Yesterday's Darkness

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Yesterday's Darkness Page 19

by Carl Henegan

  “You know,” he started. He leaned in closer to make sure she was able to get a whiff of his cologne. “They say when a woman wears shades indoors that she is unconsciously waiting for a gentleman to ask her to see her eyes. Once he looks into them, she will capture his heart,” he finished.

  Even he almost could not believe the genius impromptu line. He flashed the million-dollar smile then waited. The lines, impromptu or rehearsed, were always full proof. He considered this deal closed.

  The woman didn’t even flinch when he spoke as if she had not heard a single word he said. Her thoughts seemed far away and in another dimension. He still held his smile waiting for his words to sink in.

  Finally her hand moved unhurried as she reached up to pull off her shades. She folded the frames then carefully placed them inside of her purse. Her next movement turned slow turn in the man’s direction. The blank look was void of any emotions.

  Steven’s diamond smile tarnished in an instant. Easing back into his seat he felt as if the rug was pulled from under him. Years of studying all the aspects of body language couldn’t prepare him for her disagreeable stare that she continued without words.

  Steven pulled out a magazine that was stowed away in compartment in front of him. He broke eye contact then flipped though the pages portraying interest in the outdated Women’s Daily issue.

  He misjudged his target; this was definitely not the type of woman that one could just pick up. He felt as if she had a personal inner resentment for him that was resolute. This one had been scorned and if hell had no fury, even Satan would have trembled if he could have seen the way she looked at him.

  He got the message. When she was satisfied that he understood she returned to her private thoughts. Out of the corner of his eye he watched as she reached inside her purse then pulled out a gold bracelet then held it gently.

  She gazed at it as if it held some deep memories. She flipped the locket on the gold bracelet opened and inside was a small photo. Steven could see a portrait of a man embraced with a younger version of her.

  He stared at the small photo out the side of his eye. She sat with it in her hand gazing at the picture. Also on the small picture was a scene from Red Square in Moscow in the background.

  She closed the locket then shoved it back into her purse. She quickly wiped her eyes then turned back to the window. Steven felt positive that tears were flowing and was not about to disturb her for the rest of the flight.

  Feel sorry for that guy. She’s going to kill him if she ever gets the chance.


  Less then seven miles separated the Addison Airport from the Memphis bar but Mike never used it. As close as it was, the facility sat outside of his pay scale, way outside of his pay scale. Addison Airport mostly serviced owners of private and corporate jets not people who still cringe at paying for business class. The airport never worked for people in Mike’s tax bracket but the extremely affluent, the airport remained ideal.

  Many wealthy and well-connected individuals passed through the private airport but few were as powerful as the one that would enter on this day. On this particular Saturday morning a sleek silver Rolls Royce Phantom limousine pulled up to the Addison Airport’s outside curb. Right behind the limo a black suburban with dark tinted windows pulled in behind it. The owner of both of the vehicles sat in the rear of the limousine taking on his cell phone. He dialed the number to his personal pilot. Only two words were said, “I'm here.”


  * * *

  On the opposite side of town in Plano, Mike approached his ex girlfriend's home. The mother of his son lived just 30 minutes away from him. Before he could make it up the cement path the front door swung open with his son Danny rushing out to great him.

  "Hey Dad! We were up all night and guess what? Me and Wiz-" Danny started.

  "Wiz and I," Mike corrected with a smile.

  "Yeah right, both of us, anyway, um, yeah we played X-box till four in the morning then he beat me, then I won two games, then-"

  "Woooe, woe, slow down! You’re going to blow a head gasket. Let me guess, you guys snuck some coffee in didn't ya?" Mike didn't need a confession; Danny’s guilty expression told it all. Plus he knew that Danny loved to sneak in coffee during his stays at his home on weekends. Mike didn’t care if he got a cup every now and then but Danny’s mother hated it when he drunk coffee.

  Mike laughed. “Ok don’t worry I’m not gonna bust ya this time, you’re lucky your mom didn’t see you bouncing off the wall like that.”

  With the door still opened wide Mike could see his ex walking though the house with the phone cradled between her cheek and shoulder. She looked up and waved from the distance; Mike waved back. Aside from the short talks concerning Danny, that was the extent of their relationship, a wave and a wave back.

  She continued on with her phone conversation. Willard and John came running out the door.

  “Hey Mr. Andrews!!” The two boys yelled out in unison as they ran pass him fighting for the best seat for the ride to San Antonio. They were just as hyper as Danny.

  More caffeine victims, he thought with a smile. They knocked one another over twice before finally making it to the suburban.

  * * *

  From inside the car, Kelly watched on with a smile permanently fixed on her face. She loved the way Mike playfully brushed his son’s hair. It made her feel warm inside.

  She laughed lightly as the other two boys stumbled over one another on their way to the car. After a struggle at the rear door, one of the boys fell down which allowed the red head with freckles to jump into the back seat first.

  She he saw Kelly he froze in place. His stunned look let Kelly know that he had no idea she was already in the car. His mouth stayed gapped opened as she looked back at him from her front passenger seat.

  “Well hello there cutie!” Kelly said.

