Their Ballerina

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Their Ballerina Page 6

by Darcy Rose

  I lean in, letting my lips brush against her ear while helping her sit up. “I’m sorry for not trusting you,” I murmur, “and I promise I’ll make it up to you somehow. If there’s one thing I have going for me, it’s my word. I never break a promise.”



  This is so weird. But in a nice way.

  “I feel like I should offer you guys something to eat or drink.” Why am I so nervous and fluttery inside? Why do I feel like I’m constantly on the verge of giggling? It’s like these two have turned me into somebody I don’t know anymore.

  But, somehow, I like her. I like this new person I’ve become because the new me is honest, free, and a bit reckless. No, scratch that, a lot reckless. I mean, who just packs their bags to stay with two guys she barely knows? Not the old Payton, that’s for sure.

  I told them my real name, which is still Payton, since I just changed my middle and last name. That part was easy to admit, but telling them about my mom and past was a little harder, but somehow, I felt better after, like a weight had been lifted off my chest.

  Most importantly, they didn’t care—if anything, it’s like they’ve dropped their guard even more when they’re around me. Like they were hiding themselves the way I was hiding from them.

  Now that they know I’m not a threat, they’re almost easygoing. They joke a lot with each other. Granted, I don’t always get the jokes, but at least it doesn’t seem like they’re on the verge of killing somebody all the time.

  “We’ll get something to eat later.” Kane helps himself to a bottle of water from the fridge. When Cash holds up a hand, he tosses a second bottle across the room. “Do you need help getting your stuff together?”

  “I don’t have all that much stuff to get together.” That’s not a lie. I make do, just like I’ve always done. Teachers don’t get paid much, after all. There’ve been times when I had to choose between a new pair of shoes and electricity for the month.

  A piece of cardboard does wonders in a shoe whose sole is worn through.

  I swear, it’s beyond bizarre. These two tied me up yesterday and threatened to take my ass—after taking my virginity—and I’m almost bouncing around. I’d start singing if I had a decent voice. It was one thing to get over Matthew’s death so easily, but this? What does this say about me?

  Maybe I need to stop thinking so much. Maybe I have to stop getting in my own way.

  It only takes two bags to hold everything I need, and I dig them out from the back of the closet while the twins watch TV on my secondhand set—one of those old models that’s not even a flatscreen. “I didn’t think they made these anymore,” Cash calls out from the next room.

  “They don’t.” I laugh. “I found it at a thrift store. It only gets basic channels with the antenna. I couldn’t afford the cable package.”

  Meanwhile, they live in virtual luxury. I’ve been enjoying that luxury, and frankly, coming back to my apartment only makes me cringe now. I knew I was poor, of course. I’m not stupid.

  But it’s one thing to know something and another to have the evidence right in front of your face. I doubt either of them has ever had to shop at thrift stores, let’s put it that way. I’m not complaining, of course. They’ve been good to me in their way. Now that there aren’t any secrets between us and they know I’m not out to hurt them, they’ve even been sweet.

  Though I can’t lie. Being tied up and at their mercy was more than exciting. Even when I wasn’t sure they wouldn’t hurt me. Maybe especially then. I didn’t want to come like I did, but I couldn’t help it. Stopping it would’ve been like deciding I didn’t want to breathe anymore.

  “You okay in there?” Kane’s question snaps me out of my daydreaming, and I stuff the rest of my clothes into the second bag while the first holds my makeup and toiletries. He’s impatient, that one. What would he say if I told him he reminds me of some of the kids I teach?

  Yeah, I’m going to keep that observation to myself. Something tells me he wouldn’t much appreciate it.

  “Just finished up.” I zip the second bag and carry both out to the living room, where the twins jump to their feet and take them from me. Like I can’t carry a couple of bags.

  That’s what intrigues me most about them, I think. They’re callous and murderous one second, then sweet and thoughtful the next. They practically fall over each other to help me. It brings my students to mind again, and I really need to stop making that comparison because there are most definitely parts of their personalities that have nothing to do with children.

