A Fresh Start

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A Fresh Start Page 17

by Lexi Bissen

  She squeezes my hand back with the same amount of force. “You really know how to make a girl swoon.”

  “Baby, I don’t know what the hell swoon means, but I’m sure it’s not something I want associated with me.” Nothing about that word sounds manly.

  “If you start reading some of the books I have, you’ll know it is very good that you make me swoon.” She winks and gets out of the car. Read her girly books? Now I’m wondering what kind of men Ronnie is reading about.

  I jump out of the truck and make my way around to the front to meet Ronnie and Allen. Sean, Rodger, and a guy, who I can only describe as looking like a bear wearing a football jersey, are standing there as well. The hairy guy comes over and thrusts his hand in my direction.

  “Howdy there, my name’s Brennan. Haven’t had the chance of meeting the new celebrity we gots ourselves here.” This dude’s accent is stronger than anyone else’s I’ve met. I try to smile and play it off like I have a clue what he’s talking about, but Yogi Bear just stares, waiting for me to say something.

  Luckily, Ronnie sees the confusion written all over my face and comes over to rescue me. She walks up next to Brennan—I think that’s what he called himself—and tries to lay a hand on his shoulder, but this guy has to be over a foot taller than her. It’s kind of adorable how small he makes her look.

  Brennan looks down to Ronnie and puts his arm over her shoulder. I feel a touch of jealousy that he has his arm on my girl when I can’t, but the way he looks down at her calms me. It’s close to the same way Allen and Sean do when they are around Ronnie, like they feel protective over her. It’s better than the way the douche is glaring at me, like he doesn’t know whether to be pissed or grab her and run. All I know is if he touches her, it will be a test on my will power. I would love to punch that pretty boy in the face for even looking at her.

  Ronnie tries to wrap her arm around Brennan, but her fingers barely make it to the other side of his waist. “Gibson, this is Brennan Floor. He’s the defensive tackle for the team.”

  Brennan crushes Ronnie to his side. “I’m also this little girl’s student. She’s the reason I got myself straight C’s the last two years.” I have to give it to this guy, he sounds just as proud about his straight C’s as someone is about their straight A’s.

  Ronnie smacks him on the chest and laughs. “Don’t downplay yourself. You worked hard for those grades, I only kept you focused. You’re doing great this semester without my help.”

  Allen comes up to the three of us, followed by Sean and his friend, dickhead. At least Ronnie’s brother acts civilized when he’s around me, although I don’t think that would be the case if he knew I had his sister half naked and under me two days ago. For some reason, I don’t think he’d be too fond of that.

  “What’s going on over here?” Sean asks, looking to Ronnie and me.

  Ronnie moves from under Big Foot’s arm to face her brother. “I was introducing Brennan to Gibson since they hadn’t met yet. It’s good for him to meet some of the students since he’s new.”

  Sean crosses his arms over his chest. “Don’t see why he has to make friends. He’ll most likely be leaving and going back to his L.A. lifestyle anytime now. Guys like him couldn’t handle living in a small town for too long.”

  His assumptions piss me off. I walk closer to Sean. We’re about the same height, so I’m sure he isn’t intimidated by me, but I still want to get my point across to him and anyone else who wants to act like they know me.

  “I want to make one thing clear and hopefully you stop thinking of me as a bug on the bottom of your fucking shoe. I was forced here. Would it have been my choice to move across the country to the middle of fucking nowhere and start a new life? No, but those are the cards I’ve been dealt. I’m only in this God forsaken town until I have that diploma in my hand. You’ll only have to deal with me for seven more months, then I’m gone. Think you can handle that?”

  His jaw ticks. He’s pissed from the way I confronted him. I’m sure he’s used to being put on a pedestal, but I don’t give a shit. “Come to think of it, why the hell would you have a problem with me? I’ve barely said anything to you. You have no reason not to like me.” Sure, there have been times where people haven’t liked me because of who I am and where I came from, but Sean’s instant hatred is annoying. He doesn’t know me.

