On the Sideline (BSU Football Book 3)

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On the Sideline (BSU Football Book 3) Page 5

by JB Salsbury

  I hold out the sticker I saw her admiring at Carver’s when she was there, the one with the pythong. “I saw you looking at it in the shop.”

  She can’t seem to take her eyes off the sticker as she plucks it from my hand and I get a rush of satisfaction when she laughs at the pun again.

  I’m responsible for that smile. My chest warms.

  “You bought this for me?” She still hasn’t looked up from the sticker.

  “Don’t get too excited, I get a sixty-five percent discount.”

  Finally she looks up at me and I see nothing but awe and appreciation in her gaze. “I can pay you back—”

  “Don’t be dumb, it’s nothing.” Not even pocket change for her, little Ms. American Express Black Card.


  I nearly groan at the sound of her saying my name. She’s never said it before.

  “This is really, really sweet.” She presses the sticker to her chest and I feel irrationally jealous of the cartoon snake. “No one has ever…” She shakes her head. “Thank you.”

  I shrug, pretending like it’s no big deal, even though everything behind my ribs is telling me otherwise. Indigestion from all that fried food, I’m sure. “You’re welcome.”

  A few moments of silence expand between us. I study every freckle that dusts her nose and cheeks and wonder what it would taste like to kiss every one—

  “I should go.” She gathers her bag on her shoulder and turns to the steps.

  “I’ll walk you out.”

  “You don’t have to do that.” She has her nose to her phone to order an Uber.

  “Where are your glasses?”

  “My bag. It’s fine, I’m not totally blind.”

  I open the door for her and follow her out to the front steps. She drops her bag but doesn’t sit. “It says they’re only five minutes away.”

  I get the feeling she’s dismissing me. If I only get five minutes with her I’m going to milk every last second. I take a seat on the top step and lean back on my hands. I catch her staring at my chest and grin as her eyes widen as they slide down my ribs to my abdomen and then lower. A chuckle rumbles in my chest.

  She startles at the sound, turns away from me and mumbles, “Stupid moon.”

  I’m struck by how one girl can be so fucking sexy and cute at the same time. I must make her uncomfortable because every set of headlights that comes toward us she looks ready to race into the backseat and disappear.

  “What are your plans for the rest of the weekend?”

  She peeks over at me as if to check and make sure she’s the one I’m talking to. “Nothing much.”

  “Really? No sorority things. Hobbies? Ya know, other than feeding healthy young men to your vipers?”

  She tries hard to fight her grin and loses miserably gracing me with a genuine smile. “They’re not vipers. I have a king snake, a corn snake, and a ball python.”

  “And which one did you feed me to?”

  She rolls her lips between her teeth, then snort-giggles. “Guess.”

  King, corn, ball… balls. “The ball python.”

  Wheezing laughter is nearly soundless from her lips and it’s also contagious as I find myself laughing with her.

  “I have to admit, that’s a good one.”

  “Right?” She sobers a little. “I thought so.” She turns her body to face me, a tiny crease forms between her brows. “Just so you know, he wasn’t hungry. I fed him two days before. He wouldn’t have hurt you.”

  “That’s a relief.” I can’t pull my eyes off hers when I say, “Now that I know your secret I won’t be afraid next time I wake up in your bed.”

  Her gaze turns hazy and she hums, “Hmm?” so lightly I hardly hear it.

  A set of headlights breaks the spell and she whirls around, but turns back when it passes by. “How about you? Any weekend plans?”

  I consider her question, push up to curl my torso over my bent legs, and stare blindly down the street praying a car will come and distract her enough that I won’t have to tell her the truth. I plan to have a sexy sleepover with your cousin tomorrow night. I scratch my jaw and consider flat out lying, but that makes no sense. “Workout with the guys, do some shit around the house, and…”

  A pair of headlights come around the corner and she looks down at her phone. “This one’s mine.” She snags her bag and hops down the steps to the street.

  I stand watching her connect with the driver and making eye contact with the guy myself so he knows he’s got precious fucking cargo.

