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Climax Taboo Erotic Collection Page 20

by Kelly Fleming

  However, in the 18 years that Liz and I have been together, there's been one thing that I haven't been able to do for her in bed; something she really enjoyed before we met.

  A nice, hard ass pounding.

  We have done anal a few times, with varying degrees of success, but because of my size it's never been what Liz really wants. I can tell by her body language and her reactions when we are doing it, that it's pretty uncomfortable. And we've tried everything; toys to loosen her up, massage to relax her, EVERY kind of lube on the planet. Hell, if someone saw our "Toy box" they would think that we were lube testers, there must be a dozen different bottles in there. As I said, we can do it; it's just that Liz really craves getting pounded nice and hard – the kind of fucking that leaves you vaguely sore the next day. Unfortunately, all we can manage is a slow, tentative coupling that leaves her more than vaguely sore and frustrated, so we haven't tried it for a long time, but I knew it was something that she missed.

  I thought long and hard (pun intended) about our predicament and all of my ideas led me down the same path.

  Enter Peter

  Peter Jarvis was a guy that we both knew from our health club. There was a fairly large, (20-25 people or so) loose group that had been at the club for quite a while and knew each other well enough to socialize. There were married couples, dating couples, single men, single women, straight, gay, younger, older – you get the picture; very diverse and very informal. Once or twice a year someone in the group would invite everyone over for a party – sometimes a special anniversary; sometimes a holiday. It was all very casual and relaxed which is why we enjoy the group (and the club) so much.

  Peter fell into the single, straight guy category in our group. He was late 30's, had never married and, according to him, had never come all that close. The married women in the group were forever trying to fix him up with their sisters or co-workers and the single women in the group usually made it pretty clear that they would be interested in more than a friendship with him. I always admired Pete because he really seemed to have a sense of self. I recall him telling me that while he completely believed in marriage, he just couldn't see himself walking down the aisle. He enjoyed his freedom too much and readily admitted that he was too selfish with his time to get tied down. Pete had dated several of the women in the group (and let some of the wives set him up) and it always amazed me that when the relationships ended he and his former partner remained good friends – there was never any animosity.

  So, with my guts churning, I dialled Peter's cell number from work, asked him if he could meet me for a beer at a local pub and left my last call that day and headed for the pub wondering what the hell I was thinking.

  The churning didn't get any better when I spotted him in the corner booth, a sleeve of Tennant's in hand and one on the other side of the table, waiting for me. I'm sure he was curious why I called; we were good friends and all, but I can't recall ever meeting with him away from the club save for group parties.

  "Hey Liam, how's it going my friend?" Peter greeted me with a warm handshake. "I took the great liberty of having them pull a Tennant's for you – I hope you don't mind!" he said with an exaggerated smile.

  "Man, you were taking a HUGE risk there, buddy! The last time I drank one of these, it must have been, oh god, like at least 16 hours ago! I'm sure I can manage," I said with a wink and a tip of my glass – "Cheers!"

  "Thanks for meeting me, Pete – I didn't know what your schedule was like", I started.

  "No problem, you caught me on a fairly light day," he replied, "I have to admit though, I was a bit surprised that you weren't calling me to set up a squash rematch."

  I chuckled, "Well, we can certainly do that too, but I wanted to talk to you about something else."

  "Of course, what's up – nothing wrong I hope?"

  "No, not at all."

  God, it felt as if I had just eaten a whole box of soda biscuits. My mouth was dry, my insides were shaking like crazy and I could barely look him in the face. I pushed on, "Eyes on the Prize" and all that.

  I said to him, "I was wondering if you would like to spend an evening with Liz and I sometime soon?"

  "Um, well sure Liam, I'd love to – Liz is a fantastic cook and I really enjoy your company."

  I could tell he was kind of confused and why wouldn't he be. I could have asked him for dinner over the phone for Chrissakes!

  "Ah, well, dinner would be part of it, but when I said spend the evening, I meant, "spend the evening." I could feel the colour draining from my face with every word I spoke.

  Mercifully, Pete looked at me and forced me to be more clear. "Liam, you and I have known each other for a long time. I could take what you just said many ways but I don't want to make any assumptions so you are going to have to spell it out for me."

  That was enough to clear my head and quit beating around the bush. I started, "You're right and I apologize. The thing is, I have zero complaints about mine and Liz's sex life, but there is one thing that she craves that I can't give her and I was hoping that you might be able to help us out."

  "What's that?" Pete said, seemingly unfazed by my admission.

  "Well, the truth is, whenever we do anal, it's really not all that comfortable for her and it was something she really enjoyed before we met, so I feel sometimes like I'm letting her down."

  Pete smiled, "I have to admit, that while I don't make a habit of checking guys out, I've noticed you in the change room at the club and remembered thinking that you have probably left a few women sore in your day."

  So far, this wasn't the disaster that I'd feared it might be. "I prefer to think that I left them satisfied, but yeah, I guess a few have had a bit of a hitch in their step the next morning. To be honest, I don't know what the big deal is, it's not like I had anything to do with it!"

