The Nightwalker Chronicles

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The Nightwalker Chronicles Page 3

by Nancy A. Lopes

  Once their leg was cleaned up, Clara began to slowly bandage up Mackenzie’s leg and made sure she took extreme care as she did. She didn’t want to injure the leg any more than she needed to or risk the possibility of it catching an infection.

  Just then the door opened and in walked Miles and Theo who upon spotting where Theo was standing, rushed over. Miles took a seat on

  Mackenzie’s bed and took their hand, the look on Miles’ face understandably distraught.

  “How could I let this happen?” he asked.

  “It’s not your fault, Miles. If anything, it’s our fault for leaving them,” Ronan replied.

  “You’re right, this is all your fault. How could you have been so irresponsible!” Miles shot back, whipping around to furiously face him.

  “I know and we’re sorry,” Theo said, earnestly.

  “Apology accepted. Would it be alright if I stayed with Mackenzie, just for the night?”

  “Of course. You don’t need to ask. Do you want any help with bringing one of the beds closer?” Ronan asked.

  “No thanks, I’ll be alright. You guys should get some rest,” Miles said, with a small smile.

  “Okay, have a good night Miles,” Ronan said, walking towards the door. His hand was on the doorknob when Miles spoke again.

  “Night, guys.”

  Opening the door, Theo and Ronan left the room, heading towards their individual rooms so that they could get some much-needed rest.


  Roughly about three months of watching Mackenzie slowly getting better, Theo and Ronan walked into the infirmary with two hot cups of coffee in their hands. They nearly dropped them though when they saw that Mackenzie had awoken. Rushing over, they gently placed the cups down on the bedside table and frantically began to look them over to see if they were okay.

  Guys, guys! I’m fine!” Mackenzie said, trying to get the both of them to calm down and back away, with a light laugh and a warm smile on their face.

  “We’re so glad that you’re okay Mac,” Theo said.

  “How do you feel?” Ronan said.

  “Kind of sore. What happened?” they asked, wincing slightly.

  “You don’t remember?” Theo asked.

  “Not really. The only thing that I remember is the Lycan that was standing over me.”

  “Yeah, well it tore into your leg.”


  “I had to grab you and bring you back here, otherwise you wouldn’t have made it,” Ronan replied.

  Theo nodded.

  “Hey Mac, are you hungry?” Ronan asked.

  “Yeah a bit,” Mackenzie replied.

  “Alright, tell you what. I’m gonna grab some food and see if I can find

  Miles,” Theo said.

  “Okay, thanks.”

  Getting to his feet, he pulled both Mackenzie and Ronan into a quick hug and left.


  When Theo had left, Ronan turned back towards Mackenzie.

  “Is there anything else I can get you?” Ronan asked.

  “Can we watch a movie?” Mackenzie asked, smiling slightly.

  “Of course, we can. Just let me get everything ready.”


  Ronan walked over to where an old-looking television was placed against the far-left wall which was just opposite to them. It came with a player as well as the film canisters placed upon it. Picking up the first film, he put it into the player and started it. Once the film was in, Ronan took a seat on one of the other beds and soon they were enjoying the film. They laughed, cried, but overall, they thoroughly enjoyed the two films.


  Two hours later, they were playing cards when Cole walked in, a concerned on his face and his hands in his pockets.

  “Hey, son, what brings you here?” Ronan asked.

  “I wanted to check in and see how Mackenzie was doing. Dad, if you wanted to grab something to eat, you can. I’ll look after them while you’re gone,” he said.

  “Are you sure?” Ronan asked.

  “Yeah, it’s fine. Go right ahead.”

  “Thanks, son,” he said, with a grateful smile.

  He got to his feet, hurrying out the door and towards the kitchen. When his father left, Cole turned towards Mackenzie with a smile on his face.

  “So, you want to play a round of cards?” he asked.

  “Sure, I’d love to.”

  Over the course of the past hour, the two of them played a rousing game of cards.


  About a few hours later, Theo and Miles walked into the room and saw Mackenzie sitting up, playing cards with Cole.

  “Where’s Ronan?” Theo asked.

  Cole turned towards Theo his spot on the hospital bed.

  “Hey Uncle Theo, I told him to get something to eat. He looked like he could use it,” he replied with a smile.

  “Alright, I’ll just stay here then. Oh, Mackenzie, I brought you some food to eat,” Theo replied.

  “He passed them a plastic bag that was filled with several tupperwares of food. Opening it, he removed each container and headed them to Mackenzie.

  “I got all your favourites, Mackenzie. I hope you like them,” Theo smiled uncertainly.

