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by Kelly Fleming

  The next morning, as we were pulling out of the campground, Dave was outside walking his dog, so naturally I stopped the truck to say goodbye. We made the usual meaningless chat, then I started the truck to pull away. As Dave started to walk away, Jane called out his name.

  "Dave, thanks again for that great fuck. Maybe we'll come back this way in the fall."

  The look on his face in the rear-view mirror as we drove away was priceless.

  The End.

  Drowned Girl

  Joni Russell felt her memories beginning to slip away. What had she been doing? Oh, yes. They had all been skinny-dipping. Then it came. The .riptide.

  She looked at her hands. Transparent. Then she looked down. Her nude body was splayed in the sand, half out of the water. Her hair was drenched and covered with seaweed. Her mouth was unbreathing, her eyes unmoving. So this is what it is like to be dead, she thought.

  She felt herself slipping into the void. Please, she pled to a dimly-conceived god, I don't want to be dead. I know you can change the past. Please help me. I don't care if somebody else has to die, just please don't let it be me.

  And strangely enough her deity answered, and whispered to her what she must do.

  That's when she saw Tommy Dalton, kneeling in the surf, then standing up, his magnificently nude Greek god body shedding droplets of water, his normally curly blond locks plastered to his skin.

  Tommy stood, not quite remembering how he got here. He had been swimming toward another part of the beach after the current had carried him outward, seeking to bury him in the ocean's depths.

  Then he saw something lying in the sand, half out of the water. It was hard to tell in the moonlit darkness, but it looked as though it could be a person. As he got nearer, he could see that it was the body of Joni Russell, she of the exclusive Chi Delta Gamma sorority and the perpetually sneering lips. Her nude flawless body was magnificent, almost genetic (or at least well-funded) perfection. Okay, may the crab eating her left ear was kind of a turnoff, but still.

  Tommy rushed over to Joni's corpse and turned her head to the side to see if she was breathing. Just then, Joni felt herself suddenly being drawn back into her body. She gasped for air just as Tommy pushed on her back to drive the water from her lungs.

  "I'm okay," she told Tommy, "I can breathe. I'm just so cold. Lie on me, Tommy. Warm me. I need to feel the heat of your body."

  Tommy lay down on top of her, covering her back from head to toe with his own naked body. Her body felt like ice. He couldn't believe a person could be that cold and still be alive. He rested his legs on her legs, his arms on her arms, and his chest on her back, completely covering her. His balls and cock were pressed against her firm buttocks, partially submerged into the crack of her ice-cold, but nonetheless perfect, spa-trained ass.

  That's when Joni began to move, clenching and unclenching her well-trained gluteus maximus, alternately squeezing and loosening her buttocks, feeling Tommy's prick predictably beginning to grow hard, lodged as it was in the crack of her ass. No man could resist her charms, Joni knew, especially some working class lowlife like Tommy Dalton. Not exactly country club material. Possibly cuntry club material though, she thought, as she began to work him harder. And his football-honed body had much to recommend it over those polo-playing preppies she usually fucked. She knew that Tommy wanted her, could see it in his eyes in the quad every time he walked past her on his way to the physics building.

  Tommy felt Joni beginning to move, her ass cheeks alternately gripping and releasing his increasingly swollen prick. She began to rock her ass up and down, and Tommy joined her rhythm, thrusting his cock between her buttocks, matching her motion, his turgid cock slipping further and further into her crack, his balls sliding up and down the backs of her firm, artificially tanned thighs. His mouth found her ear, the crab now sidling quickly away, conceding his feast to Tommy. He took Joni's earlobe into his mouth, gently sucking it and running his tongue around its contours, as he thrust faster and faster into her ass crack. He ran his tongue up and down the back of her neck, as she shifted upward. "I want you inside me," she told him, rising on her knees to afford him better passage. He pushed deeply inside her.

