The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need

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by Joanna Martine Woolfold

LIBRA The seventh sign of the zodiac, which the Sun transits each year from approximately September 23 to October 22. Libra has as its element air and is cardinal in quality. The sign is symbolized by the Scales and ruled by the planet Venus. Libra natives are characterized as peaceable, artistic, socially adept, and able to see both sides of a question.

  LONGITUDE The distance east or west on the Earth’s surface, measured in degrees from the prime meridian, which is 0° longitude. The prime meridian (also called Greenwich Meridian) is a vertical line running from the North Pole to the South Pole that intersects Greenwich, England. Greenwich, England, is 0° longitude; New York City is 74° West longitude; Tokyo is 140° East longitude. Longitude also represents differences in time; each 15° of longitude represents one hour. When it is 12:00 noon in Greenwich, England (known as Greenwich Mean Time), it is 7:00 A.M. in New York City and 9:00 P.M. in Tokyo.

  LUMINARIES The Sun and the Moon. In classical astrology, luminary was the more common term for the Sun or the Moon. Nowadays the word planet is applied to the Sun and Moon as well as to the planets.

  LUNAR MANSIONS Division of the zodiac into twentyeight (or sometimes twenty-seven) parts, based on the Moon’s twenty-eight-day cycle (27.32166 days, to be exact). Lunar mansions are used primarily in the astrology of the Eastern world, e.g., Hindu, Chinese, Arab. Eastern astrology (“Children of the Moon”) is based on the lunar cycle, whereas Western astrology (“Children of the Sun”) is based on the solar cycle.

  LUNAR RETURN CHART A horoscope cast for the moment in which the Moon returns to the exact degree it occupied at the moment of birth. A lunar return chart is used to forecast trends and events in the native’s life during the coming month.

  LUNATION The moment of conjunction of the Sun and the Moon, in other words, the New Moon. A lunation is also the period between one New Moon and the next, a time span of approximately twenty-nine days. Modern astrologers tend to use the term lunation to mean a New Moon, which in a horoscope marks the beginning of a new cycle.

  MARS In astrology Mars is the planet of energy, force, sexual desire, and aggression. Mars rules the sign of Aries and is still considered by some astrologers to be the coruler of Scorpio, a sign that it once ruled entirely. (Scorpio is now ruled by the planet Pluto, discovered in 1930, and Mars’s rulership of this sign has greatly diminished.) When Mars is prominent in a birth chart, the native tends to be active, enterprising, courageous, and passionate. Mars’s influence can also incline a person toward impatience, anger, strife, and accident-proneness.

  MASCULINE SIGNS The signs of the zodiac belonging to the fire and air triplicities, namely, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. In astrology, masculine signs are characterized as energetic, outer-directed, and strong through action.

  MEDICAL ASTROLOGY Astrology applied to questions of health, well-being, nutrition, and susceptibility to certain illnesses and diseases. Down through history astrology has been used as a tool in medicine. The signs of the zodiac and the planets correspond to various parts of the body, also to the illnesses connected with them, to diet needs, and to the glands and hormones. Although modern astrologers reject the notion of practicing medicine, the correlation between astrology and the human body is still a valid guide to maintaining physical well-being.

  MEDIUM COELI (Latin for “middle of the heavens”) See Midheaven.

  MERCURY In astrology Mercury is the planet of communication, intelligence, perception, and intellectual energy. Mercury rules the two signs of Gemini and Virgo. When Mercury is prominent in a birth chart, the native tends to be clever, facile in speech, quick, high-strung, and likely to possess a good memory. Mercury’s influence can also incline a person toward sarcasm, argumentativeness, coldness, and deceit.

  MERIDIAN In a horoscope, the line that intersects the circle from north to south and divides the circle into a left-hand side and a right-hand side. The line of the meridian in a horoscope connects the Nadir and the Midheaven.

  MIDHEAVEN (Also known as Medium Coeli, “middle of the heavens”; abbreviated in charts as M.C.) One of the four angles in a horoscope (the four most important points in a chart). The Midheaven, which marks the cusp of the Tenth House, is the point in a birth chart directly opposite the Nadir. The Midheaven represents ambition, ideals, and public image. Planets at or near the Midheaven indicate that the native is likely to make a mark on the outside world.