  “Thank you for all of this, it looks so good,” Mackenzie said, gratefully.

  Mackenzie began to eat from each of the tupperwares, which contained a variety of foods from salad to a small bowl that had a delicious pasta with bits of chicken in it that was drizzled in mayonnaise, while another of the bowls had some French fries and onion rings in it. They continued to go back and forth between containers until they finished them.

  “Thank you for all this. It was delicious, I loved everything. I really appreciated it,” they said.

  “You’re welcome, Mac. It’s my pleasure.”

  When Mackenzie had finished, they put all the tupperwares aside just as Miles pulled them into a tight hug.

  “I’m so glad to see that you’re better.”

  Mackenzie nodded.

  “Yeah, I think so. I really appreciate all this, guys. I should be ready by tomorrow,” they said.

  “That’s good.”

  Theo had gotten to his feet over the course of Mackenzie and Miles’ conversation and walked over to one of the windows in the infirmary and looked out at the now night sky.

  “Hey guys, it’s getting late we should get going. Mac, we’ll come back in the morning to pick you up, okay?” he said.

  “Alright, night guys. See you tomorrow,” Mackenzie said, smiling.

  Cole and Miles pulled Mackenzie into a hug and wished them goodnight and left. Finally, Theo pulled Mackenzie into a hug.

  “Get some sleep. I’ll be back in the morning.”

  “Okay, night Theo,” Mackenzie replied, with a small smile, snuggling into their sheets, just a bit more.

  “Night Mac,” Theo said, placing a gentle kiss on their forehead and stepped back walking towards the door, giving Mackenzie one final wave. He then opened the door and left, closing it quietly behind it.

  When he got back to his room, he got into bed and soon fell asleep afterward.


  T he following morning back at the infirmary, Mackenzie awoke and got ready. They decided to wear blue jeans today and their usual favourite green top, black leather jacket, and black

  combat boots. They didn’t have to wait long for Theo to arrive as he soon came into the infirmary, his hands holding two cups; one with tea and the other with coffee.

  “Good Morning Mac. Want to get breakfast? I think Miles asked one of the ladies to make a delicious breakfast for you,” Theo said, with a smile. He passed the cup of tea to Mackenzie while he, in turn, held onto the coffee.

  “Really? Wow, I need to thank him,” Mackenzie replied, with a smile, taking the tea, gratefully.

  “Let’s go, then.”


  A few minutes later, both of them were downstairs in the dining room. The
beautiful oak table that was situated in it had plates of pancakes and other things, bowls of various things as well as a few pitchers of several beverages such as milk and juice.

  To Mackenzie’s absolute elation, they saw that Miles had stayed behind to wait for them. Taking a seat, they began to take a little of everything; all the food that had been laid out had been laced with blood.

  “All of this is so delicious!” Mackenzie said, looking at Miles, gratefully.

  “Thank you,” said a woman who was standing near Miles, lips curled into a warm smile.

  She was African-American, had lovely light brown eyes and short wild mahogany brown hair and was thin and had kind features.

  “You made all this?” Mackenzie asked, surprised.

  “I did.”

  “Thank you. As I said, it’s very good.”

  Miles placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder, smiling warmly.

  “This is Sarah, she made all the food that’s here,” he said.

  “It’s nice to meet you. I hope you’re comfortable here,” Ronan said.

  “I am. Thank you, your excellency,” she said.

  “Good. Hey Miles, I was thinking about looking through the city again to see if we can find anyone else,” Ronan said.

  “That sounds like a wonderful idea. Did you just want us to go or will we be going with anyone else?” Miles replied.

  “If it’s alright with you, I’d like for Theo and Mackenzie to go with us.”

  “Are you okay with that, Mackenzie?”

  “Me? I’m alright. I’d like to go into the city too,” Mackenzie replied.


  They had gone to the city’s south side and came across one of the hospitals there. Opening the doors, they took extreme care in entering the building. Suddenly, they heard voices coming from a separate part of the foyer they were in. Feeling curious, the four of them followed the voices until they found the source of it. Standing in front of them, wearing black hooded robes that had red trim, was a small group of young men who were watching them, wearily. Mackenzie was shocked when they saw their brother, Chase among them, now looking years older.

  Chase, who was now 18 years old, and now stood at six feet tall. He had short windswept raven black hair and usually vibrant blue eyes that seemed to have dulled over some time.

  “Chase is that really you?” they asked.

  The stoic look that Chase had on his face dropped for a moment and was replaced with one of confusion.

  “Do I know you?” he asked.

  “I’m your sibling, I’m Mackenzie.”

