The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need

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The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need Page 34

by Joanna Martine Woolfold

  NEPTUNE IN SAGITTARIUS (1970–1984) In the altruistic sign of Sagittarius, Neptune has an uplifting influence. Astrologers put great store in the generation born when Neptune was in this sign, for Sagittarius is the sign of higher learning, philosophy, and freedom. Neptune-Sagittarians have fine intellects, high purpose, and humane natures, and as these young people reach their adult years we look forward to new philosophers, sages, and humanistic leaders. Neptune in this position brings a desire for liberty and truth, and a visionary outlook. Neptune-Sagittarians will play an important role in improving living conditions in the Third World countries and in discovering new advances in medicine and science. While Neptune transited this sign of travel and expansion, more people had access to foreign cultures through travel, research, and the World Wide Web.

  NEPTUNE IN CAPRICORN (1984/85–1998) In the disciplined sign of Capricorn, Neptune’s power is practical and concrete. Neptune-Capricorns are destined to be thorough and painstaking and to possess great courage once they are committed to a purpose. The generation born during Neptune’s transit through Capricorn will make use of the inspirational ideas of the previous generation, particularly in science, chemistry, and medicine. Neptune in this position gives creative insight into the things of the earth—water, timber, natural resources, oil, and minerals—and these people will find a way not only to use them efficiently but also to conserve and replenish the gifts of the earth.

  NEPTUNE IN AQUARIUS (1998–2012) In the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, Neptune’s power brings high ideals and social justice. Neptune-Aquarians are concerned about the welfare of others less fortunate. This generation will have visionary concepts that they put into practice. As revolutionaries, they will not tear down and destroy; rather, they will build for a grand future. Neptune in this position has been called by astrologers “the flame of conscience.” The generation born during Neptune’s transit of Aquarius will be the authors of unusual and undreamed-of discoveries to aid mankind.

  NEPTUNE IN PISCES (2012–2026) In Pisces, Neptune will be the sign it rules, and therefore its qualities of spirituality and creative genius will be enhanced for those born in this era. Neptune-Pisceans will be deep thinkers with profound understanding about the meaning of life. Their compassion will be complemented by intense psychic powers. Astrologers believe that this generation, born when Neptune next transits Pisces, may usher in the ultimate period of self-realization. Their ascendancy will help to bring peace and tranquility to the world. Neptune in this position does not value materialism, so Neptune-Pisceans no doubt will explore the inner man and woman, and develop a new philosophy based on what they find.


  PLUTO IS A PLANET of awesome power, but it is a power that we still find largely inexplicable and difficult to understand.

  Pluto was discovered as recently as 1930, and astrologers continue to study this planet’s influence in astrology. What is certain is that wherever Pluto appears in your horoscope, that area of life will show a marked change, perhaps a transformation. If you have ever experienced one of those blinding moments in which you suddenly see your life in an entirely new light and decide to change everything, you have felt the energy of Pluto. Pluto’s action brings to light things hidden in the depths of your subconscious, releases your dormant forces, and causes your suppressed energies to erupt suddenly.

  Pluto is named after the Roman god of the underworld and the nether regions of Hades, and of the spirits of the dead. Originally called Planet X, Pluto was given its name by a young British girl whose letter suggesting a new name for the planet was the first to arrive at the Lowell Observatory, where Pluto was first discovered.

  The planet is well named, for in astrology Pluto signifies death and rebirth. It is the planet of regenerative forces, of destruction and annihilation, and then complete transformation. Its keyword is elimination; Pluto wipes the slate clean.

  Pluto’s immense power is felt in world events and in the great tides of history. It influences masses of humanity, enormous groups of people, and large organizations. Mass media and giant conglomerates are in its domain. Pluto rules over such disruptive elements in nature as earthquakes and volcanoes. Its negative influence is shown in mob violence, demonstrations, murder, wide-scale terrorism, and bombing.

