feminine energy, 21–22, 39, 40–41
Fenris Wolf, 12
Fergusson, Alex, 30
Ferox, Cotton, 143
formulation, 128–29
Fortune, Dion, 45–46
Fowles, John, 7, 8
Frazer, J. G., 22–23
free love, 23, 25, 26
Freud, Sigmund, 4–5, 47, 178
Friedrich, Caspar David, 45
full moon, 39
Garbo, Greta, 108–9
gender, 156–67
General Anthroposophical Society,
generalization, 106–7
Genesis P-Orridge. See P-Orridge,
Germany, 2–3, 14–27
Germer, Karl, 61
Gnostic Mass, 18, 162
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 19–20
Goetheanum, 60, 62, 63–64, 66
Goldin, Nan, 54–55
Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas, 24–25
Grant, Kenneth, 61
Gräser, Gusto, 17
greed, 52
Grey, Peter, 135
Gurdjieff, George, 6–7, 90
Gysin, Brion, 29, 30, 33–34, 71, 78
Haber, Heinz, 43
Hadit, 158
Harry Potter, 12, 34–35
health reform, 18–19
Hecate, 41
Heisenberg, Karl, 159
Hesse, Hermann, 6, 17, 26, 105
Heston, Charlton, 111–12
hierarchy, 30–31
Hilma af Klint exhibition, 11–12, 36
Hirsig, Leah, 164–65
Hitler, Adolf, 21, 43
Hitler Youth, 16
Hofmann, Ida, 17
holistic perspectives, 26–27
Höppener, Hugo, 18
Illuminates of Thanatheros (IOT), 32
imagination, 4–5, 116–23, 179, 224
individualism, 4, 5, 57–58, 59, 106
industrialism, 15–16
intellectual decompression chamber, 96
Internet, 34–35
inertia, 201–9
introspection, 36
introvert, 108
intuition, 197, 220–29
Invictus, Augustus Sol, 10
irrationality, 224
Isherwood, Christopher, 71
Isis, 40
Islam, 2, 10–11
Jarman, Derek, 30
joy, 66–67
Joy Division, 34
Judaism, 103
Jung, Carl, 6, 17, 36, 105–15, 119–20
Jünger, Ernst, 71, 82–89
karma, 67–68, 170–71
Knudson, Roger, 179
Kubrick, Stanley, 44–45
Kuhne, Louis, 18
Laban, Rudolf von, 20
language, 193–94
LaVey, Anton, 8, 90–104, 120, 122
law of the forbidden, 93
Lawrence, D. H., 17
Lebensreform movement, 16–27
Let It Come Down, 80–81
Ley, Willie, 43
Liber AL vel Legis, 18, 157–58, 160, 206
libido, 116–23
Lord of the Rings, 12, 34–35
Lunacy Act, 42
Luna 9, 44
Lunar Orbiter 1, 44
Lust, Benedict, 18
Luther, Martin, 15
lycanthropy, 42, 47
Lynch, David, 187–88
Maghrebi culture, 75
magic, 2–5, 168–77, 222–29
magicoin, 171–73
Man and the Moon, 43
Mandrake Press, 76–77
Man in Space, 43
Mars and Beyond, 43
Martian, The, 50
masculine energy, 21–22, 39, 40–41
masochism, 104
Matrix, 34
Maugham, Somerset, 77–78
Maybury, John, 30
McMurtry, Grady, 61
meditation, 6, 207
Mega Golem, 142–55
melatonin, 198–99
Méliès, Georgs, 47–48
memes, 210–19
memory, 67
menstruation, 40
Meyrink, Gustav, 142–43
Michael, Archangel, 63
Mishima, Yukio, 82–89
modernism, 23–24
Molt, Emil, 60
MoMA PS1, 55
Mondo 2000, 34
Monte Verita community, 17, 23
moon, 38–50
moon goddesses, 40, 45–46
Moore, Alan, 9–10
Morocco, 78–80
Museum of Modern Art, 54–55
music, 100–101
mysticism, 190–200
mythology, 52–53, 109–15
NASA, 44–45
National Socialists, 16, 20, 24, 103
naturalism, 84–85
nature, 20, 25, 207
Nazis, 16, 17–18
Nestlé, 10
neurology, 91
night, 38–39, 42
1960s, 6–7
nudism, 14, 21, 25
