Daddy's Boy

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Daddy's Boy Page 18

by T C Heffer

  "Let's go another route then. There are twenty-three years between you."


  "And that's a lot. It's fine now—hell, as much as I don't relish thinking about it, you might even find it hot—but in ten, twenty, or even thirty years? When Jeremy's approaching sixty or seventy, approaching old age long before you ever do, will it still be fine then?"


  "These are difficult questions, I know, but I'm asking them with your best interests at heart." Pete's Dad reaches over and places a hand over one of Pete's. "I don't want to see you hurt, so I'm making you think about the tough things now. If you don't believe you can handle them, then better you get out now than potentially waste years of your life."

  "I don't know, okay?" Pete gets up from the sofa and walks around to the other side of the coffee table, placing it between him and his Dad. He crosses his arms over his chest, protecting himself. "I don't know if Jeremy and I'll work out in the long run, but isn't that how every relationship is? Nothing's guaranteed, right? Hell, either of us could get hit by a bus tomorrow, so why shouldn't I stay with him and see where it goes? He makes me happy now, gives me what I need now, and I think I do the same for him. And if that changes in the future and we break up? Or my feelings for him change? I don't like to think of myself that way, being that shallow, but if it happens, then it happens."

  "I don't want to see Jeremy get hurt either," the Chief says quietly. "He's still one of my best friends."

  "I'm not planning on hurting him."

  "Like you said: nothing's guaranteed." The Chief runs a hand down his face. He looks suddenly older than he is, the lines in his face more pronounced. "Look, that's the final potential problem that I wanted to bring up, and now that I have, I'm done."

  "You're…done?" Pete asks anxiously, thinking the worst.

  His Dad gives him a reassuring smile, obviously reading him correctly. "Done with the tricky part of this conversation. I just want you to promise me that you'll talk seriously with Jeremy about everything I brought up today. If you can work through it now, it'll only help your relationship."

  "Communication is key," Pete says, reciting what he's heard several times before.


  "Jeremy and I have that in spades—we have to, with what our relationship is—so it'll be fine."

  The Chief stands up as well and walks around the coffee table to his son. "Speaking of that, I have one thing to say about it."

  Pete looks up at him warily. "Say it."

  A second later, the Chief hugs Pete tightly, one arm around his back and the other hand cradling the back of Pete's head. "I don't judge you for it, I'm not disgusted by it, and I don't hate you for it. There's nothing that could make me stop loving you, son, no matter what you end up needing from Jeremy. Even if the nature of your relationship goes…deeper."

  Pete hadn't realised how desperate he was to hear those words until they reach his ears. He raises his arms to embrace his Dad in return and blinks rapidly as his eyes sting and begin to water. "You mean that?"

  "I do. I don't understand it entirely, but it doesn't matter. You're my son, and I love you."

  When Pete speaks again, his voice is hoarse. "I love you too."

  The Chief stays there for as long as Pete needs, letting him be the one who decides when the embrace ends. Once Pete steps back, the Chief returns to his seat on the sofa. "Now that the difficult stuff's out of the way," he says, "I have a couple final conditions. I've already said them to Jeremy, but I'll say them to you as well. One, you don't sleep over at Jeremy's house every single night. I want you to spend at least three nights a week here until you graduate. After that, you'll be moving out anyway for college, so you can do what you want then."

  Pete nods readily and sits back down too. "I can do that. What's the second condition?"

  "I don't want to hear or see anything sexual between you two."

  "Yeah, you don't have to worry about that," Pete accepts with a grimace. "Ew."

  The Chief chuckles. "Then I guess that's it. You're the most important person in my life, and Jeremy's important to me too. I hope you'll be happy together. I really do."

  Pete feels elated. "Thanks, Dad."


  - Wednesday, December 4th, 2013 -

  Jeremy awakens early on Wednesday morning to an empty bed. Pete went back to his Dad's the previous evening, so Jeremy had to go to sleep alone. It shouldn't be a big deal because he's spent years by himself, and it's only been a few days since Pete temporarily came to live with him. And yet, Jeremy misses his boy dearly. It feels wrong to wake up without him in his arms, snuggled close and snoring softly and cutely into the dark hairs on Jeremy's chest. Jeremy sighs and turns onto his back, his limbs akimbo. He doesn't like having this much space to himself anymore, and he already dreads having to get ready for the day alone.