  The thought makes me shiver a little as we go out to the car. It’s a nice shiver, a sexy shiver. They’ve woken up an entire part of me that didn’t exist before, and I don’t know what to do with it.

  Something tells me they’d be more than happy to give me instruction if I asked.

  When the question of where to have dinner is raised, there’s only one answer. “I’ve been dreaming about that lasagna,” I admit with a laugh. “I mean, wow.”

  “Rigatoni’s it is.” Cash takes us there, and this time I don’t care so much about the nervous hostess or the people who eyeball my escorts. It’s strange, but now those looks give me a feeling of confidence. Nobody’s going to mess with us. No chance of a guy grabbing my ass or making a comment on my body.

  I know what these two are capable of, and somehow, it makes me more comfortable than before. Nothing makes sense anymore.

  What does make sense is this exquisite lasagna, which I eat just as greedily as I did before. “It’s still so good,” I mutter around a mouthful of melted mozzarella. “I’d kill for this recipe.”

  “Watch what you say.” Kane waits until I glance up at him before grinning. “People might take you seriously.” My cheeks burn hot, and the two of them chuckle before going back to their food.

  “I don’t mean I’d actually—”

  “He knows that,” Cash assures me. “So do I.”

  “Though for real,” Kane adds. “If you could learn how to make this, think of the money we’d save. It’d be so convenient.” I find myself laughing with them.

  Is this what it feels like to not be afraid? How long’s it been since I wasn’t afraid of something, somebody? I honestly can’t remember, and I guess that’s because there’s never been such a time. I’ve always had to worry, to keep one eye open, and be on my guard. Even when I was a kid. I might as well have not had a childhood. I tell them about it as we finish up dessert and feel lighter than I can remember ever feeling as I slide out of the booth.

  Even with so much lasagna and tiramisu in me. “We keep this up, and you’ll have to roll me out of here. Maybe it’s better I don’t know the secret recipe, after all.”

  “Hey, Payton!”

  The sound of my name being called by a girl brings me up short the second we step out onto the sidewalk. It’s dark now, chilly, but the icy gripping my heart at the sight of a girl from the dance studio has nothing to do with the weather.

  “Oh, hey, Heather.” I force a smile as she approaches. She glances at the guys, and her eyes widen, but she’s either smart enough or too scared to say anything. It’s easy to forget how scary they look, especially when they glare at people they don’t know.

  “Haven’t seen you around the studio for a while.” The dance studio. My heart’s about ready to freeze into a solid block of ice.

  “Ah, yeah…” I choke on my words, saying a silent prayer that she is just going to leave now.

  “So what’s up?” she asks, trying to keep her eyes on me.

  “I couldn’t afford the fees,” I offer, and I know how weak it sounds, but it’s the truth. Not the whole truth, maybe, but enough of it.

  “Oh, yeah, they are a bit unreasonable,” she lies. The fees are not bad. I just don’t have any extra money at all. “Did you hear about Matthew?”

  If Cash and Kane weren’t here, silently offering me protection, I might crumble on the spot. As it is, I still have a hard time keeping my voice from
shaking. “No, why? Is he okay?”

  “That’s just it.” She lifts a shoulder. “Nobody knows. It’s like he vanished. He hasn’t been to the studio in a few days, and nobody’s heard from him.”

  “Maybe he went on vacation and forgot to let anybody know?” Yeah, that’s a realistic excuse, isn’t it? “I’m sure he’ll turn up.”

  “I guess so.” She shrugs again. “It was good to see you. Don’t be a stranger!” I’m shaking by the time she’s continued on with her back to us, and Cash has to put an arm around me for support as they lead me to the car.

  What’s wrong with me? There’s a question I’ve asked myself a lot lately, but there’s another reason for it this time. Here I am, laughing and joking and eating when I killed a man two nights ago. Accidentally, yes, and in the process of trying to save myself. But still. That doesn’t change the fact that he’s dead.

  And I did it to him.

