The Vanguard

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The Vanguard Page 34

by Jeffrey Ellis

  Trish rushed over. “Are you okay?”

  “I'm just a bit weakened. Thank you, Xavier,” she said.

  He then helped her over to the military base station. Lt. Marshall came over with two sets of fatigues.

  “I have no idea what I just saw but it was damned amazing. I've already contacted London and let them know we would be breaking camp soon. As soon as the civs give this place the all clear, we'll return to our base,” Lt. Marshalls told them.

  “Thank you, Lt.,” Xavier said as the three boarded their shuttle.

  The women changed on the way back as they talked.

  “So, you're the Vice Marshall now? I can see all kinds of benefits of being best friends with the boss. Choice hunts, best meals and who knows what other benefits,” Trish said. “I'm not calling you sir, though.”

  “I don't expect you to. As far as benefits, I'm just acting Vice Marshall until the two Masters return. Even if I weren't, you know I wouldn't betray my rank like that,” he told her.

  “I know. I'm just teasing. You're uptight,” she said.

  “It's a lot of work. Our GloCom contingent has grown, we're planning an expedition to the Library of Socrates, the llamia relocation is complete so now we have fey living at Camelot, Bruce and I have full plates right now,” he said.

  “I didn't realize. I'll do whatever I can to help and what do you mean Masters?” Trish asked.

  “Sebastian and Chelsea have crossed the threshold. I suspected it for some time but wasn't sure,” Boudicca told her. “It was mentioned at the conference I was listening to. I told you about it.”

  “I'm sure you did. I was in and out of consciousness for the last few weeks and a lot of things are hazy,” Trish replied. “Where did Sebastian and Chelsea go and when are they coming back?”

  “We don't know to both questions. We got a ping a few days ago they were in South America. Some local security report flagged a routine check on Praia Vermelha, one of the Gilded Sky beaches at Rio,” he told the women.

  “We're tracking them?” Boudicca asked.

  “There are sniffers running on all the public databases, police and open military channels that flag any mention of our people, Vanguard or Warden, or anything that might be fey related,” Xavier told her.

  “I did not realize you could read so many things at once,” Boudicca said.

  “We don't actually read them. A series of computers scan them and looks for keywords. The names of all Wardens and Vanguard and every known species of fey, along with their physical descriptions and methods of attack are filtered out and flagged for review. Most of that is handled by the Wardens but they send us anything they think is under our domain,” Trish said.

  “It also flags anything indicated specifically for our attention. The police and GloCom have special flags they can activate that will immediately send something to us.”

  “That's amazing. With the size of the population that must be thousands of things at once,” Boudicca said.

  “More like tens of millions in the average day. We use mathematical formulae, called algorithms, to assign priorities. Anything specifically mentioning our people gets sent to us immediately. That's how we knew about the bosses,” Xavier said.

  “At least they're enjoying themselves. I couldn't think of a better place for a vacation,” she replied then started laughing hysterically.

  “Am I missing a joke?” Boudicca asked.

  “We both are,” Xavier replied.

  “Sebastian went to Praia Vermelha. I’ve heard of that beach. It's an anything-goes hedonism resort. I can't imagine someone as shy as him on a nude beach where anything goes,” Trish said.

  “I'm sure he kept he clothes on,” Xavier replied.

  “That's not an option. Gilded Sky's hedonism resorts are not for the bashful. I bet Chelsea had to practically drag him on the beach,” Trish said still laughing as Xavier opened the comm to Camelot.

  “Anything else we missed?” asked Trish.

  “I have two puppies now. Amorak. It's a long story but they're cute,” he told her.

  “I love puppies! I can't wait to see them,” Trish said. “I never had pets growing up.”

  “Lt. Mavis, this is Vice Marshall Xavier. I need clearance for landing immediately. Notify medical they have two incoming. No injuries, just routine physicals but I need them done immediately,” he said.

  “Acknowledged, sir. Welcome home,” he said.

  “What's this about physicals? I'm fine,” Trish said.

  “I believe you, but we need to be sure. With all due respect to Master Boudicca, we don't know what was done and how well you recovered. The last time we saw you, you had a hole through you and a good portion of your lower lumbar blown away and your spinal cord along with it. As far as Boudicca, she's weakened. It will do her good to see a doctor. She helped you so let us help her,” Xavier said.

  “Command looks good on you. As soon as I'm out of medical, I'm going to spend the next hour eating,” she replied.

  “If the two of you check out okay, we would like you both at Greece. We'll be leaving soon but your health takes priority,” Xavier said.

  The shuttle touched down and a medical team was waiting to escort Trish and Boudicca to the medical ward.

  “If you'll excuse me, I have to get some personnel reports done,” Xavier said and left.

  A little later, Trish and Boudicca sat on beds in the medical ward as the doctor finished the examination and walked over to Trish. His bedside manner was blunt, but he was an expert in both internal medicine and surgery and had saved the lives of a lot of Wardens, so his gruff manner was ignored.

  “Give it me straight doc, will I live?” Trish asked him.

