Combustion: Ensenada Heat Book Two

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Combustion: Ensenada Heat Book Two Page 13

by Tess Summers

  But he made it so damn difficult not to be.

  She was standing her ground, though. Just the thought of having to make that phone call to her sister put the brakes on her hormones. She imagined the conversation going something like this:

  Hey, it’s me. We need the doctor to come right away, Mason’s sutures came apart.

  Bella: It’s two o’clock in the damn morning. How in the hell did his stitches break open?

  Well, um. He must have moved wrong while he was sleeping or something.

  Bella: Ugh. That’s such bullshit, and I can’t believe you’re trying to sell me that crap. I know perfectly well what you two were doing to cause his stitches to pop. Jesus Christ, Reagan, he was fucking shot yesterday, and you can’t go two days without humping him? What are you two—goddamn rabbits? I certainly hope you’re using protection.

  Annnnd, she was no longer horny.

  Then his dick pitched a tent under the covers. Damn him.

  Her sister’s voice popped in her head. You can’t go two days without humping him?

  “Do you want to be the one to explain to Bella at two in the morning why you’re bleeding and need a doctor immediately?”

  Mason vowed, “I wouldn’t have sex with you again tonight even if you begged me.”

  She raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Okay, maybe if you begged me.”

  That made her burst out laughing. “I promise, I won’t beg.”

  “Tonight, anyway,” he clarified with a wink.

  Reagan smiled and kissed his cheek, then leaned across him and turned off the light, her bare breasts skimming his chest as she did.

  “It’s late. Go to sleep.”

  His hand squeezed her ass but he did as she directed, and she quickly followed suit.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Waking up naked and finding himself spooning an equally nude Reagan Jones had to be the best feeling in the world.

  The scent of her shampoo filled his senses as her long, shiny red hair tickled his chest and chin; the feel of her silky skin while his hands wrapped around her soft middle and his cock nestled between her ass; her ankle wrapped around his calf… it was fucking heaven.

  His hand glided up her body from her tummy to cup her tits. Mason loved how perfectly her boobs fit in his hands. He squeezed gently, and as if on reflex, she pressed her ass against his morning wood and lifted her hands above her head to stretch.

  Reagan rolled over and curled against him with her eyes closed.

  “It’s too early,” she whined.

  This would normally be the point where he’d slip out of bed so he didn’t disturb her while he started going through texts and emails; then, if it was early enough, he’d try get in a quick workout before going to the kitchen to start making breakfast. This invalid crap was for the birds. And he had to piss.

  Mason sat up and gently swung his legs to the edge of the bed, and using his good leg, scooted himself to the foot of the bed. He stood and hopped to the bathroom, only having to pause once to steady himself before reaching it.

  I’m definitely getting crutches today.

  When he came back out, the bed was empty and made, except his side was neatly turned down, as if waiting for him to get back in.

  Fuck that. He wasn’t spending his day in bed.

  “Hey, babe…” he called down the hall from the doorway.

  Wiping her hands with a paper towel, she appeared from where she had told him the kitchen was last night.

  “Good morning,” she smiled cheerfully.

  Damn, she was good for his soul. Just the sight of her fresh, morning face—free of makeup and eyes still puffy from sleep—made his heart happy.

  “I hate to ask, but would you mind helping me to the kitchen?”

  “Oh! Of course I don’t mind.”

  They carefully made their way to the kitchen where she helped sit him down at the table, then she went back to making breakfast.

  It was fucking mesmerizing.

  Either the effects of last night’s drugs were hitting him, or he was madly, head over heels in love with this woman.

  When his dick moved after she smiled at him once she noticed him watching her, he decided it was the latter.

  The million-dollar-question now was, how were they going to make it work?

  “I think the nurse is scheduled to arrive at ten. I’m going to go see my mom then and will probably have lunch with her, Bella and the baby. I’ll try to be back around one. Do you think you’ll be okay until then?”

  “I’ll be fine. Hopefully the nurse will have crutches for me so I should be fine getting around until you get back. Besides, I’ve got some work I need to catch up on.”

  She shot him a disapproving look.

  “Can’t you just take a few days off and let your body heal without the added work stress?”

  “Trust me, sweetheart, I’m not going to be doing a lot. Just answering emails and texts, and I’ll probably try to touch base with Marcus or at least try to get a hold of one of the guys from his team just to make sure everyone is doing okay. I’ll work for ninety minutes—tops.”

  “And then you’re going to take it easy? Watch TV or maybe read a book? Nap?”

  “I’ll wait until you get back to nap,” he said with a wink.

  He could see her fighting her smile, but she wasn’t successful.

  “You’re impossible,” she said shaking her head as she flipped pancakes onto a plate and brought it to him, returning a moment later with butter, syrup, and utensils.

  “What would you like to drink? Orange juice, coffee, milk, or water?”

  “Coffee, please.”

  Mason was pouring syrup on his pancakes when she set his mug in front of him.

  “Aren’t you going to eat?”

  “Yes, but don’t wait for me. Eat it while it’s hot.”

