Climax Taboo Erotic Collection

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Climax Taboo Erotic Collection Page 54

by Kelly Fleming

"If I went with you, there are a few things I would insist on."

  "What are they?"

  "First we would have separate rooms on different floors."

  "No problem."

  "And no socializing. We could have dinner together to discuss the day's events, but after that we would each go back to our separate rooms."

  "I agree."

  "Also, no sexy stuff during the day; no touching or flirting with me."

  "Scouts honor."

  "OK I'll go with you but only because Brian is sick." Frank turned his back before she could see his satisfied smile.

  On the plane to Chicago Frank was the perfect gentleman. He found out a little more about her but mainly they talked business. A little while later the stewardess came bye asking them if either one wanted a blanket. Amanda said no we don't. That little bitch still doesn't trust me, Frank thought.

  When they arrived at the hotel, Frank went directly to the hotel check in clerk while Amanda waited for the cab driver to unload the luggage. Frank offered the clerk a hundred dollars to go along with his little scheme. Frank then paid off the taxi driver and they went to the check in counter.

  "We have reservations for 2 rooms; I'm Frank Hawkins and the other room is for Amanda Collins.

  "I'm sorry sir; there has been a slight mix up. We have both of you booked in the same room and the hotel is full because of the trade show. To compensate we have given you a one bedroom suite at the same price, and again I apologize for the mix up."

  "I'm not staying in the same room with you Frank."

  "It's OK Amanda, I'll sleep on the sofa and you can have the bedroom to yourself." That seemed to put her a little more at ease.

  They unpacked and had dinner, with a bottle of wine, in the hotel restaurant. After that they went to the hotel bar and had a couple drinks and discussed their marketing plan.

  "It's getting late Frank; I think it's time we left."

  "Let's have another drink first."

  "No Frank; I know what you are trying to do. You're trying to get me drunk so that you can have sex with me. Well, that's not going to happen."

  Frank didn't think he had been that obvious. They went back to the room and got ready for bed. She changed in the bedroom into her nightie and Frank stripped down to his boxer shorts in the living area. She had the bedroom door closed.

  "Amanda, I'm coming in, I have to use the bathroom." She was sitting at the vanity brushing her hair. "You are so beautiful Amanda; how about a little goodnight kiss?"

  "If I kiss you, will you go away and leave me alone?"

  "Yes Amanda."

  She stood up intending to give him a quick kiss. Frank grabbed her by the waist pulling her body tight against him. He knew she could feel his hard-on. He kissed her hard forcing his tongue in her mouth. She squirmed against him trying to break free. All that accomplished was his cock was now sticking out of his boxer shorts and probing her nightie, looking for her pussy. He held her close massaging her ass.

  "Frank, you sex maniac, let go of me and get out of my room."

  He continued to kiss her and brought one hand around to massage her breast. He could feel her hard nipple pushing into his hand.

  "Frank, I'm warning you, stop touching me or I'll call hotel security.

  Now he brought his hand down to massage her pussy. The nightie over her pussy was a little wet from his precum, but there was more moisture than just that. Her pussy was also adding to the moisture. He was able to get maybe an inch of his finger into her pussy through her nightie and started finger fucking her.

  "Frank let go of me, I mean it."

  He gently pushed her back against the bed, and when she fell backwards, her short nightie slid up higher allowing Frank to get his cock underneath it. He pushed it up to her pussy but he didn't try and penetrate her. He teased her by rubbing his cock head against her pussy lips.

  "Frank, quit that, get off me."

  Her pussy was very wet and he slid into her easily. She might be saying no but her body was saying yes.

  Frank fucked her slowly but deeply, letting her relax and get used to his cock. Her pussy was very wet and she started pushing back every time he pushed in. He didn't think she was even aware of it but she started thrusting against him faster and faster as her orgasm built. She groaned and dug her fingernails into his back as her orgasm hit. Once her breathing returned to normal she said, "You raped me, you bastard; now get out of my room."