  Pluto’s power has been likened to that of nuclear fission, which both destroys and creates. There are two sides to Pluto’s influence, and like the two sides of a coin they are opposite but part of the same.

  Pluto has a powerful generational influence and also a personal meaning in your chart. The planet governs the beginnings and ends of the phases in life. If your life has taken a dramatic shift—if, for example, you have worked hard for a goal, only to see it destroyed or ended and an entirely new direction opened up—Pluto is likely to be prominent in your horoscope. People who have had to leave their homes behind to begin anew in a foreign country, or those whose lives were irrevocably altered because of the death of a key figure, are under Pluto’s influence. The Plutonian character has a deep need to dominate and control, and often will rise to great heights. People who have brilliant careers in politics and government, in medical research and archeology are under Pluto’s influence; the planet governs the uncovering of secrets of the past in order to clear ground for the future.

  Even in the most civilized personality, Pluto’s force is felt as an undercurrent of turbulence and uncontrolled energy. Its strong negative power may cause some people to be cruel, sadistic, or treacherous, or even lead a life of crime. Pluto’s power is seen in both idealistic leaders and brutal dictators.

  Pluto represents the highest and lowest of which humankind is capable. Some astrologers believe Pluto’s power is too arcane and mysterious for human beings to analyze properly now, but that the planet will continue to govern impulses in our secret psyches that we do not yet fully understand.

  Where Is Your Pluto?

  To find out what sign Pluto was in on the day of your birth, consult the Pluto Table on page 513.

  Each of the three modern planets has foreshadowed coming events of the era during which it was discovered. In the case of Pluto, the planet was discovered exactly three months after the great stock market crash set off a worldwide economic depression. The decade that followed saw the rise of gangsterism and criminal mobs that were a law unto themselves. During this decade Adolf Hitler began his demonic rise, which ended by plunging the entire world into war. During the latter years of the twentieth century, while Pluto transited Scorpio (the sign of sexuality, death, and rebirth), we witnessed the rise of the AIDS virus and genetic engineering.

  Because Pluto is so new, astrology has not had much time to study and refine its knowledge of the planet. It is not always easy to see what influence a particular planet has on an era until time provides perspective.

  Since its discovery in 1930, we have noted Pluto’s journey through only six signs of the zodiac. Pluto is now transiting a seventh sign, Capricorn, in which it will stay until 2024. Reckoning backward into the 1800s as well as projecting forward a few years into the twenty-first century, here is a glance at what we are able to discern of Pluto’s influence.

  PLUTO IN ARIES (1822/23–1851/53) Pluto’s influence in this adventurous sign set off the great pioneering trek westward in America. The first railroad was introduced in America. It was during this era that the world became larger as mankind ventured to explore the far reaches of this planet. There were struggles for supremacy as strong nations acquired colonies. It is particularly notable that England (which is specifically an Aries country) achieved world ascendancy during Pluto’s transit of Aries, becoming the empire on which the sun never set. When Pluto is in Aries, the planet’s personal influence gives courage, self-reliance, and a strong sense of individuality; recklessness and egotism are its negative effects for individuals.

  PLUTO IN TAURUS (1851/53–1882/84) In Taurus, the sign of wealth and possessions, Pluto brought upheaval. In America, a bloody civil war was fought over the questi
on of slavery—whether one human being could properly be the possession of another. All over the world the very wealthy exploited the very poor; child labor flourished and the have-nots endured lives of misery and hardship. During this era Karl Marx formulated his revolutionary theories, based on the elimination of the class system and a more equal distribution of wealth. Pluto-in-Taurus saw capitalism finally triumph over the last vestiges of feudalism and virtually take over the world. When Pluto is in Taurus, the planet’s personal influence gives its natives determination and endurance. People with this Pluto position seek stability and are often obsessed with material advancement.

