Whatever Arises, Love That

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by Matt Kahn

  When not engaging your innocence with the attentiveness that a loving parent offers a child or the respect of honoring that child as the wisdom of the Universe, you unknowingly remain at odds with your heart, which amplifies the noise in your mind. Since your mind tends to be as noisy as your heart is closed, making peace with your innocence remains paramount to the evolution of your being.

  To make peace with your inner child once and for all, please repeat the following healing mantra:

  Dearest inner child, I’m so sorry if you’ve felt ignored, abandoned, ridiculed, or denied in any way. I’m sorry that anyone has ever hurt you. I’m sorry if I have put you in a position to be around those who threatened your safety, unaware of your experience, while I attempted to be fed by those I now realize were never designed or destined to fulfill me.

  I apologize if your pleas for my attention were overlooked, ignored, or misinterpreted as symptoms that I must fight, clear, dismantle, or transcend throughout my life. I see that whether disguised as my personal assistant, my imaginary guardian, or the insistent life coach who lives in my head, you were only attempting to capture my attention just so you, my beloved heart, could spend some more time with me.

  I’m so sorry you’ve had to work this hard. I accept that the pain of my life is not based on the circumstances I face, or determined by what I think I lose, or rectified by what I gain, but on how out of alignment I am in loving you the way you deserve to be loved. I apologize for how often I rush through life without keeping in mind the rate of speed that makes you feel safe.

  As of this moment I vow to love, honor, and adore you as never before and to regularly speak the words that you have always wanted to hear. Even if they are words you’ve already heard, I will speak them more often with renewed passion and enthusiasm. And the words that were so painful for you to hear, from whoever shaped your reality from the past, will no longer be words I say to you or anyone else. From now on, I realize that what I speak to another is a love letter sent to you, my sweet inner child.

  I want to let you know that even though it looks like I’m talking to others in the world, I am not denying you in any way. When I am acknowledging you, all things are healed. When I am cherishing others, it is you I am honoring.

  I acknowledge you, my inner child, as the vulnerability of my heart and the center of my Universe. I welcome my highest destiny as a way of honoring and celebrating you, the most important and crucial element in my journey. From this moment forward, I will carry you with me wherever we go, together as One, for the well-being and liberation of all.

  My dearest inner child, I want you to be a more active part of my life. I need you to help me complete my journey. You have an important role to play. If you open up and accept this moment as a new beginning in our relationship, I will love you as you were always meant to be loved. As I affirm your important role throughout my evolution, you will no longer have to work so hard to fight for my loving attention, acceptance, and approval. As of this moment, I surrender to love by letting you lead the way. I love you.

  Whether these words inspire a new beginning within you or continue to crack apart the density that can no longer divide you from your heart, it is your willingness to be in tune with your true innocent nature that sets the stage for life’s profound miracles to be revealed.


  Everything Is Significant

  AS GREATER COMMUNICATION is established with your inner child, the mind and heart merge so that you can remember your eternal nature once and for all. As everything is met with relaxed heartfelt focus, you begin to see how quickly things can transform. Just by bringing a more engaged attention to the circumstances in view, you are becoming an open window of divinity that invites the winds of change to heal everything in sight.

  Beauty: The Divine Nature of Love

  The natural impulse of love is to acknowledge the existence of divinity in all. When love recognizes its divine origin, this is known as beauty. While it is common to associate such a word with attractive physical characteristics, recognizing beauty in this new way honors a moment in time in which the divinity of One discovers the truth of all in another.

  The more often you view your life through the eyes of divinity, the more beautiful you tend to feel. This may help you see the truth of beauty as a spiritual acknowledgment of cosmic innocence in physical form.

  The more openhearted, gentle, and innocent anyone tends to be, the more beautiful they appear. Even when the ups and downs of life have overwhelmed the lives of those around you, the ugliness of their cruel behavior helps you acknowledge someone who is desperate to be supported and encouraged at a more intimate level. Instead of trying to change someone’s experience or imposing spiritual ideas onto others, you can invite the beauty and innocence of their divine nature out of hiding just by reaching out in a more thoughtful way.

  If you already see the innocence in others and beauty in the world, this simply acknowledges how spiritually aligned you already are. Once this level of alignment is active in you, I invite you to take it even one step further by turning your instinctive awareness into an inspired spiritual practice so even those who hide their innocence behind defenses, pain, criticism, and selfishness can remember how beautiful they were always created to be.

  Just by catching a glimpse of something that passes you by, you are acknowledging the innocence and beauty of its existence, simply by allowing it to come into view. This is the gift of significance. Whenever life is honored with significance, every person, place, and thing can be celebrated for the vital and equal role it plays throughout the divine plan. Since everything is composed of matter, the consciousness within each form remembers how important it is—when invited to be seen. As you realize the powerful gift of significance that can be offered to the world, the beauty and innocence of all begins to shine through at a more accelerated rate.

