Just Friends (Blue Beech)

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Just Friends (Blue Beech) Page 14

by Charity Ferrell

I’m making out with Rex in front of everyone.

  And it doesn’t feel pretend.

  The. Best. Kiss. Ever.

  It’s life-changing.


  We’re so screwed.

  All the commotion around us is drowned out as he devours my mouth.

  I’m clueless as to how much time passes before he tears away from me.

  He tenderly kisses the tip of my nose.

  I shiver when his cheek touches mine, and he whispers in my ear, “FYI, I’m not ending this. Figure out how you’re going to break my heart.” His tongue runs along the edge of my lobe, and I tighten my thighs. “You taste delicious, by the way.”

  This friendship just got a lot more complicated.

  Rex doesn’t ask if I want to go home as he drives to his apartment.

  He knows me well enough to know the answer.

  Hanging out with him is more enjoyable than hanging out in the loft solo.

  Tonight was a shitshow, to say the least. I’d expected a simple night out of having drinks, not for every resident of Blue Beech to believe we’re dating.

  Rex stuck to water the rest of the night since he was driving. Like at the wedding, he played the boyfriend role perfectly—further confirmation he’s capable of commitment even if he doesn’t believe it himself. It was as if Candy hit a switch in him tonight. His hand never left me after our kiss—whether it was on my hip, my shoulder, or my thigh. He kissed my cheek a few times, but there was no more mouth action.

  Thank God.

  Had it been like the first one, there would have been a decent chance I’d lose my mind and straddle him in front of everyone because I was so turned on.

  I toss my sweater on the back of the couch and kick my sandals off when we walk into his apartment. His three-bedroom place screams total bachelor pad. Rex has the master bedroom with an attached bathroom, Josh has the second bedroom, and the third is empty for a new roommate. Rex is picky about who he rents to.

  He tosses his keys onto the coffee table while I run to his bathroom. I glance around his room on the way there. It matches his personality perfectly. One wall is painted a deep red while the other three are black. A black-and-white canvas painting is hung over his bed along with video game and cinema posters. I grin when I pass the picture of us from graduation on his nightstand.

  When I leave the bathroom, Rex is in the kitchen, standing in front of the open fridge.

  “Yo, drink?” he shouts over his back while snagging a bottle of water.

  “H2O, please!” I join him in the kitchen while he grabs another bottle and shuts the fridge.

  His jacket is off, his feet bare, and his thin white tee shows off his muscular arms. Just because Rex isn’t built like a bodybuilder with bulging arms doesn’t mean he isn’t fit. He’s tall and lean. I love how he towers over me.

  When he comes closer, my pulse races as I remember our kiss, him touching me at the bar, and of him in the shower, stroking himself.

  “Are you still worried about your game?” I ask when he hands me the water.

  He leans back against the counter, his forehead scrunching. “Every damn day.”

  My heart breaks at the stress on his face. “I’m sorry. Anything I can do to help?”

  The offer grants me a smile.

  “You help me every time we hang out—calming me and shit,” he says.

  “I’m your personal Xanax, huh?” My words come out in a laugh.

  “Pretty much.” He chugs down half his water.

  “Let me check it out.” I stroll into the living room, him lagging behind me, and drop my water onto the floor before grabbing a gaming remote. “It’s been a hot minute since I’ve played, but my amazing skills haven’t been forgotten.” Hopefully. I pop a squat onto the carpeted floor and stretch my legs out in front of me.

  Rex powers on the TV and game console.

  I beam with pride when the game’s home screen pops up on the TV, displaying the characters, and I point at the TV with the remote. “That princess had still better be me.”

  “You think I’d risk you kicking my ass if I changed it?”

  “You’d never change it anyway.”

  He cocks his head to the side, smirking. “I might when you break up with me.”

  I roll my eyes. “You’d better not when you break up with me. You can make the character dudes hotter in case my character wants to date one of them.”

  “Hotter character dudes, huh?”

