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Alterations Page 23

by Lucretia Stanhope

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  A fter the shock of finding out Timofei knew what she had been doing, Gwen kept her head down, and gave him every bit of attention he wanted. She even went out of her way to dress and conduct herself in ways she knew pleased him.

  He did not continue to threaten her. He never struck her or even handled her rough. Most surprising to her, their talk never came up again. Things fell into a strange normalcy.

  Despite the way he lavished her with attention still, she felt more afraid of him than she ever had. Now that they both laid their cards out face up, he was more intimidating to her than Dmitry and Matvei combined.

  She still pushed forward with her plans, careful to step lightly on the new broken glass that covered the ground of her reality.

  The wraith allowed her to monitor things at the compound and spy on Timofei. If he knew, it didn't anger him.

  Matvei never showed up as she thought he might.

  She searched all of the meeting rooms when Timofei left her alone. She found Roman a few times. Each time she watched him and Timofei, he demanded witches, and Timofei sent him to see Matvei on site two.

  Gwen tried not to think about site two and how they were suffering under Matvei. It sounded to her like site two was being emptied and Roman and Malvina were taking the lion's share.

  Was that part of what Matvei wanted? Did those witches serve to subdue the siblings until he was ready for them to help in the roles they didn't even realize they were playing?

  A few times Malvina asked about Brac, but Timofei blew the request off. She didn't press him on it, seeming happy with the offer of others in his place.

  Gwen wondered if Matvei knew his father was aware. Was his awareness part of the planning? The tangle of plots and deception was woven by so many of them that she struggled to keep track of which one was plotting what.

  Faking illness, she was able to get word to Percy that witches were being taken by Roman and Malvina. She could only hope that Kyna knew where their realms were and they could be saved. If not, when things worked, and she still felt in her soul they would, she would find and rescue them herself.

  She found it was easier to hold a wraith on earth if she summoned it from the air there. She managed to spy on a few meetings with Roman and Malvina. They talked about their new witches and had essentially been working together with each other to keep a large enough population for their own breeding games.

  Gwen hated vampires more with everything she learned about them. They saw everything as resources to be exploited.

  Malvina and Roman also talked about Konstantin and the colony. It sounded to Gwen like they were edging closer to the idea of nudging him that way. Gwen knew that was at Matvei's prodding. Matvei came and went at council a few times, but she never was able to follow him with enough speed to see where he went.

  As far as Timofei saw, she appeared to be teaching the witches as he ordered. She was careful never to mention to Brac anything that might be dangerous for him or her. Timofei eluded that he had been in his mind and she had no doubt he would have again, if he thought Brac knew anything.

  By leaving her alone with Matvei he had unintentionally hardened her to beatings. Even though she thought his would be worse, she knew she could bear them and that he wouldn't kill her.

  She paced the group, watching as they worked, giving pointers as needed. Brac walked with her.

  “Things are bad now, aren't they?” He looked down as he talked.

  She wrapped her fingers in his. “Things are no different than they have always been. Just don't forget who you can and can't trust.”

  Brac squeezed her fingers. “I won't leave the witches alone, any more than you would.”

  She leaned against him. Even though she begged him to do so, she knew he wouldn’t leave. The idea of her baby staying behind to fight in the event she was taken weighed heavy on her heart. As much as she wanted to believe Mikhail would get him to Percy, she knew Brac wouldn't go. The only reason he would leave would be to help her. That was an even worse outcome in her mind. She never wanted him near Konstantin, or an angry Timofei for that matter.

  “Just remember, pull the sun inside if you feel like they are going to bite you, and if you feel like they might hurt you but won't bite, then call it down on them. But never, never…” she started and he interrupted to finish the words she so often repeated to him over the last few days.

  “Never call it on Timofei or Matvei.” His tone lacked the hardness she wanted to hear, sounding more like he was pacifying her.

  “I'm serious about that. They will know and you would be dead before the thought was even finished.”