  “You're in perfect health. You're better than before. Your bone scars from when you broke your leg are gone. You had a mild allergy to pollen you'll no longer have to take medication for. I don't know what the hell she did to you but you're fine. Now get the hell out of my medical ward and free up a bed for someone who needs it,” he told her.

  She looked around at the empty beds. “Yea, it seems like it's standing room only in here,” she said to him. “I'm not leaving without my lady, so you'll just have to deal with it.”

  “Your lady is going to be here a few days,” he said as he walked over to Boudicca.

  “You don't have anything major wrong, but you need rest. You're low on some vitamins and iron and you're suffering from exhaustion. Your electrolytes are also very low. We'll get an IV drip started to replenish everything and with a couple of days of bed rest, you'll be just fine. I'll have a nurse get a bed ready and start the fluids. And you,” he said looking at Trish, “Do something useful and go get this woman something to eat. Make sure it's high in iron. Red meat would be good. Get her a steak and get me one while you're at it. Rare.”

  Trish stood gawking at him.

  “I just did your physical, so I know you're not deaf now run along,” he said.

  Trish stared a moment longer and then left with Boudicca laughing quietly at her.

  “Thank you, doctor. It was very stressful healing her. I appreciate your assistance. I can heal others but not myself,” Boudicca told him.

  “It's my job. We all do our part and it's my job to make sure you're able to do yours. Besides, don't tell her I said this, but I like that kid and you brought her back to us. Now, lay back and rest,” he said as he prepared an injection. “This will help with the muscle pain.”

  “I don't have any pain,” Boudicca replied.

  “You can't lie to me. I can see your calves twitching and the scans indicated very high levels of pain. You Wardens are all the same. You think it makes you weak to show pain, but it just makes you human. Everyone hurts sometimes so shut up and let me give you your medication,” the doctor told her.

  Bruce walked in.

  “It's good to have you and Trish back home,” he said to Boudicca. “Where is she?”

  “She's fine so I put her to work,” the doctor said. “S
he'll be here momentarily. At least she better be.”

  “How's Boudicca doing?” Bruce asked him.

  “She needs some rest and some good food for a few days, but she'll be fine. You can have her back risking her life by the end of the week,” the old man replied. “She needs her rest so keep it brief.”

  “I will. Thank you, doctor,” Bruce replied as the doctor walked to his office.

  “How are you?” Bruce asked her.

  “I'm fine. I just need some rest,” Boudicca told him.

  “That's good to hear now tell me the truth, not what you tell the others. You're like me. You hide behind your image but inside, I know what it's like. I've had a few nasty injuries myself and been on the sidelines while I recovered. You've been immobile for months. You've barely slept from what Xavier told me and you've lived on a diet of berries and sugar water. I'm sure you're physically weak and will recover but I want to know how you are mentally. That's a trying experience you just went through,” Bruce said to her.

  “You're right. It was trying. I'm a healer but first and foremost, I'm a warrior. Sitting idle for so long, not being able to fight, it was not pleasant. I need to be active. I need to fight for my people. Since I first picked up a spear, since I led my people against the Romans, my path was set. I don't care what it is, a fey hunt, some rogue wizard, whatever you have I want it. Once I'm out of this bed I need to be a warrior again,” she told him.

  “Then you'll be one. Once you get the okay from the doctor, I'll make sure you have something to do. The world always has work for the Vanguard,” Bruce said. “We're planning a trip to Greece. I don't know if it will be dangerous, but I have a gut feeling it will be. That seems to be how things go for us.”

  Trish came walking in with a pushcart with three plates on it.

  “I don't recall assigning you to kitchen duty,” Bruce said.

  “I assigned her. It's about damn time. It's a good thing you know how to kill things because we'd all die of starvation if you were permanently part of the kitchen staff,” the doctor said as he took a plate and went back to his office.

  He stuck his head out the door just before closing it. “Redhead, eat the entire meal. Doctor's orders. If you get full then force it down,” he said and shut the door behind him.

  “He's a ray of sunshine,” Trish said.

  “He's a grumpy old fuck but he's damn good at keeping our people healthy. He's one of the best doctors in the Wardens if not the world,” Bruce told her.

  “So, you want to tell us what happened while we were in Scotland?” Trish asked.

  “Things got a little weirder than usual. Right now, just get yourselves up to speed. Read the briefs. If you have any questions, ask Xavier or me. Get Boudicca back on her feet because we're all taking a trip to Greece very soon,” Bruce said. “Ladies, if you'll excuse me I have a bit of spare time and I'm going to go spend it with my family.”


  The group of dreb warmages teleported into the library. The building was underground and very large. Many additions had been added over the centuries since the original construction by Socrates. The drebs had sent a contingent of two dozen warmages to help in the fight against the Vanguard.

  “Your warmages are not necessary,” Mordred said to V'dal.

  “That is not your decision to make. Do not forget you answer to the Great Alpha as I do, and he deems them necessary. There are to be no mistakes this time. You have failed. The ALF has failed. Socrates has failed. There will be no more failure,” V'dal told him.

  “Then when they get here, we will fight, and they will die,” Mordred told him.

  “You will fight but I will not. Unlike you, the Great Alpha does not consider me expendable,” V'dal told him.

