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Edge of Night

Page 17

by Ramona Gray

  She waited until he left again before saying, “So, that must have been terrifying for both you and Anna.”

  “It was scary, but he didn’t get too close to me because I smell like Cooper, and Anna was in the bathroom when he first came up to the table so -”

  “Wait, go back to the smell like Cooper thing,” Eleanor said. “Cooper as in, yours and Wes’s boss, Cooper?”


  “Why do you smell like him?” Eleanor said. She leaned forward and sniffed at her. “Like, you mean his cologne or something? Because if so, his cologne smells like vanilla.”

  “No, not his cologne. His scent. It’s kind of a long story,” Daisy said.

  “Now I’m even more intrigued,” Eleanor said before flipping open her menu. “C’mon, let’s figure out what we’re going to eat first and then you can tell me exactly why you smell like your boss.”

  * * *

  “Can I ask why you’re so afraid of shifters?” Eleanor said as she ate the last forkful of pasta on her plate.

  Daisy stared at her barely touched meal. “I don’t… I can’t talk about it. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m sorry for being nosy,” Eleanor said. She took a swallow of beer. “So, you said that Cooper is the one shifter you’re not afraid of anymore and you’re kind of horny for him, so I’m not getting the problem. Are you afraid you’ll lose your job if you guys break up?”

  “No, not at all. Cooper isn’t like that,” Daisy said. “I’m not afraid of Cooper, I’m really not. I am worried that I’ll try to sleep with him and maybe have to stop and take a break because I’m starting to get nervous. Or that with more intimacy, it’ll bring outright fear back and I won’t be able to go through with it. If that happens, at best, I’ll look like an idiot and at worst, a tease.”

  “Maybe if you talked to Cooper about your concerns -”

  “I tried but he’s basically avoiding me now. If I even have a whiff of anxiety when we’re making out, it freaks him out and he stops everything.”

  “Well, it’s sweet that he’s so worried about scaring you, but also, if he thinks you’re his mate, not having sex with you is gonna make him go mad, like you said, right?”

  “Maybe.” Daisy poked at her salad. “He’s actively looking for another mate though. He’s on a date with another woman as we speak.”

  “Shit,” Eleanor said.

  “Yeah. It’s not, like, a real date. This woman – Shay – doesn’t want anything but sex. But Cooper hopes that if his lion is having sex even with another woman, that it will help convince his lion that I’m not his mate.”

  “Jesus, shifters are fucking weird,” Eleanor said.

  “He signed up on a shifter’s dating site,” Daisy said. “He’s hoping to find another woman to be his mate.”

  “Which upsets you,” Eleanor said.

  “Yes, because he’s my friend and if it doesn’t work, he’ll go crazy and maybe kill himself,” Daisy said.

  “He’s your friend and that’s why you’re upset about him dating other women,” Eleanor repeated.

  Daisy threw her napkin over her food. “Yes, that’s what I said.”

  “You sure that’s the reason. Or are you upset because you’re in love with him and want to be his mate?” Eleanor said.

  “No, I… why would you think that?” Daisy said. “I barely know him.”

  “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you can’t lie worth shit,” Eleanor said, “and you have a very expressive face. You can practically see your love for him on your face when you say his name. It’s gross and also kind of adorable.”

  “It doesn’t matter. It’s too late now. He’s on a date with Shay and she’s probably gorgeous. They’ll probably have sex a billion times tonight, and she’ll probably have, like, a magical vagina or something and he’ll forget all about me.”

  “Magical vaginas are hard to compete with,” Eleanor said solemnly.

  Daisy smiled a little. “God, I’m an idiot.”

  “No,” Eleanor reached across and patted her hand, “you’re in love.”

  * * *

  “How’s your steak?”

  “Really good,” Cooper said. “Yours?”

  Shay ate another large bite of her rare steak before smiling at him. “Delicious. Thanks for meeting me here. I know it doesn’t look like much, but the food is amazing.”

  Cooper smiled at her before sipping at his beer. Shay was right. The pub was a definite hole in the wall type of place, but the steak on his plate was probably one of the best steaks he’d ever eaten. Too bad he could barely taste it. Of course, if his goddamn lion would shut the fuck up for one goddamn second, maybe he could actually enjoy his meal.