  MODERN PLANETS Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, referred to as modern because of their relatively recent discovery. Uranus was discovered in 1781, Neptune in 1846, and Pluto in 1930.

  MOON In astrology the Moon represents emotions, instincts, sensitivity, and the unconscious. It is often called the feminine principle. The sign that the Moon was transiting at the time of birth, known as the Moon sign, is a most pervasive influence in a birth chart, second only in importance to the Sun sign. The Moon sign signifies the emotional, spontaneous, unconscious, and often hidden part of the personality. In the zodiac, the Moon rules the sign of Cancer.

  MUNDANE ASTROLOGY (From the Latin word mundus, “meaning the world”) The branch of astrology that assesses and forecasts world events, political movements, national occurrences, and cultural trends according to the planetary cycles.

  MUTABLE One of the three qualities under which the signs of the zodiac are classified. The three qualities are cardinal, fixed, and mutable. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are the mutable signs and comprise the mutable quadru-plicity. In astrology, the mutable quality signifies adaptability, versatility, openness to change, and flexibility.

  MUTUAL RECEPTION In a horoscope, a term used to describe the relationship between two planets when each is located in the sign that the other one rules. For example, if in a birth chart the Sun is in Libra and Venus is in Leo, the Sun and Venus are in mutual reception. This “visiting of each other’s home” strengthens the power of the two planets, for they work in cooperation with each other.

  NADIR (Also known as Imum Coeli, “lowest part of the heavens”; abbreviated in charts as I.C.) One of the four angles in a horoscope (the four most important points in a chart). The Nadir, which marks the cusp of the Fourth House, is the point in a birth chart directly opposite the Midheaven. The Nadir represents a person’s beginnings and psychological roots: parents, home life, and what he or she inherits from previous generations. Planets at or near the Nadir indicate the unconscious motivation behind the native’s actions.

  NATAL CHART See Birth Chart.

  NEPTUNE In astrology Neptune is the planet of mystery, illusion, imagination, and mysticism. Neptune, discovered in 1846, is the second of our modern planets. It rules the sign of Pisces (which was traditionally ruled by Jupiter). When Neptune is prominent in a birth chart, the native tends to be artistic, visionary and clairvoyant, and interested in spiritual matters. Neptune’s influence can also incline a person toward escapism, difficulty in separating fantasy from reality, and psychic problems.

  NODES The two points, north and south, where the orbit of the Moon or any of the planets intersects the ecliptic (the path of the Sun). Nodes usually refer to the Moon’s nodes, called lunar nodes. In classical astrology, the north node (also called ascending node) was known as Caput Draconis, meaning “Dragon’s Head,” and the south node (also called descending node) was known as Cauda Draconis, meaning “Dragon’s Tail.” This referred to the imagery of a giant celestial dragon swallowing the Moon during its eclipses. In a birth chart, lunar nodes mark sensitive points, but there is much discussion currently among astrologers as to their exact meaning. Generally, the north node denotes the positive qualities with which you enter this life, and the south node the negative behavior you need to release. Some astrologers feel that the Moon’s nodes pertain to relationships—the north node to forming ties and the south node to dissolving them.

  OPPOSITION One of the major aspects, in which two or more planets are opposite each other in a horoscope, i.e., separated by 180° (or within 9° either way of 180°). The traditional view of an op
position in a chart is that it is an unharmonious aspect, one that produces tension and conflict. The modern view is that an opposition also brings challenge for growth and achievement, because the native must work through his or her problems and conflicts and thus gain maturity.

  ORB (Also known as orb of influence) The slight variation in degrees within which an aspect is considered potent. For example, a trine is an aspect in which planets are 120°; apart. An exact trine is 120° the allowable orb for a trine is 9° either way of 120°. This means that if two planets are as few as 111° apart or as many as 129° apart, the trine is still effective in the horoscope.

  ORBIT The path of any heavenly body in its revolution around another heavenly body. In our solar system, the Earth and planets describe orbits around the Sun. The Earth’s orbit around the Sun is called the ecliptic. The ecliptic is also known as the path of the Sun around the Earth, but in reality it is the Earth that is orbiting around the Sun.