  Showering by himself…

  Cooking and eating breakfast for one…

  Not seeing his boy off to school…

  It sounds terrible.

  In an effort to distract himself, Jeremy reaches for his phone on the nightstand and checks his calendar to see what he has to do today. It's not much. He's got a meeting with his newest client at 12, but that's it. It's a pretty empty day, really, which just means that he'll have even more time to contemplate his sudden loneliness. At least Pete promised that he'd be sleeping over again today, so Jeremy has that to look forward to. It might make the day go by even slower, but it'll be worth it.

  Just as he's about to set his phone back down and go have a shower, the device chimes as a new text message comes in, a popup appearing at the top of the screen. Jeremy's heart skips in his chest when he sees that it's from Pete.

  He can't hit the popup fast enough.

  [BABY BOY / 6:43 a.m.]

  I hate waking up with without you now. Sucks.

  Jeremy grins, happy to know that Pete is feeling the same way as him. He responds.

  [JEREMY / 6:44 a.m.]

  I miss you too.

  [BABY BOY / 6:44 a.m.]

  Seriously, I barely got any sleep. I've just been lying here for the past hour waiting for my alarm to go off.

  [JEREMY / 6:45 a.m.]

  Well that's not good. You need sleep for school, baby.

  [BABY BOY / 6:45 a.m.]

  Not like I could help it. *pouts*

  Jeremy chuckles and shakes his head fondly.

  [JEREMY / 6:46 a.m.]

  Speaking of school, shouldn't you be getting up soon?

  [BABY BOY / 6:47 a.m.]

  Are you still in bed too?

  [JEREMY / 6:47 a.m.]

  Yup. Just lying here all alone with all this empty space.

  Pete doesn't respond for a few minutes. Jeremy assumes that his boy has got out of bed and is maybe choosing clothes or something. He's proven wrong when another text eventually comes in.

  [BABY BOY / 6:52 a.m.]

  Are you naked?

  Jeremy snorts.

  [JEREMY / 6:52 a.m.]

  Yes. Where are you going with this, baby?

  [BABY BOY / 6:53 a.m.]

  I'm naked too. ;) And I have a bit of time to kill before I absolutely HAVE to get up. Is that enough of a hint, Daddy?

  Jeremy's eyebrows rise on his forehead and his dick twitches with interest beneath his sheets. Holding his phone in one hand, Jeremy reaches down and cups himself. Pete has to get to school by 8 a.m., so he was right when he said he had time. Can Jeremy do this, though? He hasn't ever really sexted before, or even had phone sex. After a moment spent imagining Pete touching himself to thoughts of his Daddy, Jeremy decides that, yes, he can definitely do this.

  [JEREMY / 6:55 a.m.]

  Naughty boy. I'm getting hard just thinking about you.

  [BABY BOY / 6:55 a.m.]

  God, I can picture it, Daddy. Your cock all thick and leaking for me…I wanna suck it so bad.

  The thought of his boy blowing him is enough to have Jeremy reaching ful
l arousal. He kicks down the sheets and begins to lazily stroke himself with his free hand. It takes longer to type with just one thumb, but again, they have time.

  [JEREMY / 6:56 a.m.]

  I'm definitely leaking for you, baby. I'm thinking about your red lips stretched around me as you try to get a taste of what you really want. So needy for my come, aren't you?

  [BABY BOY / 6:56 a.m.]

  I have a fantasy. Want me to tell you?

  [JEREMY / 6:57 a.m.]

  Don't tease Daddy, boy. I might tell you to take your hand off of your pretty little cock, and then you wouldn't get to come today. Wouldn't that be a shame?

  [BABY BOY / 6:57 a.m.]

  Noooooooooooo don't do that!

  Jeremy grins deviously. As he types another response, he stops stroking himself and rubs the pad of his index finger over his glans, his toes curling.

  [JEREMY / 6:58 a.m.]

  You'd better tell me this fantasy of yours then.

  [BABY BOY / 6:59 a.m.]