  I hate her, his lion growled grumpily. She smells funny and she talks too much.

  Stop it, Cooper snapped. You’re being ridiculous. Shay smells normal and she absolutely does not talk too much. You’re just being a dick.

  I want to go home to my mate, his lion said.

  He tuned his lion out, smiling apologetically at Shay. “Sorry.”

  “That’s all right,” Shay said. “Honestly, I get a little fascinated by the whole pupils turning to slits thing. So, I should probably apologize for staring at you while it happens.”

  He forced himself to eat another bite of steak. Shay was a beautiful woman, gorgeous in fact, and contrary to what his lion said, she smelled amazing and her body was perfect, and he really, really should be attracted to her.

  He wasn’t.

  Give it time, he told himself. Once you’re in her bed, you’ll feel something.

  “So,” he cleared his throat, “Gray said that you used to do some acting and that’s how you and Ryan became friends. Were you in any shows I would know?”

  She smiled. “I did a few commercials and had a couple of cameos on Ryan’s TV show, Alien Hunter. Honestly, I wasn’t that great of an actor.”

  “I’m sure you were amazing,” he said. “What commercials?”

  Jesus, could he sound less interested if he tried?

  Apparently not, because Shay finished the last bite of her steak before wiping her mouth with her napkin. “So, not to make this awkward, because if you want to do small talk and get to know each other a little better, I’m fine with that. But, if you want to skip the small talk and go back to my house and into my bed, I’m also perfectly fine with that.”

  He could feel the heat rising in his cheeks. “Are you always this blunt?”

  She shrugged. “Depends on the situation, I suppose. We’re both adults and we both know why we went out tonight. I’m not interested in a relationship and you’re looking for a distraction. I’m sure you can smell my attraction to you but in the interest of saving time, let me be clear that I am absolutely interested in seeing you naked and in my bed.”

  He tried to formulate a response as Shay sipped some wine.

  “That is, assuming you’re attracted to me as well,” she said.

  “You’re a beautiful woman,” he said.


  “But I’d be thinking about someone else while we’re having sex.”

  She smiled at him, the sadness in it making him wonder if her seemingly happy nature wasn’t a sham. “It wouldn’t be you I’m thinking of either.”

  “What’s his name?” Cooper said.

  “It doesn’t matter. He’s moved on and I’m trying to,” Shay said. “You’re one of the few men I’ve been attracted to since the relationship ended, so I’m willing to try this, if you are. Cooper?”

  He knew Shay was talking, but her voice was distant and unimportant. What was important was the fact that he could smell Daisy’s scent, smell it even over his own. It was coming closer and holy shit…

  He stared in shock at Daisy, his hand shooting out to catch her wrist when she would have walked by him. She jumped and jerked to a stop, her mouth dropping open when she saw him. “Cooper? What – what are you doing here?”

  “What are you doing here?” he

  Was she on a date? If she was on a date, he’d rip the asshole into fucking shreds before he let him touch his mate.

  “I’m – I’m here with a friend.”

  “What’s his name?” Cooper knew he was starting to growl, knew that his eyes were turning yellow and a beard was growing on his face, but he couldn’t control it. Daisy was his mate. She belonged to him and it would be a cold fucking day in hell before another man took what was his.

  “It’s Eleanor,” Daisy said. “Wes’s driver.”

  He relaxed, his lion settling down and purring to Daisy, as she pointed to a booth across the pub. He’d never met the woman who drove Wes to work practically every day, and he was a little shocked to see how young she was. He’d expected a woman in her fifties.

  “That’s Eleanor?” he said.

  “Yes.” Daisy tugged at his hand and he realized he was still holding her wrist, his thumb brushing over the pulse point.

  He released her and cleared his throat. “Daisy, this is Shay. Shay, this is Daisy. She’s our receptionist at work.”

  Daisy’s face was pale, but she smiled at Shay. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You as well,” Shay said.

  There was a moment of awkward silence and then Daisy said, “I should go. Cooper, will you be home late tonight?”