  Joni felt herself impaled on Tommy's prick, as he thrust his cock all the way into her in one savage motion. Well, maybe not quite all the way, as she learned in the next thrust, as Tommy went boldly where no man had gone before. No wonder his teammates called him Long Gun Tommy. And he was thick, stretching her to the limit each time he pounded into her. He reached around to grab her breasts as he continued to pump her, moving his attentive tongue from the back of her neck to her mouth, his tongue finding hers, thrusting into her mouth almost as hard as his cock was pounding into her. She reached her hand right underneath him, grabbing his balls, squeezing them, feeling them jump in her grip. Her left hand found his, and she interlaced her fingers with his, as the onslaught of his shaft continued.

  She turned her head further to the side, so his tongue could reach further into her mouth, and it began to thrust inside that orifice in perfect rhythm with the trusting of his cock and the pace with which she squeezed and manipulated his balls with her well-practiced hands. His fingers were running circles around her already swollen nipples, sending waves of electrical excitement throughout her body.

  The dark god whispered once more in her mind, telling her again what she must do. She began thrusting her ass in time with Tommy's movements, impaling herself up to the hilt of his cock with each thrust, faster and faster as Tommy's panting grew stronger and stronger. He was close now.

  "Breathe me into you," she said, as he entered the final throes, squeezing her hand in his, as he arched his back and opened his mouth wider against hers. She felt her whole body convulsing as she came and squeezed his balls tightly, feeling them jump as Tommy came, pouring his seed into her like water from a high-pressure fire hose.

  She breathed herself into his mouth with all the lungpower of a ten-year-old blowing out the candles on her birthday cake and felt her self leaving her body even as Tommy collapsed upon her. She rolled the weight of his dead body off of her and onto the wet sand. Too bad, she thought, what a waste of a perfectly good hunk, even if he was a working-class lowlife.

  She felt her body disappearing, dissolving into thin air, and then she found herself floating in the water, the riptide behind her now. See, she told herself, the past can be changed. She began swimming happily to shore.

  Tommy looked down to see his own corpse. He found himself in a second, translucent body. He was a ghost now. He watched Joni's body disappear. So she was a ghost too, he thought.

  That's when he saw Megan Lieberman, kneeling in the surf, then standing up, her magnificent breasts shedding droplets of water, her pleasantly plump nude body gleaming in the moonlight.

  Megan breathed a sigh of relief. She was glad to be on solid ground once more after the terror of the riptide. She wondered if everybody else made it safely to land.

  That's when she saw Tommy lying in the sand. On no, not Tommy, she thought. She had always had a crush on Tommy. He was so brave and so caring and friendly, not to mention studly. However, she was always too timid to act on her feelings, never threw herself at Tommy the way that many of the other girls did. She just felt too homely, too shy. Tommy probably suspected her feelings, judging from the warm smiles he cast her way in exchange for her own longing stares.

  She rushed over to him and quickly began CPR, clearing his mouth of water, breathing air rhythmically into his lungs, frantically pounding on his chest trying to restart his stilled and lifeless heart, but to no avail.

  Tommy watched Megan's attempts to revive him. It didn't matter now. He was no longer interested in the soon-to-be-decaying flesh that comprised his former body. The human body was just an inert prison of meat, its corporal needs a distraction from what truly mattered: the life of the spirit freed from its carnal chains, its vision unclouded by biological desires. Perfect bliss.

  He knew that
Megan had always had a crush on him and she was a sweet sensitive person, but he wished she would end her useless attempt to reunite him with his body.

  Soon, Megan did just that. With tears in her eyes, she collapsed on Tommy's chest. Absently, her fingers strolled down his abdomen, until she found the tip of Tommy's cock.

  Tommy began to ascend toward the light, towards spiritual perfection unclouded by carnal desire.

  Megan lowered her head to Tommy's groin. "How I longed to do this in life," she told him as she engulfed his dead cock in her frantic mouth and traced the contour of his balls with her fingertips.

  Tommy felt himself snapped back into his physical body. "What was I thinking?" he asked the quickly receding sphere of light, as he felt the pleasure of Megan's sweet and talented mouth.

