The Vanguard

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The Vanguard Page 28

by Jeffrey Ellis

  “My limited interaction with him would make me concur with both of you. When I offered the assistance of Bethany and Sam on the code, he declined and brushed off their skills and usefulness without even considering it. I later pressed him, and he reluctantly agreed to their help. I'm happy to say one of our own cracked their code. Not only did someone he didn't think would be useful beat his expert cypher specialists, the military intelligence group and the president's Blackbirds but she did it while being a full-time mother, keeping Bruce in check and maintaining her duties here. I think that deserves special acknowledgment,” he said and stood up and started applauding as the rest of the group joined him.

  “You want to fill us in on what you found Bethany?” Sebastian asked her.

  “To say I cracked the code is a bit of stretch. So far, all I've done is identify the code being used. It's a very old Davincian cypher that was ran through a few language translators to further obfuscate it. It was just a question of reverse engineering the language translators used until the original code was unearthed. I couldn't have done it without Sam. She wrote the program,” Bethany said. “We finally figured out what code was used but cracking Davincian cyphers isn't something that's easy and this one is resistant to current methods. Sam is on it though.”

  “I barely did anything. All I did was write a few lines of code based on Bethany's knowledge,” Samantha told them. “I am working on a program to decode the root level cypher. I'm making progress but it's some complex algorithms and it will take time.”

  “This isn't about modesty. This is about pride. In a meeting that included the President, Director Thomas smugly disregarded the Vanguard's worth as if you two were just someone with a calculator and a dictionary and we get to make him eat those words,” Sebastian told her.

  “Sam, I can help you. I may not be as good as you, but I know my way around a computer system,” Alexander told her.

  “Davinci was a Warden. It's not very well known but he was one of us. William, can you get our archivists to pull everything we have on Davinci? Maybe it's an old Warden code they're using and don't even realize it,” Chelsea said.

  “If it's a Warden code, shouldn't it already be in your database?” Alexander asked.

  “He lived centuries ago. We didn't have databases then and we don't reuse codes. They might be in the archives but Davinci's journals are enigmas. He often used code to write his journals, so I think we are on the right track but it's going to take time. With Bethany helping with the translations and Alexander helping with the coding, we will get it. It's just a matter of time and who gets the answer first,” she said.

  “Just don't tell anyone what you discovered,” Alexander said.

  “Absolutely tell them. We agreed to full disclosure and the entire reason we are in this meeting is for that very reason. We are not going to keep secrets, especially ones that make us go back on our word,” Sebastian replied.

  “He's right. We're better than that and won't stoop to the petty levels of Director Thomas,” Xavier said.

  “Morgana, Alexander, the wards please.” At this, Morgana and Alexander got up and started making runes on the walls with paint. “They're giving us a degree of privacy we've never had before. Those runes will make this room immune to scrying, divination, and teleportation. He then opened a channel. “Lt. Mavis. I need a complete blackout on all communications to the C&C. We're in a closed meeting and short of the President or General Morrison we are not to be interrupted.”

  “The third main thing we have going on is Merlin. I've struggled with this issue because it's going to be walking a razor blade,” Sebastian said.

  “As most of you know, since Merlin returned he has been less than cooperative. He disappears for long periods of time and generally has been difficult at best. Information regarding his past, before the Seal, has recently come to light. Merlin is a megalomaniac with delusions of godhood. Before the Seal, he was forcing villages to pay tribute to him and took advantage of that tribute in every conceivable way.”

  “Initially, I was inclined to ignore that as it predates UniGov and any authority we may have and let the Masters handle that as they see fit since it happened under their Council then their Council should decide. However, things have changed. That puts his actions under our jurisdiction.”

  “Since the Cataclysm, we haven't been able to track his movements. It took some time, but new information has come to light. Merlin has set up a cult with himself at the center and the members are worshiping him as a god. He is using his power to manipulate and influence his followers.”

  “Before the Seal, some of the Masters were planning to deal with Merlin themselves but the war with Mordred pushed that to the side. Now the Seal is broken, Merlin has returned and as those Masters have all joined the Vanguard and agreed to our authority in matters involving magic, we decide now on both his past and present crimes. I will not make this decision unilaterally. Make no mistake here, we're judging whether Merlin lives or dies.”

  Several people seemed uneasy at this.

  “I know it seems like it came out of nowhere, but this is a very old issue that is reoccurring. We agreed that no Master would ever put themselves above the people again and he has violated that. Don't take my word for it. Anna,” he said motioning to her.

  “Two thousand years ago, Merlin took it upon himself to become the guardian of numerous towns and villages. In exchange for his protection, he required tribute from the locals. He would require payment in virgins or exotic items he could use in his arcane research. In one such instance, he had a young dragon transported near a village and allowed it to prey on the locals for weeks until they were broken and begged for his assistance. He took one of their young girls as payment as well as the remains of the dragon.”

  “Anna, how do you know?” asked Bruce.

  “She is telling the truth. I can verify that story personally,” Alexander said.

  “And how do you know, Anna?” Bruce continued.

