by Vadim Zeland
Staying aware of the movement of the rising and descending energy flows, say the following thought form quietly to yourself or aloud: My intention is being realised.
Then let go of all the sensations you have been working with.
What is happening when you do this? You are not only composing your own reality with the help of the plait, you are putting out (sending) your intention as a ‘message’ to the universe. In this way, the energy flow strengthens the work of the plait. If this technique works for you and you enjoy it, you can use this variation of the exercise all the time. But if not, then the basic method will be sufficient.
Another effective way of using the plait is to work with it whilst you are in the bath or any other source of water. For example, make the most of the time that you are in the bath. Activate the plait (the walls of the bath hinder the exercise) without the energy currents, and compose a picture of your own reality and/or yourself — your new mannequin. You don’t have to try too hard. It is enough to concentrate for two or three minutes in total and then drop the plait and then just relax in the bath for another ten minutes.
What is the point of this? In this case, the plait is working as well as the water, which, as we know, is readily charged with the information content of your thought forms (as well as thought markers, obviously). The water does not send your intention out into the universe. In this case, its function is different. First, the water absorbs the information you are giving it, then it literally ‘imprints’ your subtle (energy) body with the same information. Water is highly effective in fulfilling this function. When you are immersed in water, you can be totally charged, (imprinted) with your intention, and then you walk around like a living radio station, broadcasting it throughout the atmosphere.
If you don’t have a bath, there is another option you can use — the contrast shower. At first, spend a couple of minutes warming up in hot (not too hot) water, and turn on the cold water for no more than five minutes. Repeat the same three or four times. The greater the contrast in temperatures the better, but more important than that, you shouldn’t experience extreme discomfort and damage your health.
Postpone working with the plait when doing this procedure because it will be harder to concentrate than when you are in the bath. A contrast shower, however, dramatically increases your energy flow, so for this reason, when you turn off the water, be calm, focus and then practise the plait and flow method. This is also a very effective technique.
That’s it. It’s all very simple. The plait isn’t a gadget that you can or can’t afford to purchase — you already have it, and you always will. And, of course, no super-gadget can give you what the plait will. Nonetheless, use it intentionally and purposefully; don’t ‘chat’ with it unnecessarily.
The power of past incarnations
So, then, my darlings! We won’t consolidate what we have covered any more. For you, from now on, repetition will take the form of re-reading this book, perhaps, more than once because even having carried out the recommended practices, you couldn’t have understood or remembered everything first time round, and all the more so if you didn’t actually try out the techniques while you were reading the book. I have been there. I know.
With each new reading you will surprise yourself as you discover something new, as if you were reading the book for the first time. Try to reread this material at least once and discover this for yourself.
The last thing I want to tell you is something of which you won’t suspect, like for example, you were not aware of the existence of the plait — your birthright. As you now know, you have the right to compose your forthcoming reality and even a new mannequin, but there is something more. You have the right to personal power, accumulated over the course of your past life incarnations.
What is the meaning of life in principle? Life itself. Only this and aside from this, there is no other ‘deep’ philosophical meaning. What is the meaning of the existence of the planet or a single grain of sand? There is none. They simply are – that’s all. There is no fundamental difference between the meaning of the existence of the living and the non-living. The meaning lies simply in that all these things are, and glory be to the Creator.
So what is the meaning of successive incarnations? The answer is also nothing, well, almost nothing. Every subsequent life, from the birth and death of a butterfly, to the birth and death of the universe, is the dream of the Creator, whose Spark is present in all things. In the same way, every one of your lives is nothing more than the dream of the Creator, tantamount to your own dream of course.
Why all this should be, can only be known to the Creator. So what can be known to us? We ought to know what we are capable of and what we are entitled to. This knowledge, however, is not given to all, only to those who seek it. If you have no desire to know anything about these things, then live however you see fit. The meaning of life is in life itself, and life is enough.
The value just as the meaning of all things in existence is equal. Your life is no more valuable than the life of a snail which you might squash underfoot without even noticing.
Of course, I was exaggerating when I called you snails and freaks but not without good reason. The question is, whether what you know and what you have been given is enough for you. If it is enough, then that is all well and good. Everyone has the right to live their life without questioning things. None could blame a snail for living as a normal, non-conscious being because a snail is non-conscious by its very nature. But is it blameless (and can it really be laudable) to live like a non-conscious character when one is endowed with the capacity for self-awareness? That is the question.
Of course, none of that refers to you, my dear ones. Since you are already reading this book, you are one of those people who are not satisfied with what is commonly known and what has been given to you. You cannot imagine what prominent, and perhaps, even great people you once were, in your previous incarnations. Undoubtedly you were great, otherwise you would not have earned this life.
