The Enemy

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The Enemy Page 19

by Amelia Shea

  “She ain’t gonna let ya in, brother.” Kase watched as Carter glared. Kase took a drag of his smoke and jerked his chin to the clubhouse. “Come on, get you some coffee and I’ll listen to you tell me to stay the fuck away from her.” He continued walking and was almost shocked when he heard the gravel crunch under Carter’s boots. He remained silent and a step behind Kase.

  He hopped the fence with one jump, and seconds later heard Carter do the same. He walked up to the door, holding it open behind him, and they walked through the darkened corridor. Being as early as it was, there were very few brothers in the house. He walked toward the bar, and Nadia glanced over her shoulder with a soft smile. Her gaze veered past him, and her lips curled into a bright grin. What the fuck? Kase turned back to Carter, who smiled at Nadia.

  “Hey, Nadia.”

  Kase eyed the interaction. It wasn’t the first meeting between these two, but he’d never caught anything other than a polite greeting. He pulled out a seat and watched as Nadia shifted closer to the bar, patting down her hair.

  “Hello, Detective Ross.” She giggled and rested her hands on the bar, jutting her breasts out of her low-cut shirt.

  Carter would have to be blind to miss it. The bastard kept eye contact and never faltered.

  “How are you?”

  She smiled. “Good.”

  “Settling into Ghosttown, I see.”

  “Yeah.” She sighed, and Kase noticed a slight break in her smile. It was an automatic response with no commitment.

  He hadn’t spent much time with her since the move. She had always been one of his favorites, but with the move came more work and less play. When Phoebe hit the scene, he’d abandoned all the club pussy for his sexy fiery blonde. He’d been completely honest with Phoebe. She was the only one sharing his bed, and he had no regrets.

  “What are you doing here?” She turned, grabbing a mug and pouring a cup of coffee. Kase assumed it was for him. He was wrong. She placed the mug in front of Carter and leaned closer on the bar.

  What the fuck?

  Carter glanced down. “Thanks. I’m visiting my sister. She lives next door.”

  Nadia’s eyes widened, and she glanced at Kase and then back to Carter. “Phoebe’s your sister?”

  Carter raised his brows, nodded, and then turned a darkened glare on Kase. He refrained from laughing. Carter should have known better than to think he could intimidate Kase.

  “She’s great.”

  Carter snorted. “You think so?”

  Nadia nervously alternated her gaze between the men and locked eyes with Carter. “Yeah. Got to hang out a bit. She’s really funny and sweet.”

  Kase glanced over at Carter, who tightened his grip on the mug. Phoebe had shared enough with Kase. He knew they weren’t close. Seeing Phoebe through Nadia’s eyes seemed to shift something in the detective.

  Carter nodded with a smile directed at Nadia. “That’s good.”

  Nadia obviously was feeling out the vibe and shifted away from the bar. “I’ll leave you guys to talk.” She walked away from the bar when Kase snapped his fingers. She jerked her head and stared back at him.

  “Ya think I can get a fucking coffee?” He raised his brows and watched the pink drench her cheeks. It was almost comical, and Nadia, who always seemed cool and collected, shuffled around the bar. Kase kept his head angled in her direction though his eyes were on Carter. His eyes were planted on Nadia. She moved toward him and winked when she placed the mug in front of Kase.

  She started to the end of the bar, and Kase heard her voice again. “It was nice seeing you, Detective Ross.”

  Kase smirked as Carter nodded. “Bye, Nadia.”

  The silence remained for a few minutes. Kase took a sip of his coffee, set the mug down, and folded his arms.

  “What?” Carter asked.

  Kase shrugged. “Known you a long time. Know the girls offered shit when you’d come by. Also know you didn’t partake. Wondering why ya never took Nadia up on her offer?”

  Carter settled into his seat with a sharp glare. “Not interested in club pussy.”

  Kase laughed. “You look interested, brother.”

  Carter sighed and glanced over his shoulder. “Nadia never offered.” He shifted in his seat and pinned Kase in his stare. “Why, man, why her? Why Phoebe?”

