The Vanguard

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The Vanguard Page 23

by Jeffrey Ellis

  “Really? You should have said something,” Sebastian said.

  “Ra is a fellow warrior. If he dies, he deserves it to be on the battlefield not in a coma in a hospital. I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up. As good as they are there was no guarantee they could save him. It's taken them multiple surgeries to repair the damage to his brain after they found it. Only Nefertiti knew,” Alexander said.

  “Are you okay?” asked Sebastian to Xavier. The man was holding his head and seemed unsteady.

  “I'm fine. I just have a bad headache and am a little woozy. I think it's from you forcing yourself into my head,” Xavier replied.

  “Can you explain that?” asked Alexander.

  “In order to get the surprise on you, I telepathically linked to them both. Chelsea and I have no issues with it, but Xavier wasn't ready. It gave him a headache,” Sebastian told them.

  “Who taught you?” asked Alexander.

  “No one. We just sort of learned,” Chelsea replied.

  “Spontaneous development is rare. Can you show me?” asked Alexander.

  Chelsea focused her mind and tried to reach into Alexander's. “Hi,” was the simple thought she conveyed.

  “Amazing. Let's go check on Ra and talk along the way,” Alexander said.

  “One more thing. What about the amorak?” asked Chelsea.

  “What about them? I had my puppies direct you here. They're very loyal and easy to train once you earn their trust,” Alexander told them. “But you should know how that is. I understand you've tamed manticores.”

  “I wouldn't use the word tamed. We simply helped them by freeing them and they helped us in return. It was more of a mutual cooperation,” said Chelsea.

  “As all good relationships are,” Alexander said. “We should go. It's cold out here and our friend awaits us at the hospital. We'll take my shuttle. Samantha, would you mind returning their shuttle to Camelot?”

  “Of course,” she replied and started tapping some commands on her communicator then opened a channel. “Hi, Bobby. This is Samantha. The shuttle from Operation Misdirect will be returning empty.” She paused a moment. “Everyone is fine. We're taking alternate transport from here. Be a doll and re-equip it for me.” She paused again. “Okay, thanks. We'll see you when we return.”

  “Lt. Mavis was also involved? I don't know what to say,” Sebastian said. “My command is just an illusion.”

  “It was just a test. I needed to gauge you, and we felt the only way to do that was this method,” Alexander said.

  Sebastian started walking away.

  Chelsea ran after him and Alexander a little behind her.

  Morgana ran after them. “Wait. Please just listen to me a moment. I don't have long before I have to leave but I want you to know...” she said but was cut off.

  “Leave me be. I want to be alone,” he said.

  “Sebastian, this isn't a reflection on your leadership,” Alexander said.

  “It damn well is. Don't follow me,” he said and continued walking.

  Alexander put his hand on Sebastian's shoulder. “Sebastian, I didn't mean...”

  Sebastian turned around and hit Alexander in the chest. Alexander tried to block it but couldn't and flew several dozen feet then hit hard, rolling several times before stopping.

  “I said leave me be,” he told them, his voice echoing.

  Samantha ran over and helped Alexander up as Sebastian and Chelsea walked back in the direction they originally came. “Are you okay?”

  “I expect my shuttle to be where I left it,” Sebastian said to Samantha as they left.

  “Bobby, belay that shuttle order,” Samantha said over her comm without thinking.

  “I think I have some broken ribs and some internal bruising, possibly more. I didn't know he could generate that kind of force,” Alexander said. “My shoulder is also dislocated. Give me a hand.”

  Samantha took his hand helped him roll his shoulder back into the socket. He winced a bit but otherwise showed no sign of pain.

  “Come on. We'll get you checked out and talk about it more,” Samantha said.

  “Damn it! I knew we should have been more cautious. It's too risky to have them running loose until they learn to control it. Their skills are restoring at a rapid rate. What if Merlin finds them before we do, or they decide to go after Mordred before they're ready?” asked Alexander. “We need to find them. They're still at the point where their emotions can trigger their abilities and that's way too dangerous to leave them alone, so we need to start searching.”