  Sean uncrosses his arms and lets out a sarcastic laugh. “Why would anyone like you? A guy who uses women, abuses drugs, and dropped out of fucking high school when he was sixteen to be a low life who has seen the inside of a courtroom more than a handful of times. And really, I wouldn’t give a shit about any of that if you weren’t in my town sniffing around my sister.” As much as I would love to be able to deny everything he said about me, I can’t. I was that guy, but I’m not anymore. Ronnie’s changed me. The only problem? I’m not able to say those words to him because she doesn’t want Sean finding out about us.

  “It sounds like someone spent his time on Google and found out everything he needs to know about me, huh? Well, newsflash, what you read about me from gossip magazines may be speculated truth, but does it look like I’m doing any of that shit now? No, it doesn’t.”

  I look over to Ronnie and see her standing there like she wants to say something, but we both know what that would do. Her brother won’t back off if he thinks I have any interest in her, so I have to make it sound like Ronnie is far from any girl I would want…even if it’s all lies and what I say may hurt her.

  “As for your sister? Like I would ever have any interest in a country redneck. You must have seen the girls I’ve fucked while you were doing your research. You think I would downgrade to that?” A gasp comes from beside me and I know it was Ronnie. I was hoping she would understand what I was trying to do when I said those lies, but judging by the glassy look in her eyes, she believes me. Shit, that wasn’t supposed to happen.

  She stares at me, blinking her eyes and trying not to let the tears she’s holding back fall. I hurt her when I was trying to protect the secret she doesn’t want getting out. Ronnie takes a deep breath. “I’m…um, just going to head to class. Are you coming, Allen?” He rushes to her side and puts his arm over her shoulder, steering her toward the school. All I can do is stand here and watch the woman I love walk away, hurt because of my words.

  Sean steps in front of me, breaking my view of his sister. “I don’t fucking like you.”

  I cross my arms over my chest and fight the urge to push him out of the way and go after my girl. “I kind of got that with your little speech back there. What I still don’t understand is why.”

  “I see the way my sister looks at you and I know her. She’s going to end up falling for the bad boy whose only in town for a short amount of time and get her heart broken. I’m not going to sit back and let you use her.” Sean pauses for a second. “Ronnie is a hopeless romantic and I know she wants a happily ever after like our parents got. But I also know she isn’t being the best judge of character when it comes to you, so do yourself and her a favor and stay away.” He turns and walks away with Sean and Brennan following behind him.

  I stand there, watching the rest of the students from the parking lot make their way to the school. Sean’s right, I’m no good for someone like Ronnie. I run my hands over my face and into my hair, tugging on the ends. She has dreams and plans for her future. I’d only be in the way. Maybe it’s best to separate myself from her and focus on getting through these next seven months with the least amount of drama. The only problem with that solution? Just thinking about being away from Ronnie causes a pain in my chest.

  I am not an emotional girl. There have been a few times when my feelings have gotten hurt, but I can count those on one hand. For me to get this worked up over what Gibson said is ridiculous. I know what he said was for my brother’s benefit, but that doesn’t mean it hurts less, because he’s right, I’m probably nothing like the girls he’s been with.

  Looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, I
wonder why Gibson would be attracted to me when he’s probably been with super models and actresses. There’s nothing special about me. I’m your average blonde hair, blue eyed country girl and sooner or later, Gibson will realize that and move on to someone with long, tan legs and movie star looks. My lack of makeup abilities and five-foot nothing height would get boring for him.

  After rinsing my face with cold water and dabbing it with a paper towel, I make my way out of the bathroom to Allen, who is standing right outside the door, talking to a pissed off looking Gibson. They seem to be in some sort of argument and the last thing I want is to get in the middle of that. First period should be starting soon, but there are still a good amount of students in the hallway. If I try to sneak by Gibson and Allen, I’m sure neither of them will notice. The perfect idea comes to mind when a group of freshman walk by. I duck around behind them, happy that I’m short. These shrimps would never be able to cover me if I were a couple inches taller. The guys around me are laughing and joking, so they have no clue I’m using them as a shield. I smile to myself because we’re almost past Gibson and Allen. I hold my breath the entire time and pray Gibson doesn’t turn around for any reason.

