Speed King (Men of Action)

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Speed King (Men of Action) Page 14

by Ahren Sanders

  “You know about her keeping in touch with Mom?”

  “Of course I do. I also know she called your mom last week to gather an ally.”

  “Apparently, she misses you.”

  “She told me repeatedly when we spoke on Thursday.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes, she’s thrilled to death about us. Rambling on about getting together with you and Amanda, wanting to take us out to dinner or any kind of get-together.”

  “What did you say?”

  “That I work mostly nights and you are holding down two jobs, one of them nights. Told her I’d get back to her and plan something.”

  “You didn’t mention it.” He picks up on the hurt in my voice.

  “Because it slipped my mind the instant I walked into Tom’s. And we’ve had a lot going on since then.”

  The hurt dies away, realizing he’s right. A lot has happened since Thursday night.

  “Has she changed?” I can’t stop the question from slipping out.

  He closes his eyes, but not before I catch a flicker of pain slash through them.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”

  “Yes, as far as I can tell, she’s changed.” The pain is gone when he looks back at me. His expression says it all. She may have changed her life around, but there are scars that haven’t healed.

  There are countless thoughts running through my mind regarding Sandy Kingston and the mistakes of her past. After Achilles shared with me what happened that night, my heart filled with anger and resentment for the woman who was supposed to protect him. But standing here now, the resentment turns to pity, knowing whatever happens in the future, she may never fully get her son back.

  “Call her back when you’re ready.”

  He blows out a sigh of relief and moves his hand to cup the back of my neck.

  “Now, if you want me to have any energy to spend the afternoon in bed, you’d better feed me. I’m craving waffles.”

  “I’m craving something entirely different and a lot sweeter.” His voice dips low, his eyes now blazing with sensual hunger. “I plan to spend the afternoon tasting every inch of you.”

  Lust, desire, need—they all ignite, searing through my veins. “I’ll eat fast.”

  “You do that, baby. But I plan on taking my time.”



  I stab the log on the fire a little too forcefully, sending sparks flying in a spray as I try to ignore the loud bursts of laughter coming from the Jacuzzi area. The only thing stopping me from hauling Harley out of the water is the fact that she’s practically a beacon of happiness. Like I explained, no one blinked an eye about her staying here. Instead, the web of women embraced her immediately.

  I had hoped for a quiet afternoon alone with her, but those plans blew up in my face about five minutes after we walked in the door from her yoga class. Her mom, dad, and Jewls were waiting for us with two unexpected guests.

  “If you’re thinking about killing them, it’s harder than it looks. I’ve tried and those guys have more lives than a cat,” Major jokes, glancing over his shoulder.

  My focus goes to his twin brothers, Drake and Sam, who flew in this morning to surprise him. They are typical, good-looking, twenty-six-year-olds. Both are highly intelligent and found success right out of college. They manage all our investments and make us a lot of money.

  I’ve always liked them.

  Today, things changed.

  “I think they both have a death wish,” I relay to Major.

  “You know they are fucking around. Drake still talks about that night in the bar when you shut down every woman that tried to speak to you. They never understood why you had no interest. Then you walk in today with Jay, looking like she does, and they saw an opportunity to screw with your head.”

  “One look at her explains why I wasn’t interested in anyone else. But man, beware, looks like your brothers are giving up and moving on.”

  I take a swig of beer to hide my grin because Major’s body stiffens. His own glare becomes lethal. Drake says something that has Jewls in hysterics.

  “I’ll feel better when I can haul Harley’s ass out of the hot tub and back to my room.”

  He crinkles his eyebrows and shakes his head at my bluntness. “You really are a brute.”

  “I think we’re in trouble.” Ford joins the conversation with Talon at his side. “Mom is hinting at bringing back some decorations for the house, and she’s recruiting Jay to jump on the bandwagon.”

  “It’s fucking Ace’s fault. What were you thinking buying that thing?” Talon gripes.

