Royal Deceit, Love Worth Waiting For

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Royal Deceit, Love Worth Waiting For Page 4

by Sara Greene

  Vanessa kept looking at Shanaz. She had a familiar look, but Vanessa could not put her finger on it.

  “Is Azam alright?” she asked anxiously.

  “Yes the Prince is alright. His Royal Highness has been playing with his father the whole morning and the two of them get on very well,” said Shanaz.

  “Shanaz you are Zemabian, but you speak flawless English,” said Vanessa noticing that the other girl did not make even one mistake when she spoke. Shanaz smiled. “Yes Madam, I was born and bred in England. But after my mother died in a car crash I was brought to Zemaba by my uncle,” she said a cloud of sadness coming over her face.

  “Oh I am sorry Shanaz,” said Vanessa. “That’s alright Madam.” “Don’t you have any sisters and brothers?” asked Vanessa. “I have one brother. All I know of him is that he is somewhere in England,” said Shanaz.

  “Where in England did you live?” asked Vanessa.

  “We lived in Gloucester, South West of England and I schooled at Cheltenham College,” said Shanaz. “Oh but that is a very good College,” said Vanessa as she prepared to leave with Shanaz.

  Shanaz looked at her inquiringly. “Madam, I don’t think that that attired will be appropriate,” she said pointing to what Vanessa was wearing.

  “Why, Shanaz is there anything wrong with this?” asked Vanessa pointing to her jeans. Shanaz nodded. “His Royal Highness will be angry,” said Shanaz in a whisper.

  “To hell with His Royal Highness, I am sick of hearing about him,” said Vanessa raising her hands in anger.

  “Shanaz you may leave,” said a voice at the door. Shanaz spun round and found Riza standing at the door. His eyes were almost black and he looked furious.

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” said Shanaz as she bowed her head and fled from the room. “And as for you Miss high and mighty, I would like you to curb your wayward way of speaking. I am King of Zemaba and you were just ridiculing me to a servant,” said Riza his eyes flashing fury and anger.

  “While you gossiped here with a servant, your son was bawling his eyes out in the nursery as he was hungry,” said Riza.

  “Oh I am sorry,” said Vanessa as she prepared to leave.

  Riza held his hand up. “There is no need to leave now, everything has been taken care of and Azam was given a bottle by his nanny. So you can sit here and lick your wounds if you wish and the next time I send for you, please see that you arrive at the nursery pronto,” said Riza wagging a finger at her. He then turned and swept out of the room and she again heard the familiar click of the lock.

  Vanessa dropped to the floor clutching her breasts which were heavy with milk and hurting her no end. Her bra cups were moist with milk and she hurt terribly. She rushed to the bathroom and pumped the milk from her breasts just as the doctor had showed her how. After it was done, she felt so much relieved.

  When she stepped out of the bathroom she was surprised to see Mumtaz in her room. The other woman was shocked at Vanessa’s appearance.

  “Van, as you alright?” asked Mumtaz. Vanessa shook her head. “I feel absolutely awful.” The tears rolled down her cheeks as she spoke.

  Mumtaz nodded. “I am very sorry Van, believe me I was unaware of the stand Riza was going to take when it came to Azam,” said Mumtaz. “But he is being wicked by not letter me get close to Azam,” said Vanessa as she blew her nose. “I know and that is why I am sorry Van.”

  Vanessa looked at Mumtaz. “I know I should not be asking you this, but what is happening to your issue?”

  Mumtaz sighed. “We have spoken with Dr. Ismail, the palace doctor and he is vehemently opposed to issuing a certificate declaring that I am baron, without conducting the usual tests.”

  “What does Riza have to say about it? Why can’t he dictate terms to Dr. Ismail and get him to certify?” asked Vanessa. “He is pretty good at playing dictator,” concluded Vanessa.

  Mumtaz smiled sadly. “All this drama is prolonging me from joining Rafeek.” Vanessa nodded.

  “I don’t think we could get Dr. Ismail to agree. He is of the old school and was a good friend of my late father-in-law,” said Mumtaz. Vanessa noticed that Mumtaz did not use her father-in-law’s title. Obviously she was mad at both her father and the late king.