  Once my back is to them, I take a deep breath, but it gets caught in my throat. “Stop right there.” I freeze and a warm chest presses into my back. “Come with me,” Gibson whispers in my ear, wrapping his fingers around my wrist and tugging me back toward him. I look over to Allen and catch him shaking his head, trying not to show his smile. Traitor.

  Gibson and I walk side by side to an empty classroom, with his hand still on my waist. He shuts the door, disconnecting us from the sound of rushing students outside. I have nowhere to go because he’s blocking the only exit, so I stand there and wait for him to say something. When he turns around, his eyes are soft as he takes in my puffy eyes and red nose.

  “I’m sorry,” are the first words that come out of his mouth. “I know what I said this morning must have hurt your feelings, but I wasn’t—”

  I hold up my hand to stop him from talking. “No need to apologize. You said what you said and now it’s over.” And by “it”, I hope he understands I mean us.

  Gibson steps away from the door, closer to me. I retreat, but run right into a desk. Trapped. Gibson comes in close, but keeps his body within touching distance. “What exactly do you mean by ‘it’s over’?” he asks.

  “This,” I point between us, “whatever it is we’re doing. What you said to my brother was true, even if you were saying it for his benefit. What does a guy like you want with a girl like me? You’ve been with girls far more beautiful and I’m sure more interesting. It’s just like you said, you’d be downgrading.”

  I avoid eye contact, hating that I put myself down like this, but I truly believe Gibson and I are complete opposites and any kind of relationship between us would never work out. Yes, there is attraction, that was obvious after this last weekend when we were all over each other, but attraction doesn’t make a relationship. What makes an ideal relationship is a mix of everything: attraction, communication, loyalty, trust, and friendship. Those are the key points in my parents’ marriage that I’ve always loved and wanted in my own relationship…what I’ve dreamed of practically my whole life. A relationship that lasts, not one that will be over before you know it. I’ve never met a guy I could see myself being with…until Gibson. There’s something about him that draws me in, but hearing his conversation with Sean made me look at our relationship, or whatever this is, differently. I’m nowhere near his type and I can see that now.

  Gibson’s shoulders shake as he tries to keep himself from laughing. I cross my arms over my chest, wondering why he would be laughing right now. Does he think the things he said to Sean outside were funny, because of you ask me, there were in no way laughable. While Mr. Giggles has his fun at my expense, I slide to the side and make my way to the door.

  Less than three feet—that’s how far I make it before Gibson’s tall, overpowering figure steps in front of me, blocking any chance of me getting out of here. He’s not laughing now, though.

  Gibson places his hands on my shoulders and begins to rub them.

  “You need to relax, princess,” he says, his tone soothing.

  I slap at his hands, irritated he would tell me to relax when he’s the reason my shoulders are tense in the first place. “I wouldn’t have to relax if I weren’t dealing with some insensitive prick when I’m already feeling down on myself.”

  Gibson raises his eyebrows high and tilts his head. “Insensitive prick?” he repeats. “What are you talking about?”

  “You!” I practically yell. Throwing my arms in the air, I let out a huff and turn away, trying to get some distance. “I’m over here doubting myself because why would someone like you ever want to be with someone like me, and all you do is laugh. That makes you the insensitive prick.”

  “Don’t you get it?” he asks me. My silence must answer his question, because he smiles and continues talking. “I’m laughing at the fact that you’re fucking doubting yourself in the first place. It’s ridiculous.”

  How could he think that when he’s the one who said he was way out of my league in the first place? “Why wouldn’t I doubt myself? I just had to listen to you point out everything about me that you wouldn’t go for in front of my brother and friends. Excuse me if self-doubt is coming down strong right now.”

  “Baby, listen to me. The only thing I was laughing at was the fact that you would doubt how perfect you are for me. That has to be the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. You even said yourself that it was for Sean’s benefit. How could you think I really meant what I said?”

  “But you sounded like you really meant it and it does make sense. I’m nothing special.” I frown, hating that talking about it brings up the hurtful words he said earlier. Even if they were only for my brother’s benefit, there’s still a small voice in the back of my head that says they were true and that’s how he really feels.