  Fine, fine!

  [BABY BOY / 6:59 a.m.]

  It starts with us eating dinner together on your couch, our bellies nice and full. Then you say that you've got something special for me to have for dessert…

  Jeremy moans quietly to himself.

  [JEREMY / 7:00 a.m.]

  Go on.

  [BABY BOY / 7:00 a.m.]

  You take off your pants and boxers and tell me to get down on my knees between your legs. Without you even having to ask, I take your cock in my mouth, and all of it fits for once because you're still soft. You say I have to work for my treat.

  [JEREMY / 7:01 a.m.]

  God yes, baby. What happens next?

  [BABY BOY / 7:02 a.m.]

  I rest my head on the inside of your thigh and start to suckle, gently at first but then with more force when I feel you hardening on my tongue.

  [BABY BOY / 7:03 a.m.]

  When that happens, I lift my head again and suck you for real. I'm desperate to taste your come because I'm so addicted to it already. You have no idea.

  [JEREMY / 7:03 a.m.]

  Seeing as I'm the one giving it to you, I think I do.

  There's a pause before Pete's next text comes through. Jeremy assumes it's because his boy is giggling adorably.

  [BABY BOY / 7:05 a.m.]

  You put one of your hands on top of my head. You don't force me down on your cock or anything. You just rest it there. It makes me feel cared for and like I have to make you come not just because I wanna drink you down, but because I wanna make you feel good. Like I'm saying thank you with my mouth, but without words.

  [JEREMY / 7:06 a.m.]

  Are you looking up at me?

  [BABY BOY / 7:07 a.m.]

  Yeah, and you're looking at me too. Your face is getting red and your eyes hold mine. I couldn't look away even if I wanted to.

  [BABY BOY / 7:07 a.m.]

  I suck you harder and do that thing you like with my tongue, and that's when I feel your hand tighten in my hair. It's all the warning I get before you explode.

  Jeremy resumes jerking himself off, his hand moving rapidly now.

  [JEREMY / 7:08 a.m.]

  Are you still touching yourself, baby?

  [BABY BOY / 7:08 a.m.]

  Yeah. I'm close.

  [JEREMY / 7:08 a.m.]

  Me too. Keep imagining it, Pete. Just like I am.

  Jeremy waits until his orgasm is nearly upon him before he shoots off another text.

  [JEREMY / 7:10 a.m.]

  I want you to come. Now.

  Jeremy doesn't get a text back, but he doesn't expect one. His phone slips from his hand as he finally comes, painting his own torso with his release. It splatters over his tanned skin and mats into his chest hair, into his treasure trail. The last couple spurts are feeble and end up dribbling down his hand to get into his trimmed pubes too, leaving him a complete mess.

  As he comes down from his high, Jeremy wishes that his boy were there to clean him up. He knows that Pete would love to lick the mess up. With a sigh, he wipes his hand off on the sheets and makes a note to wash them later before picking his phone back up. He still hasn't got another text, so he takes the initiative himself. He types out a few words and then reconsiders, switching instead to the camera app. He brings the phone close to his face so that he can get the right angle, and when his entire body is in frame, from his chest all the way down to his feet, he hits the button to take the photo. After double-checking it to ensure that all of his release is visible, the milky-white fluid contrasted nicely with his dark body hair, he sends it to Pete with a message.

  [JEREMY / 7:14 a.m.]

  Look what you did, baby. Did you come too?

  A few seconds pass, and then his phone buzzes again.

  [BABY BOY / 7:14 a.m.]

  Yes, Daddy. Look.

  A photograph comes in after the text. It features Pete in exactly the same predicament as him. If Jeremy hadn't just come, seeing his boy in such a state might've got him there, possibly without any sort of stimulation.

  [JEREMY / 7:15 a.m.]

  Very sexy, baby. Daddy likes what he sees.

  [BABY BOY / 7:15 a.m.]

  Thank you, Daddy.

  [BABY BOY / 7:16 a.m.]

  This was great, but I should probably get up now. Ugh.

  [JEREMY / 7:16 a.m.]

  You should. I'll deny you your next orgasm if you're late for school.