  “Why doesn’t Riza admit that he’s got a son or for that matter why don’t you kick up a row with Riza demanding that he set you free for the simple reason that he had the audacity to bring his son and lover to Zemaba,” said Vanessa.

  Mumtaz’s eyes lit up. “But instead of Riza kicking up a row, why don’t you and me kick up one?” asked Mumtaz.

  They heard a tap on the door. “Let’s start squabbling now,” whispered Mumtaz and Vanessa grinned.

  “Come in,” shouted Mumtaz. The door opened and Shafeek stood outside. “What is it Shafeek?” roared Mumtaz that the man took a step back and looked in surprise at her. “Your Highness the Women’s Federation Council members are here to meet you,” said Shafeek. “Oh they can wait,” said Mumtaz waving her hand at him as she turned to Vanessa and scowled at her. Vanessa almost burst out laughing at how good Mumtaz’s scowl was. “And as for you, you whore, you had the audacity to come out here with your bastard child and expect me, me the reigning queen to take things lying down. Riza and you got another think coming, as I intend to ask Riza to let me go. In fact I will inform my father that I am leaving and the divorce will be filed,” said Mumtaz stopping to catch her breath. “I cannot stay here anymore and undergo pain of mind,” she concluded.

  “Oh your Majesty I am sorry but who are you calling a whore and a bastard child? I am not a whore and that child down in the nursery is the flesh and blood of the reigning king,” said Vanessa acting her part equally well.

  Shafeek stood by the door and opened his mouth like a gold fish that had accidently jumped out of its tank.

  Mumtaz got up and turned to Vanessa. “I have no time to sit and argue with you. I got work to do,” she said as she swept out of the door almost knocking Shafeek over.

  After Mumtaz had left Shafeek turned to Vanessa. “Oh my God is Prince Azam your son?” he asked shock written all over his face. Vanessa wondered by what Shafeek just said, what Riza had told his subjects about Azam.

  Vanessa nodded sheepishly. “Yes he is my son Shafeek and his father is the reigning king.” Shafeek turned on his heel and left, but to Vanessa’s delight neither Mumtaz or Shafeek had remembered to lock the door. She grabbed the opportunity and walked out of the room locking the door and pocketing the key.

  She almost ran down the corridor and was perturbed by the many corridors she came across. She stopped a passing servant and inquired as to where the nursery was. The servant pointed in the opposite direction and Vanessa ran down that corridor, until she came to a colorful door. She pushed open the door and to her extreme delight and the delight of Azam she found him on the carpet surrounded by teddy bears and all other shapes of soft toys around him. Shanaz gasped when she saw Vanessa. “How did you get out of the room?” she asked. Vanessa only grinned. Azam squealed in delight when he saw his mother and crawled toward her talking in his baby language. It was as if he was asking where she had been all this while.

  Vanessa picked Azam from the ground and sat on the rocking chair popping the buttons of her shirt and Azam latched on to her breast in delight. Shanaz and Adilah looked on as Azam sucked on Vanessa’s breast. The two women had tears in their eyes.

  Vanessa stayed for a while longer and played with Azam. Before she left she turned to Adilah and Shanaz. “Thank you very much for giving the opportunity for me to feed Azam,” she said as her voice cracked with emotion. “It is alright Madam,” said Adilah tapping Vanessa’s shoulder. Vanessa turned and fled to her room and she was thankful that she did not come across anyone on her way back to her room.

  In the meantime Shafeek was on his way to Riza’s office. “Yes Shafeek,” said Riza, looking up from his laptop. “Your Highness, there was an awful row a while back between Her Highness Queen Mumtaz and Miss. Bowin
g. Riza shot out of his chair.

  “What do you mean Shafeek? What are you telling me?” bellowed Riza.