  Kase knew the subject had swiftly changed.

  “Ain’t doing nothing Phoebe’s not okay with.”

  He sighed and circled his hand around his mug, shaking his head. “Look, me and her, water and fucking oil since the day she was born. I don’t know why, but we’ve never been able to sit in a room together without it ending in a fight.” Carter dragged his hand over his mouth. “Don’t fuck with her, Kase.” Carter turned his stare on Kase. “As a favor to me, who’s done a lot for you and this club.” He paused. “Don’t fuck with her. She spent seven years devoting herself to an asshole who completely fucked her over, and she never saw it coming.”

  “Did you? See it coming?”

  Carter sighed and folded his arms. “Like I said, we never got along. Didn’t spend much time with them. When I did, saw some things I didn’t like, but Phoebe wouldn’t listen to me even if I tried.”

  “But you didn’t? Try?”

  Carter shrugged. “Figured she’d see it eventually. By the time she did, it was too late.” He paused, and Kase was reading a side to Carter he hadn’t before. Regret. “Don’t hurt her, man. She’s been through enough.” He stood and straightened to full height, reminding Kase Carter was a massive motherfucker.

  “Got no plans on hurting her, man.”

  “Good, ’cause as much she’s a pain in my ass, she’s a good girl who has lousy taste in men.” Carter smirked and walked out the door.

  Kase started out for the backroom and did a quick change. He had peeked in Jack’s room to find him sleeping. He’d be going back to Caden and Marissa’s tonight.

  He returned a few calls and grabbed the deposit from the shop. He’d make a run to the bank before heading into the store. He started out the back door and rounded the clubhouse, catching two people on the edge of the property.

  “Son of a bitch,” he muttered, eyeing Carter and Nadia. She was shifting on her feet while he stood tall, seemingly unaffected by the hot, half-dressed blonde making time with him.

  Whatever happened there was none of his business, though he knew there were a few brothers who wouldn’t take kindly to Nadia cozying up next to a detective. Carter had always had a good relationship with the club. They were on opposite sides of the law, but there was mutual respect. Most of his brothers had respected that, though there were a few who didn’t take a liking to Carter. He was a pompous, arrogant asshole, very similar to Kase himself.

  He started to his bike, eyeing the scene playing in front of him. Nadia reached out, caressing his arm, and Carter smiled but backed away heading toward Phoebe’s property. Nadia watched him walk away and turned with her stare on the ground. He’d known her for years, both intimately and on a friend basis. There weren’t too many Kase considered friends, but Nadia had been part of the small group. Something was changing with her. He made a mental note to have one of the women check up on her.

  He sat on his bike with another woman plaguing his mind.

  He pulled out his phone and sifted through his contacts until he found her name. It rang twice.

  “Hey you, just thinking about my boys, how are you?”

  Kase eased into his seat, tucking a hand under his armpit, and smiled off across the yard. “Good, everyone’s good here. What about you?”

  “Same shit different day, darlin’.”

  “Need a favor, from me not the club.”

  “Sure, what do ya need, Kase?”

  “A property here.”

  She chuckled. “I thought you bought all the property in Ghosttown.”

  “This one just came on the market.” He sighed. “Need you to reach out to the realtor, tell her you saw it online, you live out of the area s
o you’ll buy sight unseen. Full asking.”

  “You want me to do it directly?”

  It was a fair question, and he understood her confusion. Meg had been the front for the LLC when they purchased all the available property in town for the past five years. It was her name and signature only, and she rarely did any work.

  “Like I said, it’s not for the club. Need you to keep this between you and me.”

  “Okay, send me the info, and I’ll make the call.”

  “Later.” He ended the call, shoving the phone in his pocket.

  It wasn’t the conventional approach to keeping a woman close, but it was the only shot he had. If she needed to sell to pay back Carter, he wouldn’t stand in her way. He also wouldn’t let her lose the one thing that was hers.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It was by pure chance she’d caught a glimpse of him through her kitchen window. He stood alone, centered in her yard. She’d waited before making her way outside.

