Heartless Player: A College Hockey Romance : (Westfall U Series)

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Heartless Player: A College Hockey Romance : (Westfall U Series) Page 12

by R. C. Stephens

  “Thanks, man. It felt good.” I don’t mention anything about the freshman Bozeman taking my spot, because I’m captain. I need to support the team, not feel jealous or threatened.

  Baynard starts talking about a party being held at one of the frat houses tonight. He’s trying to recruit some of the guys.

  “That’s a shitty plan,” I interject. “You guys should stay sober tonight. Coach needs you clear for the game tomorrow night.”

  “He has a point,” Dec says. His support surprises me because he’s usually the first to want to get smashed.

  I raise my brows.

  “What? We need to cream them tomorrow,” he growls.

  The guys around us cheer a bunch of “fuck yeahs” and “let’s show them.”

  “We got this, Judd,” Baynard says to me. “No way are we letting them win. We got to make the Frozen Four,” he says and fist bumps me.

  “We’re taking the championship this year. We’ve just got to focus,” I say.

  The guys around me agree. Even Bozeman seems pumped. The team is filled with players who want to play in the NHL. Westfall’s hockey team has that kind of rep. By March, most of the school gets into the hockey spirit. Every year, there are a number of players who sort of become celebrities on campus. Everyone knows who they are and what prospects they have of drafting.

  The guys break apart and I get dressed. I have a full load of classes today.

  “Are you going to come to the game?” Bozeman asks.

  I don’t talk to the kid very much. He isn’t really a kid, but I call him that in my head to make myself feel better. I’ve been to most of the games since I was injured. I still need to know the players on the other teams and find their weaknesses while getting to know their style of play.

  “No,” I shake my head. I want to see Rebel, which is messed up that I want to prioritize her over hockey.

  “Cool.” He nods. “I… uh…” He scratches his head.

  “What? Spit it out,” I say.

  “My ex is dating their right winger. We were together for four years in high school. I think it may be awkward,” he explains.

  “Awkward how?” I ask.

  “She broke up with me at prom and uh… she went for him, and I kind of broke his nose. He may have gotten the girl, but he’s pissed at me,” Bozeman says.

  “The angst should make for a good game on the ice. You lost the girl. You don’t want to lose the game too,” I tell him.

  “Yeah, I guess. I mean, she asked me if I loved her at prom, and I didn’t, so I couldn’t lie. I shouldn’t be pissed about her taking off on me. Not after we were together for so long,” Bozeman says.

  “Is there more to this story?” I ask, because I don’t get his hesitation.

  “Nah.” He shakes his head. “I’m just in a weird funk. The game will be fine.”

  “Good.” I clap him on the back. “You’ve been handling yourself well out there. Keep it up.”

  “Thanks.” He nods. Bozeman is shy. He’s a damned good player, but something is going on with him and I can’t put my finger on it.

  “Good luck with the game. You got this,” I say.

  “Word is that you’re a real asshole, but you’re a good fucking captain,” he says.

  I laugh. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  He laughs too, and I grab my things and we leave the locker room. I head out to my car and Cole catches up to me.

  “What’s up?” I ask him, since I know my best friend has something on his mind.

  “Are we going to talk about what the hell is going on with you and Rebel?” he asks when we’re in the parking lot out of ear shot of the other guys.

  “She isn’t up for discussion.” The steely look I throw his way backs up my words.

  “Look, you and I have been friends a long time, and I’m telling you this is some messed-up shit,” he says.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, and I don’t think I want to know either.” I side-eye him.

  “I’m talking about the fact that you’re trying to make yourself feel better about Cait by somehow… I don’t even know what you’re doing with that chick.” Cole’s exasperation shows on his face.

  Anger pulses through my veins. I don’t think Cole and I have ever gotten into a fight, but there’s a first time for everything.

  I grab him by his collar. “Don’t fucking talk about her.” I practically spit in his face. I don’t know what’s come over me, but he’s crossed a line.

  “Holy shit.” His eyes widen. “Do not tell me you’re fucking her.”