  Perhaps the characters around you are more likely to treat you with respect and honor your divinity when they are offered the gift of your loving approval. What if your waiting for a person’s behavior to change before taking the time to cherish their existence is precisely why they lash out? In the love revolution, a tendency to withhold attention fuels the flames of personal conflict, whereas loving the hearts in view invites something deeper to the surface. This doesn’t excuse cruel behavior or justify toxic relationships in any way. Providing you are in a safe environment that does not threaten your innocence, it is your willingness to witness and speak to the beauty of all that reveals a truth beyond description.

  If, however, you find yourself regularly threatened, dominated, betrayed, manipulated, or abused by others, you can honor their innocence, as well as your own, by removing yourself from volatile environments. Without anyone to control or hurt, a more potent healing journey can unfold once another person’s cruelty is no longer distracted by the radiance of your being.

  Becoming Rooted in the Body

  From a spiritual standpoint, love is an instinctive act of acknowledging something as divine in nature, no matter how it may appear to you. When such a depth of truth has dawned in your heart, everything will be recognized in this beautifully breathtaking way. This includes an understanding that any moment you fail to see the divine origin of anyone is the exact moment that life invites you to stop and remember what is divine about you.

  One way to remember the nature of your divinity is by offering more significant attention to the parts of yourself that may often go overlooked. The more often your body is cherished and adored, the faster it transforms.

  What if you began referring to your body as beautiful, no matter how it functions, has been judged by others, or has been perceived by you? Just by saying “Hello, beautiful,” you’re not only creating a greater connection between the mind and heart but celebrating the truth of your body as divinity in form.

  Since your body is the Universe, you can greet each part with “Hello, beautiful” as a way of sending infinite blessings and waves of healing energ
y to every corner of the cosmos.

  If you notice any kind of embarrassment bubbling up when saying “Hello, beautiful,” this is an unsuspecting sign of spiritual evolution. From a cosmic perspective, the awareness of embarrassment represents the mask of ego cracking apart. Even though it might feel intense or uncomfortable, the presence of shyness or embarrassment confirms how courageously your innocence is attempting to open up.

  Can you sense a difference in how relaxed you feel when showing renewed interest in your hands, organs, legs, fingers, or other parts of your body? Notice how each part is committed to maneuvering you through time and space to serve the joy of your highest destiny. As each part plays a significant role in your journey, why not take a moment to say “Hello, beautiful” to it? Beyond the immediate sensation of shyness or embarrassment, you may notice how extraordinarily whole you become when all parts of yourself are equally acknowledged.

  This also sends an important message to your innocence that frees it from creating problems or imbalances just to be on the receiving end of your loving attention. When we were children, it might have been common to have felt the most kindness and care from others when we were sick or in pain. That often can create a subconscious belief that invites the body to manifest pain or illness as a way of inviting a greater connection with those we love. The majority of illness and physical pain acts as critical stages of spiritual growth, where the physical body takes the time to catch up and become more aligned with the rapidly expanding consciousness of the soul. It’s amazing to see how more healthy, aligned, and balanced you can be whenever loving attention is freely offered on an unconditional basis.

  It’s not as if someone with an illness should cause you to think, They must not love themselves enough. That would be an unfortunate judgment projected upon someone whose innocence needs more support and encouragement through critical stages of growth and expansion. And yet, when loving what arises is a way of supporting yourself, throughout each gain and loss, your body no longer has to use imbalance or desperate behavior as a way of seeking the power of your approval.

  When you acknowledge yourself with “Hello, beautiful,” you’re informing your heart that it no longer has to create problems, manifest dramas, or sabotage any aspect of your life in order to earn the attention that you can freely provide. Whether as a way of greeting your innocence in the morning, acknowledging the efforts of your body at the end of the day, complimenting yourself regularly, or giving blessings you share with others, “Hello, beautiful” remains an effective way to bring forth a new spiritual paradigm that inspires the world to heal.

  This is what it means to start your own love revolution. It is discovering the courage, passion, and desire to reveal your divine qualities, incredible talents, and remarkable abilities for the benefit of all—at the rate in which loving yourself becomes your most deliberate spiritual practice.

  Pain and Illness as Catalysts for Transformation

  While it might seem easier to love your heart once you feel safe in your body, it is taking the time to connect with your innocence that allows true safety to be found. There are two crucial ways to help you feel safely rooted in your body no matter what you encounter throughout life. The first is always being honest with yourself by admitting how you feel. When lost in ego, it can seem difficult to come to terms with your feelings and easy to point the finger of blame at circumstances that seem to get in your way. As you wake up, you recognize each perceived obstacle, setback, and distraction as a cleverly orchestrated catalyst of transformation created to ensure your highest evolution. One of the more revered and yet misunderstood divine catalysts is the sensation of pain.

  Pain, whether arising as physical, mental, or emotional discomfort, acts as the recurring signal of an ever-expanding consciousness. No matter how uncomfortable or inconvenient it seems, the intensity you feel confirms that an important transformation is taking place. Because of how unexpected, stressful, and tumultuous such moments of expansion can be, it is quite normal to make an attempt to fight, avoid, or ignore the pain you’re in or seek out remedies to make the pain subside. Even so, I am not suggesting that you pretend to enjoy the pain you’re in, but that you open up to the healing effects it is sure to provide.