  Anna laid a journal on the table. “Because that woman was a direct ancestor of mine. She was also a Warden and replaced Arthur as High Lord after his death. Read it from her own hand. This was her private journal,” Anna told Bruce.

  “There's also the fact of my murder. Or attempted murder,” Alexander said. “He's the one who poisoned me to force me into his service.”

  “And he did those things time and again until the Seal was formed,” Morgana said.

  “Those things are not our problems. He did those things in a time when neither the UniGov, the Wardens nor the Vanguard existed and predate our authority,” Bruce said.

  “This is not in question, but his actions now are,” Sebastian told Bruce. He then turned on a comm panel.

  “As we all know, he disappears for long periods of time and is, at best, less than forthcoming with information. We also know he's been lying to us about his strength almost from day one. He also knew that Mordred was back and opened the Seal but chose not to share that information. He has been working his own agenda and until now we didn't know what that agenda was,” Sebastian said.

  “That might make him a liar and piece of garbage but that's hardly worth a death sentence, which I might remind you we don't have the authority to enforce on a human, even a Master when that person hasn't crossed the line. We only have jurisdiction over the fey and thanks to a Senate mandate that also includes dark wizards. Merlin is neither,” Xavier said.

  “We'll get to that,” Chelsea replied.

  “This is a compound in the mountains on the border of Peru and Ecuador. It's an abandoned military base from WWIV. The offensive and defensive systems were stripped long ago and since then, it's been an occasional tourist attraction but since the Cataclysm, it's been effectively empty. Or rather it was. In recent months, our passive satellite monitoring shows activity beyond the normal tourists visiting a historical monument,” Chelsea said changing the images.

  “No one took notice with all of the other things going on but
fortunately one of our own was diligent enough to look into every piece of intelligence we received and managed to connect this to Merlin. Not at first mind you but now it's obvious,” she said pulling up an image of a large statue being erected that was obviously Merlin.

  “We have managed to procure intelligence from people on the ground at the location. Merlin has started a cult that worships him as a god. He forces tribute from them in many forms just like before. They gift him with lavish jewels, rare antiquities, artifacts possibly of a magic nature and sex that is often forced upon the women in the cult” Chelsea said.

  “Do we have an official sanction from UniGov naming him a target for the Vanguard?” asked Bruce.

  “We don't need one,” said Sebastian. “We have jurisdiction over both fey and dark wizards and Merlin has crossed the line. We have evidence, currently being transferred to your comm links, showing he is in many cases using his power to manipulate the minds of his followers. He's also created several monstrous fey he uses to guard this compound.”

  “He might, and I stress that, MIGHT, be a dark wizard that falls under our jurisdiction but he's no fey. He's as human as any of us,” Bruce said. “If he were fey, we could kill him outright but he's human and that means courts must be involved.”

  Morgana stood up. “It is time you all knew the truth. Until this point, only a select few knew the history of humans but I have agreed to keep no secrets from you. You should know what we are. Originally, there were no humans. There were no drebs, no ogres, no fairies, none of the things we call fey. The only sentient species on the planet was the dragons. A sentient humanoid evolved after the dragons and it was what scientists would call a missing link. This species showed an incredible talent for magic, enough so it gained the attention of the dragons.”

  “The dragons watched this developing species grow quickly in strength until they became a danger to themselves because of their lack of understanding of the power they had and fought with each other for power and status.”

  “The dragons, having gone through a similar period in their own ancient history, decided to take this young species and teach them to spare them the violence and death that would follow. This species was known as fey. The dragons adopted the word into their own language due to its similarity for their word for child and for centuries taught and guided this young race.”

  “As time passed and their power grew, they showed a peculiar trait the dragons had never seen. The fey physically changed to reflect the nature of their magic. As they changed, they began to develop into distinct species and over the course of centuries of changing and breeding, the major races of the fey had developed with two standing at the top in terms of magical strength. Those two were humans and drebs.”

  “You're telling me we're some fairy monster?” Bruce asked.

  “I'm telling you that you are as much a fey as any other magical humanoid on this planet. We are all brothers and share a common ancestor. That includes Merlin putting him under our jurisdiction. During Atlantis, we had names for each race like always, but we considered everyone to be fey including humans,” Morgana said.

  “I would like everyone's input on this please,” Sebastian said.

  “Poppycock,” said Bruce. “All of this is nothing but hearsay and speculation. The only facts we have is some people are trespassing on government property and building a statue. You're asking us to take on a Master with nothing but whispers and rumor to go on. Anna has her own agenda and none of that evidence she has was obtained properly nor was it shared with the appropriate authorities. Even now, it's not being handed over to GloCom or UniGov it's just being used to further that agenda. As far as Merlin being a fey? Completely irrelevant. It doesn't matter how we got here and whether your story is true or not, we're human now and humans fall under the domain of UniGov, not the Wardens and not the Vanguard. That story comes second hand from dragons, which by the way we have neither seen nor have any proof they even exist. You want my help, you get me a sanction from the President declaring Merlin a dark wizard and I'm on your side but until then, I'm out.”