  The rug Harley picked out arrived today, and Celia didn’t hide her excitement over the addition. Amanda stared at me with wonder as if I had bought a priceless jewel.

  “I think we all know why he bought the damn rug,” Ford adds. “Do me a favor. When you build your own house, keep that thing in your bedroom. I don’t want to think about you having sex on it every time I walk into your living room.”

  “Speaking of living rooms…” Talon trails off, his eyes going over my shoulder.

  I turn to the headlights of the golf cart crossing the yard. Ford’s dad, Doug, drives around the back of the fire pit with Rich, Jim, and Mark piling out.

  “You get lost? It’s been dark almost an hour,” I ask Rich specifically.

  “Been riding around the neighborhood.”

  I think twice about pointing out we could have done that anytime in the daylight.

  “I made a call, Ace. My guy will be here Monday before we leave town to walk the property. I’ll also get started on the permit portion,” Doug informs me, unloading a cooler from the back of the cart.

  “Thanks, Doug.” I glance at my three friends. “You okay with this?”

  “Fuck yeah, but it’s not us you need to worry about. Jay is the final decision maker in this scenario. She may have her heart set on a different idea.”

  “She won’t,” Rich chimes in. “What Ace had planned will be exactly what she wants.”

  “What about you? Are you okay with this?”

  “Hard not to be, knowing what you’re giving her.”

  “Can I trust you and Amanda to sit on this for a while?”

  He shuffles uncomfortably, and I feel slightly guilty for asking him to hide something else from his daughter.

  “Give us a heads-up when you decide to tell her so we can disappear for a few days.”

  “Got it.” I laugh, thinking about the tongue-lashing she gave him on Friday afternoon before we came here.

  Drake and Sam walk up with their arms full of beer bottles.

  “I think I love your girlfriend,” Sam comments, handing me a fresh bottle.

  “I know I do,” I reply icily, watching the cocky grin slip into place.

  “Any chance there’s a sister?”

  “Only child,” Rich answers with notable relief. “We knew immediately one Harley was all we could handle.”

  “How about cousins?”

  “We may have some rabid contenders on Amanda’s side of the family. Her cousin Shayla is a wild child.”

  I smile at the reminder of Shayla. I met her several times during my senior year and was thankful Harley had her in her life. She was confident, no-nonsense, and tough. Everything Harley needed to get past the pretentious bitches that judged her in high school. Through the years, Harley kept me updated on her continuous tales of ‘debauchery’, as she liked to call them.

  “How is Shayla?”

  Rich arches an eyebrow with a quick shake of the head. “Last I heard, she’s bulldozing her way through Europe, driving her parents crazy. No plans to settle down but doing quite well for herself in the fashion industry.”

  Sam doesn’t even blink, instead keeping his eyes on mine. “I’ll look forward to meeting her at the wedding.”

  I smile widely, tipping my beer at him.

  “I’m getting the vibe that Jewls is off-limits?”

  A low rumble comes from Major�
��s throat.

  “Better move soon, man, or else someone will.” Drake takes his life into his own hands by poking his brother, whose jaw ticks.

  “We’re just friends.”

  The sound of Elton John screeches through the air, followed by a loud cheer of approval. The women are shimmying and twirling, each with a full glass in one hand and the other arm in the air.

  “Any idea how much Sangria your mom made?” Jim asks Major.

  “Her list of ingredients was triple the usual, if that tells you anything.”

  “And we’ve been pouring heavy,” Drake provides, with Sam nodding.

  “An afternoon of margaritas followed by a night of highly potent Sangria, perfect.” Doug sounds pleased. “Now it’s time to talk.”

  “I agree, it’s the first time we have you four together.” Mark, Talon’s father, is an easy-going man. Like Talon, he’d rather crack a joke for a good laugh, but his tone is stone serious.

  My good mood vanishes and my body goes rigid. This is not the type of conversation where they razz me about Harley and buying the land to build her a house. This is leading somewhere darker. Somewhere we can’t go.