  “Damn straight,” I answer with a firm nod.

  His hand rests over his heart. “Ouch. You’re already breaking my heart.”

  Shock storms through me when he sits behind me, spreading his legs to each side of my body, and he slowly drags me between them until my back hits his solid chest.

  I peek back at him, struggling to remain confident. “Nope. I told you I wouldn’t be the heartbreaker. You made it worse with that kiss of yours.” My gaze swings back to the TV. “What was up with that?”

  He pushes my hair behind my shoulder and runs his fingers through the strands. “They were fucking chanting for us to. How suspect would it look for a happy couple to be that reluctant to kiss?”

  “Why do you care if it’s believable?” I question. “You refused to touch me at the hotel, but now, you’re making out with me in public?” The game beeps when I touch the start button, and I shake my head as my level begins. “Mixed signals alert.”

  “Confused best-friend alert,” he grumbles.


  “What?” My fingers freeze, causing my character to die. “What are you saying?”

  “I struggle daily to protect our friendship, but why do I crave to kiss you now that I’ve had a taste? I want to touch you.” He blows out a ragged breath. “Fuck, Carolina. You have no idea how badly I want to touch you … to tell you I love us playing boyfriend and girlfriend.”

  “Then do it,” I dare.

  He buries his nose in my hair. “It’s not that simple, Lina.”

  Rejection is the third party in this friendship of ours.

  Sierra’s advice from the bar zips through my thoughts

  I hold the controller in my sweaty palm and am proud of myself for staying composed. “It’s okay. You’re not my type anyway.”

  His chest moves behind me as he laughs. “Oh, really? I’m not your type now, huh?”

  “Nope. To be honest, you never have been.”

  “You begging to share a shower and for me to touch you sure screamed I was your type.”

  “Desperation. My vagina gets needy when I drink.”

  “Mmhmm. Tell me then, what’s your type?”

  “A guy not scared to share showers.” I pause, drawing in a gutsy breath. “A guy who isn’t afraid to touch me.”

  His chest presses against my back, and his hand slips from my hair to my thigh, inching underneath the hem of my dress. He does this silently, not a word being muttered out of his mouth.

  Tonight, I will be bold.

  “Someone who isn’t afraid of taking chances,” I continue around a gulp.

  His free hand drops to my other thigh.

  “Someone who isn’t afraid to slide their hand higher.”

  His voice is raspy when he speaks, “We’re playing with fire, Carolina.”

  Yes—a fire that has the capacity to not only incinerate our friendship, but also our hearts.

  But I’m done with not taking risks.

  Done searching for a guy who’ll never compare to what I feel for Rex.

  “If we’re going to fake a relationship, might as well take advantage of the relationship perks.”

  A wave of pleasure smacks into me when I rub the bottom of my butt against him, feeling his growing erection. He’s turned on by me.

  He steals the remote, hits the start button, and hands it back to me while the game loads. “Play.”


  I’m offering sex on the table, and he wants me to play a damn video game?

/>   I know he loves it and all, but what the heck?

  “Play. The. Game.” His hand eases underneath my dress. “Don’t die, and I won’t stop.”

  I clutch the controller in my hands and stare at the screen. How does he expect me to play while he’s doing that?

  My fingers shake while he caresses my bare skin. The game hasn’t changed much, and I’m on the first level, so this shouldn’t be so hard. I’m playing at a slow pace and still alive.

  I spread my legs wider, a silent plea for more, and he takes the hint—skimming his hand higher while the other stays rested. My eyes are heavy, and I fight not to shut them while he explores me—this time dipping between my thighs but not going where I need him.

  I stop when his thumb slips underneath my panties.

  A combination of a chuckle and a groan escapes him. “Keep playing, baby.”

  I shake my head while reluctantly doing what he demanded. “Are you serious? Not possible.”

  “Pass this level. Get an orgasm.”

  What a reward … if only it wasn’t freaking impossible.

