I think we can get on."
A heroic effort was now made by both to get away from the vicinity ofMaxtla's camp. The tzin suffered intensely at every step, and his face,could it have been seen, would have shown a deathly pallor. While theeffort continued he found it necessary to
gradually lean more heavilyupon his support, until the youth, from sheer inability to proceedfarther, allowed his burden to sink to the ground.
They had covered in the effort quite a little distance, and the lad,though considerably exhausted, was encouraged. But just here a newcomplication entered into the situation: the bandages which confinedthe tzin's wound had become disarranged by his exertions, andhemorrhage ensued. There was no alternative in the matter: they muststop and rearrange the disordered bandages.
Stretching himself on the ground, the tzin gave directions to Hualla asto how he should proceed, and the bleeding was checked. In performingthe operation, no woman's fingers ever worked more gently than didHualla's.
The tzin once more endeavored to rise to his feet, but failed in theattempt because of the extreme pain it caused him.
"I can go no farther, Hualla," he said, in deep distress.
The lad appeared to be greatly affected by the failure, as Euetzincould discern, even in the darkness. He walked away a few steps, as ifto hide his emotion. Returning presently, he said, in an excited toneof voice:
"Tzin Euet, you must escape. Macua, my master, and Hualcoyotl--yes,Ixtlilchoatl, too, would have it so. I will carry you."
Euetzin was astonished at the vehemence in the youth's actions, andalso at his allusion to Ix and the two princes. He quickly inquired:
"Are you a servant to Macua, and here at his bidding?"
"Yes, I am a servant to Macua, but he knows nothing of my being here. Iheard the voice of sorrow when it was discovered that you were missing,and in that moment resolved to save you, if it could be done," repliedthe youth, fervidly.
"You are a noble lad, Hualla, and should I escape to live, your conductshall be richly rewarded."
"You must escape," repeated the youth in a voice of great earnestness."Get upon my back, and I will bear you to the woods."
"I do not think you have the strength, Hualla, to do that; and if youhad, it would be too much to expect of you."
"Yes, it would be much to expect of me, if it were not a case of lifeand death. That makes the difference, tzin, and you must allow me tomake the attempt."
Euetzin was silent for a moment, and then said:
"Hualla, I think we will have to give your proposition a trial, as itappears to be our only hope, though a slight one, of reaching thosewoods."
The tzin was not a small man, nor was he large, but, nevertheless, aheavy load for such a person as Hualla to carry for any considerabledistance. The feat was undertaken with some degree of success; and asthe tzin was borne along on the back of the youth a tinge of shamemight have been seen to redden his tawny brow, brought there by athought of his unmanly position, and the boy's wonderful and almostsuperhuman efforts to get him into the woods.
Hualla succeeded in covering more than half the distance they had togo, but it was a fearful draught upon his strength, and he finally hadto succumb from complete exhaustion. He said not a word, but droppedupon the ground and fairly gasped for breath.
Euetzin was deeply moved by the evident distress of the brave lad, wholay panting at his side, and for whom he could do nothing. He silentlywaited for him to recover, wondering the while if there was not someother incentive than that of devotion to his master back of theprodigious efforts he was making in his behalf.
Hualla lay perfectly still for some time, when he suddenly got up andsaid:
"Another effort like that, tzin, will bring us safely within the woods.If you are ready, I will try again."
"You will not try again, Hualla," replied the tzin, firmly. "If we cannot gain the woods in some other way I will remain where I am. Youshall not again exhaust yourself thus for my sake."
"I will do anything, tzin Euet, to secure your safety," was the lad'searnest rejoinder.
"I believe you would, Hualla. Still, I do not intend that you shallhurt yourself in doing it. I can not understand why you--astranger--should exert yourself to the extent you are doing to securemy safety. The thought of it amazes me."
"Do not think of it, then, tzin. So long as I am pleased to help you,it should not be so very wonderful. I have my own reasons for doing it;let that satisfy you--until you are safe, at least."
"It is wonderful, nevertheless, my lad. However, if it pleases you toserve me in this way, and the service is accepted--which it is, withunbounded gratitude--its acceptance should be without question. So,Hualla, I'll trouble you no more about it. If you will permit me tolean on you for support, we will make another effort--such as we madein starting out. I will try my best to endure the attendant suffering,"said the tzin.
Hualla assisted him to his feet, and caught him about the waist,holding him for a moment, until he was assured of his ability toproceed. The pain, which the effort cost him, was great, but, shuttinghard his teeth, and leaning heavily on the lad, who put forth his bestefforts, the tzin slowly, but surely, reduced the distance to thewoods, until, finally, after several successful efforts, he entered itssheltering confines, where the two--one bruised and sore, the otheralmost exhausted--laid themselves down to await the coming morn, whichwas not very far away.
A Prince of Anahuac: A Histori-traditional Story Antedating the Aztec Empire Page 33