  “Hey, Loren? Thanks again for the sticker.” She gets into the backseat of the Dodge minivan and it’s only then I realize she’s been holding that sticker the entire time.

  I watch until the taillights of the van disappear around the corner and then head back inside. Spider carries a giggling Emery through the kitchen and to the stairs.

  “It’s not my fault,” Emery squeals. “It’s the moon!” A fit of laughter is all I hear before he slams their door closed behind them.

  What is it with the moon?

  “Stop!” Rowan comes racing in from the backyard, topless, with her hands over her bare boobs while laughing hysterically. “I can’t be held responsible!”

  Carey strides in behind her, tense, and focused, nostrils flared. “You better get in our bed fast or I swear I will do you where I catch you.”

  She laughs and races by me, up the stairs and into their room with Carey on her heels.

  Kaipo comes inside next shaking his head. “Kids these days.”

  “What the hell happened out there?”

  “The moon.” Kaipo sets some dirty glasses in the sink. “Apparently it’s a scientific fact that soaking up moonbeams makes girls horny as fuck.”

  Stupid moon.

  Is that what Bex was feeling while she stared at my chest?

  I stare at the front door thinking about the missed opportunity I had with her only minutes ago. Had I known she was turned on by me, I would’ve…done nothing.

  I would have done nothing.

  I’m dating Riley.

  Riley, dammit!


  Chapter Six


  I like doing homework on Saturday nights. I know that makes me an anti-social loser, but the truth is, unless Eta Pi is having a party, the house is mostly empty and quiet on weekend nights. The sisters that like to party are out, sometimes until the following day, and the ones who prefer to chill are quiet and keep to their room.

  I’m on my bed working on my research paper for conservation ecology when my door swings open without warning.

  “I need your opinion.” Riley takes a few steps inside, her eyes darting quickly to the snakes, then convinced they’re locked away, come back to me. “Which one?” She points to her feet.

  “Thanks for knocking, come on in,” I say dully.

  She stomps impatiently on the hardwood.

  I lean to the side to get a better view without having to actually move off the bed. “What’s the occasion?”

  “Casual.” She props her hands on her hips and does a half turn, toe to the floor, heel up, and repeats the same on the other foot.

  “There’s nothing casual about Gucci.”

  “They’re loafers.”

  “They’re Gucci.”

  She drops her arms to her sides and groans as if trying to gather the patience it takes to deal with me. “Okay, so the Stella McCartney’s?” She points to the other shoe.

  I take in the athletic shoe with her booty shorts and off the shoulder sweatshirt. “Why are you asking me? You say I dress like a woman after giving birth to her tenth baby.”

  “Because everyone else is gone and you’re the closest. Forget it, I’m going with the McCartney’s.”

  “That’s probably best, they look like Nikes.” Only Riley would find a $795.00 athletic shoe.

  “Nike? Ew.” She studies her feet again. “I’m wearing the loafer.”

  “Cool. Can you close my door n
ow?” Seriously, why does she even waste her time asking me?

  The door is almost closed when she pops her head in one last time. “Also, if anyone asks, I’ll be home tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow? Where will you be all night?”

  Her eyes sparkle and her smile widens. “I’m spending the night at Loren’s.” Her voice ends on a squeak and I’m so thankful she shuts the door so she can’t read the utter disappointment in my face.

  Spending the night with Loren.

  I slam my laptop closed and roll over to bury my face in my pillow and scream. Of course Riley is going to have sex with Loren…oh my God, have they had sex already? I gasp and toss my pillow to the floor. Did he get me that sticker because he’s trying to win over Riley, and I’m like the sad little sister who he thinks he can kiss up to in order to get closer to her?

  I’m such a fool! Here I get all caught up in his lingering stares and misunderstand his kindnesses as flirting when really he’s indulging me so I’ll talk him up to my cousin.

  I grind my teeth together and think I should’ve fed him to my snake after all.

  Speaking of feeding, I’m starving.

