Whatever Arises, Love That

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Whatever Arises, Love That Page 5

by Matt Kahn

  Exploring the Akashic Records

  It was during this moment of acceptance that I was called into a meeting with the Archangels and Ascended Masters. They had something wonderfully important to share that produced a feeling of excitement in my body. I was asked to close my eyes, and as I did, my consciousness was immediately whisked off into a different location. As soon as I arrived, what I saw looked like the Lincoln Memorial with huge white pillars.

  An intuition told me I had arrived at the Akashic Records. From my perspective, it appeared to be a huge library. I was told that every book I saw contained the soul contracts of each lifetime and every personal encounter. Once the wisdom occupied in each contract was understood and fully absorbed by that individual, the Ascended Master or Archangel assigned to their soul’s journey cleared the contract out of that person’s book. This process seemed like a recurring graduation ceremony that constantly welcomed brand-new chapters of growth and expansion into one’s life.

  While I received this instant download of information, I walked to the top of the stairs toward a glowing light table adjacent to the entrance. The Ascended Masters and Archangels were standing there rejoicing in my arrival. I remember thinking how surreal it all was. As they stood in front of me, beaming with admiration, it gave me the impression I was about to graduate to a new level. That was true, but I had no idea the level of revelation they were about to show me.

  Almost on cue, they reached under their chins and lifted up their faces as if they were wearing masks at a masquerade party. Underneath each mask was a reflection of me. I remember gasping as I saw this. “They are all me!” But, even as I saw myself underneath each mask, something wasn’t clicking into place.

  I immediately said, “I don’t get it.”

  We Are You — Awakening the Master Within

  My main guide, Melchizedek, filled me in with the following response: “We are not only what you are becoming; we are what you’ve already become. We are agents of the divine, who have stepped back in time to visit ourselves in spiritual childhood.”

  When I heard those words, a lifelong heaviness I never knew I was carrying lifted off my shoulders. It also helped me see each person, no matter how kind-hearted or emotionally damaged they seemed to be, as seeds of divinity growing into their true masterful potential. From that point forward, I knew my intuitive gifts would be used to serve the highest destiny of the Universe by awakening the Master in every heart.

  This is why I honor our timeless meeting and remain delighted to share these powerful insights in celebration of the Master who awakens in you. Whether you know it or not, the mystery of your own existence has been inviting you inward since the dawn of creation. With love as your guide, now is the time to answer the call.

  No matter the details or circumstances consuming your attention, the light of your highest potential can now be revealed.

  Four Simple Words

  Despite all of these experiences, it is my belief that my spiritual journey did not truly begin until I was in my midtwenties. Prior to then, I was a very empathic child with pronounced intuitive abilities, having many vivid experiences of awakening that many people to this day continue to chase and pursue. Yet, in my midtwenties I had a very clear realization. I realized that no matter how many mystical experiences I had, no matter how deeply I could feel into the people around me, or how clearly I could transmit messages that positively affected so many lives, those were not actual benchmarks for my spiritual evolution. I began to see that despite my abilities, I was still very much fighting and negotiating with life in the same way those who hadn’t had any of those experiences were.

  It helped me to put into perspective that while I was having those transcendent experiences, I knew in my heart that I could not define myself by them in any way. Instead, I needed to establish a new spiritual benchmark for myself. I quickly began to see how often I would fight or negotiate with life as a sign of how infrequently I trusted in the faith of the divine plan. While I continued to share the intuitively guided messages that came to me in front of larger groups, something even deeper was blossoming within me.

  During that time, I remember talking to the Universe and saying, “May I be a conduit of awakened consciousness. May I heal what is unresolved in every heart, and may I bring forth what will finally satisfy my desire to be the One I already am.”

  Within a few days, a response came during a dialogue I had with the Universe, in the form of four simple words: “Whatever arises, love that.”

  Based on my open line of communication with my spirit guides, I could have very well asked for some clarification. On the other hand, what’s so interesting is that even though I could have called upon their guidance in any given moment, the most extraordinary experience often was to feel my way into it. It’s kind of like forgetting the end of a movie you’ve already watched just so you can experience it again for the very first time.

  I didn’t really want to know what was meant by those four words; I just wanted to test it out, to see what would be revealed. So I took these words literally: Okay, Universe—whatever arises, love that. On a walk around my neighborhood, I saw a flock of birds fly by and I thought, Well, that got my attention; that’s arising, so I said, “I love you.” Part of me didn’t know if that was right, but I just followed the impulse since I felt the love of the garden inspiring me to move in that direction.

  I continued walking around my neighborhood and saw a city worker who was using a jackhammer at a construction site. It startled me, and I thought, Well, that’s arising. Love that! And so I sent an “I love you” silently to the city worker in view.

  I continued to send love to anything that got my attention. As I did this, I began to see every person, place, and thing as works of art on exhibit in the museum of divinity, where I was both a visitor as well as a work of art on display. The more love I sent to whatever captured my attention, the more I felt the love of the garden coming alive in me. As love was offered, the more I recognized who I really am—an innocent expression of divine will and not a person in search of it.