  The guys told their parents the same story when we left active duty for the Reserves. I glazed over the details with my mom in the few times we spoke, but I’d told Rich as much as I could. The explanation was simple and easy. Only the four of us, and a few highly specialized officials, know the details of our commitment.

  Mark, Doug, Jim, and Rich all share the same serious expression, and I know their trek around the neighborhood wasn’t to check out the surroundings, but to give them time to plot their attack. They teamed up, knowing we’d do the same.

  “What do you want to talk about?” Ford asks his dad casually.

  “Are you going back?” Doug goes straight to the point.

  “We hope not.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  Talon, Ford, and Major all look to me, silently communicating it’s my choice how far to take this.

  “It means there are only a few scenarios that would pull us back in. In the event that happens, it’s temporary.”

  “Would you go back into the zone?”

  “Depends on the situation.”

  “Any chance you can enlighten us on the scenarios?” Drake questions acidly.

  Our silence is our answer.

  “Didn’t think so,” he mumbles.

  “So, you’re not out of the woods yet?” Jim speaks up.

  “Dad, we can’t go into details. The probability is slim, but in the off-chance we get called up, whatever the reason, it’ll fall directly under special operations,” Major tries to explain.

  “This makes no sense. The military has thousands of people who should be able to handle things like that.”

  “No one similar to us. Like I said, the possibility is slim. We made a deal with the Marines that is highly unusual.”

  “Why even get out then? Why not stay active?” Mark points the question directly to Talon.

  “We left because it was time, Dad. You knew we were preparing for this for a while. If I remember, you and Mom were ecstatic.”

  “Yes! Because we thought your ass was out of the line of danger.”

  “Being in the Reserves was never any guarantee not to see action again.”

  “Bullshit. You’re all talking around the core of the issue. What the hell is going on? We deserve to know.” Any patience Mark was holding on to vanishes as his voice grows louder.

  “Trust us,” Talon states.

  “The threat doesn’t hang over our heads. You need to let it go. We’re proud of our service, and in the event we’re needed again, our asses will be there,” Major says flatly.

  “We’re fucking proud of you, too, but how do you expect us to let it go?” Sam snaps.

  “I’m marrying Harley and building her a house less than a mile from where we’re standing. Next year, the four of us are transferring to the SWAT team. Who knows what comes after? On the off-chance we’re needed back with MARSOC, we’ll go. But I focus on the other things and that’s how I let it go.” I turn to check on Harley, who’s now back-to-back with Jewls, shaking their asses to Bon Jovi. My pulse picks up when she tosses her head to the side and catches me watching. Her smile spans across the distance, and the pressure eases out of my body. “I can understand all your concern, but I promise you that nothing is jeopardizing my life with that woman.”

  “I’m not lying and saying I’m not concerned, but that promise is good enough for me.” Rich tips his chin.

  “Well, since my son is taking his sweet ass time finding himself a good woman, I guess I’ll take Ace’s word, too.” Doug raises his glass my way and shoots Ford an amused grin.

  The tension clears out of the air, and there are several murmurs of agreement.

  “Now that shit is out of the way, can we discuss how the hell you guys got the reputation of Casanovas when you’re the lamest group of idiots I’ve ever met? You wouldn’t know how to be Casanovas with an instruction manual. Maybe Sam and I need to relocate and teach you lessons.” Drake shakes his head in disappointment, and I know exactly the reason for the cackling earlier.

  Harley and Jewls have been gabbing, and I don’t give one shit.

  “Achilles, please…” she begs, her back arching as she writhes against my mouth. I press down on her thighs to anchor her in place and continue to lick slowly, circling my tongue around her clit every few strokes.

  I force myself to slow down, my gaze raking up her body. My cock throbs with need at the sight of her staring down at me with hooded, molten eyes filled with desire.

  She’s wet and hot against my lips, her legs quivering. I speed up, giving her what she needs, devouring her pussy with each lick. Her hand grips my head and she rocks her hips, her whimpers becoming frantic.

