Drag: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

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Drag: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World) Page 10

by AJ Alexander

  I chuckle before slapping him on the back. “When did this turn into a Hallmark special? I’m glad you are so concerned about us, and we have a long way to go, but I think we are on the right track.”

  Colton grips the back of his neck. “Now I just need to find the perfect way to propose.”

  “You need to involve the boys from The House. There is no way she will say no to those boys.”

  “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea.”

  Before we can discuss it any further, they finish cutting our wood and we are on our way. “Time to build a treehouse,” I say to him as I push the cart toward the checkout. We quickly pay for the lumber and load it into the truck we borrowed from Kellan. He felt bad he had a shift today and wouldn’t be able to help us out.

  After a quick drive back to Lucy’s place we unload the lumber and head toward the backyard and stop dead in our tracks.

  “What the hell is this?” I question as I look at the five men assembling a state-of-the-art treehouse in the large tree in Lucy’s back yard. I’m not ashamed to admit that this is far beyond anything Colton and I could have handled.

  “This is Colt’s treehouse,” Rylee comes over and places a kiss on Colton’s cheek. “Luckily the owner of the company had this in stock, and he sent his guys right over to put it together.”

  Colton raises the 2x4s he is carrying slightly in the air. “What’s this all for?” Obviously, he is equally confused as I am.

  “Those are for the raised flower beds I’ve wanted back here for months.” Lucy glides out of the house, holding a tray full of cups and a large pitcher of lemonade.

  “Didn’t you trust us to build a treehouse for Colt?” I dropped the lumber I was holding on the ground as my shoulders deflate. I was looking forward to being able to do something for the two of them with my own hands.

  “I did, but I also know Colt. There is no way you two would have been able to build a treehouse all in one day. He’s three and has very little patience.” She places the tray on the small table I never noticed tucked into the corner. “I also knew that if I told either of you, it would have turned into a contest to prove me wrong.”

  “She’s got you there, bud,” Colton says as he drops the lumber and grips Rylee up into his arms, spinning her around in a circle. “I think you can handle flower beds by yourself. You two deprived me of my girl last night. I have some time to make up for.” Without another word, he strides toward the back door not bothering to let Rylee down.

  “Put me down!” Rylee giggles as he opens the door and strides though not even bothering to close it behind him. As soon as he steps through, Colt comes barreling outside, heading directly for me.

  “My rehouse!” he shouts as I lift him into the air and place him on my shoulders.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry I won’t be able to build one with you but you can help me make boxes for your momma’s flowers instead.”

  “Otay!” He rests his arms on the top of my head.

  I quickly reach behind me and wrap my arm around his waist, not wanting him to fall. “How about some of that lemonade? It was hard work getting lumber.”

  Lucy giggles as I grip her hand in mine and head over to the table. “Oh such hard work. I’m sure you two never had someone cut the lumber for you.”

  “Work smarter not harder,” I respond as I reach up with my other hand and pull Colt off my shoulders, placing him in the chair in front of me.

  “Same reason I had them come build this thing. In all honesty it was Rylee. The one I wanted wasn’t nearly as huge as this but we both know how she is.” Lucy pours Colt a small glass of lemonade before adding some water and then pours me and her a glass as well.

  “There is lemonade and water over here if you guys want any,” I shout to the workers as I take a seat on the other side of Colt, sandwiching him in between us.

  The workers give us a small wave and say thanks before getting back to work. The foundation of the treehouse is already laid out and they’re currently attaching the slide.

  As I look out over the yard for the first time in over four years I feel at peace, and I know in my heart it has everything to do with Lucy and the little boy gulping down lemonade sitting beside me.

  I could get used to this.

  Chapter Twenty


  It took most of the day, but the guys were able to finish up the treehouse. They only need to come back during the week and put on a few finishing touches, but it is secure and ready for use once Colt wakes up in the morning.

  Thank the heavens for people owing you favors or there is no way I would have been able to get this put up and installed so quickly. Nothing beats having friends in high places.

  True to his word, Tyler and Colt worked together to put my planter boxes together in the yard. Working with wood and a three-year-old wasn’t easy, but Tyler kept his cool the entire time, explaining things to Colt in a way that he would understand while also including him in the project by asking him to hold things for him while he worked.

  After we ate dinner, Tyler gave Colt a bath and is reading him a story while I finish up the dishes. I reach into the sink and grab another dirty dish and my mind wanders, thinking about how things could be if Tyler becomes a permanent fixture in our lives.

  I can see him teaching Colt how to ride a bike and the two of us sitting out on the patio after putting him to bed, with a glass of wine. All these images filter through my mind like a slideshow of what my future could hold if I let it, but there is something holding me back. I need to tell him about Colt, but every time I can’t quite find the right time to bring it up. One thing is for certain, the longer I wait the harder it will be to tell him.

  “Colt’s all tucked in. Story read, and he’s ready for his momma to give him a goodnight kiss,” Tyler says as he turns the corner into the kitchen.

  I smile at him over my shoulder. “Thanks so much.” I rinse the dish in my hands and place it in the drying rack before drying my hands with a nearby towel. “I’ll be right back.”