  He hugged her. “I know. You've hammered that one home. The bunkers under the colony will hold the witches. Me and the other fire witches will reign down sun on the soldiers. What about dad and Matvei?”

  She stopped walking. Her senses told her they were alone still. “They won't be the ones who attack the witches, if that happens. They still want to see this colony thrive.” She could see the confusion on his face and wanted to explain more, but she couldn't. The air held an ominous feeling and she knew in her gut things were about to happen.

  M atvei sent Mikhail to the estate on a pointless errand. Matvei then made his way toward the meeting in progress at council. He let the sound of his footsteps precede him as he walked with one of his loyal soldiers.

  “I've had him called to Odeen. You distract Sergei, and Gwen will come here tomorrow. I need her for myself.” Matvei let his voice ring loudly.

  “Yes, Sir,” his soldier replied.

  Inside the meeting room, Malvina and Roman hushed their conversation until they felt him leave.

  “Move your soldiers to Odeen and the castle. I will call Konstantin here. I told you those witches would serve us well.” Malvina stood and looked at Roman. Her eyes sparkled with excitement of the upcoming confrontation.

  “She must be something spectacular to have Matvei and Timofei at odds.” Roman stood as well.

  She licked her lips. “Oh yes, like ours, but with the ability to pacify. Matvei told Boris she could siphon rage away. As soon as Konstantin is in her web he is finished, Timofei and Matvei are already done. Be back here tomorrow, if we coordinate right, we can strike while he is feeding on her.” She smiled. “You recall your first nip of the special witches? He will be momentarily dazed.”

  Roman smiled and walked out, followed by Malvina.

  Matvei took long, relaxed strides down the hall after they were both gone. He knew that Gwen would come as soon as she had a moment. She had been making regular visits to Percy, and every time she could steal away without his father, she came to see Mikhail. Those visits got under his skin, but since they served his plan he allowed it to continue.

  It wasn't long before Mikhail returned. Matvei walked outside to meet him.

  “Matvei.” Mikhail watched him approach. He knew he had been deliberately sent away. He could feel and see a lightness in Matvei that was troublesome, especially since he had not been to Gwen to get that lightness. “Zlata was not at the estate.”

  “Is that so?” A smirk played on his face. “Maybe I misunderstood her message. Females can be such a disturbance. More headache than they are worth if you ask me. I will address it with her when next we meet.”

  Mikhail bit back his initial response. He knew this was about Gwen. Matvei didn't bother to hide how he felt about him, them, or their friendship. It was also about getting alone time with Malvina. Mikhail tried without much success to slow down the momentum Matvei was building. Things were moving ahead in ways he did not expect, and could only hope Gwen was prepared for. “Yes, these things happen. Do let me know if I can arrange anything else for you.”

  Matvei stepped closer to him, sniffing the air. “I never liked you much, Mikhail.”

  “I gathered as much.” Mikhail let his tone drift to an offensive timbre and left off the formal address.

  Matvei picked him up by the throat. “M
ind your tongue, lackey.”

  Mikhail looked him in the eyes. “Can I do something else for you?”

  Matvei laughed, not taking the bait. “Not today. I will let you know.” Matvei enjoyed the puzzled look on Mikhail's face. He assumed he could sense Roman and Malvina were gone.

  As Matvei walked away his step was lighter. The time drew near. While it had been rushed and he didn't have everything exactly as he wanted it, he was excited.

  T imofei left in a rush with word that Odeen suffered another attack.

  As soon as he stepped off realm, Gwen hurried to get her cloak and stone. On her last visit, Percy relayed that Lucian was safe and Kyna was still a happy witch. She wanted to get back in enough time to make sure that Kyna got word about the site two witches before Konstantin took her. Her instincts told her that would happen any second.

  She didn't have any trouble sneaking off. Sergei was rounding up Brac as Timofei often ordered before he left, and she had enough time to vanish. Sergei never questioned why he couldn't find her immediately. She did not trust him. They were not friends and never spoke at a personal level anymore, but he seemed to respect her and give her a degree of room to move.