  He looked down and noticed she’d already put cream and sugar in his coffee and tentatively took a sip. It was perfect.

  “How did you know how I like my coffee?”

  The question seemed to surprise her.

  “We’ve had breakfast together several times already.”

  “And you paid attention to how I took my coffee?”

  “Of course. Didn’t you pay attention to how I took mine?”

  He knew that was a trick question.

  “You don’t drink coffee. You like juice in the morning.”

  She was smiling when she set her plate down on the table and took the seat kitty-corner from his.

  “See? It’s not hard.”

  Still, the fact that she cared enough to pay attention to what he liked made him feel special. She had a way of always making him feel important.

  He’d never experienced that with a woman before, but he liked it.



  Her mother ran to hug her the minute Reagan walked through Bella’s front door.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay. We were so worried!”

  “I’m fine, Mama. I’m sorry to worry you. Bella and Dante were amazing.” Reagan decided not to offer any more details than that, and her mom seemed content not knowing anything more.

  Her sister walked into the foyer carrying the baby, who smiled when Reagan started making funny faces at her.

  “I love being the favorite auntie,” she said as she took Madison in her arms and began to bounce around the entryway to entertain her niece.

  “Everything okay at the villa last night?”

  “Yeah. The nurse arrived this morning to change his bandages, and if he has his way, get him some crutches. He’s taking his medicine, although he’s only had to take his pain pills once.” Reagan didn’t volunteer the reason why he had to take his pain medication, but a small smile escaped at the thought.

  Of course Bella didn’t miss it, but she simply narrowed her eyes without saying anything.

  “Let’s go in the family room,” her mother suggested.

She carried Madison into the family room and set her down on the blanket already spread out with her toys, then sat down beside her to continue playing with her.

  “Mama is going back to Fargo on Monday, so we’re going to do the baptism this Sunday,” Bella said as she sat down next to their mother on the couch.

  “Oh, good. Are you heading back to San Diego next week?”

  “No, we’re going to stay in Ensenada for a while. John is going to go back instead.”

  “I hope you’re not staying because of me. We’re going to head back to Fargo next week.”

  “We?” Bella asked with eyebrows raised.

  “Mason is coming back with me.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful!” Delilah exclaimed, clapping her hands. “When do I get to meet your young man?”

  “Mama… first of all, he’s not that young, and secondly, I don’t think that’s a good idea just yet,” Bella interposed.

  “Why not, for heaven’s sake?”

  “He’s recovering from an accident,” her sister said without missing a beat. “He’s pretty self-conscious about it.”

  “Oh, was he burned?”

  “No, but he was hurt pretty badly and needs time to recover.”

  “You’ll meet him soon enough, Mama,” Reagan told her.

  “But don’t count on it anytime soon,” Bella quickly added, and Reagan cocked her head.

  What the hell is that all about?

  Her sister noticed Reagan looking at her.

  “What? I don’t think he’s going to want to meet anyone you know, given his circumstances.”

  Not ever?

  That’s not at all what she was envisioning. She certainly didn’t want to have to hide her boyfriend from everyone she knew in Fargo. But now that she paused to think about it, that was precisely what she was going to have to do.

  Well, this sucks.

  The disappointment must have shown on her face because Bella offered a sympathetic smile and sat down beside her.

  “I’m sorry, honey. I wouldn’t have wished this for you. It’s almost impossible to have a lasting relationship with a spy. Between the secrecy, the worry, and the time apart…”

  “Then I guess I better enjoy my time with him while I can.”

  “That’s what I’d suggest. Don’t think too much about the future and just enjoy your time with him.”

  Good advice that she was going to follow.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  She came back to the villa and found Mason in black basketball shorts and a white t-shirt, tapping away on his laptop while sitting on the couch in the living room. His injured leg was elevated on the cushions, a pair of crutches within his reach. It was obvious that he had new bandages around his neck.

  “Hi baby,” she said as she leaned over the back of the sofa and kissed his cheek.

  “I’m so glad you’re back,” he replied without looking at her.

  She went to move away, but he grasped her wrist with one hand and brought it his lips, not letting her go while he finished typing with the other hand. He closed the computer and moved it to the floor then tugged her over the couch onto his body. She tried to land as gracefully and gently as she could so as not to hurt him. His arms came around her, and she burrowed her face against his chest.

  “Did you take a shower?”

  “Yeah, the nurse wanted to give me a sponge bath before changing the bandages and I wasn’t having that shit.”

  “You smell good. Very clean.”

  “You always smell like coconut. I like it.”

  “It’s my shampoo. Or my lotion.”

  He nuzzled her hair and took a deep breath in.

  “I think it’s both.”

  “How did your appointment go? When is she coming back?”

  “She said the wounds look good; they’re starting to heal like they should but she wants to change the bandages and check on things daily. She thinks I’ll be ready for physical therapy by the time we head to Fargo next week.”

  “I know a good physical therapist I can introduce you to,” she offered, and looked up at his face to gauge his response.

  “I think it’d be better if I use someone you don’t know.”

  Her sister’s words came back to her.