  The next morning over breakfast Frank was all apologetic. "I'm so sorry about last night. I was just overcome with your beauty and I couldn't help myself. It will never happen again, I promise. Please forgive me."

  Amanda thought, he does sound sincere, so she said, "I forgive you, just make sure it never happens again."

  They had a good day at the trade show. Amanda enjoyed talking to prospective customers and showing off her product knowledge. Frank could feel the morning tension drain away and she even laughed at his jokes. Over dinner that night he complemented her more. "I have been doing these trade shows for 4 years and this is the best sales day we have ever had. I owe it all to you Amanda, you were a wonderful help with your grace and charm."

  Amanda liked what she was hearing but she still didn't trust Frank. Back in their room Amanda said she was tired so she was going to bed early. She went into the bedroom, locking the door and changed into her nightie.

  Shortly afterwards Frank said, "Amanda, Masterpiece Theatre comes on TV in a few minutes. You were telling me on the plane that it's your favorite show. Come and watch it with me."

  Amanda came out after putting a robe over her nightie. "OK but no funny stuff." She sat beside Frank on the sofa. A few minutes later Frank put his arm around her shoulders and when she didn't object he started kissing the side of her face and flicking his tongue in her ear. Then he started giving her neck little love bites.

  "Frank, quit it; I'm trying to watch TV." He waited a couple minutes and then slid his hand from her shoulder, under her robe to massage her breast and pinch her nipple a little bit. He could feel her nipple instantly get hard. She even seemed to be pushing her breast into his hand a little bit.

  "Frank, leave me alone." His hand left her breasts and slowly made its way down to her nightie covered pussy and massaged her. He could tell her legs opened just a little bit making it easier for him to slip his hand under her nightie and finger her bare pussy.

  "Stop it right now or I'm going to tell my husband what you are trying to do and he will be very upset with you." Frank used first one finger, and then two to finger fuck her. She might be saying stop it but her hips were jerking against his hand and her pussy was very wet.

  "If you don't stop..." Frank cut her off with a kiss and gently pushed her back on the sofa. Again he slid easily into her. She was so wet that it seamed like she had already had an orgasm. This time he did it fast and hard and she was moaning a little. He would pull out completely and tickle her clit with the head of his cock and then ram it back in hard. She was twisting and bucking and squeezing his cock each time he withdrew. He thought that after blowing his load in her last night he could last a little longer tonight but this was an incredible fuck and he came deep in her pussy much sooner than he wanted.

  "Get off me you pervert. Now that you have satisfied your disgusting lust on my innocent body, I'm going to bed."

  The next morning she didn't meet him for breakfast and was cool toward him all morning. By the afternoon she was warming up to him, having Frank join a discussion she was having with a customer or even asking his opinion on occasion. The trade show closed at 6pm and they had dinner with champagne to celebrate. This was the most sales Frank had ever made at a trade show.

  "Amanda, you were fantastic. How you could be sexy, friendly and still make the sale, I don't know but you did it. I thought I was a good salesman but you beat me easily. Maybe the guys were hoping that if they gave you a big order they could get a date with you. I loved that dress you wore that showed a lot of your legs. I was
there to answer any questions but customers ignored me to wait for you. You made this the best trade show ever. Thank you Amanda."

  She blushed a little but Frank could see that she was pleased with his complements and agreed to celebrate with him. After dinner they went to a dance club and Frank enjoyed dancing with her and holding her close. When she said it's time to leave, Frank made no objections. Back in their room Amanda said, "If you want to use the bathroom, do it now because I'm locking the door and going to bed."

  Frank undressed down to his boxer shorts, and was going to watch TV for a little while, when he realized that he had not heard the lock on the bedroom door. He got up, tried the door and it opened, so he walked in.

  "Frank, how did you get in here? Never mind, just leave now."

  "The door was unlocked and I'm tired of sleeping on the sofa. I want to sleep with you," Frank said as he slipped under the covers of her bed

  "No you're not, just go away."

