Whatever Arises, Love That

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by Matt Kahn

  This helps you realize how spiritual discovery doesn’t minimize the importance of love in any way. It clears out every distraction or misunderstanding so there is nothing in the way of loving yourself—no matter who you insist you are or aren’t anymore. The further you explore the truth of existence, the more aligned in love you become.

  In fact, the more transcendent an experience, the more willing you are to support your body, honor your personality, and admire the world as magnificent decorations of divinity.

  Whether disguised as spiritual righteousness, victimhood, entitlement, or neediness, it is only the childlike heart masquerading as newly created spiritual personas that fight for the very attention that only you can offer. Even when you feel expanded, contracted, or somewhere in between, and no matter how often you meet your own liberation face-to-face, each moment inspires you to embody the highest vibration as a transmitter of heart-centered consciousness.

  The Ultimate Surrender

  As your awakening dawns, it is quite common for your experiences to seem less than the fairytale romance you may have hoped they would be. Instead of being immersed in never-ending bliss or having the ability to respond consciously in every interaction, there is a palpable emptiness that can make you feel quite helpless if you are without a clue as to what is going on.

  When you wake up, your attachment to ego dissolves out of your energy field. As attachments to ego evaporate, you are suddenly unable to be fed by the people, places, and things that previously defined your existence.

  In ego, it is easy to imagine the notion of caring as a response to the people, places, and things that feed your identity. That means as you wake up from the need to be fed, it can feel like you no longer know how to care about the things that used to be the center of your Universe.

  Without a clear sense of knowing how to care, and in the absence of needing to be fed, your reality can quickly turn into a bleak and lifeless desert of personal boredom. Imagine: nothing that used to define you provides any surge of significance or fulfillment while your long-awaited new way of being has yet to be revealed. It’s very much like an existential stage of purgatory. It’s not as hellish as the pain you’ve known in the past, but it still feels miles and miles away from the heaven that seems anywhere else but here.

  Some may continue to avoid this crucial stage of awakening by looking for new things to be fed by. When the ego looks for new things to feed its existence, the desire for more meaningful relationships is often where it places its focus. While everyone deserves to know the true joy of companionship and to be reunited with their soul family, it is common to desire these types of relationships above all else as a way of steering your attention away from the empty despair of spiritual-limbo land.

  For those who are knee-deep in awakening, yearning to break through to the other side, but without a clue as to how to care about life when nothing seems to matter, I offer you this important exercise.

  I invite you to sit comfortably, close your eyes, and repeat the following healing mantra:

  There is no way out of pain. There is no way out of judgment.

  Without overanalyzing these phrases, the energy within them strips away the pretense of a spiritual ego in order to inspire a heartfelt surrender that gives every remaining option over to the hands of fate.

  This is not a process that can be rushed or fast-tracked, although a healing mantra of this depth and magnitude has been created to give you the most direct access to a truth already alive within you. As you have come to realize, knowing yourself as a “fill-in-the-blank” spiritual concept cannot spare you from the sorrow of emptying out.

  As you take a bold step in the direction of life’s most heartfelt surrender, the acceptance that there is no way out of pain or judgment unravels every strategy of manipulation and avoidance. Without manipulation or avoidance as active forces in your energy field, your choices can now be arranged and orchestrated by the will of the Universe.

  While I assure you there is a light at the end of the tunnel, it is your willingness to relinquish every morsel of expectation that allows the intelligence within you to redirect your consciousness in an exciting new direction.

  Sometimes a belief that you know how the spiritual path is supposed to work or an insistence of having “already done it” all can block the recognition of your most profound insight. This insight is an acceptance that there is no way out of pain or judgment. As you relax into this healing mantra, you might be surprised to see how quickly your war against life comes to an end.

  This doesn’t mean you will always feel pain or be in judgment. Instead, pain or judgment will no longer be enemies, especially when any perceivable enemy is often a spiritual ally in disguise.


  Ascension: Planetary Awakening

  WHILE THE TERM awakening points to the concept of an individual journey of expanding consciousness, the term used to describe planetary awakening is ascension. As you assist in the evolution of our planet through a journey of spiritual growth, you will likely experience periods of profound expansion and contraction, shifting between extraordinary highs and infinite lows, until all polarities balance out. You may experience ringing in your ears, lightning bolts of electricity surging throughout your body, swirling energy emanating from the base of your spine, waves of anxiety, moments of existential bliss, feelings of impending doom, a desire to die, or even a sense of being reborn.

  Throughout it all, you are destined to receive the revelation of life’s eternal truth. In your own unique way, you are destined to remember the heaven that is already here as a love that has no end.