  He looked lost.

  Phoebe started toward her back door, taking a brief second to watch him. She would have given anything to get inside his mind, see where he was at, know what he was thinking. She’d settle for being whatever he needed at the moment.

  “Hey, Jack.” She opened the screen, stepping out onto her back deck. He hadn’t acknowledged her. He seemed too lost in his surroundings. Or maybe he was just lost.

  She walked over to the steps and took a seat, waiting on Jack. She rested her elbows on her knees.

  “Needed a breather,” he muttered, glancing around her yard, focusing mainly on the woods.

  “Yeah, I bet all the hot young women and free booze must be exhausting.”

  He chuckled and pointed at her, shaking his finger. “I like you.”

  “Yeah? Well, the feeling is mutual, so you ever need a breather, you’re always welcome here, Jack.”

  He eyed her and squinted. “Ya got something with my boy, dontcha?”

  It was a direct question. Phoebe did her best not to react. How was she supposed to answer him? Yes, she had something, which was most likely nothing that felt like everything when she was with him. It was a mind fuck even for her, who had a clear head. She clasped her hands and sighed. She was prepared to give her response when Jack turned his back and paced the yard.

  “Never settled down after my ex-wife. Fucking evil, that one.” He paused and glanced up at the sky. “Great pair of tits, though.”

  Phoebe chuckled. “They’ve been known to take down many a man, Jack.”

  He smiled with the sun shimmering over his face. “Shoulda picked better for my boys. Like Coll.” She had no idea who he was referring to, but from the sweet tone when he said her name, she must have been special. He jerked his head to her, and she noticed the slight ease in his tense features. “Good to Cade, Trev, and the baby. I shoulda picked one like her,” He nodded and jerked his chin in her direction. “Or you.” He smirked. “You and me would have had a good time, I think.”

  She licked her lips. “You and me, two ex-cons on the open road? Woulda been a helluva good time.”

  He folded his arms, shaking his head with a grin. “Had a beauty. Chromed out Harley, huge, fast engine. No one could touch me. Good cushion for your sweet ass.” He winked. “Wind in your hair, on your face, with nothing between you and the road but a piece of machinery, like a magic fucking carpet. Straightaways were the best, full throttle at Mach speed.” His smile faltered, and he muttered, “Nothing like it.”

  She drew in a deep breath and willed away the tears welling in her eyes. Watching another person caught in a memory so strong, something they knew they’d never feel again, was heartbreaking. It was a physical ache in her chest listening and watching Jack.

  “You miss it, huh?”

  He drew in a deep breath and rested his head back on his shoulders. He closed his eyes with the sun beating against his hardened face.

  “Every damn day.”

  We all have our time. It was the circle of life. Being born, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, adulting, middle age, the golden years, and inevitably, the end. Phoebe was stuck somewhere in the middle, but for Jack, it would all be coming to an end. And the stabbing, heartbreaking truth was he knew it too.

  Coming to an end doesn’t mean it’s over just yet.

  “I got an idea.” It wouldn’t be a replacement for what Jack was missing, but it was something. Something she wanted him to have.

  She shuffled up her back steps and hurried through her kitchen, opening the drawer. I can’t give you a bike, Jack, but this may be a close second. She grabbed the keys and darted out the door. She found him standing in the same spot, staring at her in confusion. She jerked her head. “Come on. Let’s go have some fun.”

  She didn’t wait for him. She didn’t doubt his curiosity and the promise of a good time would be enough to pique his interest. It did. She heard the gravel of the driveway crunch under his boots. She walked across the lawn to the shed in the corner. She opened the doors wide and glanced over at Jack, who poked his head around to get a look.

  “Want to go for a ride?”

  God, I wish I had my camera. She stared at him, training her mind to remember. Every angle of his features, studying the gleam in his eyes, the showcasing of his teeth. The purity of a joyous smile. Remember this.

  He grinned, shaking his head, and she swore he was Benjamin-Buttoning before her very eyes.