  He remained wide-eyed and silent. The next little boy jumped into the car.

  “Thanks for knocking me down butt breath!” he said.

  The playful insult was about to be followed with a continuation of more till the comatose red head elbowed him. He looked over to see what his friend’s eyes were locked on. Both boys now sat frozen staring at Kelly.

  By the time Mike and Danny entered the car, the boys were still catatonic. Mike laughed when he saw the sight so elected to speak for all of them.

  “Kelly this is my son Danny, sitting right next to him is his friend Willard but everyone calls him the Wiz. And the red head there is their friend John. They’re usually a little more talkative but I’m sure they’ll come around.”

  Kelly giggled. “Well you are three of the most handsome men I have ever seen.” Kelly then winked at the boys continuing to spread her effortless charm. “I just don’t remember the boys being this good looking when I was ten. I bet you three have a ton of girlfriends.”

  The boys’ faces transformed into an instant shade of glowing red. Each one sat a little taller.

  “Looks like you won the boys over,” Mike laughed. He started the engine. “Now if you boys don’t mind, could you put on your seat belts?”

  Kelly winked at Mike. “How long of a drive do we have handsome?”

  Mike lifted an eyebrow. “So you’re trying to charm me too now?”

  “I don’t know? Do I need too?”

  Mike lifted his shoulders, “Perhaps, but to answer your question I calculated that the drive will take close to seven hours.”

  Along the way the boys stayed well mannered while still being typical boys. Arguments broke out about everything from the toughest out of Jet Li and Jean Claude Van Damme to who would win a fight out of the Hulk and Iron Man.

  “When I was that age it was all about the sights along the highway,” Mike said to Kelly.

  “Same here. Times, they change huh?”

  The boys spent more time debating on what movie to watch on the car’s DVD player then looking at the sights. Not that they w
ere missing much. The highway lined with the common Texas views of flat farmland scattered with trees. The only excitement came when the Wiz would spot a sign with the amount of remaining miles. He took the information calculated the time remaining before they would arrive in San Antonio.

  “Now I see why you guys call him the Wiz,” she said to Mike.

  Kelly also quickly figured out that John would be the one in which they would need to keep close tabs. John had manners but was just one of those kids who adored mischief. At the next truck stop John slipped away from them as soon as they turned their heads. Mike eventually found him thumbing through a playboy magazine.

  Mike gave John a stern scolding about disappearing then gave him a pretend choking to ease the tension. John seemed to get the message but Mike had little confidence that he actually did. The others were never a problem.

  Mike and Danny exchanged playful punches at one another every chance they got. The close bond made her feel warm inside since this was a side of Mike that she had not seen. She found his natural ability with kids very attractive.

  Anyone could see that Danny centered Mike’s private universe. Back inside of the car thoughts of Mike and Danny’s bond remained in her head. Nice, very nice.

  * * *

  As Mike, Kelly, and the three boys traveled along highway 35 South, Mike a sign pointing toward Killeen sat next to the highway. The now infamous army base stood only a few miles from where they were driving past. The sign made him think of the shooting that occurred there by the now convicted officer who for what ever reason lost it.

  He thought of how life could be so very unexpectedly short sometimes. How many families remained after the shooting that never had a chance to enjoy trips like the one he was taking at that moment. He sat in silence in a private show of respect for the victims and their families.

  Kelly looked over at him noticing his distant gaze. “Mike, you ok honey?”

  When Mike turned to answer her, he saw something he had not noticed before. Her warm smile and concerned tone allowed him to see the true beauty inside of her.

  “I’m fine, just thinking about the club,” he lied.

  “Oh, the club is fine relax, you’ll live longer!” she said.

  “Look a jet plane!” the whiz said from the read seat pointing into the air.

  * * *

  Thirty thousand feet above them, a private jet directed its course for San Antonio International Airport. The owner of the plane sat in his seat looking out the oval window. A blanket of white clouds stretched endlessly across the sky as the private jet sailed over them. One of the four men that traveled with him walked over with his gun exposed under his coat.

  Weapons were never an issue on private planes. Guns didn’t need to be concealed beneath their jackets, everyone on the private flight were carrying weapons. When he was handed a single sheet of paper he looked over it, reading the private details of Michael Andrews’ trip. The information included the bar owner’s San Antonio hotel reservations as well as his room numbers.


  Seven hours and fifteen minutes after they left Dallas, the suburban pulled into the parking garage of the Omni La Mansion Del Rio Hotel. Mike and Danny had been there before but still marveled along with everyone else at the historic building. To no one’s surprise, the Wiz had already done his homework and gave everyone historical facts and details about the hotel.

  “This building was constructed in the mid eighteen hundreds by four brothers as a private school. They were a part of the Society of Mary,” he said.

  “What exactly is a society of Mary?” John asked.

  “I’m not too sure but I think it’s some sort of religion.”

  John leaned back looking around a far corner. “So you think the place is haunted?” he said.

  “I wouldn’t doubt it a bit. But it was a school, so if the ghost is anything like you, I bet they don’t wanna hang around to learn anything!”

  Danny burst into laughter. John punched the Wiz in the arm for the remark.