  My thumb moves to caress her lightly as I tease her clit again. That’s all it takes. She comes undone, crying out my name and tearing at the sheets. I lightly kiss over her a few times before kneeling and pulling her hips up. A knot coils in the pit of my stomach at the sight of her laid out before me. Her eyes shine with pleasure when they open and land on mine.

  “Good morning,” she breathes out hoarsely.

  I bend over, trailing my lips up her stomach, around each nipple, and along the column of her throat until I’m at her ear. “Grab onto me.”

  Her arms circle my shoulders, and I go back on my calves, shifting my legs so they cocoon around her. My cock pulses between us and she grins, shifting upward, swiveling her hips until the tip slides partially inside her heat and it’s my turn to groan. She balances on my shoulders, making circles and rolling motions with her hips, teasing me until every nerve ending in my body feels like a live electric current.

  My hands clutch at her hips, urging her to slide, but she shakes her head, fisting the back of my neck, and dipping her mouth back to mine. I sweep my tongue along her parted lips before nipping the bottom one gently. “Sink down, give me all of you.”

  “In a minute. I’ve always wanted to play ‘just the tip’.” She swivels her lower body in a large arcing motion, the action shooting a searing heat through my bloodstream. Most of my blood rushes south, leaving me lightheaded. My dick throbs, swelling thicker by the second.

  “Baby, if you wait, I’m afraid I’ll split you in two.” My balls ache to the point of pain with the need to drive into her hard.

  “I’ll take my chances.” Her voice grows raspy, her grip on my neck tightening as she continues her torment. She lowers a few centimeters, welcoming me into her tight warmth, only to retreat upward again and again.

  “God.” Her thighs quiver at my waist, and she slides her pussy to the tip, rolling against my metal. “Feels so good.”

  My spine prickles and every muscle in my body contracts. Beads of sweat trail down my neck and back, and the familiar coiling begins at the base of my spine. If she keeps this up, I will fucking blow before I get all the way ins
ide her.

  She reads my body, and her lips twitch against mine. “I can see why you like the slow tease.”

  Her taunting spurs the possessive caveman inside. My heart thunders in my chest, and I know she feels that, too. “I’m about to lose my advantage, aren’t I?’

  “You want to tease me, baby, have at it. But know there’s only so much a man can take.”

  Her hips roll twice more before her muscles loosen and she glides down, torturously slow, taking all of me. Her breath hitches a few times, a small whimper slipping out, and her eyes flutter closed as she stretches around me. I grind my teeth to stop from exploding.

  It would be easy to throw her back, take control, and pound into her until she’s screaming again. But I cling to the last ounce of willpower and run my hands up her back, pressing her fully against me. “You okay?”

  Her thighs flex and her inner muscles spasm right as she moans. “Yes.” Her eyes open lazily and shine bright blue, piercing into mine. “I’m pretty used to you by now.”

  That barbarian reemerges, and a throaty rumble vibrates in my chest. Heat and desire flicker in her gaze, and she skims the tip of her tongue around her lips. “I can feel the light twitch of you pulsing inside me.”

  “My body goes on hyper-drive every time I sink into you. It’s like a drug that fuels an addiction.” I twist my fingers in her hair, holding her in place as I thrust gently.

  Her body responds instantly. I will never forget the feeling of sliding inside her for the first time. My lips trail from one corner of her lips to the other. She has a quick intake of breath, and her heartbeat speeds against my chest.

  “I know,” she whispers shyly. “I love you.”

  My movements speed, driving into her over and over. She tilts, taking me all with each stroke.

  “Arch up, baby.”

  She arches back, and my lips close around her nipple, sucking hard. Her hips buck wildly, and her muscles clench harder, taking me even deeper.

  “Oh my God, I can’t… It’s too much, too good.”

  My hand glides down her side, fitting between us where my thumb circles where we’re connected


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