  Incredibly, Megan felt Tommy's shaft begin to grow as she licked him. She felt him take his first breath. This was wonderful; she didn't want to think of a world without Tommy. Her tongue began circling around the tip of Tommy's cock in faster and faster arcs, like a helicopter waiting to take off. She began to squeeze his balls rhythmically, her hand keeping time with her tongue. Wait till I tell the lifeguard class about this, she thought, mouth-to-prick resuscitation.

  Tommy reached down to stroke her hair. "Megan," he whispered.

  "Ommy," she replied, dual-tasking with her mouth. She felt his cock grow to its true length, which was beyond her wildest expectation. How does he get close enough to the center to take the hike? she wondered. She lifted Tommy's now rigid member and began running her tongue along it from head to root, squeezing and caressing it with her right hand, while her left hand lifted Tommy's balls to her lips. She took each ball alternately in her mouth, sucking and licking them like a kid with her first tootsie roll pop.

  She took in as much as she could of his prick in her mouth, sliding her lips up and down its head. She felt Tommy's body arch, trying futilely to fuck his way past her throat.

  The he whispered, "Megan, come here. Let me taste you."

  She slid her dripping cunt up Tommy's chest until it covered Tommy's mouth. His tongue began to work her, inside her passage, up and down and hard against her clit, traveling down to lick her ass as she arched herself backward, running its way around the ring of her anus, sending shivers of pleasure up and down her body.

  Then his strong arms wrapped around her legs, pulling her cunt once again down to his eager mouth. She began to buck, sliding her wet cunt up and down Tommy's face as he pulled her tightly against his mouth while he lapped her harder than a calf at its mother's teat.

  She slid down his neck, until her clit brushed up against his lips.

  "I want to ride you, Tommy," she whispered, as she slid down

  Tommy's chest, impaling herself on his rock hard prick. She shoved down further, loving the way his cock spread her walls to hitherto unexplored widths. Then she shoved and he shoved and soon it was unexplored depths as well.

  Tommy began to move and she began to move, and she leaned down to kiss Tommy, their tongues frantically exploring each other's mouths. Tommy's hand reached up to knead her breasts, circling her nipples, mashing her gigantic breasts against her torso. Her tongue darted in and out his mouth as he tried to catch it with his lips.

  Her hands found his pecs as she began to ride him harder and harder, faster and faster. She could feel the paroxysm coming as she pumped him harder and harder, covering his open mouth with hers, pushing her breasts against his hard chest.

  You can do it too, the dark voice whispered to Tommy, just breathe yourself into her

  Tommy felt his breath rising as Megan came in a liquid flood, and he poured his seed into her, emptying his balls as he sank closer and closer into unconsciousness.

  But he held his breath.

  Tommy began to rise as his memories began to fade. He became one with the consciousness that pervaded the universe. He sensed robotic consciousnesses spanning entire galaxies as well as the primal consciousness that was present in each quark at dawn of time, long before the stars formed or arrogant creatures walked the surface of a stony world. A consciousness that was always there. Like everything else in the universe, it was constantly recycled, and was far more fundamental than the blind thoughtless matter that he always believed in. And then, suddenly

  He was a dragonfly surfing the ultraviolet wind.

  Megan looked down at Tommy's lifeless body, his mouth frozen in an orgasmic rictus grin. What a waste of a perfectly good hunk, she thought. She probably shouldn't have fucked the guy so hard right after he had drowned. Oh well, live and learn.

  That's when Joni Russell saw the fin swimming toward her. Uh oh, she thought. This is really going to hurt. A lot.

  The End.

  Hole in the Wall

  I was divorced for a few years when my life changed forever. My ex husband Stan had called me on the phone one night to invite me to his wedding. I accepted even though I was hurt because a part of me still loved him. We were married for 20 years. That's like a lifetime for two people to be married. I thought we would be together forever but boy was I sure wrong.

  I had finished a hard day of work when I was in the elevator going to my apartment. I got off the elevator and went to my apartment door when I noticed my neighbor trying to get his key out of his pocket.