  “Her Royal Highness is furious that Miss. Bowing is here with her son and Her Royal Highness was telling Miss Bowing that she was going to leave you, as she could not longer face this scandal,” said Shafeek. Riza was confused and nonplussed. “There is something wrong here Shafeek, as that was not the impression Her Royal Highness gave me this morning at breakfast, when we discussed Prince Azam and Miss Bowing,” said Riza shaking his head.

  Shafeek shrugged his shoulders. “You could confirm this with Her Royal Highness,” he said before he departed from Riza’s office.

  Riza sat twirling a paper weight when Mumtaz walked into his office. “I am sorry to intrude on your time Riza, but I have got to talk to you.

  Riza nodded. “Yes Mumtaz.” “If Shafeek should come and tell you that Vanessa and I had a right royal row a few minutes ago, just ignore him. We made the thing up, so that it would make it easier for me to leave,” said Mumtaz. Riza threw back his head and laughed loud. Mumtaz looked at him nonplussed. “Why are you laughing?” “Oh no things are so funny here right now. You and Vanessa conjuring up a row and Shafeek comes racing into my office saying that the two of you had a fight and you were threatening to leave.”

  “Oh so Shafeek got her before me,” said Mumtaz beginning to laugh.

  Riza nodded. “I am really at wits end Mumi as I don’t know how we are going to convince Dr. Ismail to issue that certificate,” he said.

  “You don’t have to ask him again. The reason Vanessa and I had that fight was for the benefit of Shafeek or whoever came to her room at that time,” said Mumtaz. Riza shook his head as he did not understand what Mumtaz was aiming at.

  “I don’t understand,” he said.

  “Oh Riza, don’t you see it. If I put up a fight because Vanessa and Azam are here and I know that Azam is your son, then it makes things easier for us,” she said smiling.

  Riza nodded his head. “Oh I now understand. You women are so shrewd,” he said smiling. “It is good that we are shrewd, otherwise just imagine the chaos if men were given the upper hand all the time,” said Mumtaz laughing. “Alright, now where do I come in?” asked Riza.

  “Listen at dinner tonight I will bring up the topic of Vanessa and Azam and then you take it on from there,” said Mumtaz. Riza nodded.

  “What say we invite Dr. Ismail to dinner tonight? He would not take it as a surprise as we normally invite him once a week to share a meal with us,” said Riza. “That would be wonderful. You go ahead Riza and I will handle the rest.”

  Dr. Ismail turned and smiled when he saw Riza and Mumtaz enter the dining room. But his smiled vanished when he saw that Mumtaz was angry and troubled.

  “Your Highness what is the matter?” asked Dr. Ismail.

  Mumtaz shook her head and took her seat on Riza’s right side, while Dr. Ismail sat opposite her. He watched while she fidgeted with the serviette and knew that something was the matter. He had never seen Mumtaz in such a state of anger.

  Riza was in deep thought as he stole glances at his wife. Dr. Ismail felt very uncomfortable and cursed himself for accepting the invitation for dinner, but then he had no other alternative.

  “Riza I told you once and I am telling you again, I want to leave. I want to go back to Azizrl and my family. I have spoken to father and he is furious that Vanessa and Azam are here,” said Mumtaz her eyes flashing furiously.

  “Can’t you consider it Mumi, for my sake?” he asked pleadingly. “Are you mad? Do you want me to stay here and face the scandal that has wrecked my life?” she asked. Dr. Ismail cleared his throat. “It would be best if I left Your Highnesses,” he said. “Don’t leave Dr. Ismail. We have invited you to dinner and you will stay,” said Mumtaz as Riza massaged his forehead.

  “You made a grave mistake by bringing Azam and Vanessa to the palace Riza. Your father would never have approved of it,” said Dr. Ismail shaking his head. “By your act you are wrecking your marriage.”

  “There is nothing to wreck now Dr. Ismail. Our marriage is already wrecked and that is why I want to go back to my country and my family,” said Mumtaz.

  “Well Riza what have you got to say?” asked Mumtaz staring at her husband. “Well I have no alternative have I?” he asked. “You are free to leave, but I hope that you will explain to your father once you get to Azizrl,” he said. “I shall definitely tell him,” said Mumtaz.