  The tension in the car tells me I’m not the only one whose mood shifted, and I’m glad neither of the guys says anything for a while. I don’t want empty condolences right now, and I don’t need to be reminded that Matthew got what he deserved. Only an idiot jumps in front of somebody’s car the way he did. He might as well have asked me to hit him.

  Is that my actual opinion, though, or is it Kane speaking through me?

  “Can you two honestly protect me?” My voice rings out in the otherwise silent car. “I mean, really. She’s not going to be the last person who asks about me never showing my face at the studio again. Somebody’s bound to—”

  “Nobody’s bound to do anything.” Kane’s voice holds that dangerous edge again, the one I heard when we first met. “You have nothing to worry about.”

  I look to Cash, whose jaw is tight enough to crack walnuts. He gives a short nod, eyes on the road. “We’ll take care of you. Nobody will get close to you. I swear it.”

  And I believe him. Whether that’s because I want to believe him or because he’s convincing, it doesn’t matter. I feel my chest loosening, and I can breathe again. Things don’t seem so hopeless anymore. That’s enough.



  I can tell she’s upset after seeing that girl on the street. She laughed and joked around at the restaurant, but by the time we get back to the house, her face has set into a permanent frown, her laughter has died down, and a worrisome wrinkle is etched into her forehead.

  It’s like the prick still won’t leave her alone, even when he’s dead.

  I look at Cash and incline my head toward the stairs. He nods, and I wave Payton on behind us. “Come on. We’ll help you unpack.”

  “I don’t know if I feel much like going through unpacking right now.” Her head snaps up from where it was hanging down a second ago, and her eyes are bulging when they find me. “I didn’t mean I don’t want to unpack at all. I’m not—”

  “I know what you meant.” And I hate that she’s so upset and anxious. “Relax, okay? There’s nothing to worry about. You’re safe with us.”

  “Okay,” she agrees, and we all head upstairs to my bedroom. I sit on the edge of the bed and pat the spot next to me. “Come on. Sit down.”

  She does, but she’s still stiff. “You’re too tense, you know?” I brush her hair to one side and rub her shoulder, working my thumb against her shoulder blade. She’s so small, so fragile. Some people want to break the small and fragile. I want to protect her.

  “That feels nice.” Her voice is softer now. Her eyes slide shut. She barely flinches when Cash comes in from my bathroom with a bottle of massage oil and an armful of towels.

  She opens her eyes once Cash starts laying towels out on the bed, though, and she glances my way after noticing the bottle of oil. “You have massage oil lying around?”

  “It comes in handy.” I stand, then lift her to her feet. “Come on. Let us take care of you.” I’m already peeling off her jacket by the time I finish speaking. Her heart’s beating faster, and every thud sends her scent into the air.

  “Don’t worry.” Cash winks at her from the other side of the bed. “We won’t tie you up this time. Unless you want us to.”

  She bites her lip and looks away, but I notice the way her nipples tighten before she’s even taken her shirt off. She’s not embarrassed. She’s probably wondering how to tell us she wants to be tied down.

  My cock surges to life, and for a second, it seems like a good idea, tying her to the headboard and driving into her until we both go unconscious. That’s not what she needs right now, though. Why do I care all of a sudden about what a woman needs? I can’t remember ever considering that before.

  Payton lifts the shirt over her head, and I don’t give a shit about anything else all of a sudden. Her tits almost spill out of her bra, which comes off with a quick flick of her wrist. My breath catches when those heavy globes fall free. Note to self: fuck those tits.

  “That’s right,” Cash encourages her once she’s naked. “Stretch out on your stomach. Legs together, arms at your sides.” He folds up a towel and places it under her head for comfort.

  I take off my shirt and squirt oil into my palm. “Close your eyes. Just relax.” I position myself by her feet while Cash stands over her head.

  She squirms a little at the touch of my hands. “Slippery,” she whispers with a soft giggle.

  “Relax. Breathe.” My strokes are smooth, firm but gentle. “Let your muscles loosen up.”

  “You’ve got a lot of tension up here in your shoulders.” Cash works them deliberately, fingers pressing against her flesh. “Like you’re carrying the whole world on them. You don’t have to ever feel that way again. We’ve got you. We’re going to make sure you’re safe. Always.”