  "Hey Zack. How have you been?" He has been my neighbor for almost a year now and I try and talk to him whenever I can. He is probably the most gorgeous man I had ever laid eyes on. I get so turned on whenever I see him let alone think about him.

  "Hi Victoria. I've been good. Had to go and visit my kids up north for a few days." He leaned up against the wall as he talked to her.

  "Well that's nice. I have to go cook dinner so I'll see you later."

  "Would you like to have dinner at my place tonight? As friends of course." She smiled. Of course just as friends. That's all he saw her as.

  "Ok that sounds good. Let me take a shower and I'll come over at around eight."

  "Sounds good. Do you like Chinese?"

  "I love it." He opened his door before breaking the conversation.

  "Alright see ya at eight." He closed the door behind him while smiling at her. I was so happy. I was going on a date with Zack. The man I have fantasized about for ever. He didn't feel the same way but hopefully I can make him feel something then friendship for me.

  Once I got into my apartment, I went upstairs to take a shower. As I was getting the shower ready I stripped down to nothing and looked at myself in the mirror. Who am I kidding? All I am is a middle aged woman. There was no way he would want me. My own husband of 20 years didn't even want me anymore.

  I hate my curly blonde hair. My green eyes were probably my only good feature. I looked down and saw my breasts. At least they weren't sagging yet. There was no way Zack would want someone like me when he could have someone a lot younger.

  He was way better looking then I was. He had crystal blue eyes. Short black hair and a body to die for. He was tall and muscular. Why was he going to go for a woman like me. Oh well I thought to myself as I stepped into the shower.

  After my shower, I did my makeup and got my outfit together. Even if it wasn't a real date, I still wanted to look good. I decided on black pants and a red form fitting blouse. Even if I didn't think of myself as sexy on a normal basis, I felt like I was that night.

  I went downstairs to get a bottle of wine from my collection when I heard a noise. It sounded like it was coming from Zack's apartment. Since our apartment's were so close together, I could hear things that he did. Like if he broke glass or when his water was running. The walls were really thin.

  I went over to where I heard the noise exactly and stopped. I was right in front of a picture frame. Something told me to move it out of the way so I did. When I did I was in for the shock of my life.

  As I moved the picture frame I saw a small hole in my wall. It wasn't really big and it was the first time I had noticed it in the year I had been in this apartment. A good fr
iend of mine had gotten the apartment for me so she probably covered up the hole with the picture and forgot to tell me about it. I was never the one to spy on people but I decided to look through the hole just to see.

  When I looked through the hole it looked like I was looking at a bedroom. I was looking at Zack's bedroom! Now I knew I was always going to think about this while I was sleeping. I felt bad about looking so I was about to stop when I saw Zack enter the room. I stood there and watched closely. The hole was too small for him to notice me I hoped.

  He had this look on his face as he sat at the edge of the bed. As he sat down he started to stroke his cock through his pants. Was he masturbating? That would be so hot if he was. I kept thinking about what his cock looked like. Was it big and thick as I thought or was it small? I didn't know but I wanted to find out.

  Zack pulled down his pants and I could see him grasp his cock in his hand. I couldn't really tell the size of it from were I was but he looked like he was a pretty blessed man. He started to stroke himself harder moving his hand up and down the shaft. He threw his head back and moaned deeply.

  "My god she is so hot. I just want to fuck her brains out so bad." I heard him say as he picked up the peace. He was moaning like crazy by them and I felt the urge to touch my soaking underwear. He was moving his hand even faster until it was over and he came all over the place. His breathing had gone back to normal as he went into his bathroom and got a towel to clean up his mess.

  "God what I wouldn't do if I had a night alone with her." He said to himself. Who was he talking about I wondered to myself. After he was done cleaning up he redressed and left the bedroom. I moved the picture frame back and decided to do this again whenever I got a chance to. I felt like a voyeur but I didn't care. It was hot to see him masturbate. I loved every second of it and I knew I was going to think about it a lot when I masturbated that night.


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