  I roll off the bed and throw open the door. I glare at Riley’s door as I pass, and jog down the stairs to the kitchen while I conclude ice cream for dinner is a reasonable option. What? It has protein!

  I grab the first pint I see that has the word chocolate in it, toss the lid in the trash, and grab a spoon.

  The Herping Society is going out on a herp tomorrow. I RSVP’d that I wouldn’t be able to make it because of my research paper, but I think I’ll go ahead and go. At least Evan is nice to me because of me and not who I’m related to.

  Loren and Riley! Ugh.

  I shove a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth and circle the banister only to slam to a halt when I see that blonde fucking Adonis standing in our living room talking to Tina and Lily.

  He must feel me staring because his head snaps up and he smiles. “Bex, hey!”

  I shake my head and continue up the stairs only to have him jog after me, his long legs taking three steps at a time so that he can jump in front of me.

  “Why is it every time I see you, you’re running away from me?” He’s grinning, flirty.

  “Mebee thaths bakas—”

  “Hold on.” He pulls the spoon out of my mouth. “Go on.”

  What does he look so fucking happy about? Oh yeah, he’s about to have sex with my cousin! I lick the chocolate off my lips and grab my spoon back. “I was saying, maybe that’s because I don’t want to see you.”

  “Ouch.” His light brown eyebrows pinch together, but he looks like he’s convinced I mean what I said. “Why the hostility?”

  I stab at my ice cream, shaking my head, feeling utterly dumb and humiliated and the only person I have to blame is myself. After all, it’s not his fault I’ve misunderstood our interactions. God, he’s too beautiful to be real. Dumb, Bex. Guys like him don’t go for girls like me. “Sorry, long day.” I force a smile I’m not feeling, but that he deserves. “Have fun tonight. I know Riley’s excited about it. I’ve never seen her question her fashion choices so much as she has getting ready to see you.”

  His Adam's apple bobs and all the humor in his face disappears.

  I step around him, but stop and spin back around. “Oh, and pro tip? She hates kissing guys with garlic breath so chose dinner wisely. She also thinks sweat is disgusting, so don’t be offended if she asks you to shower before…you know.”

  He cringes and refuses to meet my eyes. Weird, I would’ve expected a thanks for the tip.

  I shove a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth and jog back to my room.

  Riley comes out of her room as I pass by, her Versace backpack filled with what I assume is her sexiest pajamas and her face products and toothbrush.

  “Have fun tonight,” I say and close my door before I can hear her giddy response.


  “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather go out for dinner?” I ask as we drive from Riley’s sorority house to mine.

  She has her phone camera flipped while she plucks at her hair and taps her lips together. “No, I’m not dressed to go out.” She takes a quick selfie before setting her phone on her lap. “I look like such crap.”

  It takes every muscle in my head to keep from rolling my eyes, but my momma raised me right so I reply appropriately. “You look beautiful.” And she does, I can’t deny that.

  “What about sushi? The Cove delivers.”

  I suck in air through my teeth. “I’m not a big fan of sushi.”

  “Whatever is fine.” She gets back on her phone, looks like she’s posting her selfie on Instagram. “I don’t like to eat after five o’clock anyway.”

  I stare ahead and allow the silence in the cab to simmer. What do we talk about? I think back to the few times we’ve hung out at parties, the times we’ve shared a few drunken kisses, and I wonder why I thought we had enough in common to hang out sober.

  “Have you seen all these celebrities losing weight?” She holds her phone up to my face and I have to lean away to keep my eyes on the road. “Adele, Kelly Osborne, look at Khloe K.” She swipes her finger to show every celebrity photo. “Don’t they look so much better?” She pulls her phone back to her face. “I bet they’re all Keto,” she mumbles to herself.

  “I think they all looked great the way they were.”

  She laughs quick and hard. “Right. Okay. You’re funny.”

  I park the truck on the street and open her door. She takes my hand and her touch feels all wrong. The breeze catches her perfume and swirls around me, the scent reminding me of old money and my grandmother.