  "But I ache for your hot juicy pussy."

  "Ache all you want but I'm going to sleep and don't you dare touch me," she said turning her back to Frank. He had a raging hard on and there was no way he could get into her pussy from this angle so he put saliva on his cock and humped her between her thighs. Hunching down a little more he was able to brush her pussy with his cock even though he had no chance of getting it in her, but he could feel her ass push back a little toward him.

  "Leave me alone you sex maniac, I told you I'm going to sleep." Frank held her close, massaging her breasts with one hand and humping her with his cock even though he had no chance of getting it in her. He was able to brush her pussy lips with his cock and he could feel her getting wet and little involuntary push backs with her bum against him.

  "My husband is going to be so mad when I tell him what you are doing." This was getting frustrating for Frank. He could feel her pussy rubbing against his cock but he couldn't get it in, so grabbing her by the shoulder he forced her to roll over on her back. She tried to resist him but he was to strong for her. Now he had access to her pussy so he got on top of her and teased her a little by only putting an inch or two in her pussy. She lifted her hips and grabbing his ass she forced him deep in her pussy.

  "Get your cock out of me you bastard. I hate you." It was like as long as she was forced to fuck him, she enjoyed it immensely because her husband or anyone else couldn't call her a slut because she did everything she could to stop him fucking her. Now he did several quick thrusts and then pushed in deep and held it there. He could hear her moan and feel her pussy squeeze his cock. He did this several times feeling her orgasm build and then she dug her nails in his ass and humping up against him she had her orgasm.

  "I hope you're satisfied because I'm going to sleep."

  The next morning she did not appear to be mad at him. She even smiled a couple times as they packed their clothes and headed for the airport. On the plane Frank said, "I had a wonderful time and you are a great salesperson. Our next trade show is in Vegas 4 months from now, and I want you to go with me."

  "Why, so you can just fuck me again?"

  "That's the most important reason, but I also like your company."

  "OK, I'll go with you," she said with a giggle.

  The End.

  The Diffident Muse

  Paula Tate sits reclined on the navy blue chaise lounge. Her legs are stretched out together in front of her, the left ankle just resting on the right, her hands loosely clasped across her stomach. Remaining perfectly still, only her hazel eyes move from time to time, scanning the room she has sat in so often before.

  It is a large, double-height space, with windowless cream-coloured walls. Yet there is no need for artificial light. The gradually weakening rays from a mid-May sun, now getting low in the sky, still pour in through angled glass panes that run the length of the ceiling.

  The silence is almost total, broken only by the occasional mumble from Nathan as he gives one of his evening-class students guidance on how their depiction of Paula's naked form could be improved.

  She enjoys these weekly sessions, because they are a couple of hours spent in total relaxation. That she is unclothed does not faze Paula at all, although that had definitely not been the case when she had begun her life class modelling career almost a year ago.

  Then, fresh out of university and fresh in to a dead-end telesales job that barely covered the rent, she had answered an advertisement placed by the local art college. Paula needed extra money but, as she usually arrived home from work near-exhausted, she did not relish the prospect of trying to hold down a second job.

  So it seemed very appealing, perhaps almost too good to be true, that she could supplement her income by just sitting around. It would also get Paula out of the dingy apartment she shared, reluctantly, with another girl from her office. But a scant knowledge of the art world meant she failed to appreciate that nudity would be a fundamental requirement of the role. That necessity, however, quickly became apparent upon her first meeting with Nathan.

  It was during that interview that she could have - maybe should have - declared her mistake and quickly left. But a desire not to appear stupid, plus a nagging urge to want to do something faintly daring for once, to shock herself even, made her remain.

  Also, completely irrationally given that she could have escaped and never crossed paths with him ever again, Paula did not want Nathan to think any less of her. Despite his slightly affected wannabe-bohemian look of unkempt dark shoulder length hair, goatee beard and too vivid purple paisley shirt, she found herself instantly warming to him, his anecdotes about some of the hopeless models he had used before reducing her to giggles.