  "True," Pete replied," and I have to respect you for that. You are very modest in the change room, not like Tom Pickard – hell; he parades that thing around like a trophy! But, you didn't call me so we could talk about your junk did we? Tell me exactly what you had in mind for Liz."

  Again, I gulped and summoned up all my courage. "Well, as I said, she's told me that before we met she really enjoyed anal sex – and liked it best when it was hard and a bit on the rough side."

  Then it hit me. Here I was giving some of the most intimate details of my life to a guy that could easily just laugh at me or worse, broadcast it among my social circle. I immediately stopped and Peter must have seen the panicked look on my face.

  "Liam, buddy, I want you to know that this conversation goes no further than the two of us – I hope you know that. I have never been one to gossip or kiss and tell and I'm not about to start."

  I thought back to the many times I had heard guys in the locker room trying to get Pete to talk about a girl within our group that he was dating. He would always smile and politely, but clearly say that it was none of their business. He would maintain the same attitude even if the girl left the group and moved away – he seemed to be a consummate gentleman and it made my panic subside considerably.

  "I know Pete, and I respect you for that. That's a good part of the reason that I thought of you when this idea kept popping into my head."

  "Oh, what were there other reasons?"

  "Well, first, you are single. I have no desire to bring another couple or a married man into this. Second, Liz really likes you and I'm sure if I can ever get her to agree to this, she would feel comfortable around you and third; like you, while I don't go around checking out others guys' junk, when I've seen you, I think that you would allow Liz to enjoy herself and not be uncomfortable."

  Pete laughed, "Thanks...I think! But wait a minute, are you telling me that Liz doesn't know that we are talking?

  I replied, "No, because you were the only guy that I would consider, I figured that if you weren't interested, it would be a non-starter and I wouldn't even broach the subject with her. If you are interested, then I would figure out a way to appr
oach her and go from there."

  I looked him the face and said, "Well, what do you think – you interested?"

  Pete smiled and replied, "A guy wants me to have sex with his beautiful wife – anal sex no less – I'd be crazy if I wasn't interested. Having said that, it's not quite that simple – mind if I ask you some questions and set some conditions before I commit?"

  "Of course, I said, I would have misjudged you if you didn't."

  "Well, first, how did you see this whole thing playing out? To be honest, I think that you should be there – I would feel weird being with Liz by myself."

  "That's exactly my thinking as well and I think that she would feel better if I was there and she could see I was ok with it all."

  "Cool, second, I think that we should go somewhere very anonymous – like at least a couple of hours away so no-one accidently catches us walking into a hotel together."

  "Well, two for two – I was thinking somewhere in Collingwood – there are lots of hotels and resorts up there that are very private – how's that sound."

  "Fine by me, but most importantly, I really need to get a comfort level that this tryst of ours will stay completely between the three of us. I work very hard at being a gentleman, with a good reputation and I don't want that to be ruined because of a drunken, boozy slip of the tongue at this year's Christmas party."

  I looked at Pete incredulously, "Jesus man, get out of my head! I'm in the same boat – that's the last thing I would want to come out. Liz and I are very private about our lives and we don't like people knowing our business. Pete, you know that there are no guarantees in life, but I can tell you that keeping this between us three is just as important to Liz and me as it is to you."

  "Ok, fair enough. Liam, this conversation would not have gotten even this far if I didn't believe what you just said. I've always admired how you and Liz completely respect each other and never air your dirty laundry among the group like some of the others do. So...let's say I say yes – what happens next?"

  "Well", I replied, "My idea is to bring it up to Liz and see what she thinks. Knowing her she will either kill me or kiss me – there won't be an in-between – and then I can call you and let you know either way."

  "However you want to do it is fine – for my part I can tell you this. Until I hear something from you, you won't hear anything from me. This conversation never happened – fair enough?"

  "Sure – sounds good." Then it hit me. "Does this mean that you are saying yes?"

  Pete smiled, "Give it some thought man – if you weren't married to Liz and her husband gave you a chance to take her ass – what you say! Seriously, in a twisted way, I really admire that what you are willing to do to make your wife happy. I'm only happy I might be able to help out. Now, I gotta go – I have a date."

  We shook hands and Pete left – hell, the bastard even paid for my beer! I sat there and finished my beer and attempted to digest what I'd just done. At the end of the day, I really hadn't done anything; I really trusted Pete when he said that the conversation never happened unless I took it further. Now all I had to do was figure out how I was going to talk to Liz about this. One thing I knew for sure – I had gone this far today so it was now or never.

  I took my last swallow of Tennant's and headed home for what I'm sure was going to be a very interesting conversation.

  Emma was thankfully at a friend's working on homework when I arrived so all the false courage I had screwed together on my way home wouldn't go wasted. I was determined to see if this was going to work or end today – otherwise it would be in the back of my mind every waking minute until I did.

  "Hey babe," I said to Liz when I found her in the kitchen preparing dinner. "How was the battle today?"

  "Better now that I can spend the rest of the day with you, my love", she replied. "How was your day?"

