The Legendary Civilization

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The Legendary Civilization Page 7

by Ali Yazan

  When they arrived at the wire, Suvak assigned a few crew members to find weaknesses. About ten minutes later, the members returned and reported that the base was relatively less controlled in the south. Suvak headed there with his crew.

  They cut the wire current, and after they had got in, they fixed the wire quickly. When the wire was cut off, an alarm was set off on the base. When the security forces investigated the reason for the power cut, thanks to the excellent work done by Suvak's team they could not find any disconnection in the wire. They doubted of the possibility of a major system error, and they started to check the system.

  When Suvak and his team heard the alarm, they stood out of the way of the troops. Moran and Suvak slipped into the building and entered the control room. Moran pulled out the device he held in his waist and held straight to the console. It quickly decrypted all the passwords in a few seconds and downloaded all the available data, including command control codes and technical information about the missiles. After obtaining all the data Suvak and Moran immediately left.

  Meanwhile, the Pentagon security system detected unauthorized access to the system, was alarmed. The Pentagon Cyber Security Service panicked. The Minister of Defense was immediately notified of the situation. System engineers quickly tried identify the breach. Hours later, an engineer identified the security breach and started to explain the situation to the unit manager.

  “Sir, as far as I understand, the system has been accessed from one of our bases. When I tracked it down, I detected that this was the missile base in Montana Maelstrom.”

  Pentagon chief of cyber security, Richard Stronghold was shocked. “So, you're saying that there's a mole in the base?”

  “No, sir. We weren’t hacked. No hacker can do anything like that. No one in the base can do such a thing. All security systems of both the base and the Pentagon were bypassed almost as if they didn’t exist. There is no hacker in the world to do that, sir.”

  “Then there must be trespassing. Have you received a report regarding that the base was infiltrated from the outside?”

  “No, sir. There was a leak alarm for only a few seconds, but nothing was found when the leaking area was investigated.”

  Stronghold’s stomach lurched. “Tell them to check that again,” he said.

  “Yes, sir.”

  The experts went to the wire fence area in the company of armed soldiers. At first glance, nothing was found. However, one of the engineers kneeled and noticed the points of the wire were cut and re-welded. It was very small, but it did not go unnoticed from a careful eye. The situation was immediately reported to the commander of the base, and he delivered the inspection report to the Pentagon.

  Stronghold said, “We should report this to the Minister immediately,” and called the Minister on his mobile phone.

  The Minister was surprised. “Well, I will report it to the President,” he said and hung up the phone.

  The President immediately organized a security meeting which included the Ministers of Foreign and Internal Affairs, the National Security Advisor and the Chief of the General Staff. The President said, “This job seems to have been done by the civilization that Mr. Jorgensen from Agartha mentioned. The perpetrator who passed such a high level of security system like it was a toy cannot be an Earthling. Come to think of it, have we found the trace of the ship which we caught on the back of the Moon?”

  The Chief of Staff answered, “Unfortunately, no, sir. NORAD could not find any trace of the ship.”

  “I'm not surprised,” said the President. “Such an advanced civilization, of course, will have a special set of concealment technologies.”

  National Security Adviser intervened, “Sir, I would like to share the information that was recently sent by NSA with your permission. Similar incidents occurred in the North Korean, Chinese and Russian military bases as well.”

  “What do they want to do?” The President asked.

  “I guess they want to measure the capacity of opposite countries which have nuclear weapons,” the Minister of Foreign Affairs answered.

  “You may be right, Morgan,” the President said. “But what do you think they can be doing with it? It feels like they want us to collide and to facilitate the occupation through it. Just as Jorgensen said.”

  “It's possible, Mr. President. They may be measuring the capacity of our countries and trying to predict how much damage we may take through a possible nuclear war. However, there is one thing that concerns me. If a nuclear war breaks out on Earth, the level of resistance forces to fight against them will be almost zero. However, the real concern that they have is how much damage the earth will take rather than the winner or the loser of the nuclear war. Because if the place they want to occupy destroyed as a result of the war, this makes the invasion of the planet meaningless. Why waste all the resources and time to occupy a place where you cannot benefit?”

  The President stroked his chin. “You are right, General. They will not benefit from a nuclear war. But if we fight conventionally, we will be pretty weak which will be enough to help them achieve their goals.”

  The Minister of Internal Affairs said, “Sir, I recommend switching to Defcon 1.”

  The President shook his head, “No, this can be perceived directly as a declaration of war by the opposite side. But let's activate Defcon 2. Our forces must be ready to fight at any moment. General, I want all space forces and weapons to be ready. Let's set the weapons up against the dangers that might come from space. We must be prepared to be able to fight simultaneously against threats both from the world and the outer space.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  President activated Defcon 2 by pressing his thumb on the war console which was in the bag that he always carried with him, alerting all the military forces to Defcon 2. Meanwhile, the President was thinking about the fuss that the Congress would make.