  PART OF FORTUNE (Also known by its Latin name, Pars Fortuna) A point in a horoscope, arrived at by the calculation of an ancient Arabic mathematical formula in which the longitude of the Ascendant is added to the longitude of the Moon, and the longitude of the Sun is subtracted from that sum. The Part of Fortune in a birth chart is still considered by modern astrologers to be indicative of ease and good fortune. The activities of the sign and house in which the Part of Fortune appears are those in which the native finds success.

  PISCES The twelfth sign of the zodiac, which the Sun transits each year from approximately February 19 to March 20. Pisces has as its element water and is mutable in quality. The sign is symbolized by Two Fishes and is ruled by the planet Neptune. Pisces natives are characterized as emotional, romantic, impressionable and adaptable, highly imaginative, and intuitive.

  PLANET (From the Greek word planetes, meaning “wanderer”) One of the heavenly bodies (except comets and meteors) that move around the Sun. From ancient times planets have been distinguished by their movement across the face of the fixed stars. In astrology, the word planets also includes the Sun and the Moon (traditionally called luminaries). In classical astrology there were seven planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Modern astrology has added three new planets discovered in the last two centuries: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Each planet rules one (and in some cases two) astrological signs. The science of astrology is based on the premise that the movements of the planets significantly relate to human events, behavior, and personality. A horoscope is a chart of the positions of the planets at a given moment in time.

  PLUTO In astrology Pluto is the planet of regenerative forces, of destruction, annihilation, and transformation. Pluto, discovered in 1930, is the third of our modern planets. It rules the sign of Scorpio (which was traditionally ruled by Mars). Pluto spends a great many years transiting each sign of the zodiac, and its influence is more obvious on a whole generation of people than on a single individual. However, when Pluto is prominent in a horoscope, the native’s life will show marked reversal or change. Pluto also exhibits its power in a person’s need to dominate and control. Its positive influence is seen in great leaders; its negative influence is seen in dictators, mobsters, and murderers.

  POLARITY A group of two astrological signs, each sign opposite in the zodiac to the other sign; for example, Aries and Libra are a polarity. Also, the opposite sign in the zodiac; for example, Aquarius is Leo’s polarity.

  PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES The slow, constant shift of the vernal and autumnal equinoxes backward through the signs of the zodiac, caused by the earth’s rotational tilt as it spins on its axis. The time span that it takes the vernal equinox to move through one sign, approximately 2,150 years, is known as an Astrological Age. Sidereal astrology is based on the theory that the dates of the Sun’s entrance into each zodiacal sign should change along with the earth’s shift in position. (See Age, Astrological. See also Sidereal Astrology.)

  PROGRESSED HOROSCOPE A special chart cast for a specific date in the future and used in combination with the native’s birth chart to predict and assess future trends and events. The most popular method of progressing a chart is the day-for-a-year formula, in which a horoscope is cast for a date that is as many days following a birth date as the years following a birth date that the person wishes to see.

  QUADRANT (From the Latin word quadrans, meaning a “fourth”) One of the four quarters of the horoscope circle. Each quadrant of the horoscope contains three houses. In a birth chart, a preponderance of planets in any of the four quadrants has specific meanings and interpretations, depending on which quadrants are heavily populated.

  QUADRUPLICITY A group of four astrological signs belonging to the same quality. There are three quadruplicities in the zodiac: the cardinal quadruplicity (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn); the fixed quadruplicity (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius); the mutable quadruplicity (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces).

  QUALITIES The three kinds of energy under which signs of the zodiac are classified. The three qualities are cardinal, fixed, and mutable. Cardinal signs are enterprising, active, initiating. Fixed signs are persistent, determined, and resourceful. Mutable signs are versatile, adaptable, and flexible.

  QUINCUNX One of the minor aspects, in which two or more planets in a birth chart are 150° apart (or within 2° either way of 150°). The quincunx was originally classified as mildly adverse; some modern astrologers think it more powerful than at first regarded.

  RECTIFICATION The art of correcting a birth chart of unknown or uncertain birth time, using as guideposts major events in the life of the native and/or dominant personality traits that correspond to planetary aspects governing such events and traits.