  I brush past Tyler and head toward Colt’s room, pushing the door open slightly. I sigh as I find him fast asleep. I tiptoe over to his bed, place a light kiss on his forehead and double check that his nightlight is on before heading back out of the room, flicking the overhead light off on my way out.

  When I round the corner to the kitchen, Tyler has finished the dishes and wiping down the counters. “Be careful, I could get used to this kind of treatment.”

  Tyler places the sponge on the back of the sink before drying his hands and coming toward me. I melt into him as he wraps his arms around me and places a gentle kiss on the top of my head. “You should. You deserve to be treated like a queen.”

  I sigh, wrapping my arms around him. I could get used to this, the three of us here and together. Just like a proper family.

  We stand there in silence, neither one of us in a rush to move. “I should get going. We both have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” I unwrap my arms from his waist, stepping out of his embrace.

  “You’re right, even though I would much rather you stayed the night.”

  “Lu, you have no idea how much I want to, but we both know neither of us would get any sleep.” He lifts my chin with his hand, before giving me a chaste kiss. “Now I will leave before I change my mind. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  I smile shyly at him and follow him to the front door, watching as he makes his way to the borrowed truck parked in the driveway. He quickly hops in, waving out of the window before he pulls out and heads toward home.

  Once he disappears from sight, I shut the door tightly and lock it. Quickly making my way to my bedroom, I don’t even bother to change. Just drop my pants to the floor and climb into the bed.

  As sleep overtakes me, images of what life could be with Tyler once again fill my mind, and I have no desire to stop them.

  “That’s it!” Haddie screeches from the other side of the table. “You spend one amazing night together and then nothin
g. How can I live vicariously through you if you don’t have any juicy details to share?”

  Rylee and I both laugh at her response from our places at the table. The three of us decided to meet for lunch since we haven’t had much time to spend together over the last few weeks.

  “It’s not for lack of trying. We’ve both been super busy with work. Tyler is finishing up the engine for Colton and I had the auction and benefit to finish up.” I take a sip of my margarita before I continue. “We saw each other at the auction, but with his date and all, it made it a little hard to talk to each other.”

  “Date? You mean the old lady that paid a pretty penny for his time,” Rylee chimes in from besides me. “I don't know why he even continued to compete in the bachelor auction. From what I can see you two are a lot more than just friends.”

  My cheeks pink in embarrassment. “It was for a good cause! We raised a sizeable amount of money for Corporate Cares.”

  “Very true, but you missed a prime opportunity to spend more time together.”

  I roll my eyes at both of them. “We are planning to get together later today. Tyler wants Colt and me to come to the track while he tests the new engine he just rebuilt for Colton.”

  Rylee smiles. “He is so proud of that thing. Colton said that he has been working day and night to get that thing ready for his next race. I mean it’s just a backup engine. I don’t know why he put in so much work.”

  Just as I’m about to chime in, my cell phone rings. Lifting it off the table a small smile covers my face before I hit the green button and answer. “Hey, Ty,” I say as Rylee and Haddie make kissy faces at me.

  “Hey, beautiful. Are we still on for tonight? I’m gonna test the engine a little earlier than planned, but we can still meet here at the track if you want.”

  My shoulders deflate slightly. “Sure, but Colt was looking forward to watching you race around the track.” I hate that I’m using my son as an excuse, but how can I explain how sexy it is watching him do the thing he loves.

  Tyler quickly responds, “Well you can bring him over now. I have a few things to check before I do the test run.”

  “Of course! I’m just having a late lunch with the girls, but I can grab Colt from preschool and be there in an hour? I’m sure my boss will let me leave the office early after all the hard work I’ve put in for the auction.”

  Rylee rolls her eyes in my direction as she signals for the check. I blow her an air kiss before saying goodbye and ending the call.

  “You’re lucky I love you so much.”

  “That I am, but I really have been putting in extra hours to make sure the benefit and bachelor auction went off without a hitch,” I whine, tugging on her arm to get even more sympathy and Haddie laughs at our antics.

  “Yeah, yeah. Get out of here.” She pulls her arm from my grasp and waves me off. “I’ll talk to you later and expect all the details about your amazing family date.”

  I stiffen at her words. “Lucy Duke! You still haven’t told him, have you?” Haddie growls at me, pinning me in place with her eyes.

  “I haven’t found the right time. First, we were a little preoccupied to stop and talk about Colt, but then life just got in the way. I plan to tell him tonight, if we can get some time alone together.”

  “I’ll meet you at the track and take Colt for a sleepover at our house. You can tell him over dinner or whatever it is you two had planned for tonight,” Rylee commands, leaving no room for argument.”

  I sigh, resigned to my fate, I just hope Tyler is receptive to the news. Any other reaction will lead to disaster.

  “You know we are doing this because we love you, right?” Haddie reaches across the table and gives my hand a squeeze.

  “I know but telling him isn’t as easy as you would think.”

  “We never said it was easy, but it needs to be done, Lucy. The longer you keep the information from him, the harder it will be. Not to mention his feelings can be entirely different.” Rylee signs the check and then pushes back from the table. “Imagine how betrayed he will feel knowing he told you his secret and you still kept things from him, especially something this life altering.”