  Once on council grounds, she tugged her cloak tight and started for Percy. As she neared the edge of the woods, she saw Mikhail approaching and stopped in her tracks.

  When Mikhail's eyes landed on Gwen they filled with a look of horror. “Go. Go back to your realm. Now, hurry.”

  Gwen looked at his eyes, seeing he was truly afraid. “What is it?” She rushed forward.

  “Go, now, please.” He walked quickly, pushing her back. When she resisted he shoved. “Go, Gwen.”

  She held his hands, feeling his presence was still strong and cold as it should be. “Stop it. What has Matvei done? Has he threatened you?” She scanned him with her eyes and placed a hand on his face.

  “He's frightened,” a new voice said.

  Gwen dropped her hand and took a step back from Mikhail. She looked at the man who appeared beside him. He breathed out power the way most people did carbon dioxide. The cold that came off of him in waves, chilled her to the soul instantly. She stood frozen. Terrified. Watching his mesmerizing gray eyes as he spoke.

  “I believe proper introductions are in order, Mikhail.” His words commanded attention.

  The words Mikhail spoke sounded small and barely registered. “My Lord. This is Gwen, Timofei's queen.”

  Gwen trembled involuntarily. This was what she wanted. Now that he was there, she was horrified at the idea of being beside him, much less being taken, or bitten by him. The power he put out was more than she ever felt, even when Timofei and Matvei were angry.

  Konstantin circled her, his boots crunched the leaves, twigs, and grass under him. The warmth in the air seemed to shrink back from him, leaving a cold trail behind him. He stopped in front of her and ran a single finger over her features. “She is delicate. I expected more. I should ask why a queen is stealing away in the night with a servant.” He paused and looked at Mikhail. “Go away, Mikhail. I will leave you out of this where you belong.”

  Gwen let her attention flash to Mikhail and she gave the slightest of frowns. Mikhail left, and she tried to keep her mind blank.

  Konstantin laughed, even his laugh scared her. It held a timbre that she fought not to shrink back from. “If I didn't know better, I would suspect that vampire is smitten with you. Is my son not enough to hold your attention, witch?”

  Gwen bristled at the suggestion and tone, but still kept her mind blank. She did not know what was going to happen to her, but she did not want to leave Mikhail on the bad side of this creature.

  “Did you leave the trail of bread crumbs for me to follow, or are you just a pawn being pushed along by the imp Matvei?” He put a finger under her chin and tilted her head up. “Such a dainty thing to be causing so much trouble with my family.”

  Gwen watched his eyes, seeing nothing behind them but evil. His glamour was tall and regal, with sharp features and pitch black hair, but none of that registered beyond the way he made her feel. She imagined his vampire form was burly and age hardened.

  His tone dropped several octaves. “Have you never been taught how to behave?”

  She looked away, remembering how offended Dmitry had been at any eye contact. “I'm sorry, My Lord.”

  “Are you now? I'm curious why the fuss over a creature of apparent insignificance.” He stepped closer and sniffed. “How did you manage to destroy so many of my children?” He brushed her hair aside. “I hear tales of blood in your veins that will bring my kingdom to its knees.”

  Gwen felt a hard bite, followed by a stinging pull. Seconds later, blackness washed over her. When she opened her eyes again, she was on the ground at his feet.

  His presence pushed out such evil that her instincts cried out for her to run away. He reached down and pulled her to her feet. “You are certainly delicious. Show me this deadly rose I have heard tales of. I expect nothing less of astonishment, since Timofei stops his war efforts to come see you.”

  How had he heard about that? Only Mikhail, Timofei, and Matvei knew. That was the answer. Matvei. She might have wanted this meeting, but it was Matvei that made it happen.

  “I…” she started to say, but he gave her a look that stopped her.