But, regardless of any former greatness, all that now has been wasted and lost. You do not remember your former incarnations. Do you not think that strange? Again, one might ask the question: what is the point of these past lives? There were failures and defeats, victories and achievements. You have paid for much and accomplished much. Has all that really been for nothing, simply in vain?
You cannot bring back the experience of forgotten lives, just as you cannot take with you something you possessed in a forgotten dream. Still, I repeat, you have a right to the personal power accumulated over the course of numerous incarnations. No-one has told you this before, but I am telling you now.
Personal power and strength of soul should not be wasted. A new life should never begin entirely from scratch. That would be a mistake, a glitch in creation. Whether you accept it and live with the mistake is a matter of will. Only what good are you to anyone as a defective being? You are no good even to me. It is within your power to claim what is rightfully yours, but how?
It is very simple. Anyone who declares their right is given it. You literally need to say: I declare my right. I return my power. I acquire the power of all my previous incarnations.
Words, however, are not enough. Words are so often empty talk. There is one subtle detail here. For your words to be heard, you have to use that archaic rudiment of which you are already aware: the plait.
Make your declaration using the plait just as you did when you were composing your own reality and Power will hear you. Do this, whenever you feel it is necessary. You will soon gradually come to sense an increase in your personal power, self-confidence ,and strength of spirit. You will definitely feel it and every time you do feel confirmation that it is working, do not forget to consolidate your renewed design with thought markers such as: # I can see that my personal power really is increasing. #
There is nothing more to add here. You wi
ll see for yourself how amazing it is.
Infinity in infinity
And now, we will talk about something which many an inquisitive mind will sceptically await: proof, proof that everything we have talked about here is real. @ Surely we don’t really live in a film? And surely we can’t jump from one film roll to another? @
Well, first of all, the main proof should lie in your own empirical experience. The methods and techniques described here really work; check it out for yourself. And secondly, much indirect proof, particularly indirect proof, can be found in the form of anomalous and unexplained phenomena. You won’t find direct proof that these techniques work because, for some reason, reality is not prone to revealing its secrets.
How is it, you may be wondering, that I know all about these methods? There is much I do not know. What I do know is that this stuff works and that’s a fact. Why and how exactly is another question. Film rolls and the mirror are just models and interpretations of something more complex. We may not understand how exactly reality works, but we can and should use the qualities of reality for our own practical purposes. And so for this reason, I put forward these models and interpretations that are accessible to our understanding. There is one thing I can confidently confirm: if the model works then it must be very close to the original.
Therefore, we will stick to the accepted model. Reality is live, not virtual. Don’t confuse it with a computer game. But it is constructed similarly to a film, or more precisely, numerous film rolls that are all intertwined. Some of these film rolls are moving, while others are still in the archive.
Parallel material worlds don’t exist. There is only one material universe (in any case, the one that is ours), but there are countless virtual variations of the world — the archive film rolls. It sometimes happens that a piece of one archival filmstrip is randomly illuminated in the current (material) frame. In this case, a person from the past, the future, or another civilisation entirely, could end up here in the present.
When a person ends up here, in our world, from the archive, their last life will seem very real to them because their memory is so tied to the film roll from whence they came. The brain does not store information. It stores the information’s address. When moving from one film roll to another, addresses can become detached from the former film roll and become attached to the new one, although this is not always the case. This accounts for the déjà vu effect.
The déjà vu effect is when you are certain that something has already happened in your life, but everyone around you insists that it has not. Or the opposite, people tell you that something happened, but you can’t for the life of you remember it, not because you are having a memory glitch, but because there is confusion between the addresses and the film rolls. Reality does sometimes make mistakes like these.
Although reality does try very carefully to sift out similar absurdities, it does not always manage it. The so-called Mandela Effect is an even greater blunder than a déjà vu and can’t be put down to the memory glitch of a single individual.
This is when a very large group of people, literally millions, collectively misremembers something in the current reality, for which there is no factual confirmation. For example, many remember with all clarity that a certain phrase was spoken in such and such a film. And yet, now, that phrase has disappeared somewhere or been replaced and there is no record of it on any medium, even in the very earliest sources. There are numerous examples like this one, and not only in connection with films.
What can account for this? Mass confusion? Why does this happen? The answer is simply that our general reality has shifted to a different film roll in which there is a different version of that particular phrase. Reality accepts an unacceptable mistake: the past has changed without the address in the collective memory being corrected. The collective distinctly remembers what was on the previous film, because their addresses are still connected to it.