  “Expendable? You may be more expendable than you think. I will carry the victory, not your people,” Mordred told him as he glared at him.

  V'dal stared back, showing no reaction to the threat.

  “You had better hope as much because tolerance for failure is at an end. If any of the Vanguard survives the coming battle you had better pray you do not. The Great Alpha does not like to be let down and there has only been repeated disappointment,” V'dal told him and teleported out.

  Mordred reached into his pocket and squeezed the cloth with the stains of his mother's tears. He felt his mother's pain and loss fill him and felt a tear run down his cheek. The Vanguard would come. They had no idea the surprise they had in store for them.


  Sebastian and Chelsea stood in the crowd watching the performance. They were going all out of this mock coronation. The man being crowned was of average height with jet black hair. He was dressed in a white sequined jumpsuit. They put a robe and crown on him that was as garish as his clothing, overflowing with sequins, jewels, and gold, likely fake from the looks of it.

  There were fireworks and singing. The “King of Vegas” had a fully choreographed group of backup dancers and musicians and the entire performance overall was loud and bright. It embodied the spirit of Vegas as far as the pair could tell.

  Once it was over, they went in the direction of the Haven as fireworks lit up the sky.

  When they got there, there was a very large man, abnormally large for a human, working as the doorman.

  “This private place. You need to go away,” the man said.

  His voice was deep, and he stood at least half a foot taller than Bruce and probably a hundred pounds heavier. The man looked to have no body fat and did not seem especially friendly.

  “Relax. We're here by invitation. A man named Bo asked us to come by,” Chelsea told him.

  “You go. Private,” the large man told them.

  “It's okay. We were invited. We're friends,” Sebastian said and raised his hands to show he had no weapons.

  “Wardens!” the large man yelled and hit a button next to the bench he was sitting on.

  “Wait! This is a misunderstanding. We're not part of the Wardens. We're Vanguard and we're here by invitation,” Chelsea said.

  “Likely story. Your people have been hunting us. The Wardens don't allow the fey to be peaceful. You want us all dead,” said a female voice behind them.

  Chelsea turned and saw four women behind them. They were thin and tall with vaguely serpentine features. They all had long black hair and appeared to be quadruplets.

  “No, we don't. Look we're not Wardens. We're Vanguard and we're not even on active duty. We're here on a vacation. We met a fey named Bo and he said we should come by. We have no desire to harm non-hostile fey,” Sebastian told them.

  “Prove it,” said one of the females. “How do we know you're not here to hunt us like the rest of the Wardens?”

  “Because if we wanted you dead you would already be dead,” Chelsea told her.

  “Chelsea, let's not antagonize the snake ladies,” Sebastian said.

  “They're naga. They have a degree of magical power and some physical skills. I would suspect one of them is handling the illusion on the ogre at the door. Four naga and an ogre would last about ten seconds with us, even without our weapons and armor,” Chelsea replied.

  “You would threaten us?” said one of the nagas.

  “Not at all. I would tell you a fact and whether you accept it or not is your choice. Do you have any idea who we are?” Chelsea asked.

  “You are hunters of the fey. You are here to kill us,” said one of the naga.

  “We are Baldric and Malka,” said Chelsea.

  The naga gasped. “Lies. Kill them!”

  The four naga and the ogre moved towards them. The ogre was closest to Chelsea and swung at her with one of his large, club-like arms. She blocked the massive appendage and struck him open-palmed in the chest. He winced and swung with the other arm. She easily ducked under it and jumped, driving her knee into the ogre's nose. He yelled in pain and grabbed his face falling backward and landing roughly on his ass. The naga surrounded Sebastian and one grabbed him from behind, pinning his arms at his sides as
the other three moved towards him. He pried her arms off him and jumped up, his legs spreading apart and kicking two of the nagas in the head. As he came back down, he grabbed the one behind him by her head and flipped her over and forward into the fourth naga. The ogre and all four nagas were one the ground.

  “Not lies. We speak only the truth. We are here peacefully at the request of Bo. Ask him and he can clear this up,” Sebastian said.

  “Lumpy, go ask him,” said one of the naga.

  “Yes, Serena,” the big man replied and walked inside, still holding his bleeding nose.

  A moment later Bo came running out. “Stop! Don't hurt them!”

  “We were only trying to gauge their intentions,” said one of the naga.

  “I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to them. You don't realize who they are,” Bo said.

  “They claim to be the lieges,” Serena said.

  “They are. They are the reincarnation of Baldric and Malka. Now let's go inside before we cause a scene,” Bo said.

  They escorted Sebastian and Chelsea inside. The entrance looked like a normal boarding house at first. The main room was a common room. There were some sofas and a large vid screen playing an entertainment feed currently showing the party at the coronation ceremony. There were two stairways leading up and a couple of hallways branching off. The building was old and musty but clean and livable. The décor was antique, probably designed hundreds of years prior.

  Bo sat on one of the sofas and motioned for them to sit on another. The four naga also sat down and the big man they called Lumpy went back outside.

  “I'm sorry for the cold reception. Our welcoming committee can sometimes be a little standoffish,” Bo told them.


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