  “I don't think we should,” Samantha said reflexively.

  “I agree. We should leave them be,” Xavier replied. “He said leave him be, so we should leave him be.”

  Alexander shook his head. “His voice. You don't know how to resist it. He hobbled over to both and with some effort to fight through the pain, he placed his hands on their foreheads. He spoke something in a language they didn't understand. “It is done. You're free of this influence but we'll have to teach you to resist future ones.”

  “Would someone tell me what the Hell is going on!” said Xavier.

  “He gave you an order. Did you hear his voice sound odd? That was a form of a geas. You can resist but you need to have the training to do so. I'll teach you both. They're using telepathy as well and that energy wave he hit me with, the geas voice, those are powers well beyond their ability to control. This is a very dangerous time for a mage. What if they start teleporting and miss their mark and end up in a volcano or solid rock or the bottom of the ocean?” Alexander asked. “I should not have pushed for this test. It made him question his ability to lead and drove him away. Damn it. This is my fault. Their power is progressing faster than their ability to control it.”

  “It's not your fault. We all agreed and thought he would understand the need for these kinds of tests even though we might have been wrong in retrospect. You said during our planning this is how Merlin taught you. That worked with you and some others but will not work with them it seems. You'll have to try a different route,” Samantha replied.

  “Are you sure it's their power? They've done some things before that were extraordinary like destroying the Tormentor, but was attributed to the dragon's soul,” Xavier said. “Can you really train them to control that? From what I've gleaned it appears to be a unique occurrence. How can you train them for that?”

  “That is a unique situation but that's not all that's going on. When the dragon's soul manifests, their eyes change. That wasn't the dragon's power he used to attack me or command you,” Alexander told him.

  “That was his own magic. He was the leader of the defenders of Atlantis before he became king and his power was quite incredible. Both were incredible. I’ve seen what a Vanguard can do,” Morgana told them.

  “Come on, we have work to do so let's get started,” Alexander said. He started to take a step then stumbled and went down to one knee. He coughed up a small amount of blood and then forced himself back on his feet. “That man hits hard.”

  “The only thing we're going to get started on is getting you to a medical facility,” Samantha said.

  “I'll be fine,” he told her.

  “Don't you remember from when we were together? If I make up my mind you might as well give up. My mind is made up so call your shuttle and I'll get you to the nearest med center. Now shut up and sit down until the shuttle gets here,” Samantha told him.

  “Okay but as soon as we're done we need to...” Alexander started but Xavier interrupted.

  “We're going to confer with Bruce. In the absence of Sebastian and Chelsea he's in charge until Anna is on her feet again, not you,” Xavier told him.

  “He's at the hospital with Bethany. They haven't gotten back yet,” said Samantha.

  “Anna is out of commission and William is with her at the hospital so then I guess from a seniority standpoint, I'm next in line,” Xavier said.

  “So, what are we going to do then?” Samantha asked.
br />   “Samantha, get Alexander to a hospital. I'm going to go find my friends and see if I can fix this,” he told them.

  “You can't go by yourself. The amorak will not be as civil without me to keep them under control,” Alexander told him.

  “Then I'll do what I have always done if I encounter any hostile fey. You have your orders,” Xavier said to Samantha and headed in the direction of Sebastian and Chelsea.

  Morgana stood with tears in her eyes and teleported away.


  Sebastian and Chelsea walked through the rocky landscape. They moved faster than before and were soon out of the pass and into the open area.

  “You aren't at fault here,” Chelsea told him.

  “Of course, I am. It's the military all over. My leadership ability is nonexistent. In GloCom it cost the lives of numerous civilians and now there is so much more at stake. Everyone has been wrong to put their faith and trust in me. All I've done is fail,” Sebastian said.

  “That's bullshit. If you want to pity yourself and cry, then, by all means, do so. I'll go back with the others and salvage what we can from this and try to finish what we started,” Chelsea told him. “If you want to sack up and be the man I love then we can do it together.”

  “Excuse me?” he said.