  When you open up to such a timeless reality, you are able to experience life from an extraordinarily fresh perspective. From this view, the outcomes and circumstances that were once so important have now been replaced by a desire to master relationships, explore the art of communication, and love what arises.

  As You Grow, the Planet Evolves

  As your life is healed of the past and infused with renewed faith, joy, and enthusiasm, your heart can be recognized as the center of the Universe. With each “I love you” offered in response to anything you think, say, witness, or feel, the innocence of all is uplifted by the grace of your radiant eternal presence. As all beings are reborn and returned to their original form, a more spiritually aligned world reflects a new heart-centered consciousness that you were always destined to deliver into the world.

  Whether you have just started to dip your toe into this profound spiritual odyssey or are using these words to guide your healing journey to a long-awaited point of integration, you are becoming aware of a greater purpose of being that all lifetimes celebrate and foreshadow. As you participate in the ascension of Earth, you may come to recognize your own personal evolution as the most direct way to elevate the consciousness of the world.

  From that space, you are no longer a person waiting to be liberated by life. You are life’s eternal liberator, setting free the truth in every heart by taking the time to love your heart more often.

  The Slingshot Effect of Ascension

  During this time of awakening, if you wish to explore the highest reality in existence or traverse the outer limits of the Universe, you build up the momentum to skyrocket across galaxies by staying grounded in your body. Being grounded is the ability to feel safe. Feeling safe occurs when your heart has opened. An open heart is the end result of providing the kindness, care, support, and attention that only you were designed to offer yourself.

  No matter how often you seem lost in the ups and downs of circumstance, playing out the righteous, victimized, entitled, or needy inflammation of a human ego, you are the highest destiny of divinity, made manifest into form, as an evolving modern-day spiritual master. Whether you are attempting to restore order in your everyday life or trying to figure out a way to find joy and fulfillment wherever you go, each moment represents a timeless meeting where the light of your divinity encounters its innocent nature as a celebration of etern
al love. As you bring kindness and care to your personal interactions, you are able to recognize the vulnerability within you as a collective outcry of an entire planet.

  With love leading the way, an entire species no longer starves for attention and can usher in a spiritual renaissance of cosmic proportions.

  As a way of anchoring this new vibration during the most exciting time in human history, please repeat the following healing mantra:

  I acknowledge throughout each feeling, thought, belief, and action that while my experience may be rooted in an individual perspective, I accept that in reality I’m having an individual experience of what is unfolding throughout the totality of all.

  I acknowledge that what appears to be an individual journey is an entire planet being collectively healed, awakened, and loved as I am.

  I may perceive myself as an individual having a unique personal experience, but I am the all that is within it. While appearing human in form, I am experiencing the spiritual rebirth of an entire planet, which, in my experience, is depicted as the evolution of a person.

  Even though each person demonstrates the ascension of an entire planet, I accept that there are other dimensions where the evolution of One is being experienced in slightly or even drastically different ways. This means I am not just awakening in one way—I am awakening in all ways. If I wish to explore the other parallel dimensions, where this one is embodying the ascension of a planet in infinite ways, I don’t have to travel into outer space to discover those other dimensional versions; they are already here, decorated uniquely as other people.

  I acknowledge everyone I see as the eternal One I AM. Even if it feels as if I’m only one among many, I accept this is merely one perspective within the vastness of infinite views. No matter how anything seems to be, I can rejoice that I am transforming this perspective for all, just by allowing it to be on the receiving end of my loving attention.

  I also accept that others are here to transform additional aspects for my evolution as well. Together as One, we celebrate the victory that has already been ensured since the beginning of time for the liberation of all.

  Through this transmission, you have been infused with the courage, passion, and clarity to boldly step forward into the world, inviting your heart to be the inner navigator that guides you beyond the boundaries of time and space. As you explore a world of endless potential, you are destined to remember love as the essential answer to any question or concern.

  Throughout your journey, you are not discarding individuality in the name of unity. Rather, you are awakening the truth of unity by reuniting your mind and heart in holy matrimony. When mind and heart are one, you uniquely celebrate your spiritual evolution on instant replay as the growth and expansion of each individual.

  Whatever Arises, Love That

  During the most incredible time in Earth’s history, you can support the expansion of consciousness by celebrating your innocence and cherishing the ones you love more than ever before. This is a time to speak to those you encounter as if it’s the first time you have ever met. It’s a chance to know that as an individual walking this Earth, the joy you are able to feel, the peace that emanates within you, the love you are here to cultivate, and the excitement you radiate give all beings greater access to the magnificence of their immaculate potential.