  PLUTO IN GEMINI (1882/84–1912/14) When Pluto was last in Gemini, the sign of communication, it revolutionized the way information reached the masses. This was the era when newspapers came into prominence. The phonograph and photography reproduced sounds and visual information for wide use by the public. The first motion pictures were invented and gave rise to a new industry (which flowered when Neptune transited the theatrical sign of Leo). Gemini rules the airwaves, so it is not surprising that during Pluto’s transit the telegraph, the radio, and the telephone came into being. This era also introduced two new forms of travel that would revolutionize the world: the airplane and automobile. When Pluto is in Gemini the planet’s personal influence gives its natives an inventive and restless mind that seeks change and freedom from old restrictions.

  PLUTO IN CANCER (1912/14–1937/39) Pluto’s stormy transit through Cancer, the sign of home, brought upheaval to family life in America. By the millions people left the country to settle in towns and cities. The negative side of Pluto-in-Cancer was shown in the hideous loss of life in World War One, and the preparations for World War Two under the leadership of militaristic Nazi Germany, a nation that espoused glorification of the homeland. Our country and our way of life (Cancerian values) were imperiled. Cancer is the sign of agriculture; during Pluto’s transit in the 1930s, we saw the great drought and the misery of the migrant farmworkers forced from their land. We also saw the rise of industrial unions formed in violent struggles against the power of the great corporations. When Pluto is in Cancer, the planet’s personal influence gives intense emotions and creative imagination. Negatively, it produces a deep resentment of other people’s good fortune.

  PLUTO IN LEO (1937/39–1956/58) During Pluto’s journey through the masterful sign of Leo, the United States entered World War Two and helped the Allied powers win a victory over Germany and Japan. Leo is also a magnanimous sign (after the war the United States gave money and assistance to the defeated countries in order to help rebuild them). On October 24, 1945, the United Nations was formed, where each country would express its point of view and attempt to work out its differences with other nations. The Korean War was fought to save a nation from aggression. Pluto in the power sign of Leo also points to abuse of power, and during this era people’s lives and careers were crippled and destroyed by the rise of McCarthyism. When Pluto is in Leo, the personal influence is to emphasize love of power, a domineering ego, and self-aggrandizement, but it also confers on its natives strong pride and a will to prevail despite obstacles. There is a tendency toward arrogance, selfishness, and sensual pleasures. The generation that was born when Pluto transited Leo introduced the era of the pleasure principle; there is also strong emphasis on mass hero-worship of personalities in the media.

  PLUTO IN VIRGO (1956/58–1971/72) During Pluto’s transit of Virgo, the sign of service to others, the Kennedy and Johnson administrations were committed to social programs. This was the era of the Great Society, of achievement in the fight for civil rights and, in the mid 1960s, a growing feminist movement. In this sign of health, some of Pluto’s influences on its generation are a new awareness of toxic food additives, an emphasis on holistic medicine, and concern over pollution of the environment. Virgo is also the sign of practicality, of putting facts to useful work. During Pluto’s transit of this sign, the two world superpowers were actively involved in space exploration. In 1969 a human being first walked on the Moon. The dark side of Pluto’s power was shown as the United States was plunged into turmoil by the assassinations of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr. Southeast Asia was torn by an unending war in Vietnam, which not only took its toll in lives and misery but also divided the nation emotionally. When Pluto is in Virgo, the planet’s personal influence bestows a profound analytical quality to the personality. People under this influence seek perfection but are also suspicious and ready to find fault with the world around them.

  PLUTO IN LIBRA (1971/72–1983/84) Libra is the sign of peace and harmony, and early in Pluto’s journey through Libra the agonizing war in Vietnam finally came to an end. On a larger scale, two enormous hostile world powers, the United States and the People’s Republic of China, moved toward peace and a new rapprochement in their relationship. Pluto-in-Libra also indicates deep concern for law and balancing injustice. The era of Watergate, with its shocking revelations of corruption, ended by bringing new order to government and restoring the balance of powers between the executive branch and Congress. A consequence was the adoption of the Freedom of Information Act. Libra emphasizes egalitarianism and equality, and Pluto’s transit saw the passage of equal opportunity laws, support for the Equal Rights Amendment, and greater equality for homosexuals. Libra also signifies a love for luxury, and the early 1980s ushered in a period of opulence and ostentation. When Pluto is in Libra, the planet’s personal influence promotes a deep need to seek harmony and cooperation. Its negative side brings unforeseen problems and disruption in close relationships.