  I release his collar and shove him away. “I’m done here.”

  “This is some fucked-up shit, Wolfe. Even for you,” he calls after me, but I don’t answer. Well, actually I do. I give him the bird and walk away.



  Biomechanics ends and I make my way up the steps of the lecture hall.

  “Hey, Rebel.” I hear my name, but I don’t dare turn around mid-step in fear I’ll lose my balance and fall. Antonio walks up beside me. Ever since I stayed at the Coffee Bean to study a few weeks ago, we have somehow become friends.

  “Hi,” I answer back, but I continue to take the steps slowly, not wanting to block others from leaving the lecture hall.

  “You got any plans now? I was thinking we could maybe grab a coffee?” he asks.

  Tiffany walks up to us before I can answer. “Congrats on your mid-term,” she says to me, and I blush.

  “Thanks. I don’t get why Professor Armstrong would single me out that way,” I say to her.

  “I’ve heard he always announces the highest grades for any test or paper,” she says.

  “I’ve heard the same,” Antonio agrees.

  “So, are you free?” Antonio asks me.

  I flinch. “I was hoping to get home.”

  “Well, I’ll catch you two later,” Tiffany says.

  “She’s been really weird. Am I right?” Antonio asks, pointing his thumb back at her.

  “Yeah.” I nod, remembering how uncomfortable she made me feel at the Firken on Thanksgiving. It feels like she’s trying to be friends with me for some reason I don’t understand. If she wanted my class notes I would send her a pic without having to include all the fake bullshit.

  “You should watch out for her. Girls like that aren’t trustworthy,” Antonio warns.

  “Thanks for the warning, but we aren’t even friends.” And I have trust issues as it is.

  Antonio nods. “Have a good night.”

  “You too,” I say. I walk out of the lecture hall and down Mackee Hall, which is a huge corridor in the center of the Danby Building. It’s one of the biggest and busiest buildings on campus. Students rush by heading in all directions. I keep my head low, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone.

  When I reach the corridor, I see him. Wolfe. He’s wearing his hockey varsity jacket and has a beanie on his head. He’s talking to Tiffany, who stands super close to him. I leave through the doors, not looking back. I made it clear that I don’t want him touching another girl if we fool around and he seems to be on board. I have no right to be jealous over him just talking to Tiffany. Even though I’m sure she wants in his pants. Still, I can’t help my insecurities. Tiffany is whole and perfect. I don’t measure up. I walk past them with my head dipped as I get on one of the main roads to head home. There are no cars allowed in this part of campus because it’s made up of mostly pathways for students to access by walking to the different buildings.

  “Rebel.” I hear him shout my name from behind. I know it’s Wolfe. I can’t ignore him, even though I want to. My reaction confuses me because since we fooled around, I can’t stop thinking about him.

  I stop and turn around. “Hi,” I say. Then I look around to see who’s watching.

  “Are you headed home?”

  I nod.

  “Did you want a ride?”

  “I’m good,” I say, trying to keep my cool.
/>   “Is everything okay?” he asks, and his dark brows draw together. I wish looking into his eyes didn’t make me want to melt.

  “Yeah,” I say with nonchalance. “Why?”

  “I don’t know. I saw you leaving Mackee. I thought you might say hi.”

  “We agreed not to talk on campus.”

  “You came up with that rule,” he reminds me.

  “True,” I agree.

  “So, can I give you a ride?” He smiles suggestively as he walks toward me.

  My heart picks up pace because he looks like he’s going to…

  Yup, he leans down and hugs me, then he presses his lips to mine. And why do they have to feel so good?

  “What are you doing?” I whisper-shout and he pulls his head back.

  “Isn’t it obvious?”

  “What I mean is, we’re in public.” And I haven’t seen you since last week. You haven’t called or anything. The minute I think it, I realize I have his number, but I never gave him mine. I can’t be upset about that.

  “There’s no one around.” He scans the immediate area.

  “I see students around,” I say, my voice a few tones higher than I mean it to be. Okay, they may be like a mile away, but still.