  As a catalyst of divine will, part of pain’s role is to make you more honest with yourself about the things you can’t control. It is a faithful agent of truth that resurfaces in life to help you become more open, receptive, and vulnerable instead of fearful, desperate, and defeated.

  If pain were to have its way, you might acknowledge moments of difficulty by allowing yourself to admit, “I’m in so much pain right now, and I don’t know what to do.”

  You might confess, “I’m in absolute pain right now, and I hate every minute of it.”

  Surprisingly, your innocence won’t feel rejected as long as you are being honest about your circumstances. Your inner child only tends to feel rejected when you either move away from pain or blame yourself for it. In fact, the more transparent you are with yourself, whether pain is present or not, the more your innocence develops a voice that allows your heart to open.

  While it’s easy to believe how much more open your heart would be if you weren’t in so much pain, a more fundamental truth can be discovered once you stop fighting against the forces of nature that inspire greater honesty. Even if you were to say, “I despise this pain,” you are confessing the truth of your experience with conscious intention. It doesn’t have to be eloquent or projected onto others—it just needs to be the most sincere confession you’ve ever made.

  Once pain has invited a greater depth of honesty to the surface, perhaps the next step is acknowledging the one who doesn’t like to be in pain as the next one in line to be loved. If you’re not ready for such a step, you can just admit how you feel. It may require you to admit, “I hate this pain so much. All I care about is making it go away.”

  Whatever is true in your experience, the most loving response is resting in the grace of honesty to give yourself space to heal until something deeper opens up. One honest confession at a time, you are able to relax in the presence of pain so you can honor the one who resents the experiences they cannot control or avoid. Just as you’ve learned to do with difficult emotions, each moment of adversity becomes an opportunity to breathe slowly into the center of it, which allows everything around the pain to soften and relax.

  Whether overwhelmed by pain, frustrated by circumstances, or coming out on the other side of a tumultuous healing journey, the transformative power of pain offers you full permission to be honest with yourself as a way of accelerating the process. As always, before you can cultivate the integrity to be open with others, you must first be honest with yourself. When you open up to honesty, your innocence always feels safe and secure, no matter how much discomfort there may be.

  Whether healing righteous, victimized, entitled, or needy inflammation out of your energy field, the ego often maintains a position of insisting, “It’s not fair.” While it’s normal to sense a lack of fairness when facing a pain that cannot be controlled, this reveals a timeless opportunity to grow, expand, and evolve beyond the limitations of conditional existence. As that occurs, you won’t just be on your best behavior as long as everything goes your way or traumatized when unexpected circumstances come into view. Instead, there is a more intimate flow of perfection that carries you beyond every breakdown to discover an inner radiance that shines as the brightness of all.

  Embracing Confusion

  The second way to be safely rooted in your body is by embracing confusion as an unlikely ally. Often when confusion is experienced, it is interpreted as a sign of needing to seek out clarity, healing, and resolution. Through the eyes of the Universe, confusion is not the opposite of clarity but a gateway into the greatest wisdom ever known. Confusion occurs when all of your preconceived ideas, definitions, and reference points get displaced.

  If your life were a metaphor of a book, then confusion would be the spontan
eous ability to lose your place in the story with a renewed interest in venturing forward without attachment to previous chapters. Because losing your place in your personal story is precisely the way that deeper discoveries come to life, confusion is not something to fix or avoid in any way. Rather, it is the very space in which your greatest awakenings are revealed.

  In the blink of an eye, you may find yourself suddenly astonished by the actions of another, not realizing that they have been placed in your reality in order to bring confusion to the forefront of your experience. If embraced as a divine catalyst of growth and expansion, you can allow confusion to help you lose track of grudges that you’ve been carrying from the past.

  While the strategy of using confusion as a tool for growth is simple, it’s not always easy or comfortable to experience. With love as your guide, you can embrace confusion, not as something to understand, but as a space void of any understanding whatsoever.

  For some, having nothing to understand can feel intimidating or unsafe. Yet, if you relax into not needing anything to conclude, figure out, or keep straight, your consciousness expands to see how everything is known for you—not by you. This doesn’t mean you are refusing to understand, but rather that you are transitioning into allowing understanding to find you, instead of you pursuing it on a regular basis. This means you will always know everything you need to know, at exactly the moment you need to know it.

  In the beginning stages of a spiritual journey, your progress is determined by how much more you understand. In the higher stages of evolution, progress can be recognized by how much of your gathered understanding has been integrated. The more wisdom integrates, the more it seems to vanish from your memory. It’s as if the Universe inspires moments of confusion to remind you what is no longer needed to be known as you round the corner into newer chapters of evolution. Often, the understanding that brought so much comfort at an earlier chapter in your life becomes a new reference point for ego at a later stage.


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