  PLUTO IN SCORPIO (1983/84–1995) The entry of Pluto into the sign of Scorpio coincided with George Orwell’s predictions of a totalitarian government and loss of individual rights in his famous book 1984. Pluto is extremely powerful in Scorpio, the sign that it rules, and this period was one of turmoil and revolution. During this era the Berlin Wall fell, the Soviet Union disbanded and became a commonwealth, Iran turned militantly conservative, Yugoslavia was torn apart by warring Serbs and Croats. Scorpio is the sign of destruction, and Pluto’s transit was rife with worldwide terrorism. Pluto’s link to the underworld was seen in the rise of an international drug trade. The sign of Scorpio rules sexuality, birth, death, and rebirth, and Pluto’s journey gave rise to test-tube babies, surrogate parenting, cloned animals, and all manner of genetic engineering. The AIDS virus became rampant, underlining the themes of sex and death. Pluto’s personal influence in Scorpio produces individuals with penetrating minds and strong wills. These people are imaginative and passionate, possess psychic ability, and can be ruthless about getting their own way.

  PLUTO IN SAGITTARIUS (1995–2007/08) Pluto zips through Sagittarius in a relatively short time, thirteen years, and its influence promises to be less heavy. Sagittarius is the sign of truth and open knowledge, and the years just prior to the turn of the millennium are characterized as the Information Age. Television reported events in full detail almost before they took place; the Web links us to information within seconds; endless streams of memoirs have left no one’s secrets untold. In keeping with full disclosure, we witnessed a U.S. president’s impeachment (and acquittal) that began with the exposure of his extramarital sexual affair. Sagittarius also represents foreign lands and far-flung places and, through the computer and the Internet, Pluto has transformed the concept of distance. International trade and business takes place in seconds, retailers sell to the public directly through the computer, and e-mail instantly connects people on opposite sides of the Earth. We are hopeful that the first decade of the twenty-first century is an era of new values in philosophy, religion, education, and foreign affairs, areas all under Sagittarius’s influence. Sagittarius is the sign of freedom, adventure, and exploration. There should be a new spirit of friendliness and spiritual sharing among nations. Europe has already joined in a Common Market. Pluto-in-Sagittarius brings deep hope and profound understanding. Its negative influence is toward impractical extrem
es, but the optimism and enthusiasm that characterizes this transit should make this an uplifting time for human beings everywhere.

  PLUTO IN CAPRICORN (2008/09–2024) Because Capricorn is the sign of discipline and ambition, Pluto’s influence here should stress responsibility and the ethic of work. Capricorn is the sign of government and long-term security, and Pluto may have the effect of bringing a new world order into being. Individual nations may join in a system of world government that leads to greater stability. Star-watchers are focused on the year 2012, which the Mayan calendar marks as the “end of the world.” Many spiritual movements believe this is a metaphor for a change in “consciousness” when the human race will adopt a more spiritual value system. Astrologically, Pluto in Capricorn holds out the hope there will be an end to war.

  By the time Pluto enters the following sign of Aquarius, the world will be in the Age of Aquarius (see chapter 13). Pluto will bring even greater emphasis to the humanitarian and freedom-loving qualities of Aquarius. This should be a time of unimaginable scientific discovery, for Aquarius is the sign of science and future knowledge.

  When Pluto is in Pisces, human beings may at last comprehend the fullness of Pluto’s power and add to their knowledge of the meaning of life. Pisces represents the completion of the circle, the last step before moving on to the first rung of a higher ladder. By this time the human race may have evolved to a higher and more noble plane.


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