  I push back from the table and silently follow my friends out of the restaurant. I know they are right, but Tyler’s reaction is what I’m most afraid of. If he is less than ecstatic to find out he’s Colt’s father, it will break my heart, not to mention ruin everything that we could be.

  “Just tell him. The sooner it is out in the open the better, after that we can figure out what to do.” Rylee wraps her arm around my shoulder, bringing me in for a one-armed hug. “Now go, grab your little boy and go see your man. We can worry about the rest later.”

  I return her hug before giving Haddie one and heading toward my car. It takes no time at all for me to grab Colt and head for the track. Colt is beyond excited to spend time with Tyler, telling me all his plans for the three of us tonight.

  “After we watch Tyler test the car, you’re going to go have a sleepover with Rylee at her and Colton’s house. How does that sound?” Judging by his squeal of excitement, the change of plans won’t sour his mood.

  As we walk closer to the track, I notice Tyler and a few of the guys walking around a compact car. “‘Ats not a race car,” Colt states loudly causing everyone to laugh.

  “It’s just not the kind of race car Colton uses,” Tyler says as he picks Colt up and places a kiss on my cheek. “This is a car we used to test the things we will put into his car. We need to make sure it all works before we give it to him. It’s my job to make sure Colton stays safe.”

  “Colton needs that,” Colt says matter of factly, reminding all of us of the accident that almost took him from us. That was a hard time for all of us, but Rylee most of all.

  “Who wants to see me race this car?” Tyler asks, sensing the solemn turn our conversation went.

  “ME!” Colt shouts as he claps his hand together. Tyler places him on the ground before sneaking a quick kiss and heading back toward the car. He takes a helmet from one of the guys before sliding his arms through the driving suit I didn’t notice him wearing.

  With one final wink, he’s all strapped in and on his way onto the track. I grab Colt’s hand and walk over to the track, stopping a few feet short of the wall. A tall chain-link fence protects us from anything flying toward us, but I won’t take that chance with Colt here.

  I watch as Tyler takes a few slow laps around the track, warming up the engine so he can put it through his paces. Colt pulls on my arm, dragging me closer to the fence. “We have to stay back, sweetie.”

  “I an’t see.” He pouts crossing his arms over his chest.

  “How about up here?” Colton asks him before lifting him high onto his shoulders and giving me a bright smile.

  “Colton! I’m aving a sleepover at your house.” Colt launches into all of the things he wants to do tonight, Tyler’s laps around the track all but forgotten.

  “I know, buddy. Rylee told me. How about we head back to the garage? Your momma and Tyler will meet us there when he is done?”

  I mouth my thanks to Colton as he turns and heads back toward the garage. Without having Colt here as a distraction, my chest tightens with anxiety with every pass Tyler makes.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath as I remind myself that Tyler knows what he is doing. That although accidents happen, this is just a test run.

  But what if something happens?

  Just as the thought passes through my mind, I hear a loud screeching noise causing my eyes to fly open. I rush toward the fencing and watch as the car Tyler is driving slides across the track, and as soon as it hits the grass it flips. I count each flip in my head as my heart lodges in my throat. Once, twice, three times before I finally stop counting and head back toward the entrance.

  I hear screaming from everyone around me, but my only thought is getting to Tyler and making sure he’s okay. Just before I make it onto the track, a pair of arms around my waist stopping
me from moving any further.

  “Let me go!” I shout as I claw at the arms holding me tighter, unable to focus on anything but making sure Tyler is okay.

  “You need to stay here. Crashes always look worse than they really are.” Colton’s deep timbre filters through my mind as the fight leaves my body. We both crumble to the floor as I turn to bury my face into his chest.

  “I just got him back, I won’t lose him again.” I repeat over and over, like a mantra.

  “You won’t lose him,” Colton responds, wrapping his arms tighter around me as I continue to sob into his chest.

  It could have been minutes or hours, I have no idea, but suddenly I hear someone shout that Tyler is out of the car. Without hesitating I rip myself out of Colton’s arms and run directly to where I see Tyler.

  He’s strapped to a gurney, his neck in a splint and his leg in a makeshift splint. He is covered in blood but seems to be speaking to someone about a broken axle and over correction.

  “Who gives a shit about the damn car! You could have died, Tyler. You can’t leave me, not again. We wouldn’t be able to survive losing you,” I whisper as I cage his head between my hands, noticing his eyes are clouded slightly.

  “Miss, we need to get moving. He hit his head badly and we want to be sure he doesn’t have a concussion.”

  I nod my head at the paramedic while I tell Tyler my biggest secret. “Colt needs his daddy, Tyler. Do you hear me?” Tyler’s eyes widen in shock before his eyes slide closed and I’m pulled back from the gurney.

  Tears continue streaming down my face as I watch them lift him into the ambulance, taking him away from me once again. The sound of Colt’s voice screaming in pain shocks me into action.

  First, I need to take care of my little boy, then I can fall apart. One thing is for certain now that Tyler Davenport is back in our lives, it will take a lot more than a car crash to take him from me.


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