  By following the instructions of those four simple words, I realized myself to be life’s eternal liberator, instead of a person waiting to be liberated from the pitfalls of life. I quickly began to see that everything in life was orchestrated by the highest intelligence of the Universe. From one moment to the next, it only brought forward the experiences that triggered emotions that had never been loved by anyone else. As I would love these feelings in my body, I could also intuitively sense that I was embracing the feelings that were unresolved in all bodies. I began to see that as I healed myself, I was transforming the fabric of reality for the well-being of all.

  Despite having many life-changing awakening experiences, that practice was the most fulfilling of all. It even satisfied the constant hunger of my deepest spiritual desires. The more I loved whatever captured my attention, the more vivid of an awakening was revealed. I remember when this occurred during another walk in my neighborhood. It was as if I walked around my block and the one who started the walk never returned.

  While my body made a loop around the neighborhood, the one who thought he was taking each step simply didn’t come back. I was aware of breathing, moving, and feeling, but there was no sense of self defined by it. There were just experiences arising within a spaciousness brimming with the feeling of being back in the garden. There wasn’t even a sense of this being an amazing experience since there wasn’t anyone it described—good, bad, or otherwise. The one thing I remember when this happened was that it felt like the Earth stopped moving or as if time suddenly vanished. The most surprising part of all was how comfortable this felt without my knowing why or even having a need to question, contemplate, or understand.

  Shortly after this experience, I heard what I thought was an explosion. While investigating to see if I was hearing the sound of gunshots, I realized that the sounds turned out to be something exploding in my own head. I wasn’t afraid or panick
ed, just naturally open. As the explosion occurred, it felt as if my entire sense of self was oozing out of my ears like warm liquid light.

  From that point forward, I no longer had any sense of who I was as a person. Even deeper than the experience I had walking around my neighborhood, it was as if all reference points of who I am and what I’m not completely ceased to exist. And yet, there was an “I” that remained—an infinite “I” that was nothing but radiance masquerading in form. This “I” was here to bring forth the divinity of others, as a way for the Universe to consciously play in the ecstasy of its own immaculate presence.

  As magnificent of a realization as that seemed to be, it didn’t feel as if my consciousness was done expanding in any way. If anything, those experiences accelerated in frequency, with no foreseeable end to what was being revealed. At that point in my journey, I didn’t know those experiences were merely the beginning of an even greater recognition of truth that would occur a few years later. As it unfolded, it honored everything I had ever learned by showing me a depth of clarity that made everything I knew completely obsolete.

  That wasn’t done to destroy my treasured insights. Instead, it assisted me into a brand-new level of consciousness where I wasn’t bound by any degree of knowing or burdened by the wisdom I had previously learned.

  To make matters even more surreal, a profound awakening, even greater than the ones I’ve just shared, occurred while I was eating dinner at a restaurant. All of a sudden, everything began to change. The sound of voices from the patrons sitting at other tables started to echo in my ears. It was as if they were all expressions of my own consciousness while appearing around me as a play of different characters.

  I began looking around at the people at nearby tables and noticed every physical trait and emotional quality seemed oddly embellished. It was as if everyone was molded out of this strange energetic clay. I remember looking at everyone around me and having the thought, They are trying so hard to stay in character, but this isn’t who they are at all. It was as if their human identity had become a façade where everyone was working diligently to maintain some sort of personal image.

  At that point, the server presented me with the fish tacos I forgot I had ordered. As I looked at the plate, I saw particles of vibrating energy that gave the appearance of a solid plate of food. I also witnessed these same particles in the table, throughout my body, and within everyone at the restaurant. Soon, the vibrating particles appeared to be a formless blanket of energy with everything somehow appearing within an all-encompassing misty energy field.

  I began to laugh at the simultaneous nature of my experience. Here I was eating a plate of fish tacos, while on an energetic level, nothing was happening at all. Couples could laugh, babies would cry, servers could drop entire trays of food, and nothing disturbed the field of energy. I began to see every person as a creative way in which energy was expressing itself—from the mundane to the outrageous. Because I was seeing this from an energetic position, I realized my “self” to be the entire field of energy. As this field, each person, place, and thing celebrated my own infinite potential in physical form.

  It wasn’t a sense of I am doing this from a belief in personal control. It was a direct realization of “I” as the eternal One in all. As perfectly timed as could be, the server approached my table and asked how my fish tacos were. I remember laughing and saying, “Beyond belief.” She smiled and scurried off to the next table as I sat back and marveled at the cosmic irony of life.

  Imagine: she’s having her experience of a satisfied customer while I’m watching the entire Universe come alive in a restaurant where others are eating and conversing among themselves. At that point, I realized how we are each living in our own worlds, while interacting within the same eternal space. It was at that defining moment that I acknowledged the two-fold realization of truth. We are One in our essence but remain different as individuals. Between these two extremes, your journey is revealed.