  I spare my character from dying at the last minute. “Pass a level, and you have sex with me?”

  His lips brush my ear, and I can feel his heart thumping wildly against my back. “Three levels.”

  To give me more incentive to pass the damn level, he slips his hand into my panties and cups me between my legs, the heel of his hand brushing against my clit.

  My fingers slam against the remote buttons as I buck my hips forward. “Jesus, you’re making a girl beg and play video games all for the D?”

  “Sure am.” He sinks a finger inside me, and my back arches against him. “You’re so wet for me.”

  “Don’t get too cocky. It might be for the guy in the game.”

  “Keep playing.” He adds another finger.

  “There’s no way,” I moan while he slowly strokes me.

  “I’ll make you come so hard if you beat the level. I promise.”

  I groan in defeat when my character dies and toss the controller to the side.

  “Game over,” he says, dragging his fingers out of me.

  My hand shoots between my legs to stop him, and I press it tighter against me. I’ve never been so turned on in my life. I jerk my hips forward while using his hand to manipulate how I want it while moaning, and I hope he doesn’t pull away when I release him.

  He doesn’t.

  He groans in my ear, pressing a palm against my stomach, and roughly drags me into him, thrusting against me.

  He balls up my dress in his fist and hoists it up until my butt is showing.

  “Holy fuck,” he hisses around a low groan, shoving another finger inside me, and my nails dig into his hand. “Move up.”

  I relax my hold on him and moan at the loss of his fingers … and then again when I’m pushed forward on my hands and knees in front of him.

  I moan, my head dropping, as he smooths his hand over my ass before massaging it.

  “So much for my strong willpower,” he says, sliding my panties to the side before sinking two hard fingers back into my wet core.

  I rake my nails against the carpet, and he situates himself behind me.

  I’m close.

  So close.

  I match his every thrust. “Oh my God!” I cry out. “I’m about to come!”

  “Yeah,” he says. “I feel you tightening around my fingers.”

  The pleasure amplifies when he finds my clit again.

  “The motherfucking party is here!”

  My heart stops so quick that I don’t know how I’m not dead when Josh barges into the apartment with a flock of people behind him. Rex’s fingers slide out of me in seconds, and he falls down, pulling me onto his lap. The controller is shoved back into my hand, and he starts the game back up.

  Our breathing doesn’t match people who were innocently playing video games.

  More along the lines of Zumba … or sex.

  Josh freezes, taking in the scene. “Oh fuck.” His eyes widen before he turns on his heel to face the group. “Let’s grab some grub. I’m fucking starving.”

  “What?” a woman whines. “Order a pizza here or something. I’m not paying for another Uber.”

  Josh snaps his fingers and creates a zipping noise before pointing at the kitchen. “Let’s do shots in the kitchen then! I have some grade-A tequila in there, and we can order a pizza.”

  Luckily, they follow him into the kitchen, and Rex pulls us up as soon as they disappear. I’m silent when he takes my hand, and we scurry down the hall to his bedroom. He releases me as soon as the door shuts behind us. When I turn around to face him, he’s resting his back against the door, his hand to his chest as he catches his breath.

  “I declare myself a winner since we were interrupted,” I comment.

  Technically, I died before they showed up, but this argument sounds better for a possible orgasm.

  “How about I be the winner as I give you the best orgasm you’ve ever had?” He doesn’t give me time to answer as he stalks forward, his face covered with need, and crushes his mouth against mine.



  Bad idea. Bad fucking idea.

  That is what my brain is telling me.

  Keep kissing her.

  That’s what my dick is telling me.

  Love her.

  That is what my heart is telling me.

  Will we regret this tomorrow?

  We’re at our breaking point—putting it all on the line for this attraction we’ve fought for too many years.

  Heat rushes through my veins as I cup her soft cheeks and devour her mouth in a way I’ve never kissed a woman. But then again, I’ve never wanted anyone so damn much in my life.

  Our kiss is impulsive. Heated. Urgent.