  “That goes for me as well,” Xavier said. “I agree with Bruce. There is a proper method and an improper one and this is all wrong. We haven't followed protocol. We have rules and methods for a reason. I'm disturbed by the idea that Merlin has gone rogue. I'm deeply disturbed by it but that doesn't give me the right to pass judgment.”

  “I can't believe I am seeing the world's premier defenders back down from a fight,” Alexander said. “There is a wizard out there mad with power and forcing people to treat him as a god and you do nothing.”

  “They're right Alexander. What real proof do we have? None of that surveillance shows Merlin at the location. The accusations of manipulation and rape are just that, accusations,” Boudicca replied to Alexander.

  “We'll take what we have, forward it to General Morrison and Neala's liaison and see what they think.”

  “YOU CAN'T DO THIS!” Anna yelled. “We can't let that monster do it all over again. I won't let that happen.”

  “Anna, calm down. Let's be patient and let things...” William started to say.

  “NO! I am tired of patience and waiting while bad people hurt good people. I will not stand for this any longer. High Lord Sebastian, effectively immediately I resign my commission from the Vanguard. I will report to the Provisioner to turn in my weapons and have my access decommissioned,” she said and stormed out with William close behind.

  “Chelsea, can you calm her down? I need to finish up here,” Sebastian said, and Chelsea left.

  “This is disappointing,” Alexander said.

  “Why the Hell are you here? You're not one of us and told us you didn't want to be. Are you going to throw in with us and do things our way?” Bruce asked.

  “I think that's a decision for your leader,” Alexander said.

  “He's right. You need to make a choice Alexander. This is how we do things. We're not tyrants and we don't unilaterally decide things. We have processes for a reason. It may take more time but if it's all true, then we'll get proof and we'll get the okay to move on it just like with Tokyo,” Sebastian told him. “Mordred is still the bigger threat and that has to be our primary focus. If the intel on Merlin checks out, we'll handle it.”

  “You put me in a difficult position. I have a promise to Anna regarding Merlin and I have a promise to Morgana to help you. No matter what I choose I must break my word, but I have a much older and longer standing obligation to Morgana and that must take priority. I will ally myself with the Vanguard,” Alexander replied.


  “Anna, wait!” Chelsea said as she ran after her.

  “I've made up my mind. I can't do this any longer,” Anna said as she continued to walk towards the armory.

  “Anna, listen to her. She's your friend. At least let her say her piece,” William told Anna.

  Anna stopped walking.

  “I know you're pissed. This thing with Merlin is bothering more than anyone else but don't let it ruin what you have here. You're crucial to this team and beyond that, you're my friend. I don't want to lose friends. We need you here. You're a part of the Vanguard,” Chelsea said.

  “She's right. Listen to her. We all want to stop Merlin,” William told her.

  “Bullshit. Sebastian and Chelsea are ready to just walk away and pretend it isn't happening,” Anna yelled at William.

  “That's not true. We believe he's in the wrong, but we have a more difficult position to take. Most people think that Merlin is one of the good guys. We have to be able to prove our accusations. Sebastian is being diplomatic because we must hold this group together. Once we have proof, solid proof, we'll move swiftly,” Chelsea told her.

  “Why does this even bother you so much?” asked William.

  Anna looked at her love with her eyes watering. “I don't know. It just does. It's eating at me that I have to stop him.”

  “You don't know why you're obsessed with Merlin?” Chelse
a asked.

  “I have to make things right and I'm the only one who can do it,” Anna told her. “I shouldn't care but I do. What happened was almost two thousand years ago but the pain of what he did to her...I can't let that go.”

  “You feel her pain?” Chelsea asked.

  “I do,” Anna replied. She was crying. “I can feel everything he did to her. How she suffered. How she hurt. How the people of the village looked at her and treated her. It's my duty to make him pay for his crimes. I mean I can literally feel her suffering.”

  “Something is not right. Let's talk to the others. If you still feel you need to leave then do so but don't quit. We'll put you on an indefinite leave, so you don't destroy your life over this,” Chelsea told her. “At least talk with Morgana. She knows a lot and might be able to help you. What do you have to lose other than an afternoon? If you don't like what you hear you can go. Quit. Take on Merlin by yourself and die because you can't beat him on your own,” Chelsea told her.

  “Okay,” Anna replied. William was holding her as she sobbed.

  “William, take her back to your quarters and let her rest. We might be a few minutes, but I'll be there as soon as I can. If she doesn't seem like she's calming down, call medical and get her a sedative,” Chelsea told her and then headed back to the C&C.


  Chelsea walked back into the C&C.

  “You do realize what that means? It means you follow the chain of command. It means no rogue operations. It means you work with us as part of this team,” Bruce said.

  “I'm no stranger to ranks and discipline. I can work with you as part of your team,” Alexander replied. “We still need to start your training immediately.”

  “I agree,” said Chelsea. “Once this meeting is over we can do just that. We'll work together on a regimen and get started.”

  “You're half right. You might oversee the Vanguard but I'm in charge of your training. I will determine any regimen,” Alexander told her.


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