  Suvak and his team returned to the ship and entered the orbit around Moon. They had ruled out the detection opportunities of the Earth and transmitted the status report with their opinions to the headquarters and were waiting for an answer.

  At headquarters, Galdor was examining the received report. The report, which was sent as a video hologram, included the world's leading military power and social structure, cultural and socio-economic order, information about their scientific and technological level, and eventually the views and recommendations of the crew. After reviewing the report, Galdor turned to Bander, “I think a copy of the report has been transmitted to you. I would like to get your opinion,” he said.

  Bander sighed. “It seems to me that the world is not a problem, we can defeat them in a very short period of time. However, the advanced civilization they contacted is extremely troubling, Sir. Even though we know that they have bases inside the world our sensors could not detect anything. This means that they have more advanced concealment technologies.”

  “Even more advanced than ours?”

  “Yes, sir, this civilization seems to be ahead of us. If you ask me, rather than messing with an enemy whose power we do not know, it is better to pass this one and search for other systems.”

  Galder thought for a moment. On the one hand, the things reported about the earth was extremely attractive. It was rich in many natural resources as well as manpower. On the other hand, this advanced space civilization matter was extremely troubling.

  “I think you are right Bander. Putting our existence at risk without having enough information about this alien civilization is unreasonable. As far as you told me, this civilization and Earth established contacts just recently. Why did they feel the need to contact, why now? Could it be something to do with the fact that they realized our existence?”

  “You're right, sir. Fighting a civilization which can watch us without being noticed can cause serious consequences. They, of course, have realized that we can easily defeat Earth. No matter how advanced they may be, they must have thought that in the end we would reac
h them and they would have to have a final showdown with us.”

  “I agree. Council meeting will begin in fifteen minutes. The ultimate decision will be reached by the majority of votes or a unanimous vote, so I won’t bear the responsibility on my own, but I still feel uncomfortable,” he said and stood up.

  Bander nodded and quickly left the room

  Galder pondered what he would say as he headed to the meeting room. Would he be able to convince them to attack? Although he was pro-invasion and expansionist, he believed that it should sometimes be done with diplomatic methods, not by war. Among the civilizations they had faced, there was so few that were equal to them. But now the situation was very different. And perhaps they were about to face a more advanced civilization which they knew nothing about.

  Galder found all the other members in their places when he entered the meeting room. Even though they had the ability to gather holographically, they always preferred to meet physically due to the security.

  Galdar activated the meeting through pressing the soundproof button in front of him. Although the room was soundproof, the voices were converted to gibberish as a precaution against eavesdropping from outside.

  “Welcome, Galdor. It is nice to see you again at a council meeting.” Trandor, the oldest and the most respected member of the council remarked. Galdor convened the council infrequently since he had been elected. According to the constitution of Von civilization, the President of the Council was solely responsible for the execution. However, he had to gather the council once every six months or in extraordinary situations. If he delayed or canceled the obligatory meetings without a valid excuse, the presidency of the council was supposed to pass to the eldest member automatically until the presidential elections.

  Galdor nodded. “Thank you, dear Trandor. Good to see you again. I hope your health is good.”

  “I'm very well, thank you. I heard that the reason for you to convene us is to discuss the annexation of a star system again.”

  “You have extremely sensitive ears, dear Trandor. But you're right, we have discovered a new planet in a new star system with about eight billion humans living on the planet. Residents of the planet are less advanced than us. Annexation would not cause many problems. However, inside the planet, there is another civilization other than the one I mentioned, and this civilization is not only more advanced than them but also than us.”

  The council members murmured in surprise. One of the members, Migand, leaned forward “How advanced, Galder? What made you come to this conclusion?

  Galder briefly summarized the report, accompanied by a three-dimensional hologram in the middle of the room. He asked the members what was the course of action. Now the room lapsed into silence as they thought about what action would be the most appropriate.

  The council consisted of ten members, and most of them were old. Because the constitution had adjudicated that the elected council members remain in their positions throughout their lives. This slowed the pace of the improvement of the civilization in which the life expectancy was approximately two hundred years. The council members who were close to the end of their lives were relatively conservative people, and they weren’t open to changes. However, when they encountered a civilization which they believed to be a sitting target, they would give consent for colonization.

  A member named Vander broke the short silence. “Dear Galdor, I think that we should be cautious. The planet looks very attractive, especially regarding natural resources. But it seems unreasonable to put ourselves in danger for just one planet. In my opinion, it is appropriate to examine the residents of this planet and to investigate the existence of the other civilization to learn its purpose and the advancement level. Of course, while doing so, we shouldn’t startle them. We do not want to make a new and powerful enemy.”

  Other members murmured. Galdor said “If everyone has agreed, we will vote that we send a team to both the planet called Nibiru and the Earth and try to make contact with this advanced civilization and monitor the movements of the Earth closely.”

  All of the members cast their votes by touching the screens in front of them. The plan was accepted by a unanimous vote.