  “Yes my lord is the response you are looking for.” The enunciation of his words continued to chill her. His whole manner had the effect of the entrancements most vampires had to work to achieve.

  She took a step back, trying to break whatever spell his aura held her in. “Yes, I need strength for that.”

  He stepped closer. “Try again, witch. You wanted my attention, you have it now.”

  “Yes, My Lord.”

  She held one of his hands and focused. The coldness of his touch seemed to radiate out, freezing her fingers, and making her hand ache. As she directed her attention to him fully, she felt that his whole being seemed to be made of hate. She was easily able to pull some off the surface. The layers of rage and hate kept filling the void she created before she could push in any peace. Each layer held just as much darkness and evil as the last.

  Pure evil.

  The path she funneled the evil through her started to burn as if she were pushing acid through herself. She peeled and tugged and strained against the hate that tried to get inside of her. The air around her stilled, a cold cloud wrapped around her. She started to doubt it would work with him. If he was solid hate, there would be no give in his presence.

  A few times she felt his arm at her waist, holding her up. His teeth stung her neck. When she felt weakness, he relented. They repeated the cycle. Her whole body trembled from the effort.

  In the midst of his cold embrace and sickening feedings, she still pulled with all of her strength. She lost track of any time or reality. All she felt was the struggle.

  Hate flipped to anger. That small bit of progress urged her forward.

  Not sure if peace could reside with anger, she kept tugging and peeling. He was darker than she ever imagined any creature could be.

  When she felt the slightest switch to unease, she shoved peace with all of her might and passed out in his arms.

  She felt the ground slam into her, and fought to hang on to consciousness as she looked up to see four winged beasts locked in a battle. One of them she assumed was Konstantin because of the size, and the fact that the others were obviously attacking him as one.

  He looked to be taken off guard momentarily. It didn't last. He snatched up one of the others and snapped their neck with his bare hands. He removed the head and tossed it on the ground. The sound of the crunching and tearing made Gwen ill. She rolled on her side to avoid looking at the head, and tried to get to her knees.

  She looked back to see there was no pause for celebration as the other two were already on him, clawing, biting and pummeling. Lacking the energy, Gwen gave up on getting to her feet. Instead, with everything she had left she called on the sun. She k
new she didn't have much left to give. The sun she called up did not feel powerful.

  A warm, peaceful hum buzzed behind her and she felt the power of the sun grow. Percy, she thought.

  He was close, close enough to her to share some healing effects. He energized her power enough that she was able to shoot rays of light from her hands. She targeted them on Konstantin who was now a fair way off since the intensity of the fight had vampires flying in the air.

  His eyes landed on her. She felt the force of air that was charged with his anger as he stepped closer.

  The two vampires clung to him, still beating and feeding as he walked. He flung off his children, and started for her. His eyes locked on hers. Deep down, she felt a compulsion to go to him. Gwen fought the entrancement, and kept the sun beating on him. The two beasts did not relent and were back on him. They slowed him enough that she had time to call up more sun, surrounding him fully.

  He still came, in slower, more labored steps. Gwen felt more energy as Percy surrounded her in a sticky warmth. She stayed focused, calling the sun on Konstantin. He wailed and reached for her. His hand hit the warmth Percy had wrapped her in, and caught fire.

  It looked to her that the sticky warmth Percy covered her in was flammable when it hit the flesh of the vampire. It stuck to him like a gel. Sensing the advantage shifted, she found more strength. She flung shot after shot of sun and fire, watching as the fires finally broke his thick skin and started to burn him. When he fell, the other two vampires seized the moment. They both tugged and pulled, beheading the king of the monsters with a sickening wet sound.

  Before they had a chance to realize what happened, Gwen rained sun down on them as well. She felt an arm around her waist and was tugged away as Matvei and Timofei walked toward them. Matvei's laugh filled the air and snarls were issued.

  Timofei looked to her.

  She felt the weight of the hate in his eyes, even though they still carried pride and adoration as well.


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