occulture, 33, 34–35
Occupy, 9–10
Odysseus, 109
Oedenkoven, Henri, 17
On the Marble Cliffs, 82–83, 85–86
oral transmission, 132–40
Order of the Nine Angles (ONA), 32
Order of the Golden Dawn, 3, 58, 90–91
Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), 18, 65, 158, 160–61
Oursler, Tony, 54–55
pantheism, 63
papyrus, 139
pediophobia, 118–19, 121–22
Pentagon, 43–44
Pester, William, 26
Picabia, Francis, 54–55
Planet of the Apes, 111–12
planets, 40–41
play, 116
Pokémon Go, 54
pop culture, 35, 211, 213–15, 218–19
P-Orridge, Genesis, ix, 8, 28–36
postpunk culture, 32–33, 139
pre-Raphaelites, 3, 16
Psychick Release, 29, 34
Psychic Television (PTV), 30, 35–36
psychoanalysis, 4, 23–24, 124–31
psychodrama, 91
Pudor, Heinrich, 21
Real Doll, 121
reality, 102–3
reality television, 55–56
re-enchantment, 11, 35
reincarnation, 67
Renaissance, 41
Reuss, Theodor, 65
ritualistic behavior, 11
ritual magic, 124–31
Robb, Norman, 61
romanticism, 17–18
Rosicrucianism, 2–3
Satan, 101–2
Satanic Bible, 91
Satanic Rituals, The, 99
Satanic Witch, 92–93
science, 36–37, 194–95
Scott, Ridley, 50
Sebastian, Saint, 83
Selene, 40, 41
self-preservation, 33
senses, 36–37
serotonin, 198–99
sex and sexuality, 21–23, 31, 40–41,
47–48, 93–94, 116–23, 156–67
sex toys, 121–22
shamanism, 29, 31–32
Sharia laws, 11
Sheltering Sky, The, 71, 78
shock tactics, 10–11
sidetracking, 204
Silk Road website, 9
sleep, 180–82, 207
social hygiene, 21
social order, 53
solar-phallic, 159–60
solar worship, 18, 26
Sørenson, Arthur, 31
soul, 67
space, 36–37
Spare, Austin Osman, 29, 30, 31
spirituality, 95–96
Stein, Gertrude, 71
Steiner, Rudolf, 3–4, 19–20, 24, 58–69
stillness, 204
Stuhlinger, Ernst, 43
Summing Up, 77
Sun, 19, 36–40
Sun and Steel, 82–83, 86–87
sun wo
rship, 14
Surén, Hans, 21
Surrealism, 4–5, 71
Suzuki, D. T., 193–94
symbols, 2, 39–40
Symonds, John, 61
synchronicity, 108
tantrism, 18
Tao of Art, The, 209
Tao Te Ching, 206
telepathy, 186
Tesla, Nikola, 195
Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth
(TOPY), 8, 28–36, 137
Thelema, 4, 30, 57, 58, 63, 166–67
theosophy, 58
third eye, 198–99
Third Reich, 62
Thomson, Virgil, 71
Throbbing Gristle, 29, 30
Tibert, Thomas, 143–48
Tibet, David, 29, 30
torture, 41
total environment, 99–100
tourists, 76
transgression, 204
transmission, 132–40
travelers, 76
Trivia, 40
Twain, Mark, 186
Twin Peaks, 188
2001 (film), 44, 49
Tzara, Tristan, 54–55
Ungewitter, Richard, 17, 21
Vatican, 10–11
vegetarianism, 14, 21, 26, 47–48
Verne, Jules, 48
villains, 101–2
von Braun, Wernher, 43
von Franz, Marie-Louise, 120
Wachowski brothers, 10
Waldorf schools, 19, 64
Warburg Institute, 61
Weleda, 64
Wells, H. G., 48
werewolves, 42
Wikileaks, 9
Wilde, Oscar, 156–57, 159
Williams, John Alexander, 21
women, 23
World War I, 25, 157
World War II, 7, 43, 106
writing, 52
written transmission, 132–40
X-Files, 213–14
Yeats, William Butler, 3
yoga, 6, 35, 207
Yorke, Gerald, 61
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