  “Ronnie, I want you to listen to me carefully. There shouldn’t be any doubt in that pretty head out yours about my feelings for you. What I said Saturday and this morning was all true. You’re different than any other girl I’ve met. If anything ever comes out of my mouth that says differently, you have to know I’m only saying it because you don’t want your brother or parents knowing about us.”

  I stand still, letting everything he said sink in. I need to stop doubting myself and Gibson’s feelings for me. All the hurtful words he said this morning need to be pushed out of my mind. Gibson hasn’t given me a reason to believe his feelings are any less for me, he even said he was falling for me. It’s my decision to keep our relationship a secret and he was doing what I wanted to make sure Sean didn’t grow suspicious.

  Taking a deep breath, I walk the short distance between us, wrap my arms around Gibson’s waist, and lay my head on his chest. I keep my face down, away from him when I say, “I’m sorry I overreacted and sorta freaked on you. It’s just…it still doesn’t make sense why you would pick someone as simple as me to be with. You’re the son of a rock star.” I pause and slowly lift my head to look at him. His nostrils flare and I know he’s annoyed because I’m putting myself down again after he just told me to stop.

  Pushing myself up on my tiptoes, I peck Gibson on the lips and drop what I was about to say. “Let’s get to class.”

  Gibson smiles and goes in for a deeper kiss, earning a moan from me. I tighten my arms around his waist and he frames my face with his hands. I run my bottom lip along the cool metal of his lip ring, which is one of my favorite things about kissing this man. His lip ring adds something to our kisses. Maybe it’s the contrast between his hot skin and the cold piece of jewelry. Whatever it is, I want more of it…all the time.

  I run my tongue along his bottom lip, tasting the saltiness of his lips and the slight metal tang of the lip ring. Sliding my hands from around his waist up his chest and to the back of his head, I pull his hair and bring his mouth as cl
ose as I can get it to mine. I need more. I’m not sure if it’s because we were interrupted this weekend by his uncle or me needing to know he wants me as much as I want him, but I give everything to this kiss. Sliding my tongue along the seam of Gibson’s lips, I get him to easily open for me. When my tongue connects with his, Gibson starts walking me backwards. My back connects to the wall behind me, but I don’t mind in the least bit. Actually, it makes our kiss all the hotter.

  Gripping my waist, Gibson pulls me against him. His hard body feels like heaven against my soft one. Gibson breaks the kiss, trailing open-mouthed kisses across my jaw line and to my neck. I’m grateful for the chance to catch my breath, but it falters the lower his mouth goes.

  Gibson stops at the crease where my neck and collarbone meet. I’m panting, trying to get air into my lungs. Closing my eyes, I tilt my head back against the wall, pushing myself further into him. My legs weaken and Gibson has to hold me up. The neck of my shirt begins to move, baring my shoulder. When I open my eyes, Gibson is staring at me. He leans forward and trails his bottom lip against my exposed skin. Once he reaches my bra strap, he plants a wet kiss right next to it.

  Fixing my shirt so my shoulder is covered, Gibson stands straight up, leaving me speechless as I struggle to stay slumped against the wall. It takes me a second to realize we’re in a classroom…at school. I look to the door and bite my lip, worried about how we’re going to get out of here if someone is in the hallway.

  Gibson walks over and looks through the window. Turning back to me, he lets out a breath. “There’s no one in the hallways. They must all be in class.”

  Class! We’re late to our first class, which also happens to be with Sean and Roger. I had been too distracted by Gibson and his stupid piercing to realize the bell must have rung. Quickly making my way to the door, I grab my backpack and take a deep breath. Gibson grabs his from one of the desks and opens the door for me.

  My heart pounds so hard, I can feel it in my ears. Sean is going to notice when Gibson and I both walk in late, and knowing my brother, he’ll make a scene about it like he did this morning. This is one of those times when I wished I didn’t go to school with one of my brothers. Dating is damn near impossible and it doesn’t help when Sean doesn’t like the guy I’m with. Seeing that I missed the beginning of class with that same guy won’t help with any chances of Sean liking Gibson.


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