  Our desire is finally being freed from its cage.

  I tune out the music blasting in the living room—most likely a courtesy from Josh to drown out any noise that might escape my bedroom. He deserves a thank you later. No doubt he’ll demand my gratitude be rewarded with details on what he walked into. That’s not fucking happening. Convincing him nothing happened will be a bitch, though, considering Carolina was on her hands and knees, her dress shoved up to her waist, while my fingers were inside her.

  Pretty fucking hard to dispute that.

  I snarl at the thought of him seeing her so exposed and sink my teeth into her lower lip. Carolina moans in response, and I hiss as she returns the favor, her bite sharper than mine. I wouldn’t be surprised if she drew blood. It’s a fucking struggle to breathe when I break our connection to retreat a step.

  Her cheeks are flushed, her lips swollen, as she stands in front of me. Our eyes lock—hers overflowing with anticipation and hunger, matching mine.

  I squeeze my eyes shut, coming to grips with what’s about to happen. “What do you want, Carolina?”

  “You,” she breathes out. “I want you.” She reaches down, grabs the hem of her dress, and pulls it over her head. She stares at me with confidence while providing the view of the woman who means everything to me.

  Every ounce of tension in my body releases, all my fucks fly out the window, and I rub the tip of my thumb along my lower lip. There’s no stopping my hand from dropping to my crotch to adjust my erection through my jeans even though there’s no hiding how hard I am.

  A beam of satisfaction floods her features. Her lips part as she reaches behind her back to unsnap her bra, and she tosses it to the side. I stifle a groan when her next move is to shimmy out of her soft pink panties.

  Carolina is standing in the middle of my bedroom with her perfect, petite body on full display for me. Her breasts are fuller than they were in high school, and I gulp at the thought of tasting them. Her hips are curvier. It blows my mind that she’s offering me something so damn precious.

  I don’t deserve it.

  I’ve never deserved Carolina.

  Yet here I am, jeopardizing it all.

eyes cut to the limited view of her pussy, and my mouth waters.

  “I keep making all the moves.” Her words snap me out of imagining all the things I want to do to her. “It’s your turn, Rex.”

  Whoa. She’s making the moves?

  I’m certain I was the one with my fingers shoved inside her pussy, but if making a move is what she needs from me, I’ll make a goddamn move—a move that’ll have her moaning and squirming underneath me.

  She raises a brow in challenge, a daring smile dancing on her moist lips.

  I wipe out the small distance dividing us, my hands finding her hips, and tip my head down. “You know I’m not one to turn down a challenge.”

  She grins deviously. “I know.”

  My lips crash into hers again and never separate as I walk us to my bed. She squeals when I bend my arms, my hands cupping her armpits, and I playfully toss her onto the bed. She wastes no time sliding up the bed, making room for me to join her, and rises to her knees. I join her, my pulse pounding with every move, and fall to mine.

  As soon as I’m settled, she frantically pulls my shirt over my head and flings it across the room. “All of it.” Her fingers start fumbling with the zipper of my jeans. “Right now.”

  I curl my fingers around her wrist, nudging her hand away, and do the job for her. I drop my pants along with my boxer briefs down and kick them off my feet. Her beautiful brown eyes widen when it’s her turn to eye-fuck me, her gaze lingering on my cock.

  She leans forward, her ass coming off the bed a few inches, to circle her arms around my neck and tug me closer. We make out slowly, and I take my sweet time kissing her—nipping at her lips, sucking on the tip of her tongue—all while she grinds against my thigh, panting.

  This is it.

  Our lips stay connected as I settle her onto her back, her dark hair nearly blending with my black pillow, and I crawl up the bed. I use my legs to spread hers and slip between them. A quiet moan escapes her when I bury my head in the crook of her neck, kissing my way down it. I cup her breast with my large palm while my mouth continues its journey. My lips replace my hand the moment it reaches her nipple, drawing the tiny bud into my mouth, twirling my tongue around it, and then sucking hard.


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