  “Boys!” Mike warned.

  They entered the lobby and all of them twisted their heads admiring the structure. The hotel’s design filled with the splendor of Spanish architecture. The combination of brick walls and dark wood gave its visitors the impression of an elegant home rather then a hotel. The decor masterfully brought the past into the present with unmatched quality.

  Mike walked to the desk to retrieve the room keys. After getting the keys they made their way down the twisting hallways to their rooms. The narrow corridors composed of brick walls that were left in place to maintain the antique ambiance of the hotel.

  Kelly moved closer to Mike. “I wonder about the many students passed through these very hallways over one hundred and fifty years ago?”

  “I was thinking the same thing Kelly. Talk about historic huh?”

  “I know this place is enchanting,” she said then whispered. “I am so happy now that I feel like I am about to burst.”

  Inside the actual adjoining rooms, the hotel didn’t disappoint. The room design contained a taste of Spanish styled furniture mixed with the modern trappings of a large flat screen TV and fully stocked mini fridge. Again the mix of old and new was perfectly balanced.

  Dark wooden beams protruded out of the ceiling. The exposed bare wood extended horizontally across the length of the room’s vaulted ceilings. The taupe walls and cream carpet blended into the dark paisley design of the thick curtains in an ideal color combination.

  Kelly parted the curtains to reveal a breath taking view of the famed river walk below. Visitors crowded the network of walkways along the San Antonio River along with a countless bars and restaurants.

  Much like the hotel, the cement path managed to blend in a mixture of the past with the present. Modern bars lined the river’s concrete course with thick trees, rich shrubbery and old world styled bridges.

  “Mike,” Kelly said. “This is one of the most romantic things I have ever seen.” She reached over to hold Mike’s hand.

  Kelly and Mike could hear the ruckus sounds of the boys in the adjoining room. Their endless energy took a shot of adrenalin with their arrival in this mini paradise. The dynamism level of three ten year olds was enough to power the entire city of San Antonio.

  Mike’s eyes widened when the sound of one of them falling to the floor was followed with laughter from the others.

  “Good lord I wish that I had just a portion of the energy those boys always have,” he said.

  “You and I both,” Kelly smiled.

  “After the sun sets”, Mike said. “The river walk will become about as wild as the boys in there.”

  Kelly looked out over the balcony again. “Thanks for inviting me Mike. I’m already having the best time I have had since coming to Texas.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. You’re going to have to deal with four boys all weekend,” he smiled.

  “Oh, I think I can handle you guys. Can’t be any harder then dealing with half drunk customers all night right?”

  Mike laughed, “You got a point but I’m not sure about that. John is a hand full.”

  “They’re all sweet Mike. They’re just boys. I bet you were worse,” she said with one lifted eyebrow.

  Mike scratched his head. “Come to think of it, I think I was.”

  Kelly nodded. “I thought so but glad you grew out of it. I’m not really into the bad boys.”

  “Whew, I thought you were gonna leave me for John there for a second,” he joked.

  “John? No way, now as for your son Danny, I may be willing to wait another ten years or so for him,” she winked.

  Mike laughed again. “Ok fair enough. Let’s head out and walk around soon. I’ll give you guys a tour of the river walk so you can see the city up close and personal.”

  They left the room and moved back through the hallways. A few turns later they came across a back exit that led out of the hotel and on to the picturesque r
iver walk.

  The long path extended on and on passing by restaurants, bars, stores and small shops. Occasionally, flat bottom river boats would pass them filled with tourist and a bullhorn wielding tour guide belting out historic information.

  The boys excitedly pointed out all the eye-catching features lined along the river. They walked in front of Mike and Kelly in their own excited pre-teen world.

  Kelly also pointed out sights with the youthful excitement of a child. The dynamic landscape only added to the beauty of the La Mansion Del Rio Hotel as well as the other hotels that set on the river’s concrete banks.

  Mike recalled the visit before as being fantastic but this time it was even better. Before they knew it, they had veered away from the river walk to the downtown section of the city.

  They walked by even more stores and shops along the city streets of San Antonio. Just a short distance later all five of them stood silently directly in front of Texas’ symbol of freedom. The Alamo glowed in the bright lights.

  * * *

  A deeper affection for the structure spread among all five of them. A kindred sprit dwelled inside of Mike as memories of crossed connections surfaced in reference to the symbolic nature of the building.

  The story of the Alamo was an ageless tale; David verses Goliath, against all odds. The two hundred men that defended it knew that the stand was much more then defending the building. They risked their lives for what they believed in knowing that it was greater then themselves.

  The Wiz pulled on Mike’s coat taking him away from his thoughts. “Mr. Andrews, what ever happened to the one?”

  “The one?” Mike said.

  “Yeah, you know I read that the Colonel of the Alamo knew that they were out numbered.”

  “Yes, I think they sent for more troops to fight Santa Anna but only a few came,” Mike said.

  “Right, but I read that after the Colonel knew that he didn’t have enough people he drew a line in the dirt and said whoever wanted to stay and fight to cross the line,”

  Willard continued.

  “Yeah, I remember reading something like that.”

  “So what happened to the one?” Willard asked again.


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