  “Always,” I agree. “You don’t ever have to worry again.” Meanwhile, I’ve worked my way up her thighs and have the pleasure of digging into her perfectly round ass. The things I want to do to this ass. I take a few exploratory squeezes, my eyes glued to her oiled skin. Cash leans in as his hands slide down her back.

  “Mm… that’s nice…” Payton sounds far away, like she’s floating—until my thumbs slide inside her crack. “Oh, my God, that’s good.”

  “I thought you didn’t like having your ass played with?” I do it again, this time parting her cheeks. It would be so easy to take her virgin hole. I settle for circling it with one thumb before moving up to her back again. She whimpers like she’s disappointed, which only makes me want to tease her more.

  “Let’s do the front.” Cash and I roll her onto her back and reposition her. My mouth waters at the sight of her tits just begging to be oiled. Something in the way I stare at them must clue my brother in since he switches places with me.

  This is what I’ve been waiting for. I don’t bother working my way to them since if I don’t start touching her the way my cock’s ordering me to, I might break the zipper on my jeans. She hasn’t so much as looked at me, and I’m painfully hard.

  She flinches when the oil hits her. “Sorry. Guess I squirted on your tits.” When one eye opens, I smirk down at her. “I couldn’t help it.”

  Does she try to stop me from rubbing the oil in, though? No. And when my thumbs skim her nipples, she arches her back like she’s giving herself to me. Silently begging for more.

  I can’t help myself anymore. I have to taste her. “Open your mouth,” I order, and when she does, I run the tip of my tongue over her lips before plunging inside. She moans, raising her arms so she can run her fingers through my hair. The way she tugs at it makes my cock ache, and soon, I have no choice but to unzip and free myself.

  I look down the length of her body and find Cash settling in between her thighs. “This beautiful pussy.” He laps at it in long, slow swipes with his flattened tongue, and Payton’s hips lift off the bed. He holds them down, forcing her to take the pleasure he’s giving.

  My rod swings close to her face, and she turns toward it like instinct tells her to. “I want you to suck on this.” I take her hand and close it around my

  “I-I don’t know how.” That doesn’t stop her from making a few strokes, and fuck, it feels good. I look even bigger than usual in her tiny hand.

  “Sure, you do. Let me slide it in your mouth, and I’ll help. Relax your throat.” She opens up wide enough for me to make it inside her warm, wet, welcoming mouth. I can tell she’s overwhelmed, but there’s no stopping myself now that I’m inside. I hold her by the back of her head and keep her still so I can slowly fuck her beautiful face. “That’s right. Just keep your lips tight around me.”

  Cash spreads her pussy lips wider and sucks her clit, making her buck and whimper around my cock. I won’t let go of her, though. If anything, I want to be in her mouth when she comes. “That feel good? You like having your clit sucked? What if he fucks you with his fingers while he does it?” Her eyes widen an instant later, and I know Cash is doing what I described.

  Her muffled squeals get louder, more urgent, and I thrust faster until she screams. She’s still half-sobbing when I slide from between her lips, coated in saliva.

  Cash doesn’t waste time stripping down and placing her ankles on his shoulders. Her low, long moan tells me this is what she wants. What she needs. To be used like our slut. To be worshipped and adored and fucked until she can’t take any more.

  “Hold your tits together.” I climb onto the bed and straddle her stomach while Cash fucks her while standing beside the bed. She does as she’s told, holding her oiled globes close together, where they bounce in time with my brother’s thrusts. I slide between them and let out a moan of sheer pleasure.

  “Yes…” Her head rolls back and forth, and my God, she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Sexy, sensual, letting herself go. Only for us.

  I watch as the head slides in and out, in and out, crashing into her chin. “Lick it,” I gasp between thrusts. Fuck, I’m so close already. I’ve got to slow down, but the addition of her tongue against my head is too much. Either I stop, or I finish early, and I need to get inside that pussy. Cash is thrusting harder, faster, and I know he’s ready to go.


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