  He glanced at Shay as Daisy’s weird smile grew larger. “I’m staying with Cooper while I look for an apartment.”

  “That’s nice,” Shay said.

  “It is,” Daisy said. “Separate bedrooms, of course. I’m in the guest room… not his room. I mean, I’ve been in his room, but not for…”

  Her face turned bright red and Cooper inhaled deeply as Daisy rubbed hard at the scar on her arm. “Anyway, nice to meet you, Shay.”

  “Nice to meet you too, Daisy,” Shay said.

  With one last look at Cooper, Daisy walked back to her booth. Pride and a certain sense of possessiveness washed over Cooper as the shifters she walked past noticeably avoided her.

  “So, that’s Daisy, huh?” Shay said.

  “Yes.” He watched as she slid into the booth across from Eleanor. She said something to Eleanor and the pretty dark-haired woman looked his way before turning back to Daisy.

  “Cooper?” Shay said.

  “Sorry. Um… what were we talking about?”

  She smiled at him. “Why are you doing this, Cooper? Daisy’s into you.”

  “She isn’t,” he said.

  “Please. She’s been giving me the death stare since she sat down in her booth,” Shay said.

  He looked over at Daisy, he couldn’t help it. She was staring at Shay. Although she looked like her normal sweet self to him, she turned away when she realized he was watching her.

  “See what I mean,” Shay said. “That girl’s so jealous, she’s practically glowing green.”

  “She’s not jealous,” Cooper said.

  Shay laughed so hard, the couple at the table next to them stopped talking and looked over. “I know you could smell her jealousy, Cooper.”

  He flushed. He had smelled her jealousy. It made his lion go nearly crazy with excitement, but he was currently trying to convince himself and his lion that he was wrong.

  “You could, couldn’t you?” Shay said.

  “Yes, but I’m trying to convince myself I was mistaken. You’re not helping,” he said.

  She laughed again, her blue eyes dancing with mischief. She really was a gorgeous woman. Too bad he felt absolutely no attraction to her.

  “The two of you are adorable, and you need to go and talk to her instead of sitting here with me,” she said.

  “I can’t,” he said.

  “You can. Being too chicken to do it is not the same as not being able to do it,” Shay said.

  “She’s afraid of me.”

  “Is she?” Shay said. “Because, again, that look she’s aiming my way screams ‘get away from my man’ more than ‘you’re in terrible danger, lady’.”

  He glanced over again. Daisy was staring at them and even though she looked away immediately, this time he couldn’t miss the way she was glaring at Shay.

  “There’s no way you’re just friends,” Shay said. “Am I wrong?”

  “We’ve been,” he could feel his cheeks burning, “partially intimate.”

  “Partially intimate,” Shay said with a small smile. “You’re so cute. Okay, you’ve made out with her, so you know she wants you. So, why are you trying to work up the interest to have sex with me when it’s clear the two of you want to bang like bunnies?”

  “She’s scared of me when we’re…”

  Shit. What was he doing? He couldn’t tell Shay this kind of information. He didn’t even know her.

  “When you’re about to…” Shay made a circle with her left thumb and forefinger and poked her right forefinger in and out of it.

  Cooper couldn’t help but laugh and Shay grinned up at him. “Look, if she’s as afraid of shifters as Ryan said she is, then yeah, she’s probably gonna be a little nervous about being naked with one. Have you tried talking to her about her fear? Maybe asking her if there’s something you could do that would help when she starts to be afraid?”

  “No,” Cooper admitted. “I leave when she’s afraid so that she isn’t afraid anymore.”

  “That’s sweet but I suggest you try talking to her instead,” Shay said.

  “If she’s afraid, she’s afraid,” he said. “Me telling her I’m not going to hurt her won’t make her believe it.”

  “Maybe not but showing her you’re willing to do whatever she wants or needs, might.”

  When he just stared at her blankly, she said teasingly, “Lord, it’s a good job you’re so pretty. Look, you could tell her that if she starts to be afraid, you guys can slow down or stop completely and take a break. You can let her set the pace, tell her she’s in charge and you won’t do anything without her express permission first. Maybe your first time won’t be as sexy as you both want it to be, but maybe what your first time needs to be is just – for her – getting through it without freaking the fuck out. You know?”