  “You heard me. Did they handle this is in a dick way? Sure. I think it was in our best interest though. You've known Xavier since the first Camelot expedition and he's as loyal as anyone. You call Bobby your brother. This wasn't a betrayal of your leadership it was them helping Alexander test us which he obviously thought was necessary or he wouldn't have done it. He didn't disobey any orders. We agreed to let Alexander train us. Always. Be. Ready. Did you think that would always be scheduled times in a training room? Always. Be. Ready. We're not on that level anymore. In case you haven't noticed we're using powers that quite frankly we don't understand and while I'm not the biggest fan of the man, Alexander may be the best one to help us,” Chelsea told him.

  “I recall we agreed to let him train us once Morgana corroborated his story and that hasn't happened yet, and she had the opportunity to do so just now. Instead, I find out he's contacting our people outside of our knowledge, hijacking shuttles and really, what was the point of that test? We dodged a few non-lethal lasers and beat up a few machines. We already know how to fight,” he told her.

  “That's not fair. She barely had a moment to speak and when she tried you brushed her off. As far as Alexander goes, yes, he knows but now he has seen it. What happened with Socrates was strange and not really a good show. We were not completely in control of ourselves and today we were. He can now gauge our abilities better. I would also like you to remember that not only did you and you alone recognize the lack of danger and identify Alexander, but you also managed to pull off something he didn't even predict. You outmaneuvered Alexander the Great. Not a lot of people in history could make that claim,” Chelsea said.

  “I just don't know anymore. Things are happening so fast. I don't even know who I am anymore. I get so many flashes of former lives sometimes they mingle together. I have abilities I didn't even know about. Our team is falling apart. Boudicca and Trish are out of commission. Ra is awake but probably not ready to fight after being in a coma. Nefertiti will be distracted until he's fully healed. Bruce is going to be less available now that the baby is born. Anna is out of commission and William along with her. Merlin...I don't even want to think about that waste. Xavier and Samantha are taking orders from Alexander. It feels like it's coming undone and today was just another example of that,” he told her, sounding very despondent. “It feels hopeless sometimes.”

  “They're not taking Alexanders orders. They just helped him set up a training exercise. I know how you feel. I feel what you do, remember? We're connected, and it goes both ways. I really want to be strong for you, but I have similar feelings of my own. We must get through this. I want to speak with Morgana. Right now, we're walking through fire and we must come through it without getting burned,” Chelsea said.

  “Morgana's advice would be great but she's not impartial. She's obviously more involved than we realized, and we can't be sure, really sure, that she isn't slanted by her own desires. I just wish we had someone we could rely on for impartial advice. Everyone needs a sounding board and we don't have that,” he said as the two hugged.

  “I know. I want that too,” she said and they both disappeared.


  Xavier saw the two of them up ahead talking and started moving faster. He got within shouting distance and they disappeared. “What the fuck?” he said to himself as he stopped. In the distance, he heard a musical howl. “Shit.”

  The pack closed on him quickly. Initially, he counted six of them. As they got closer the howls became more distinct and he could hear at least ten. He drew his pistol and found the highest point he could and bolted towards it. “I wish I had asked Chelsea if they have any weaknesses,” he said to himself.

  He saw them at the edge of his vision. They were circling him and continuing the musical howling. It was starting to make him feel anxious.

  “Okay, calm yourself. That howl can generate disorientation and fear so hold it together,” he said continuing to have his one-sided conversation.

  They got closer as they circled and the howls got more intense. He could now make out four large ones, one much larger than the others, and seven smaller ones.

  “Hah! They have seven young. Chelsea said only four. I'll have to rub this in when I see her again,” he said to himself.

  The pack closed the circle tighter and finally got close enough for a good shot. Their color blended into the bleak landscape well and they had darkness on their side, so he didn't waste shots until he was sure of a hit. He took aim at one of the larger ones and the howling intensified. He gritted his teeth and clenched his left fist.

  “You can't scare me with some mystical howling. I'm Vanguard and we don't scare easily,” he said to the dogs.