  RETROGRADE The apparent backward motion of a planet traveling through the zodiac. (The Sun and Moon are never retrograde.) In reality, planets in our solar system do not move backward in their orbits; they only seem to do so because of the angle of observation here on earth. Retrograde motion is an illusion similar to looking through the window of a moving train at a second train that is traveling alongside it but moving more slowly. The slower-moving train will seem to be traveling backward, although in fact it is traveling forward. In classical astrology a retrograde planet was considered weak and as having a negative influence. Modern astrologers consider retrograde planets in a chart to be positive but as having an influence that does not manifest itself until later in life.

  RISING SIGN The sign of the zodiac that was rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth. The Rising sign (or Ascendant) characterizes a person’s outward approach to life. (See also Ascendant.)

  RULER (Also known as ruling planet) 1. The planet that has dominion over a specific astrological sign, for example, Mars is the ruler of Aries. In classical astrology rulership of the twelve signs was divided among seven planets. Since the eighteenth century three signs have been reassigned to the three modern planets. The list of rulerships is as follows:

  Aries ruled by Mars

  Taurus ruled by Venus

  Gemini ruled by Mercury

  Cancer ruled by the Moon

  Leo ruled by the Sun

  Virgo ruled by Mercury

  Libra ruled by Venus

  Scorpio ruled by Pluto (traditionally ruled by Mars)

  Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter

  Capricorn ruled by Saturn

  Aquarius ruled by Uranus (traditionally ruled by Saturn)

  Pisces ruled by Neptune (traditionally ruled by Jupiter)

  2. In a birth chart, the planet that rules the Rising sign (Ascendant) is said to be the ruling planet of the chart.

  SAGITTARIUS The ninth sign of the zodiac, which the Sun transits each year from approximately November 22 to December 21. Sagittarius has as its element fire and is mutable in quality. The sign is symbolized by the Archer and ruled by the planet Jupiter. Sagittarius natives are characterized as freedom-loving, expansive, seekers of knowledge, and open to new ideas and exploration.

  SATURN In astrol
ogy Saturn is the planet of discipline, responsibility, restriction, and limitation. The planet has been called the Celestial Taskmaster. Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn, and at one time also ruled Aquarius. (Aquarius is now ruled by the planet Uranus, discovered in 1781.) When Saturn is prominent in a birth chart the native tends to be diligent, determined, reliable, and industrious. Saturn’s influence can also incline a person toward pessimism, inflexibility, and selfishness.

  SCORPIO The eighth sign of the zodiac, which the Sun transits each year from approximately October 23 to November 21. Scorpio has as its element water and is fixed in quality. The sign is symbolized by the Scorpion and ruled by the planet Pluto. (Some astrologers still consider Scorpio’s traditional ruler, Mars, to be its coruler.) Scorpio natives are characterized as sensual and secretive, intensely emotional, imaginative, and possessing psychic ability.

  SEMISEXTILE One of the minor aspects, in which two or more planets in a birth chart are 30° apart (or within 2° either way of 30°). Classified as mildly favorable, much less powerful than a sextile.

  SEMISQUARE One of the minor aspects, in which two or more planets in a birth chart are 45° apart (or within 2° either way of 45°). Classified as mildly adverse, less powerful than a square.

  SESQUISQUARE (Also known as Sesquiquadrate) One of the minor aspects, in which two or more planets in a birth chart are 135° apart (or within 2° either way of 135°). Classified as mildly adverse, similar in influence to a semisquare.

  SEXTILE One of the major aspects, in which two or more planets in a birth chart are 60° apart (or within 6° either way of 60°). Classified by both ancient and modern astrologers as harmonious and favorable. A sextile brings opportunity, but the native must make an effort in order to realize its benefits.

  SIDEREAL ASTROLOGY (From the Latin word sidus, meaning “star”) A school of astrology that bases its zodiac on the actual star groupings, or constellations, intersected by the ecliptic. Because of the Earth’s slow, constant tilt as it turns on its axis, the vernal and autumnal equinoxes slowly travel through the constellations of the zodiaca— phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes. Siderealists believe that the Sun’s entrance into the signs of the zodiac should be based on the precession of the equinoxes, and therefore their zodiac slowly changes along with the Earth’s shift in position. Thus, a person born in Aries according to traditional (tropical) astrology, would be currently regarded by siderealists as a native of Pisces.


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