  “I don’t have a sibling.”

  “Yes, you do!”

  “But he said I didn’t have any family.”


  “Dylan, the man who took me in.”

  Mackenzie knew that they had to do something to help Chase out and fast since what mattered now was helping their brother remember. They didn’t waste any time in speeding over to him and carefully approached him.

  “I think Dylan lied to you.”

  “What, that can’t be!” Chase exclaimed.

  Mackenzie gently took his shoulder.

  “It may be. Look at me, really look at me. Don’t we look alike?” they asked.

  Chase slowly looked at them, this time really looking at them. Finally, they knew that they had gotten through to him when recognition swam into his eyes.

  “Mackenzie how?” he croaked out.

  “It’s so good to see you, baby brother,” Mackenzie replied, carefully pulling Chase into a hug.

  “Same here. I can’t believe Dylan lied to me.”

  “So, you’ve been staying with him?”

  Chase nodded.

  “Well, now that you found me you don’t have to stay with him.”

  “But I do, Mackenzie.”

  “Why do you feel indebted to him?”

  “You know why,” Chase replied.

  Mackenzie thought for a moment, trying to figure out what they could do to possibly help Chase.

  “Hey, Mac, why don’t I stop by once a month every month? That way no one will suspect me stopping by and visiting,” Chase asked, jostling them out of their thoughts.

  “Are you sure? I wouldn’t want you getting hurt.”

  “Don’t worry about me, Mackenzie. I can take care of myself.”

  “You shouldn’t have to, Chase.”

  Suddenly though, there was an odd rustling noise that was close to where they all were. The others ran off so unfortunately Chase and Mackenzie had to cut their conversation short.

  C’mon Mackenzie, we have to go now!” yelled Theo, from behind them.

  “I’ve got to go, Chase, we’ll see each other soon?” Mackenzie asked. “Soon. I love you, Mac,” Chase replied with a small smile, pulling them into a hug. Finally, they pulled apart and went their separate ways.

  Mackenzie looked back once again over their shoulder and saw that a Lycan had emerged from the bushes.


  Half an hour later, they decided to see how things were at the castle and found to their absolute horror that it had been burned to the ground. Reaching where the remains now were, Ronan began to look around frantically; he needed to make sure everyone was alive and well. He felt like he was going to sob in relief when he saw that Clara was alive. Running over, he pulled her into a tight hug.

  “Where is everyone?” he asked his daughter.

  “Those of us that could get out is over there,” Clara said, leading her father down a path that was near the west wall of where the castle once stood.

  Those that had managed to survive stood in a small group off to the side as they approached them. Aaron who had been standing with the others walked up to him and placed a hand on Ronan’s shoulder, a grim expression on his face.

  “What happened Aaron?” he asked.

  “We don’t know Ronan, just that the castle is gone. Everything is gone,” Aaron said.

  “Do you know where Xavier is? I need to speak to him.”

  “He went to go check on everyone and see if they were alright,” he said.

  “Okay, I’m going to go find him. I’ll be back,” he said.

  Ronan got to his feet and began to move around their group, looking for Xavier; He found him a short while later speaking to Miles.

  “Hey guys, can I speak to the both of you?” Ronan asked.

  “Of course,” Xavier replied.

  “Sure,” Miles replied.

  “Do you guys have any clue what happened?” Ronan asked.

  “The castle just burst into flames. If it wasn’t for Xavier and Aaron, I think we might have died to be honest,” Miles replied.

  “So, you didn’t see who caused the fire?”

  “No, we didn’t see anyone. We only saw that a fire had spread throughout the castle when we arrived here,” Xavier replied.

  “If you’d like you guys can stay with us, it’s the least that we could do,” Miles said.

  “Would you really let us stay with you?” Ronan asked.

  “Of course. Anything you need, it’ll be there. We promise.”

  “We’d love to. Just let me tell everyone, okay?”

  “I’ll do it, Ronan. Don’t worry, I’ll be right back,” Xavier said, speeding off in search of the others.

  “It should be fine with them, we don’t really have any other options, to be honest.”

  “What should be fine with them?” a voice said from behind Ronan.

  Mackenzie had walked over to them, curious as to what they had been talking about exactly.

  “Well?” they asked, tapping their toe impatiently.

  “Miles asked if he would like us to stay at their village since the castle is now gone,” Ronan replied.

  “The village, that’s still around?”

  Miles nodded.

  “Do you remember Richard? he’s still there. He’s the one who’s been looking after everything, while we’ve been over here.”

y? that’s good to hear. When are we going to be heading over?” Mackenzie asked.


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