  She has been to my house before when we had our New Years Eve party, so she heads inside and straight to the stairs. “I’m going to drop my things in your room.”

  The verbal reminder of her plan to spend the night sends a wave of dread over me. “I’m going to order food. You sure you don’t want anything?”

  “I’ll just have a bite of whatever you get,” she says and takes off up the stairs.

  She’s totally one of those girls who says she’s not hungry and then eats all my food. Great. I dig through the menus in our takeout drawer until I find the one for Michealindas.

  I place our order and hang up, then find Riley in the living room with the remote in hand searching through movies to stream. “Food will be here in thirty.” The second my ass hits the couch Riley is on me, leg thrown over my thighs, she straddles my lap. I keep my hands on the couch.

  “I know what we can do in the meantime.” She leans in, lips parted.

  I turn my head. “I can’t until I eat. I’m starving.”

  She rears back, her eyes blinking in shock. “You can’t even kiss me?”

  I touch her then, but only to grip her waist and move her off of me and set her beside me. “My roommates are here and I wouldn’t want them to walk in and see us.”

  “You’ve kissed me in front of your roommates before.”

  “I have, mostly drunk. I feel like we should take some time to get to know each other, ya know?”

  Her nose crinkles as she processes. Other than the color of her hair and the elegant angle of her jaw, she and Bex don’t look anything alike. Riley’s eyes are dark and smaller than Bex’s big, pale brown eyes. And Riley doesn’t have the freckles, or any marks on her face at all.

  “Tell me about your family.”

  She slumps against the couch. “Mom, dad, two sisters, and I grew up in Bel Air.”

  I wait for her to expand, but instead she grabs the remote and flips through movies. “We should watch one of the classics, like Clueless or Beetlejuice.”

  I stare at the beautiful woman on my couch thinking of all the things I should be feeling, and all I really want to do is send her home.

  “Oh my God,” Riley’s pinches her nose while I shovel another full fork of pasta into my mouth. “How much garlic is in that?”

  “A lot.” I
smile and fork another bite into my mouth.

  She sighs, her expression falls, and I can see she’s decided this night is not going to head in the direction she hoped.

  “You sure you don’t want a bite?” I offer my plate to her and try not to laugh at her quick “No.”

  “I would like something a little stronger than this though.” She holds up her glass of water.

  “I’ll grab you a beer.” I leave my plate on the coffee table and head to the kitchen. Before I reach the refrigerator I drop to my hands and do push ups.

  Emery’s ballet flats shuffle into view seconds before she says, “Is there no better place to do those but here in the kitchen?”

  “Shh,” I say and keep counting my reps. “I need to get sweaty.”

  “Isn’t that Riley on the couch?” she says quietly. “I’m sure she’d be happy to help you get sweaty.”

  “That’s just it… seventy-four, seventy-five,” I breathe. “I don’t want to get sweaty with her.”

  “And people think I’m weird.” She reaches over me, grabs something out of the fridge and leaves me to my pushups.

  When I feel nice and wet, I pop up and grab a beer. I sit too close to Riley making sure we touch from hip to shoulder. “Here ya go,” I say pushing my breath into her face.

  She takes the bottle slowly, her eyes wide, and then looks down at my sweat-soaked forearm pressed against hers. “I…um…my phone.” She takes her phone from her pocket and presses it to her ear while scurrying off the couch. “Hello? Oh no, what’s wrong?” She frowns dramatically and mouths I need to take this. Then disappears into the hallway.

  I sit back, throw my arms over my face, and curse myself for being such a coward while simultaneously relieved.

  “Loren, I am so sorry, but I have to go.” She sets her beer down and cringes away from my plate of pasta.

  “Oh no, is everything okay?” Don’t smile. Do not smile.

  Her eyes flash to mine. “No, it’s um…it’s Bex.”

  I sit up quickly, my spine stiff. “What about her?”

  “She got in a fight with her boyfriend,” she turns and heads to the stairs.


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