  But a reluctance to expose her ignorance of what being a life model entailed meant that she would, in time, have to literally expose herself. And that was something Paula was not used to doing. It was not that she considered herself a prude, it was just that she had been brought up by strict parents who instilled in her the belief that revealing too much bare skin was unnecessary.

  Only during her university years did the realisation hit that maybe she was somewhat repressed when it came to her fashion choices. Indeed, especially during the increasingly warm months that lead up to summer break, her girl friends seemed content to wander around campus in tiny skirts and skimpy vest tops, while Paula remained in her jeans and loose fitting t-shirts.

  In time, and away from the influences of her family, her wardrobe did become more relaxed, although most of these new clothes stayed firmly hidden in the suitcase during visits back home. She even managed to wear a bikini for the first time, rather than the usual swimsuit, when she and five others went on a post-graduation holiday to Crete. Even so, it had taken all of the first week for Paula to feel comfortable wearing so little on the beach, and she could barely conceal her astonishment when two of her friends decided to sun-bathe topless.

  So it was with almost overwhelming trepidation that Paula had turned up to her very first class. Nathan was there to greet her, his kind words of reassurance no match for her nervousness. At one stage, as he lead her to a small, partitioned area in the corner of the studio, she was tempted to confess her fears and run out. Something however kept Paula there: perhaps a fear of wasting everyone's time and looking stupid, or maybe a feeling that doing this could help combat her imposed hang-ups.

  There was no door to what Nathan, without irony, described as the dressing room. Just a tatty curtain across the opening where a door should have been isolated her from the main studio space beyond. Paula undressed as slowly as possible, although the task was difficult to prolong too much, as beneath her un-seasonal overcoat she wore only a thick black pinafore dress over a pale blue blouse.

  It had been Nathan's request that she should not wear any underwear for at least a few hours before her sitting. The impressions that would be left on her skin by an overly tight bra strap or the waistband of her panties were, apparently, details his artists did not need to see.

  So earlier at work,
around mid afternoon, she had slunk from her desk to the ladies' room to remove the offending garments. Walking back into the main office, she unsuccessfully fought off a blush as she sensed - incorrectly - that every set of eyes were trained on her. Surely all of her colleagues had instantly sussed out she was now wearing less than had been the case ten minutes previously?

  In the dressing room, she had been thankful there was no mirror. To have seen herself naked that first time would merely have panicked her. Instead, she reached into her bag to retrieve a thick towelling robe and put it on, also as per Nathan's briefing. Securing it tightly around her waist, Paula allowed herself a wry smile as she remembered it had been a gift from her mother last Christmas; it was doubtful this was ever an intended use.

  Remaining in the dressing room until summoned, Paula could feel her heart begin to pound, and her palms getting clammy. As she was wishing there was a slug of brandy to hand, she heard voices. The exchange of muted pleasantries signalled the students' entry into the studio. Then came the clatter of chairs and easels being dragged across the parquet floor as the budding artists prepared themselves.

  After what seemed like ages, Nathan appeared, poking his head around the curtain.

  'OK, ready to face them Paula?' he asked, smiling.

  'Um... sure, I think,' was all she could say.

  'It'll be fine, just make sure you get comfortable so you don't have to move too much. Oh, and a tip I was given: if you're ever nervous in a roomful of people, just imagine them all naked.'

  Paula's brow just tightened in bewilderment.

  'Sorry Paula,' Nathan continued, 'that was supposed to be a joke to help relax you... I guess it didn't really work. Anyway, come on, time to go.'

  Without another word, Nathan turned around and began to walk, Paula following obediently behind.

  She could only stare at his back for the short journey towards the centre of the studio. Then Nathan peeled off to help one of the students complete their setting up, leaving nothing between Paula and what would be her perch for the next couple of hours.


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