  “Ain’t been on one of these in years.” He walked up and slid his hand over the handlebars.

  “Not scared, are ya, Jack?” She was teasing.

  He scoffed, waving his hand with a sharp shake to his head. He turned back. “Let’s go for a fucking ride, darlin’.”

  Between the two of them, they were able to pull both out in record time. She gave Jack first dibs. There was a slight burst of pride when he claimed hers, deeming it the faster of the two. Jack was right, it was. As much as Jared enjoyed the ATV’s and was as much a thrill seeker as Phoebe, he was a little more reserved when it came to vehicles.

  She ducked back into the shed, grabbing the helmets before turning to Jack.

  “I ain’t wearing one of those pussy hats.”

  Phoebe swung the key around her index finger. “Then ya ain’t getting the key, Jack.” She smirked. “My house, my rules.”

  His nostrils flared. Stubborn man was going to fight her on this. She tilted her head and remained silent, staring at him. They could be standing there all day. Phoebe needed a new approach. She stepped closer, keeping the keys out of his reach. Jack was sly enough to grab the keys.

  “Look at it this way. If I come to your clubhouse and decide I want to dance on your bar, you’d probably tell me I gotta lose my top. Am I right?”

  The corner of Jack’s mouth hiked up, and he slowly nodded. “House rule.”

  “Right. Your house, your rules, so I’d take off my top.” Bullshit, I just wouldn’t get up there. But Jack didn’t need that piece of information. She raised her brows. “At my house, you want to ride my ATV’s, you have to wear a helmet.” She shrugged. “House rule, Jack.”

  He waited, squinting his eyes until he grabbed the helmet from her hand and started putting it on. He muttered under his breath, but she didn’t catch it. Probably for the best. She got on her helmet, lifted her screen, and glanced over at Jack. He was waiting on her for the keys. She tossed them over, which he caught midair.

  As they warmed up, she told Jack of the trails she’d made through her property. It had been a while since she’d ridden. They had most likely been overgrown.

  “Wanna take the lead, and I’ll follow?” It was probably the first time she’d uttered those words. Phoebe was always willing to be the first at everything, even the unknown. Today was different. It had been a long time since Jack had led a pack, something she knew he’d missed.

  He nodded with a wide smile. He leaned closer and shouted over the engines. “Should take these down to Main Street, give the folks a real shit scare.�
� His hearty laugh was contagious.

  “We’ll save that for next time.” She jutted her chin toward the woods. “Let’s go, Jack. Lead the way.”

  Jack gripped the handles tightly, sliding his hands over the steering. He paused, turning over to look back at her. She would have given anything to know what he was thinking. Something behind his dark eyes; she was seeing a deep sadness. Oh shit, is this a bad idea? She bit her lip, holding his gaze. He drew in a deep breath and slowly smiled, followed by a cheeky wink.

  “Try to keep up, darlin’.”

  Jack ripped past her as if he was already going at a high rate of speed. He disappeared before she could grab her handles. She hurried and stormed through the woods, gaining on him. She’d always been an adrenaline junkie and thrived in situations like these. When she finally caught up, she kept a steady rate behind Jack.


  Kase stood at the edge of the clubhouse and brought the cigarette up to his lips, taking a deep drag. The smoke burned his throat, and he glanced down. He’d smoked it to the filter. Again. He tossed it on the ground into the small pile by his feet.

  He stood waiting until he heard them come back around. His gaze followed the sound and watched the two of them rip through the path, as he had for the past hour.

  “Hey, looking for you.”

  Kase glanced over his shoulder and lifted his chin, greeting Cade. Then he turned around, catching them whipping down the hill. It would be a few minutes before they came flying up the hill, dodging the large oak and circling the open flat spot. Then they’d disappear for ten minutes.

  “What are ya looking at?”

  Kase folded his arms and waited for Cade to stand next to him. He remained silent until the echo of the engines came closer. He saw from the corner of his eye Caden moved forward.

  “Son of a bitch,” Cade said in a whisper.


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