Here we should qualify this by saying that until now we have been talking about individual film rolls. Whereas in fact, the general film of reality is constructed in a much more complex manner. The individual film rolls of individual people turn separately, but they lie on a collective roll common to all humanity. The end of the world will affect us all, right? This has been predicted so many times and yet it still has not happened. As seers perceive it, this version of reality must exist somewhere in the archive, but for now, the collective human reality jumps onto another more fortuitous roll before the event can actually take place.
It can also be the case that the present enters the past. For example, the following is a well-documented fact. On 14th July, 1911 a passenger train departed from Rome on its way to Lombardy, and when on the way it entered a mountain tunnel, it disappeared without trace. At that time (more precisely, an even earlier time) the Mexican newspapers of 1840 paid witness to an unusual occurrence. One hundred and four Italians equipped with passports and attributes fitting to the period arrived in Mexico insisting that they had come from Rome by train. Of course, nobody believed them and they could think of nothing better than to hide them away on a psychiatric ward.
What happened to the reality of the missing Italians? Well, as we have already said, reality is something that never was, never will be and only is, once and now. And so it is. This case does not change anything because reality is always the current frame. But if this kind of anomaly occurs and different film rolls intersect somehow (and they can do completely at random), then a frame from the future may end up in a film roll from the past. Then, people and objects from that film roll appear in the past.
But how can this be?! The frame is moving consistently, one frame after the other! How can people who are born in the present die in the past which also moves in a specific sequence. Initially, the first frame ran in which the people disappeared. Then the second frame ran, in which they reappeared. Whereas in fact, the latter frame came first and the former frame ran second. It is just that the film rolls of the future and the past were mixed up causing the kind of aberration of perception that we are unaccustomed to and which remains incomprehensible despite all our attempts at an explanation.
However, there are also documented facts, concerning people from the past, who have turned up in the present with all their belongings right down to the contents of their pockets. There have also been cases in which archaeologists have found artefacts in their excavations that were produced recently or perhaps in an as yet unknown future. Here, again the film rolls have got mixed up and are intersecting. Sometimes, the film rolls do not so much intersect as just touch alongside each other. That is when you get a chronomirage.
Neither people nor objects time travel literally as material objects in space. They might not exist in reality at all, either the present or the past. But they can materialise anywhere and at any time if their film roll falls into the current frame of this place and time. Material reality is the illuminated frame. Reality itself is a multitude of film rolls. This is what needs to be understood.
These anomalies do not prove anything, but they do serve as indirect confirmation that reality is an infinite space made up of variations of different film rolls. Moreover, it follows that not only the quanta of the microcosm are discrete but all of reality, because the film rolls consist of frames separated at intervals from one another. If science would accept that the macrocosm as well as the microcosm was quantum, all sorts of new discoveries would be made. For example, instantaneous movement through time and space, as well as other anomalies occur in the spaces between frames.
All the practices we have covered confirm that all reality is discrete rather than continuous. Freeing yourself from the frame frequency of the current film roll, you acquire the ability to create the impossible. Literally, all these procedures with attention and the plait take you out of the frequency and phases of reality. And in this sense, you acquire the ability to stroll freely through a film.
; One may suppose that the Eternity archive, did not appear instantly either but rather evolved over time. Everything that was or that could have been was not always recorded. (although one could also maintain, that the archive has always existed. Only then one has to delve into philosophy and determine the semantics of the word ‘always’. What does ‘always’ mean? Does anyone know?)
Evolution is, in a certain sense, a process of producing information. Both living and non-living nature evolves, develops and simultaneously produces information about itself concerning the variants of its existence. The evolution of the Web is a good analogy — visitors type in their information and the data accumulates.
The film archive is not a comprehensive, totally infinite information field, which has always existed in relation to everything, but rather, let’s say, a part of infinity, which moves and grows like a huge construct, which is also infinite. It moves and grows within infinity. It’s infinity as a part of infinity. Can you imagine such a thing? No? And there’s no need to. There is no point overanalysing things that are beyond the mind. (Who knows, someone may argue that infinity does not exist and the Universe is finite. But who can say for certain?)
Don’t overthink things, instead, act and enjoy the feeling of delight simply from knowing that you are capable of recreating yourself and your own reality. This discovery of light at the end of the tunnel gives you strength, hope, and purpose, which also means, the energy for the intention to create such something that from the point of view of the average man in the street, ‘is impossible’.
So, my good ones, we have come to the end of the first volume of our narrative. This is just the first volume and we will, of course, meet again.