  “I’m not going to be able to introduce you to anyone I know, am I?” she asked softly.

  “Yes and no. Yes, I’ll meet people you know, and you can introduce me as your boyfriend. But we’re going to have to use an alias. So you’re essentially going to be lying to everyone. And I mean everyone. You can’t share my secret with your best girlfriend or your mom. That’s for their safety as well as mine.”

  “I have a sister who was in the CIA, remember? I understand how it works.”

  “I know you do. But are you going to be okay with having a boyfriend in the CIA?”

  “Mason, I don’t care what we have to do to be together, as long as we are.”

  “It’s not going to be easy,” he warned.

  “No, but it’ll be worth it,” she countered.

  He kissed her hair and whispered, “I promise it will be.”



  He’d attempted to seduce her after she came back from seeing her mom but she insisted on simply snuggling with their clothes on—which was bullshit, if you asked him.

  But as he closed his eyes with her in his arms, he admitted it was a pretty great consolation.

  “I love you, sassy pants,” he murmured against her hair.

  “I love you, too, James.”

  He stiffened and pulled away from her. Did she really just call me by the wrong name?

  She lifted her head and looked up at him. “What’s wrong?”

  “You called me James. Who’s James?”

  She started giggling and snuggled back against him, patting his stomach in reassurance.

  “Bond, silly. You’re like my own secret agent.”

  Mason chuckled as brought his arms back around her.

  “Does that make you Pussy Galore? Or Holly Goodhead? I know—Strawberry Fields.”

  “You sure know a lot about Bond Girls.”

  “Those are Bond Girls?” he asked in feigned confusion.

  He felt her shake her head against his chest and imagined her rolling her eyes.

  “You’re impossible.”

  “I’ve always been partial to Holly Goodhead myself.”

  “Oh my god, you’ve just been downgraded to Austin Powers. Go to sleep.”

  In his worst British accent, he asked, “Do I make you horny, baby?”

  Her shoulders shook with laughter. “I have no idea how.”

  Cupping her mons over her shorts, he whispered, “I can show you how.”

  Her hips subtly moved against his hand then she let out a long, frustrated groan and moved away from his hand.

  “You have to let your body heal.”

  He began rubbing between her legs. “I think you riding my cock would help that.”

  She spread her legs ever so slightly, and he snaked his fingers under her shorts, tracing circles over where her panties were getting wet.

  “Come on, sweetheart. Let me finish what I started last night.”

  As if to remind her, he moved her panties aside and slid his index finger inside her soaked pussy and began to slowly fuck her.

  Her breathing quickened, and she let out a little whimper. He was so fucking hard. What he wouldn’t give to be able to strip her naked and drive himself deep inside her.

  “Please, baby? Sit on my cock,” he urged.

  He withdrew his hand and began to unbutton her shorts. She didn’t protest, even lifting her hips and tugging at the hem to help when he began to push them down her thighs. She pulled them the rest of the way off, then tucked her fingers under the elastic waistbands of his shorts and boxer briefs. Instead of pulling them down as he anticipated, she reached underneath and palmed his rock-hard dick.

  “Mmm,” she moaned
as she began to rub his length. “I love how warm and soft your skin is.”

  Her hands felt so good on his shaft; he closed his eyes and relished the sensation. She curled her fingers around him, smearing the pre-cum around the tip with her thumb, then began to awkwardly jerk him off under his underwear. The restrictiveness of his clothing was driving him crazy, and he frantically began tugging them down his thighs to give her better access.

  Reagan let out a small gasp when his cock finally sprang free, and immediately leaned down to take him in her mouth.

  All of him.

  “Holy fuck,” he groaned as he felt his dick pulse up and down against her throat. She slowly slurped off him, leaving his shaft nice and slippery, then she began to bob her head up and down on him.

  He tugged on her hair until she stopped and looked up at him, his dick still between her lips.

  “Sit on my cock, sweetheart. I want to come in your pussy.”

  She smiled and popped him out of her mouth, then moved her body so she was straddling him. Her drenched pussy lips wrapped around his shaft but she didn’t move to slide him inside her.

  He tugged on her shirt, and she immediately complied by taking it off, along with her bra, and tossing them aside. He raised up and pulled his t-shirt over his head.

  “You let me do the work this time. If I feel you doing anything, I’m going to stop. Just lie there and let me fuck you,” she warned.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  It probably wasn’t possible, but his cock might have gotten a little harder with her bossy demands.

  She sank down on his cock, and they moaned in unison at the sensation.

  “Fuck, you feel good,” he growled as he gripped her hips, holding her still while he remained deep inside her.

  Her hips began to rock, and soon she was riding him like a cowgirl rides a bull—starting at the waist and rolling her hips through to her thighs. She closed her eyes and piled her hair on top of her head, lost in ecstasy. Her tits bounced with her movement, nipples hard as diamonds.

  It was the most erotic thing he’d ever seen.

  Reaching between them, he began to play with her puffy clit. She leaned her left hand back on his left thigh—his uninjured one—and widened her legs while she continued riding his dick. He could feel her getting wetter and starting to clench her cunt around his cock.


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