  Galdor nodded. “I will act immediately. I will inform you, members of the council about the developments. If necessary, I will call for a meeting to take new decisions, “he said and finished the meeting. When the members disbanded, Galdor told Bander to come to his office and gave him the necessary instructions. After receiving the orders, Bander went back to the ship to prepare and send the teams. A team was already waiting on the back of the Moon, so he authorized it to change his route to Nibiru and head there immediately to contact the aliens. Another team was sent to the Earth.

  Meanwhile, Jorgensen had just finished reviewing the report he had been given, in command of the ship which was in the orbit of Nibiru. He leaned back and stared thoughtfully at the officer across him. “Onka, what do you think that Von civilization wants to do?”

  Fleet deputy commander Onka said, “I think they want to test us, Master Jorgensen. They must have hesitated when they stumbled upon us in the records of Mankind. If they weren’t aware of us, they would have directly attacked the world after the investigation they had made. They must have wondered our purpose when they learned the world contacted a more advanced civilization than themselves.”

  Jorgensen smiled, “I have the same opinions.”

  An officer entered the room quietly and handed Onka a digital note. After the officer had left the room, Onka said, “It appears that we weren’t wrong, Master Jorgensen. This report says that a ship of Von Civilization is coming towards us. The ship is about a million kilometers away, and it is scanning us. Shall we just disable the scan?”

  “No, let them scan. Let’s just disable their access to certain information they shouldn’t learn. We can let it be a superficial scan. We should head to the bridge to see them.”

  “As you wish, Master Jorgensen.”

  They headed to the bridge together where fifteen people were working. The ship was about two and a half kilometers in length and five hundred meters wide. While Jorgensen's instructions were being fulfilled, an officer in charge said, “Master Captain, we are receiving a message of salutation from the Von ship.”

  “Reply and transmit it to the main screen.”

  The captain of the Von ship suddenly appeared on the giant screen on the bridge. “My name is Erdar, Captain of Ogandora, the expedition ship of Von Civilization. Who am I speaking to?”

  Jorgensen signaled Onka to respond, Onka said, “Hello, Captain Erdar. You are speaking to the Deputy Commander of the fleet of Nibiru and Agartha. How can we help you?”

  “Captain Onka, we are here to represent the Von civilization. Our civilization received identification signal from the third planet of this solar system last month. After locating it, we set out to meet this civilization. But the previous exploration team encountered some conflicts among the habitants of this planet which is called the Earth, they hesitated to make contact. While investigating them, we noticed that you contacted them. As far as we understand from the records of the Earth, you are a peaceful and advanced civilization. That's why we wanted to contact you. You kept your presence here secret until now, and now it appears from the records that you recently introduced yourself to Earthlings. We wanted to find out why.”

  “Captain Erdar, it would not be appropriate for us to discuss the policies of our civilization with you. This is a decision that the executive committee, our governing body, can take. It is our highest priority to prevent the humanity of the world from destroying themselves. May I ask you a question? Why are you interested in this matter?”

  Erdar’s expression barely changed. “My superiors are wondering why a superior civilization like yours has not contacted them and stopped them from fighting until now. We would like to take advantage of your views as you are much more experienced in this regard than we are. We will decide whether or n
ot to contact the world humanity.”

  Onka looked at Jorgensen for a moment, thinking -Nice maneuver- Jorgensen signaled him to continue speaking.

  “Captain Erdar, as a general rule, we do not interfere in the internal affairs of any other civilization unless it is really necessary. However, we may have intervened in the last stage, and it is a restricted intervention. We recommend you avoid direct contact with them at this stage. They have very aggressive attitudes and they can pull you in the spiral of violence. We are obliged to intervene in a certain way because we share the same planet. But after this phase is over, you can contact them and make positive contributions to each other's civilizations. We will be interfering from time to time. Not only will the leaders, but also the people of the world will be notified of us.”

  These words caused the danger signals in Erdar's mind. -So, they will make an open contact with the humanity of the world, that's bad- he thought. However, he meant the opposite.

  “We are grateful for your advice, Commander Onka. I will forward all of this to my superiors in a report. I hope this will be a good starting point for all of us.”

  “I agree with you, Commander Erdar. On behalf of the Nibiru-Agarta Civilization and me, I wish you a good journey.”

  After the connection was disabled, Erdar was extremely thoughtful. This civilization had no intention of leaving the mankind alone and without assistance. -Our superiors will decide now- he thought to himself and ordered the route to be changed to the main planet of Von.

  Meanwhile, a second group of five members arrived at Earth. The team leader began to scan the surface and the inside of the Earth. About fifteen minutes later he asked the deck officer Bagador, “Have you found the source of energy we have found under the surface?”

  “Yes, sir. This is a very developed city with an air base nearby. Our underground scanners detected traces of moving objects. But we cannot visualize them. They must be using some kind of concealment technology. They must be deliberately allowing us to trace them.


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