  Now is the time to come out of hiding and let your voice be heard by confessing your true nature as the glory of divine innocence in human form. Whether you whisper silently into the vulnerability of your heart or shout at the top of your lungs from every rooftop, you are the living proof that all is well.

  You are the source of life’s eternal witnessing and the orchestrator ensuring that love always has the final word. As your evolution is revealed, there are four powerful words to carry with you wherever you go: whatever arises, love that.

  As tendencies to fight, defend, and negotiate fall by the wayside, every layer of righteousness, victimhood, entitlement, and neediness dissolves out of your field. One auspicious moment at a time, an open heart gifts you with masterful relationships, artful communication, and an alignment of perfection that no limiting belief can ever comprehend.

  While it may seem as if this is the end of our journey together, it could only be the beginning of a brand-new adventure. May all be blessed, uplifted, liberated, and reborn, now and forever, by the love that you are. And so it is.


  THIS BOOK is dedicated to the innocence dwelling in every heart. May it act as a timeless reminder that you are never alone, that you are here for an important reason, and that soon your energetic sensitivities will be revealed as the greatest tool you’ve been given to assist in the evolution of this entire planet. Because everything is collaboration in consciousness, I would like to acknowledge those who were essential in helping me bring this book to life for the well-being of all who are meant to receive it.

  First, I would like to thank Julie Dittmar for answering the inner calling that set us both on course to fulfill a destiny beyond anything either of us could have ever envisioned. Julie, “thank you” doesn’t seem like quite enough to truly honor your dedication to these messages and your unwavering, heartfelt support. I am eternally grateful for your companionship and nurturing care throughout each awakening, upgrade, and integration. With each adventure, I rejoice in admiration and gratitude of the highest order for who you are in my life.

  I would also like to thank my family for a lifetime of love and encouragement throughout my earliest years of growth and preparation. You have always been my biggest supporters, and I’m so thankful for how often you encouraged me to find my voice and share it with others.

  A special thank you goes out to Tami Simon and everyone at Sounds True for their exquisite assistance in publishing this book. I have loved every moment of this process as well as the friendships that have blossomed along the way.

  I thank my team of inner guidance that has been with me since my earliest memories, walking with me and holding my hand throughout each insight and revelation. You allowed me to make each decision while showing the way with the kindness, ease, precision, and grace that has become the standard for how I work with others.

  And finally, to every member of the Love Revolution, spanning all corners of the globe, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey and for the teachings and transmissions of energy you continually inspire.

  I see you. I love you. I am you.

  Many blessings to all,


  About the Author

  MATT KAHN is a spiritual teacher and highly attuned empathic healer. His spontaneous awakenings arose from an out-of-body experience at age eight and through his direct experiences with Ascended Masters and Archangels throughout his life.

  As an empath who uses his intuitive abilities of seeing, hearing, feeling, and direct knowing, Matt feels others’ emotions and is able to pinpoint what blocks any heart from opening. He brings forth revolutionary teachings through both the written and spoken word that assist energetically sensitive beings in healing the body, awakening the soul, and transforming reality through the power of love.

  Matt is a bridge between the mystical realms and the path of awakening; he inspires profound spiritual growth and life-changing energetic expansion in audiences worldwide. Many spiritual seekers have awakened to their true nature and have experienced amazing, unexplainable physical and emotional healings through Matt’s profound and loving teachings and transmission of sacred heart wisdom.

  For more information about Matt’s teachings (or to book him for a speaking engagement); to order additional supportive audios and videos for your journey; or to attend an upcoming live event, Soul Gathering, or retreat, please visit truedivinenature.com.

  About Sounds True

  SOUNDS TRUE is a multimedia publisher whose mission is to inspire and support personal transformation and spiritual awakening. Founded in 1985 and located in Boulder, Colorado, we work with many of the leading spiri
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  Boulder, CO 80306

  © 2016 Matt Kahn

  SOUNDS TRUE is a trademark of Sounds True, Inc.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission from the author and publisher.

  Cover design by Lanphear Design and Jennifer Miles

  Book design by Beth Skelley

  Printed in the United States of America

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Kahn, Matt.

  Whatever arises, love that: a love revolution that begins with you / Matt Kahn.

  pages cm

  ISBN 978-1-62203-530-4

  1. Love—Religious aspects. 2. Spirituality. 3. Spiritual life. I. Title.

  BL626.4.K34 2016



  Ebook ISBN 978-1-62203-556-4

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


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