  “Very well I shall speak to Muzamil and draw up the papers. The divorce will not take long as it will be held within closed courts. You need not be present,” he said.

  Dr. Ismail looked at the two of them as his mind wondered how he could save His Royal Highness and also that of the Queen.

  “Listen, if Her Royal Highness leaves for her homeland because of Azam and Vanessa then there will be a great scandal, which might pave the way to souring relations between our two countries. It is best that I write out that certificate saying that Her Royal Highness is baron. That would not be as bad as Her Royal Highness leaving because of this scandal,” said Dr. Ismail.

  Mumtaz looked at Riza. She could have hugged Dr. Ismail. “Will you be able to do that?” she asked.

  “Indeed I will if it will save the good name of the Crown of Zemaba,” said Dr. Ismail. He knew he was been selfish as he thought of only the Crown of Zemaba, but Mumtaz did not mind being labeled baron as long as she could go back to her country and Rafeek.

  That night in their suite Riza and Mumtaz was a happy couple. She would get what she wanted and Riza would get what he wanted.

  Chapter 8

  The following day Dr. Ismail arrived at the offices of Riza and was ushered in almost immediately. Dr. Ismail handed over a sealed envelope to Riza. “This spells it all,” he said tapping the envelope. “Thank you Dr. Ismail. I will never forget your loyalty to the Crown,” said Riza. Dr. Ismail smiled and Riza noticed that there was a tinge of sadness in that smile.

  Riza summoned a meeting of the elders that afternoon and everyone was wondering what the sudden meeting was about.

  The conference room was agog with whispers and discussions. “Do you think it is about his son Azam?” asked Sheriff the oldest of elders. “Well it has to be something like that and that commoner girl who is the mother of the Prince,” said Mohamed Rifaque. They stopped whispering when Riza swept into the conference room, his robes bellowing around him.

  He took his seat at the head of the table and looked around at the elders. “I know most if not all of you must be wondering why I summoned a meeting in haste. Well it is important that I speak to all of you today and put your minds at ease. I know the entire palace from all of you down to the servants have been wondering about my son Prince Azam,” he said looking around. Some of the elders who were bold enough nodded, but the rest looked down at their clasped hands feeling very uncomfortable.

  “There is no need for any of you to feel uncomfortable. The law states that members of the royal family including myself could marry a commoner and I intend making Vanessa my wife in a short time,” said Riza.

  There were gasps and clearing of throats which made Riza smile. “It is not what you think. I shall not open the harem, but shall make Vanessa my wife,” he said.

  “But Your Highness, what will happen to Her Royal Highness?” asked Rifaque. “I will come to that,” said Riza smiling.

  “I have here a letter issued by Dr. Ismail, the palace doctor and after close examination of Her Royal Highness it has been revealed that she cannot bear children and you know how important it is Zemaba has an heir to the throne,” he said.

  Once again there were gasps. “Is Her Royal Highness aware of this?” asked Mohamed. Riza nodded. “Her Royal Highness and I have discussed this situation. In fact this was the subject of discussion between us the whole of yesterday and this morning. She accepts the certification of Dr. Ismail and will leave for her country in a week’s time,” said Riza. Once again there were gasps. />
  “Is there no way that Her Royal Highness could be shown to a foreign doctor?” asked Mohamed. Riza shook his head. “I believe in Dr. Ismail who has been the palace doctor for three decades,” said Riza.

  “Well then when will you announce it to your subjects?” asked Rifaque. “Announce what?” asked Riza. “Announce the fact that you will be marrying Vanessa,” said Rifaque. “You know you will have to give the reason for Her Royal Highness’s departure and your pending divorce,” said Azard.

  “I am well aware of how I am to speak to my subjects,” said Riza losing his temper at the many barricades the elders literally tried to place in his path.

  “Are there any more questions?” asked Riza looking around the table. Everyone present shook their heads. “Then I declare the meeting closed and I think that you know the code of secrecy. No one here should breathe a word until I have officially announced my plans,” said Riza as he got up and walked out of the room. He was surprised at how light headed he felt.


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