  “Fine.” He takes a few steps back. “I’m not going to ask you if you want a ride anymore. I’m clearly annoying you with my chivalry.”

  “I appreciate the rides,” I say, deflating.

  “But you don’t like to accept them. Did it ever occur to you that I’m doing it for me, not you? Maybe I like spending time with you,” he says, throwing me off.

  “That possibility really never crossed my mind,” I admit.

  He tilts his head to the side. He looks totally adorable in that beanie. “Wanna come back to my place and hang out?” He waggles his brows. “Cole is on dinner duty and he sucks, but I was thinking more along the lines of we can spend time in my room.”

  His words cause warmth and heat to crawl up my belly and move between my legs. “I’d like that,” I answer, but then I instantly regret my words. What am I doing? Blossom is right and I’m getting in over my head. Yet, right now, I want to dive in headfirst.

  “Cool,” he says, and we walk side by side to the parking lot.

  When we get in the Mustang, he tells me about his practices and how good it feels to be back on the ice. I notice how his blue eyes fill with a spark when he talks about hockey and the team.

  “What about you?” he asks. “Did you clear things up with Blossom?”

  “I don’t know if you can call it cleared up. We’re both dealing with issues from having a father who was a drug addict. Blossom acknowledges it, but Preston is still around. She claims to love him.”

  “Shit. That’s not easy,” he says.

  We pull up to the driveway and get out of the car. I can’t believe I’m back here. Again.

  “Are your roommates not throwing any parties today?” I ask.

  “I’ve banned them from parties. We’re heading into a critical point in the season. They all need to be on top of their game.”

  When we get inside, it appears that we’re the only ones here. We head straight up to Wolfe’s room. It’s not what I expect. It’s simple, with a double bed in the middle of the room covered in a navy blue comforter. There’s a worn wood dresser and a night table on one side of his bed. He has an older television on the dresser and a small bookshelf with a desk beside it. His bed is situated under a nice sized window that overlooks his backyard.

  Wolfe drops his backpack on the floor and throws his varsity jacket and beanie on top of it. His hair looks messy and wild but in the most perfect way.

  “Take off your jacket and make yourself comfortable,” he says.

  I drop my backpack on the floor and remove my jacket, but then I find myself standing awkwardly, unsure of what to do next.

  It doesn’t take long for Wolfe to close the space between us. He places his palms on my cheeks and dips his head to kiss me softly. It feels so good that heat unfurls inside me and I instantly want more. What is it about him? The last time I was with a guy was junior year of high school, and I don’t remember feeling this turned on.

  His tongue slides in my mouth and then our tongues are twisting together. My hands come up to play in his hair and he groans into my mouth.

  “You taste too good,” he says.

  The heat I was feeling turns to a flame.

  “Should we take this to the bed?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I say into his mouth.

  He lifts me off my feet and I squeal as he walks us over to the bed. He gently puts me on my back and hovers above me. His hard-on presses into my belly as his lips move to just below my ear where he nips and kisses down my neck. My hands run up his muscled back as one of his hands reaches under my sweatshirt. He squeezes my right breast.

  “Can I take the bra off?” he asks.

  I wonder if he would ask Tiffany the same question, although I’m happy he asks for permission before doing something. It makes me feel less stressed.

  “Yes,” I answer, and he unclasps my bra easily.

  “Can the shirt go?” he asks next.

  I swallow and nod. Instead of waiting for him to do it, I remove the gray cropped sweatshirt I was wearing and take the bra off my arms. I discard both on the side of the bed.

  Wolfe’s blue eyes look like they are filled with fire as he takes me in. “You are so beautiful.” His mouth connects with my right nipple. His hot tongue draws a swirl around it, and between the cooler air in his room and his hot tongue sucking and licking up my nipples, I turn into a hot mess.

  Soft moans escape my lips. “That feels really good,” I whimper.

  “I want to make you feel good.” He cups his hand between my legs. “Geez, I can feel your heat through your jeans,” he says. “Can we take these off?”