  [BABY BOY / 7:16 a.m.]

  Know that I'm pouting.

  [JEREMY / 7:17 a.m.]

  I'd bite your lip if I was there.

  [BABY BOY / 7:17 a.m.]


  [BABY BOY / 7:18 a.m.]

  Okay…getting up now. We should do this again next time I don't sleep at yours.

  Jeremy wholeheartedly agrees. He sits up, stretches his arms over his head and then types another text.

  [JEREMY / 7:19 a.m.]

  Definitely. We can even take it a step further, if you want. If your Dad's fast asleep or not there, call me. I'd like to hear you when you come next time.

  [BABY BOY / 7:19 a.m.]

  Okay, Daddy. TTYL.

  Jeremy frowns bemusedly.

  [JEREMY / 7:20 a.m.]


  [BABY BOY / 7:20 a.m.]

  Talk to you later.

  [BABY BOY / 7:20 a.m.]

  Grandpa. ;)

  Jeremy huffs.

  [JEREMY / 7:21 a.m.]

  Don't push it, baby. Have a good day at school. I'll see you this afternoon.

  Jeremy has the urge to finish the text with a declaration of love, but he holds off. He doesn't want the first time he tells his boy that he loves him to be through text—Pete deserves to hear the words in person. Of course, thinking such things leads Jeremy to panic internally. What if Pete isn't ready to say the words back yet, or he feels like Jeremy is pressuring him? It's only been a few weeks, after all, and when he said them before, he was on the cusp of sleep, so it didn't really count.


  He forces himself to take a deep breath and then lets it out again slowly. Such thoughts are toxic and will be what leads to the end of things, not premature claims of love. Pete won't feel pressured or be weirded out, even if he's not ready to reciprocate. He's not that kind of person.

  When Jeremy says those three words, he'll say them without worry, in the perfect moment—whether that turns out to be a moment of great importance or something everyday. Either will work because it's them. And if Pete doesn't say the words back, it won't be the end of the world. Jeremy knows for certain that his boy cares about him a lot already, so Pete'll get there eventually if they keep going the way they have been so far. Jeremy is confident in that.

  Talked down from that ledge, Jeremy looks down at his phone to see a response he didn't hear come in.

  [BABY BOY / 7:22 a.m.]

  Can't wait, Daddy. <3

  The heart makes Jeremy's chest feel warm. It's not the same thing as Pete saying he loves him, but Jeremy is reas
sured anyway.

  Locking his phone, he sets it back on his nightstand and reluctantly leaves his bed. Time to get clean and prepare for his meeting at midday.

  * * *

  When Jeremy returns home at just after 2 p.m., he rips off his tie, undoes the first few buttons of his dress shirt and heads into the kitchen to decide what he's going to cook himself and Pete for dinner that evening. His fridge is getting pretty empty, but after rummaging through it and his cupboards, he finds that he still has enough ingredients to put together a quick beef stew. Before he makes a start at cooking it, he dashes upstairs to change out of his professional attire, lest he get stains on it. He selects a pair of grey sweatpants, a fresh tank top and leaves his feet bare before padding back downstairs and reentering the kitchen to gather together the relevant ingredients.

  Just as he's finished dicing all the vegetables, there comes a knock on his front door. At first, he's bewildered because Pete knows by now that he can just walk in, but after checking the time on the microwave, Jeremy sees that Pete shouldn't be home yet anyway. Shouldn't be here yet, he corrects himself. This isn't really Pete's home.

  Not yet.

  It must be someone else.

  Brushing his hands together to get rid of imaginary dirt, Jeremy walks into the foyer and looks through the peephole on his front door. He sees no one out there.

  "What the hell?" he murmurs.

  Maybe there was a delivery or something and the postal guy left the package on his doorstep. But no, that wouldn't make much sense either because he doesn't remember ordering anything. There's only one way to get an answer, so Jeremy cautiously reaches for the handle and opens the door. For a few seconds, he just stares outside at nothing. There's nothing on his doormat, so the delivery theory is out. Just as he's considering that it was some kids playing a round of Ding Dong Ditch, someone suddenly appears on his left, startling him.

  "Surprise!" they scream, leaping at him.


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