  Just as I had reached such a defining moment of clarity, the experience continued to open up way beyond anything I had ever known or could ever imagine. As it occurred, I received an intuition instructing me to go home and rest. I sensed that I would be spending the evening integrating this powerful realization on an energetic level.

  I remember walking to the car and feeling the gravitational pull of the Earth’s orbit so strongly I had to hold onto other cars as I made my way through the parking lot. As soon as I got home, I wrapped myself in a blanket and called it a day. I intuitively knew my life would never be the same, so I just allowed the Universe to do what needed to be done.

  At that point, everything dissolved into emptiness. I no longer existed in a world of any kind. I was nothing. As nothing, I felt intermittent waves of ecstasy and terror. As I explored those sensations, I realized I wasn’t actually in ecstasy or terror at all. It was the memory of how life used to be compared to how things were right in that moment that caused those waves of conflicting emotion to erupt.

  I then realized that sensations of emptiness only seemed like nothing when compared to memories of something else. As I understood this, both ideas of emptiness and something in form equally dropped away.

  There was nothing but emptiness with no one to claim or deny it in any way. It was an absolute void space—absent of location, description, quality, or distinction. There was no fear, no loss, no grief, no pain, no pressure, or any idea whatsoever.

  I instantly realized, I am a void of nothing that is void of nothing.

  To my amazement, what remained was the most intimate sense of self that had been here all along. Instead of being a person with a lingering remembrance of visiting the garden at a young age, I was the garden of divinity itself. While “decorated" as a person living in a world, in truth, I am an eternal space through which all things come to life. I remember seeing so obviously how the void, which is the Source of all things, witnesses everything by being it all.

  I thought, Maybe if I just hang out here, I’ll be whisked away into another character or adventure. As I waited, nothing happened. Then waiting disappeared, along with every idea I had ever imagined. Soon everything faded to black just like a character dying in a movie.

  I didn’t exactly know what was happening, but I had a sense that death had come. It was here for me, and I was ready to make it easy for death to do whatever it does. For some reason, I had never felt more comforted. I was completely aware of myself without reference points or limitations of any kind.

  Even though it felt like a brand-new beginning, I couldn’t help but feel like something within me had come to an end. As I drew in what might’ve been the final breath I’d ever take, I surrendered to death once and for all.

  At that moment, my final thought was Lord, take me—I’m yours. It was at that moment that my ego was laid to rest once and for all.

  As I lay there surrendering myself to death, nothing else happened. The void of nothing that is void of nothing remained while the body relaxed into sleep. As the void, I watched the body sleep from within the body. I noticed I was aware of sleeping, but I was not asleep at all. I was an everpresent aliveness aware of however the body seemed to be.

  The next morning, I woke up wondering if everything that had transpired the night before was some sort of dream, but as it turned out, the experience of being the void was just as prominent as the night before. With no other alternative, I closed my eyes and gazed into the emptiness of existence.

  I thought, Maybe this is it. Maybe I’ll just spend an eternity in this all-consuming space. Nearly right on cue, out of the silent depths of an eternal void emerged a spontaneous desire to know one’s self. As this desire blossomed, a beam of energy emanated out of nowhere and transformed the void space into an endless field of light. Within the light, every person, place, and thing sprouted into form. It was here to play out, in endless dimensions of time and space, every characteristic, situation, and outcome in existence.

  I was the void, the desire to
know itself, the field of light birthed out of it, and everything within it all at once. As I gazed into the beauty of form, I saw the light within each person, place, and thing like a sunray expressing the radiance of its Source. At that point, I was intuitively told, “The light of all is the soul of One. The soul of One is the One I AM.”

  I was both the nothing through which everything came into existence, everything appearing in its earthly form, as well as the love that embraced it all.

  This life-changing recognition also brought forth an intuitive knowing of “resurrection” as an essential stage of growth throughout every journey. This helped me understand death as a doorway into the paradise of resurrection where nothing but love remains.

  For many who inhabit this planet, the willingness to enter the doorway of death and be reborn as the light of love in form remains a central theme in the journey of awakening. Whether you are a grocery store checker, a stay-at-home mom, an executive, or even a lifelong spiritual seeker, we have arrived at an exciting chapter of human evolution where consciousness is awakening without the body needing to dissolve. With love as your guide, every stage of your journey, including the dissolving of ego and the resurrection of the soul, can unfold with clarity, compassion, peace, and ease.

  Your Heart as the Center of the Universe

  With love leading the way, your heart can be seen as the center of the Universe. From this space of recognition, you may realize: through the heart that you embrace, all things are transformed.

  Whether you stop in moments of turmoil to support your innocence through unexpected change or in the aftermath of devastating loss, you always have the power to expand your consciousness, simply by taking the time to honor yourself more often. Even when everything seems fine in your life, you can always stop throughout your day, knowing the love that you cultivate is always sent to all hearts in existence.


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