  He opened fire and caught one of the adults in the side. The laser ripped through it and the dog's musical howl turned to a cacophony of discordant sound. He shook his head. “That's more irritating than your singing,” he said as the canines charged him.

  The pack rushed him from all sides with the larger adults in the lead. The one to his front left jumped at him which he easily dodged but as he did so one from the back sank its teeth into his shoulder. His bioweave kept the teeth from penetrating but the force of the jaws still caused tremendous pain. The younger members of the pack were staying at a distance using their howls to continuously keep him disoriented. They weren't as strong at it as the adults were, but the effect was noticeable.

  He reached back and grabbed the muzzle of the one locked onto his shoulder and channeled fire through his hand and into the beast. It howled in pain as the smell of singed dog hair filled the air. The canine slumped to the ground and twitched a few times but otherwise did not move.

  Another of the adults grabbed him by the back and was trying to force him to the ground. The other remaining adult grabbed his sword arm and the two of them were trying to pull him off his feet. He was drawing on all his strength to fight them and remain vertical.

  He dropped his pistol and gripped the head of the one on his sword arm. He squeezed, ramping up his strength as he did so until he heard bones crack. Blood ran from the amorak's eyes as it dropped to the ground.

  He jumped into the air pull himself free of the one that had him by the back. His shirt ripped away, but the jaws were not able to penetrate his armor, so its grip was only tenuous. As he came down, he impaled his sword through its head and twisted.

  He turned to the young ones that were breaking to run. He picked up his pistol and started firing. For each bolt of energy that came from his gun, another one leaped from his fingers. In a few seconds, the last of the amorak were dead

  He was tired, and his shoulder was hurting. He was mostly okay and returned to the shuttle without further incident. The inter
ference was gone so he activated his comm and tried to reach Sebastian, Chelsea or Bruce but was unable to do so. William answered but advised he was staying with Anna.

  He opened a channel to Camelot. “This is Field Marshall Xavier. Lord Marshall Sebastian, Vice Marshall Chelsea, and Field Marshall Bruce are out of contact. Field Marshalls Anna and William are otherwise engaged. Until further orders from one of them, I am assuming command of the Vanguard and am in route to Camelot. I have some minor injuries so have a medic ready when I get there. Otherwise, continue BAU.”

  “Sir?” replied Lt. Mavis. “What happened to them?”

  “You have your orders. I'm placing the shuttle on autopilot and am going to take a short nap until the shuttle lands. I have a headache and thanks to me there are no medical supplies on the shuttle. Field Marshall Xavier out.”


  The two men were walking slowly through the garden at Camelot. The man Merlin was speaking to was of Arabic descent with a long black beard and curly black hair. He wore simple, white robes and a modest, functional hat to shield his eyes from the noon sun. He walked with his hands held together behind his back. His demeanor was calm and pleasant. He was in stark contrast the European man beside him. Merlin's beard was equally long but completely white. Merlin’s robes were of the finest silks in dark shades of blue and black and a hood covered his head and much of his face. Merlin was anxious and seemed worried.

  “Merlin, I thank you for the offer to join your Council, but you should know I have no violence in my heart. Any such desires were lost to me long ago. My life is one of peace and tranquility and I would keep it as such. I will help as I can to save lives, but I will not take one. I am at peace with the world,” Solomon told him.

  “Solomon, you must understand. This is no normal tyrant. He is a wizard of unheard-of power and has wrought a path of destruction in his wake the likes of which we have never seen. I have no desire to kill my own son but if we don't act then it's all of our lives on the line,” Merlin replied, very animated.

  “If it is my lot in life to die at the hands of a devil given form then I will accept that fate. I have lived a long and fruitful life. I have seen the wonders of the ancient world and the marvels of today. I have no regrets and no hesitation. If you choose the path I have suggested and seek to bind his magic, to bind all magic, then I shall assist you. I believe it is time for magic to pass from the realm for a while. If your path is one of death then I will sit at your table in hopes you change your mind but voice no opinion nor shall I provide any aid should your mind continue to be focused on your son’s death,” Solomon said, remaining calm despite Merlin's increased angst.


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