  “I’m not sure about sex yet,” I say to him.

  “That’s okay. I was thinking I wanted to taste you.” He smirks.

  I nod. “Okay.”

  The last time someone went down on me was also in junior year. Trevor and I had dated since sophomore year. We had been close and I trusted him with all of my body, but I push those thoughts aside because Wolfe is nothing like him. Besides, he sees me for what I am. He knows about my leg and he’s still interested.

  “It’s been a long time for me,” I warn.

  “I’ll take it easy on you.” He winks.

  I begin to remove my jeans from my waist and then Wolfe helps me. But I feel awkward about him removing it over my prosthesis. It can get stuck and that would be so embarrassing.

  “I can do it,” I say, and he lets me.

  I remove the jeans and I watch him for a reaction, but he doesn’t have one and I don’t know what to make of that. His gaze remains glued first on my light pink cotton panties and then on my eyes.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he repeats, taking his hand and allowing his thumb to brush across my cheek.

  “Are you always such a sweet talker?” I ask.

  “If you’re asking, I’m guessing you’ve heard about my reputation,” he says.

  “That would be correct,” I say, feeling uneasy. I’m topless in a pair of panties and he still has his clothes on. “I think we need to rectify your clothing situation.” I lean forward, removing the olive green long-sleeved Henley and white t-shirt he’s wearing. His wide shoulders and bare chest suck my breath away. How can he be so perfect?

  “Would you like the jeans gone too?” he asks and stands from the bed and discards them.

  He crawls back on the bed like he’s a hunter stalking its prey. “Lie back.”

  I do, but I watch him carefully, and he slowly kisses the inside of my right ankle. It makes me nervous because I don’t know how I feel about him touching the prosthesis, but I don’t worry long because his kisses climb higher up my thigh and then move to the other thigh. He’s torturing me slowly, and his tongue touches me between the thighs with my panties still on
. The anticipation is too much.

  He wraps a finger on each side of my panties and lowers them. The whole time he holds my gaze. My nipples are so hard and I am so wet for him. I’ve had sex before, but as horny as I am, I think we should wait. He dips his head and peppers kisses across my lower belly. He moves between my legs and starts with soft kisses and then… oh.

  His tongue licks me slowly from top to bottom. Again and again.

  “That feels…” I forget my train of thought when he sucks on my clit and my hips buck against his mouth.

  “You taste too damn good. Sweet and perfect,” he says.

  His tongue begins a flicking motion against my clit and I can’t help but moan. I hope we’re still home alone. He then dips his tongue into my opening and licks up to my clit, and I feel myself building. No, exploding.

  “I can’t… too much,” I mutter.

  “It’s okay. Let go,” he coaxes. I don’t remember things feeling this way in high school.

  I close my eyes and ride the wave. I come hard, my orgasm racking my body as Wolfe continues licking me relentlessly. It’s too much and too damn good. When I begin to come down, he eases up to soft lapping and then stops. My breathing is fast as I take him in. Wet lips, glistening blue eyes, and his cock engorged and pressed against his stomach under his boxers. I sit up and lower his boxers. Then I lick the crown of his cock.

  His fingers lace in my hair. “I don’t know what kind of spell you’ve cast on me, but I feel like I’m going to blow my load already,” he says.

  I take him deep into my throat. He groans. Then he moves me so I’m on my back and he rubs his cock between my breasts. Just watching him do that is such a turn on. He rubs himself up and down a few times.

  “Would you be opposed to me coming all over your chest?” he asks.

  I’m thrown off by the question, but I am also incredibly turned on. I reach for his cock and begin pumping him with my hand. I allow my thumb to swirl over some pre-cum on the tip and he groans. I quickly lick the crown and then go back to pumping him some more.

  “This is so hot,” he murmurs. His cock gets harder and harder beneath my touch and then he comes. His hot cum squirts all over my breasts, and it’s so hot my nipples pucker and I get wet all over again. His head falls back as he groans and says my name like it’s a prayer.


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