  "Well, it was pretty normal until the very end." With that, Liz turned to me and with a raised eyebrow said, "Oh? Do tell."

  I walked over to the stove and turned off the elements and looked at my loving wife and said, "I have something I really need to talk to you about, right now, but I need two things from you before I start. First, I need you to know that nothing is wrong – everything is perfectly fine and second, you need to let me completely finish before you start talking – can you do that for me?"

  Liz looked concerned, "Um, ok, I guess..but I have to tell you, with a start like that you are making it hard for me to believe that there is nothing wrong."

  "Baby, believe me there isn't, but you are going to have to patient. What I have to talk to you about isn't exactly easy for me. Please just trust me."

  "Of course I do my love. Whatever this is I can tell it's not easy for you – so you have my undivided attention." Liz took my hand and took me into the living room where we could sit and talk.

  I started, "It's really, really important that you let me finish without interrupting me – and believe me – you will want to. When I'm done if you want to yell, talk, laugh, whatever, fill your boots, but please don't say anything until I'm done."

  I swear this next part came out without me taking a breath – it was like some stream-of-consciousness thing but at least it came out and I said everything I wanted to say. I continued, "Look, I know that you would never, ever complain about something like this, but I know that deep down if you were going to be completely honest with me, you miss not being able to have really good anal sex."

  As I said this, her mouth popped open as if to speak but she remembered what I said and let me continue.

  "We both know that I can't make my dick any smaller and we both know that that's the one thing that makes it tough for you. I know that you aren't comfortable when we try and I know that I've tried EVERYTHING to make it better, but unless we try something different, it ain't going to happen. You may think it's stupid, but I've given this whole situation a lot of thought and came to one conclusion – the only way you are going to be able to scratch that itch is for us to have someone else come in and do what I can't do."

  This time, the eyebrows popped up and her mouth opened but she was able to suppress the urge to interrupt.

  "Trust me, it's not something that thrills me, but what is more important to me than anything else in the world is making you happy and this is one area I can't do that by myself. So..after a lot of thought I settled on the perfect person to assist me in making you happy so today I called him and met Pete Jarvis for a beer after work and asked if he would consider spending a night with us."

  With that, the eyebrows popped, the mouth opened and her hand raised as if she was about to say something. It killed her, but she let me continue.

  I smiled, "I'm almost done, so hang in there. Pete and I had a very frank discussion and he is as concerned about his privacy and reputation as we are. Also, I think that you know and trust me enough to know that I would never approach you with this unless I truly believed it would be a good thing. Pete has agreed to join us, but only if you are completely in agreement and neither you nor I will ever hear a thing about it again from him unless we bring it up. "

  "Now, the last thing before I finish and let you have at it. I want you to know that this whole thing was initiated by me – not Pete. I know that this is way out of the norm for either of us – believe me I know. And finally, whatever you decide, it will not change the fact either way that I love you with every piece of my heart and it won't change one bit how I feel about you. The ball is totally in your court; if you want to continue, fine; if not, it stops here and I will never bring it up again."

  I finally exhaled, "There, I'm done now; and I really appreciate you letting me finish. I know it killed you. Have at me!"

  I seriously had no idea how she was going to react and for once I honestly could not read her expression. I'll admit that when she quickly stood up and came towards me, I wasn't completely sure she wasn't going to slap my face.

  Then, she surprised me.

  She threw herself on my lap, took my face
between her hands and gave me the sweetest, most wonderful kiss I could have imagined. Of all the things I could come up with, this was definitely not one of them.

  Liz looked me straight in the eye," You crazy, silly, wonderful man. I can never believe how much my happiness means to you. My god, to be willing to do this, I can't tell you what this means to me!"

  "Honey," I said, "Your happiness is always important to me. Like I said, it frustrates me that I can't give you this and I know that you miss it – don't tell me you don't – so I just figured that would be the only way around it."

  "I can't deny that sometimes I do miss it, but baby, it was certainly not a problem. But tell me, why do you think Peter is the right guy?"

  "Well, like I said, he's a gentleman, I truly believe he can be trusted to keep it between the three of us and from the observations I've made, he would "fit" the bill nicely."

  The last comment brought a smile from Liz. "Oh honey," she said, "You fit me nicely!"

  "I know, but not in one spot. Listen, I know that I dropped this into your lap and I would bet that your head is spinning right now. Take all the time to think about it that you need."

  "God, it does sound so naughty and so perfect and Pete really is a nice man."

  Being the salesman I am, I know a "buying signal" when I hear one, so I decided to go for the close. "Does that mean you want to do this?"

  "No, it means that I am going to give it some serious thought over the next little while. It also means one other thing."

  "What's that?"

  "It means that all of this talk has me so fucking horny that you need to take me upstairs and fuck me right now!"

  I didn't need to be told twice.

  I grabbed her hand and fairly dragged my beautiful wife up the stairs and into our bedroom. It had been many years since we had been this turned on and in this much of a hurry to rip our clothes off and get into bed. As soon as we were naked, Liz pushed me onto our bed, promptly climbed on top of me and without delay buried my cock inside her.


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