  “I want it to be good for her,” he said.

  “Which is awesome, and you should tell her that. But also make it clear that it’s her decision how it happens. Hell, tell her she can handcuff you to the damn bed if that makes her less nervous.”

  He laughed and she winked at him. “Don’t knock it, until you try it, handsome. Anyway, my point is, have a conversation with her about her fear instead of trying to pretend it doesn’t exist. Because, buddy, that woman might be anxious around you, but she also has it bad for you.”

  She stood and when she pulled her wallet out of her purse, Cooper said, “I’m buying dinner.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “Thank you for the advice. I’m sorry I wasted your time tonight.”

  “A handsome man and a delicious steak are never a waste of time,” she said. “Good luck. I hope your get the girl, Cooper Brooks.”

  She leaned down and brushed her lips across his cheek before making her way toward the exit. Cooper flagged their server down and paid for the meal then glanced toward Daisy. She was still sitting in the booth with Eleanor and he crossed the pub to them.

  Feeling awkward as shit, he said, “Hi, ladies.”

  Daisy’s look was decidedly frosty. “Hello.”

  When she didn’t introduce him to Eleanor, Cooper turned to the dark-haired human and said, “Hello, I’m Cooper.”

  “Eleanor. Nice to meet you, Cooper. I’ve heard good things about you.”

  “Uh, thanks. Wes says you’re a very competent driver.”

  She laughed, her dark eyes sparkling with amusement. “Thanks.”

  “Daisy, could I speak to you for a few minutes?” Cooper said.

  “I’m visiting with Eleanor.” Daisy crossed her arms over her chest and smiled thinly at him.

  Well shit, this wasn’t going well.

  His lion whined in mise
ry. The smell of Daisy’s irritation was upsetting him. His headache was returning, a heavy pulse of pain in his temples that would turn agonizing over the next few hours.

  “Actually,” Eleanor said, “I have to get going. I just remembered I have a… thing.”

  “What thing?” Daisy said.

  “A secret thing,” Eleanor said with a devilish grin. “Cooper, would you mind giving Daisy a ride home?”

  “Not at all.” Holy fuck, he could goddamn kiss Eleanor right now.

  Daisy stared pointedly at Eleanor who smiled at her and plucked her wallet from her purse. “Sorry, beautiful, I completely forgot about the thing.”

  “Sure, you did,” Daisy said, but Cooper could smell amusement rather than irritation drifting from her soft skin.

  Before Eleanor could signal their server, Cooper said, “I’d like to pay for yours and Daisy’s dinner.”

  “No,” Daisy said.

  “Sweet,” Eleanor said at the same time. She grinned at Daisy. “Girl, never turn down a free meal.”

  She stood and held out her hand to Cooper. He shook it and she said, “Nice to meet you, Cooper. Thanks for the dinner.”

  “Thank you,” he said, hoping she understood how grateful he was to her.

  “Bye, Daisy. Text me tomorrow.” Eleanor walked away and Cooper slid into her spot in the booth.

  Daisy was shredding her napkin and refusing to look at him. Cooper studied her half-eaten plate of food. “You didn’t eat very much.”

  She glared at him. “I lost my appetite.”

  “Shay is only a friend,” he said.

  “Don’t do that,” she said. “Don’t lie to me. I know exactly why you’re having dinner with her. What I don’t understand is why you’re sitting here instead of going home with her so she can bang your brains out and help you forget about me.”

  “I don’t want to forget about you,” he said.

  “Oh yeah? So, you had dinner with her because you thought it would be fun to make me jealous?”

  “No, that isn’t it. But I will admit that I like that you’re jealous. I know how it makes me sound, but…” he shrugged.

  She tossed her shredded napkin on her plate. “Of course I’m jealous, Cooper. Why wouldn’t I be? You call me your mate all the damn time, you take care of me, you gave me the best orgasm of my life. Of course I’m going to be freaking jealous!”


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